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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I'm rewatching and it is really hard to make out. They need more subtitles. This whole charter is a mess. eta: Throw Sydney over the side. Please!
  2. I'm with you AZP :) I totally agree with you, except Vern's failing grandiose schemes make me laugh. Caught an old episode with him and Scott Meisterheim. Comedy gold! I like Emily's assertiveness. I wish her well, she had to overcome Steve.
  3. Quite the cat fight! "They hate me because I'm the prettiest". Get over yourself. The STD banter throughout was hilarious! Suck it up Dani and go see a doctor ASAP. At least JL finally called one. Legitimate reason to send a dick pic 😎. The snorkeling excursion did not look like fun. Good strategy by Glenn and Natasha. A nifty escape, but it's not like she couldn't just cook him a steak and these dumb guests bought it. A mermaid party? Please. That dessert "experience" may be the dumbest thing I've ever seen on this show. Gary finally gets busted. Alli really should drop him and tell Sydnye "He's all yours!" Is armpit sniffing some new chick thing? These guests are horrible. Is this what the "Housewives" shows are like? I've never watched one. Ugh! Chafing? Dude needs better underwear and some powder. These beach picnics rarely go well.
  4. Steven : "We just ate his big, fat girlfriend" Too funny Fishing with smelly bait. Last time I "fished" was 50 years ago with worms. Nutria? Always heard they were bad eating, guess i was wrong. I was hoping Gary would go away or be gator food. Oh no! EJ's hooch is on fire! I really like him. He was lucky. Bummer about Amber. I didn't know her story before. Wow! I wish her well.
  5. I would give it a try versus the alternative. Looks bad, but should work. Charcoal is amazing.
  6. I know the mods don't want us being political, but yeah, toss her over the side,
  7. Hey! Lurch is my brother. I wish I were taller. LOL
  8. Back in 1999, I was on a 20 passenger yacht in the Galapagos. Nothing like this. But chef Raoul was awesome. Ewww
  9. And with them all hunkered down in their log cabins it doesn't make inspiring TV.
  10. Sad to see Sarah tap. Still love Stephen. Still despise Jeff. (I reserve the word "hate" for the truly deserving) eta: Gary is such an a**hole.
  11. Does anybody know the name of this latest episode? Thanks.
  12. Why is JL not helping drag all that stuff down from the castle? So they carted all that stuff up and down just for "drinks" up there? Oy! The MM thing was weird. Good call Glenn. The dinner food looked so tiny on those huge plates. Guests seemed happy so whatever. Breakfast looked good with no eggs harmed. Yea! Dolphins!! JL is finally useful with that anchor chain snag. Is Gary going to use this kerfuffle to get rid of Sydnye? I thought she was gonna crack at the dinner out. Fantastic setting. Take guests there instead of the castle. Alli and Gary really should be more discreet. I guess they don't realize how close to the edge Syd is. These kids really can't hold their liquor. All that drama back on the boat was ridiculous.
  13. I can't imagine puking and not being able to brush my teeth. Nice shot on the squirrel. Jeff got the nutria bug. LOL! Matt seems to be healing well enough. Brilliant toggle idea on the arrow! We'll see, but I bet it won't last. Chatterboxes like that can't control themselves. I'm surprised they weren't better prepared for the rain. It can rain hard and long down there. Smart of Ryan to collect the rain water. Wouldn't smaller trees be more practical? Gary can be such a jerk. Nice catfish Amber! Bummer Lacey tapped. She seemed to have it together this time. The gator chomping the camera was cool! Scary watching them trying to bring it in.
  14. Bummer about Colin's dog. Can Disco please stay dead? Natasha finally gets one right. No eggs were ruined tonight. Gary gets more gross every week. I can see Sydney boiling a bunny. These boatmances are getting ever more tiresome. The castle is cool, but probably more trouble than it's worth. No JL, you take the water - now! - and reheat dinner when you get back. Dumbass.
  15. "The food's here!" They were maybe 15 feet away with the camera crew hovering over them.
  16. This Gary - Sydney - Alli thing gets more annoying every week. The restaurant whining was really over the top. "I'm prettier than her!" LOL! Colin is the smartest one there. JL and Dani make a cute couple. His Mom seems sweet. Wasn't he anchor watching? Is the bridge supposed to always be attended? I'd like to see JL break Gary in half. So he wants Daisy to keep Dani from JL, while he is constantly drooling over Alli. All this finger pointing over who's doing what is tedious. We may get some fireworks yet. I'm sorry Natasha, if you don't know what an over EZ egg is you have no business calling yourself a chef. I hope the van driver was wearing a mask. The smoke break whining was soooo High School. Oy! It's bad when Alli is the voice of reason. The cake was awesome! ETA: Natasha was amazingly repentant on WWHL. Said she was wrong many times and is changing her attitude. Wow!
  17. Exactly what Mom did😎, that's how Dad wanted them. Scrambled for me.
  18. Back in the dark ages, Mom would fry up some bacon then fry the eggs in the bacon grease. She really is pathetic. She looked like death warmed over the next day. Incredibly rude to be so noisy in port with a work day tomorrow. I knew Glenn wouldn't do anything about it. JL and Dani kissing in the stairwell to adjust the height was cute.
  19. Grow up kids! Enough with the phony apologies. Oy! I'll only eat eggs scrambled, dry, some cheese is nice, but even I know that's not how you cook a fried egg or an over ez. And never without butter!
  20. Is it me or are these crew people very hard to understand this episode. Barrie falling off that paddleboard was hilarious. They are so obnoxious with the food. Nice docking job in Hvar. Didn't look all that scenic to me. Gary gets more annoying every episode. Alli? needs to get away from him but won't see it. Little Miss Lips can't handle her vodka. 😎 LOL Sailing and eating seems like a bad idea. Whoa! Lousy tip and a quick turnaround. I'm with Daisy. There are 4 deckhands and they don't look very busy except when docking or sailing. Interior only has three and their workload almost doubled with the extra guests. Even Natasha was bearable, mostly. She's stretched too with the extra guests. Smart to not party with the gang. I smell trouble from the skinny dipping event.
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