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For Cereals

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Everything posted by For Cereals

  1. Hassan is totally catfishing Nichole. You know he sent that email. If he does get there, is everyone sleeping in the same room? No way Molly should leave that child with a stranger. Grandpa, uncle sure but not your boy toy. WTH is she thinking? You cannot just add visa and make instant dad. I hope family Pedro is trying to harvest Chantel. Would make their story more interesting.
  2. Anyone else hear the there to Little House on the Prairie when Maeve was running down the hill?
  3. I am enjoying this cast a lot more than the other Southern Charms. I like that it’s not a single ethnicity franchise. I watch the others but Charleston always makes me feel a little dirty like there’s something hanging in the background when they talk about their established families and Gentry and such because I can’t help but think about the history. I’m glad Jon wore a shirt and pants that weren’t too tight to the party. I hated the ripped up leggings the other woman was wearing when they were looking at the venue. I’ll be so happy when we can get back to non-skinny cut and natural fibers. I think Gian just has a lot of face and weave or not, she would still have a lot of face. That said, she has every right to pull out of dealings with Barry if she thinks Tamica is a loose cannon (which she is...you can’t just say whatever you want to people whenever you want). Can’t wait to see Kelsey speak up next week. I hope she and Justin work out.
  4. Or does she? Duh duh duh...maybe she catches a case of Patty Hearst syndrome
  5. The woman on the serial killer show needs to watch more ID channel. I was glad to see that she seemed to understand how evil he was and finally let go on the After The Show segment. The only thing I wonder about is the brooch. I would bet that he took that from one of his victims. She said she sold it along with her wedding rings. While I can understand not wanting to cause the families any pain, I wonder if it even crossed her mind. (Maybe I watch too much ID to know psychos keep souvenirs.) I would like to think I would’ve reached out to find out for sure, but then I would never get to the point of marriage and children with a wackadoo. 35 with no job and no car and a questionable past does not dating material make even if you met in church.
  6. I’ve heard/watched the Jason divorce stories, but Bethenny was so weird during their marriage. She was so neurotic about EVERYTHING down to visiting with what seemed to be Jason’s loving doting and NORMAL parents with Bryn because lord forbid they show the child the affection Bethenny never got as a child. I don’t really care about the fight. I’m sure it was period correct, but I was distracted by the bedazzled thong headband Bethenny was wearing as she continued to cut Carole off. With more alcohol, I could see Sonja and Ramona trying it on and running around the house.
  7. I think we’re really scraping the barrel now with these last few episodes. This seems more like Jerry stuff. I couldn’t even get through the “we hate my borther’s girlfriend” show.
  8. I liked Bow’s nails.
  9. Because I love the sun and getting a little more color and playing around in the ocean just like anyone else and while some self-tanner actually compliments my skin, I’ve ruined too many sheets :) A lot of folks of many hues have what they would consider pale, winter skin and then summer, glowing skin and a reason to have like 5 different shades of MAC concealer, foundation and blush for pre or post vacation. (I’m not making this a thing, this is just me.) I’d bet Wendy’s mom is always at the pool and in the sun. Her parents are Florida retirees. I don’t get Wendy’s tirade today over Meghan’s dad. I think that little paparazzi setup by her half sister put Meghan in a bad position protocol-wise and she was probably left with no choice but to not have her father walk her down the aisle. I would even think it’s a bit of sabotage by her butthurt sister for being ignored or not getting her hands on the money/fame she thinks she deserves. I do not like that I know this much about this wedding and the family tension...
  10. What the hell else are you going to do? He’s clean, likes Wethers and scrabble, can fish and shoot, and is tall and attractive. I’d bet he’d totally help braid your hair. Sign me up!
  11. Argh...hours I will never get back. Downloaded it for a plane ride. I know it was supposed to be the height of science fiction at the time but never so much chewed scenery just a slight hint at other worlds I heart Garrett in all the recent sitcoms he’s been in. Never watched Deadwood. He gives me a similar vibe as Bryan Cranston. A great actor and what seems like a genuinely nice person. If Dharma is dead, my feelings won't be hurt...
  12. So much this, not necessarily my fav, though, but I liked it. I deal with enough drama all day, a sometimes 90 minute commute home...I want to veg out and laugh in my performance yoga pants sometimes to something a little more thought-provoking than Houswives, but not This Is Us, which I had to stop watching. I agree the episode was well done, but Damn Gina! Wait, Junior isn’t coming back?
