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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I read somewhere that the Rapture is coming 9/25. I even wrote it on the calendar. Somebody will start a thread when it happens😎
  2. Dad always said "Let the tool do the work" These people with the saw are pushing too hard.
  3. I'm very illiterate on these things, but isn't there some way you could set a limit on how much data Magda uses? When she hits that she's shut down until the next scheduled recharge.
  4. Brittany should just fess up. "I knew Turner was voting Alyssa, so I voted for Taylor to force Monte to get the blood on his hands and maybe get Alyssa's vote if I make F2" That seems to have been her "plan" just not a good one. But nobody will believe her now.
  5. I don't know how women wear these dresses, they look so uncomfortable. I don't think I've worn a real pair of pants since I retired 14 years ago😎 I might have some work khakis that still fit should I need them.
  6. The question is how much of that initial Taylor hate lingers. If it's alot, she's doomed.
  7. I think Brittany is the only one she might beat in F2. But with this budding showmance, who knows.
  8. She has a point though. Monte takes Taylor to end he wins, with this showmance going on. And woot, there it is.
  9. He can't without a replacement. He's been on the phone looking. We'll see😎
  10. Being a guy, I can totally believe it. All hat and no cattle comes to mind (and I'm from NJ) 😎😎😎
  11. So Terrence and Alyssa are on the block. I wonder if Turner smells this backdoor plan. He better win Veto if he does, but of course Michael is in the way. Can Michael afford to burn his jury vote?
  12. Michael has those long, skinny fingers. He would probably win it.
  13. Blubbering Kyle is hilarious. eta: I'm going to have to stick on this thread to see who wins HoH😎
  14. That's an understatement😎 If the ex is watching this season, he should be quietly packing his essentials and formulating an escape plan.
  15. The bouncers did a great job not letting that stupid fight escalate. Chef is so self-righteous. The women never even heard the loudmouth idiot. Until that happens, leave it alone. Then you leave. Jaime's explanation of the local laws was enlightening. Don't mess around because you'll find out. The way he treats the Captain. Oy! You should be nice to the one person who can fire you on the spot, which Jason now seems seething to do. Aesha has been in his ear about Ryan. Get off the phone Magda! And get to work! As someone upthread said, phones should be safely tucked in their cabins while working. I personally hate dragging the thing around. Aesha needs to toughen up.
  16. Jason was wrong to tell Storm to fuck off, but Storm is a terrible boss running around and whining about it to anybody who would listen. Very poor management. He should have STFU, talked to Jason later privately, maybe with the Captain, idk, not sure about that.
  17. I'm a map nerd so that was particularly hard to watch. "Where's Big Ben?" One of Mom and Dads biggest fights, Mom got us lost on vacation, Dad yanked the map from her, threw it to 7 year old me who quickly got us back on track. We found out much later she was dyslexic so it wasn't really her fault. (46 States and 24 countries) "Is Prague a country?" "Where's England, or the UK, whatever" drove me crazy
  18. Jake seems like the coolest person you would ever meet. Been there with tooth problems. yuck! I once had 5 people holding me down in the Dentist chair pulling a nasty molar. Thankfully it popped and didn't break. Now I have an implant in that spot😎
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