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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. When Clay got those rabbits I was pretty sure he had this. I would have preferred Biko or Teresa, but I'm fine with Clay. I wonder if there is a sliding scale of payouts for the losers that they just don't tell us about. They may have to sign NDAs.
  2. You can call me a sloth๐Ÿ˜Ž I thought I could be a finalist in "The Laziest Man" Competition, but I think Deref will take the prize.
  3. ๐Ÿ˜Ž September 2000 I think it was. I had just turned 41.
  4. Monte really ticked me off tonight, and I've never much liked Keith. His phone call was disgusting. Jonathan saves your butt and you are going to screw him over? He's watching. Look out next season Waaaaay back when Jonathon knocked Keith on his butt, I was on Keith's side. Not anymore.
  5. Do you have any links on the starvation effects? I remember the "Survivors" eating rats waaaaay back in the beginning. Damn I'm old ๐Ÿ˜Ž
  6. Because no alliance has formed with people saying "we are white, we need to stay together and have a white person win this season no matter what". They didn't have to say it.
  7. Isn't a distended belly a clear sign of malnutrition? That's too scary to think about๐Ÿ˜Ž
  8. She did a little monologue about how all over the place it was. I missed a lot of it, but she said something about saying American "r's" vs. British "r's" and something about a drawl. My mom was born and raised in NE Louisiana and Houston, but after a few years in North Jersey it was mostly gone except for "ya'all". When we went down there to visit family, she snapped right back into it. Being single digits it confused the hell out of me. When I travel far, I find myself trying to go with the local accent. I've taken a lot of German classes and took Spanish 101 at the Community College before I went to Ecuador. I had a young Columbian woman on this Galapagos cruise bitch in my face that my Spanish was bad. Oh well. I tried๐Ÿ˜Ž and wasn't totally baffled.
  9. Surprising Colter was the only one pulled. I was sure it was going to be Theresa. Women are at such a disadvantage just starting off with less weight. Biko: Bummer his net froze up. I was worried about his feet in that fire. Can't he just stitch up the holes in his socks? He's funny as hell. I hope he catches something. He's got quite a hike down to the water and back. At least he had the onions. And found that lucky little fish. He's got kids?! Theresa: Trouble sleeping is not good. Amazing those rose hips or whatever are still viable in that cold. Knife wound! Glad they have first-aid kits. She really is sweet. Colter: Smart making those dice to stay occupied. He should have stowed his boat better. Impressive he got it back. It was worth it! What happened to his eye? Smart making another net., but as others have said, he worked too hard for too little reward. Clay: Glad he got a fish. That was a lot of work resetting his net. Fresh lion poop and he's allowed to hunt it. Wow! The bear is back! He's a great carver. The airplane was cool.
  10. Now the witch hunt for the second Christian vote can begin.๐Ÿ˜Ž
  11. I'm glad Derex had the stones to nom Christian and get him out. Tiff was getting on my last nerve. I hope she strategizes herself right out the door next week and she can take Big D with her. The punishments are pretty funny. I'm not going to bother voting for this "High Roller" thing.
  12. Can they watch the live feeds in the jury house?
  13. C'mon @Xebug67, don't hold back, tell us how you really feel! ๐Ÿ˜Ž (I totally agree!) And yes, the deck crew is stellar. For a disgusting aside, I caught "Galley Talk" and Kate and Ben were praising Sandy to the max. Barf. I hope the $$$ they got is worth their reputations.
  14. 10F Brrrrr.... Seal those cracks Biko! (just please don't sing!). Nice looking gill net. Swimming bears yikes! Lost 70+ lbs and is still bigger than me (about 220, almost 6'). Nice connection with his Dad. I've really grown to like him. They're all pretty likable. Colter. Dead bird? With worms? His net looks great. Why does he keep the boat so close to shore? Fixes it up and snags some fish! Well done, but he is nasty looking. Teresa. Nice parka! Bummer line snapped. Fish trap looks small. Those things never seem to work. Missing family is often a ticket home. So much for the fish trap. Spill the soup! Bummer! Good for her celebrating! Might as well find fun where you can. Clay Interesting net apparatus. Doesn't work. He said he didn't know much about gill nets. Duck shot fail. What awful weather. I'm surprised he hasn't ID'd a deer trail and built himself a nice blind, maybe in a tree. Finale next week?
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