  13. I don’t understand why going north to get seeds and fertilizer is such a windfall. I know there wouldn’t be a story but having seen all the different outposts fall, if someone comes in and says they want your place, why not just let them have it? Especially if they’re going to let you come and go as you please. With an atlas (as long as there’s someone who knows how to read one), pick a spot miles out and start smuggling your people there, go back and forth so as to not raise suspicion and then don’t come back. If you’re hiding people and they send a scout, you’ll have the numbers to kill them to buy time to continue moving. There have to be rental car places where there are cars with gas because no one wants that fee when they return the car, OTHER stadiums, race tracks, new home construction sites, or just be nomads since setting up camp never seems to work.
  14. I saw the preview about an update for a show I didn’t see where they are trying to prove who murdered this woman. I don’t know they bother with these. No one ever confesses. There’s never any resolution. Today’s show was strange...who cares about these D list reality/cable access show people. Who are their fans? Why is Mercury wearing a poodle wig?
  15. Yes, Frank would’ve been very literal and probably would’ve done what they wanted with all kinds of purple and feathers and fandom elements. I love Prince as a musical artist, but I have to say his taste was over the top, but he was Prince. That’s why most people can’t or shouldn’t attempt to pull off fashion straight from the runway. I mean, Prince’s own home looks like a 90s era mall. I liked the slats in Hildi’s room but that’s it. Totally agree that her execution is not ever polished in the end. I think if you were a paying client, you’d get something different. Years ago, they showed her own home and it was all whites and spartan, so she can practice restraint, she just chooses not to in kind of a mean way that others like Frank or Vern or Genevieve wouldn’t. I liked Clinton’s design, but not for these HOs. It felt more like set design versus something you could live/lounge in. When the designers go into the homes and see contractor beige and those huge, leather recliners (not my style but they are popular) and they see the style of the rest of the home, I think the designers have to take that into consideration. Those HOs were not going to be happy with mid-century lounge. I think the designers have to meet the HOs where they are and try to elevate the style from there while still making the spaces functional and reflective of the homeowners even if they don’t have the best taste.
  16. In her talking heads with the shorter hair, Ramona is starting to look just like the woman who impersonates her. LuAnn’s daughter could be Matt Dillon’s child...
  17. But who is running spell check—“sequence?” I needed that! Just tears!
  18. Is this going to be a thing whenever we see flowers? Death involving a kid?
  19. I really liked Jeremiah’s room. We have a 1912 Craftsman and I WOULD NEVER allow a drop of paint on any of the woodwork, but I liked the dark trim. I think they gave them a pass on the stuff in the garage because of the backstory with the baby. I hope those are LEDs in the jute baskets...I’m probably being overly nervous but I’m always concerned about fire hazards with DIY lighting.
  20. Ugh my eyes! What the hell are they wearing/who the hell is styling them?!!! Rinna looks like she’s modeling the Raquel Welch wig line from the 80s. It looks soooo bad and is sitting so high on her head! Erica looks like she’s auditioning for a celebrity gymnastics show. Dorito looks like she’s wearing a purple safety blanket. Is Kyle now working at Chi Chis? I have to watch again to actually hear what they were saying...
  21. I don’t know about segregated casts...I want to see organic casts like in the beginning, the assumption being they all really knew each other and had true friendships. It WAS like that early on when Kim and Nene were close. Honestly, I really can’t understand the majority of their fights, they all seem stupid. Now that Kim isn’t really friends with anyone other than Sheree who is no longer holding a peach (watching her be thrown and trip up all her words was a thing of beauty), there’s no reason to keep her on the show. I DO take issue, however to some of WWHL pairings. Andy says he likes random but it always seems to follow color lines closely, Michael Rapaport being an exception...I won’t go there.
  22. I didn’t trust that kid the minute I saw her. They made it too obvious. I would’ve set her little book on fire. I just feel sorry for Morgan. All he wanted to do was walk the earth and people keep getting in the way...
  23. I think Cracker’s performance was better. Definitely more wit. Maybe it’s because I haven’t seen Untucked in so long—there are only so many apps and whatnot I’m going to use for additional content—but they seem so much more supportive of each other this season. When they fight, they seem to own their behavior. Don’t get me wrong, I love shade as much as the next girl, but they seem good about resolving their issues.
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