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Everything posted by Jrae9233

  1. I didn't care for all the fat jokes but just because it got boring. I'm a fat girl and I make fat jokes all the time so jokes don't bother me. But I just felt there was too many for this short of a show. Gotta space them out. However, I love Leslie Bibb and the lead is extremely likable so I'm gonna stick it out. Seriously, I have never heard of the lead but she just has something unique.
  2. I've got nothing of value to add. I just need these women to stop bringing Slim Thug into any conversation. I love that man too much to see him being sullied by these women.
  3. Why would Sara need to talk about social injustice at all to speak up? A simple "Cut your shit, dickbag" is all that was needed at the time. I have never, ever, ever liked her because she is the epitome of a keyboard feminist. "I'll act like I'm all down for the movement because I can write a complete sentence. But don't ask me to actually take action." I hope Johnny takes all the money and never speaks to her again.
  4. Holy crap, what did I just watch??? I mean mad props for doing it all without taking off your shorts. But why, oh why, is this not being done in a bathroom??
  5. I like Cory but I don't like Ashley. Between the try so hard sex grunts and her saying she's a bad girl then promptly crying in the bar I just can't with her. I just see thirsty every time she's on screen.
  6. I agree. I know her butt is fake but I like it. She didn't go too big and looks similar to mine so it doesn't look as fake to me. I got mine through pregnancy and tons of squats, but it's her body to do as she pleases. Lord knows if I had the money,I'd be so fake, hazmat would be required to monitor my cremation, so I'm not going to judge her for the plastic surgery.
  7. It's driving me crazy that in some of the talking heads, Natalie's fake eyelash is falling off. Why didn't they let her know and fix it? I do like some of the lip colors Courteney is wearing though.
  8. Lol, it's crazy because I'm super shy and quiet but I don't really play when people come for me and I can verbally cut people down real quick. I will say that I do feel bad for Kenya in regards to her mother, but you hit an age and you have to grow up and work on your own happiness. I say this from experience, but she has to let go that she is never going to get the answer she wants. Even though I feel her with her mother, it gives her no right to treat people the way she does. I have a mouth on me and my parents always told me "run your mouth if you want, but don't be surprised if you get knocked out one day."
  9. While Porsha can get "thuggish", just the fact she didn't drag Kenya for that dick in the mouth comment by mentioning her mother, shows that Porsha does have a line she won't cross. Because if it was me, the minute Kenya made that comment I would have made it my life purpose to make sure Kenya felt like her mother and have Kenya wishing she would have never been born. And that's my problem with Kenya. She will gladly go for the jugular because she knows these women will go for the superficial (no kids, no man, horrible skin) and not truly drag her fake ass.
  10. And she tripped up trying to get that "burn" out there. Poor thing, you just know she had been working on that comeback for weeks and she totally stumbles getting it out.
  11. Yup, she's all "if these bitches wanna come for me." What? Moe? What are you going to do? They already cane for you and they beat your ass and you filed a restraining order! If you are going to file a restraining order, I've got no issue with it, that's what I would do. However own that shit. Don't try to act hard. I'd be all "Hell yeah, I filed a restraining order! That bitch is crazy and I ain't about that life!"
  12. Okay, did I witness this correctly? Moe keeps acting like she is whooping all these chick's asses yet took out a restraining order on B? How does one even try to act hard, while pulling some BS like that? I'm sorry but her and Lexie are just sad. Really, really sad. They are beyond delusional.
  13. I like Cara Maria but if I was on a show with her I'd probably would want to kill her, so I get why people have an issue with her. She's like that annoying little sibling your parents make you take everywhere.
  14. I know Shuanie isn't well liked but that was some boss bitch shit right there and it was glorious. "Thank you for your services." Simple and perfect. And then Brandie's "oh fuck" face gave me life. Why oh why would you go off on your executive producer when you have no known job or skills? When will these basketball wives learn that they are not as important as they think they are?
  15. Yeah my way of determining if a win was deserved is pretty simple. "Did you win? Yes. Okay, congrats, you deserved and earned that win." This is Big Brother, where luck, smart moves, personality, and comp wins all lead up to the finals. There isn't a set skill necessary to make it to the end, so as long as you get to the end, a good game was played.
  16. They might be coming for Draya but she makes it easy for them to come for her. Who doesn't call a friend going through a divorce? I do not like Malaysia at all, but she wasn't lying when she said Draya would only worry about blod getting on her if someone was bleeding. And she completely lost me when she walked out of Dodge ball amd waited for someone to come get her. Girl please, drama queen much? I'm now just watching for Jackie's crazy ass.
  17. I love to SJW with the best of them amd I can find racism everywhere but even I don't think Da going up has anything to do with her race. Da is gunning for Clay and even if Shelli is only after the D, Clay is who she's aligned with so it makes sense she get rid of someone that wants to get rid of a vote and player for her. Right now no one seems to be gunning for Shelli so why make another enemy when she has someone she can put up.
  18. There is too many thirsty people on this show now. Can we just go back to the OG crew? Not liking Nikko & Kirk side pieces at all. I want more Karlie Redd's messy ass. I love how she doesn't even try to hide the fact that she's messy. I still like Mimi & Stevie's relationship, it just seems real. And even though I know this show is fake as hell, I laughed like a fool at Young Joc during the auction scene. He was having a blast watching it all go down.
  19. Eh, my son has an unique name, as does one of my nieces. I don't worry about people making fun of him, I just tell him it's not his problem parents aren't teaching their kids about manners and respect. I hope the teen moms do the same thing with their kids.
  20. I don't care for KD because I love Karlie Reed's messy ass but I love that she called Sina out on that I want my family back business. Even Joc basically is calling her a side piece that he hooked up with. There is no family there sweetie, go get a job and get back with me. And God help me, the is something about Joc that makes me understand why these girls are tripping over him. I can't with Nikko and his wife. He is taking the "fall" because he's lying to you. Both of them were responsible for the tape. He is just taking the fall so you and him can be on tv. And I still like Mimi and Sleazy together. When they talk you can see the respect they have for each other as audults, not necessarily as lovers. He never shows that with Joseline and even though I will never like her, she deserves better.
  21. Even though I agree that alcoholism is a disease it does not excuse bad behaviors. And maybe I lack empathy but if someone had cancer and acted like a dick, I would have no problem calling them a dick and not like them. There is never an excuse for being an asshole. And let me say that as a minority I am beyond pissed that this chick kicked a cop and was released the next day. Having 3 brothers I worry all the time when they get stopped by a cop that they might run their mouths (as they are prone to do) and something happen to them. The fact that they were taught from a young age to never, ever do anything to anger a cop for their own safety and some drunk chick gets to go right home is bullshit.
  22. It's my favorite word because it can be used as a noun, verb, adjective, etc. Some people curse, some don't. It isn't any measurement of intelligence or class. Of course I also hate the word classy because it is always used as a way to put people down.
  23. She's fully dressed in a party scene. I've worn less to the grocery store. I've also been in a few rap videos in the background so I must have been selling my body. It couldn't possibly be she knew the artist or had friends involved in the shoot, it has to be she is selling her body. I had really hoped that the slut shaming/pearl clutching over semi (but not even close) naked female bodies would have died with TWoP but nope it's still alive and well.
  24. Brandi is not my favorite person but fuck this Jeff guy. Unless he is privy to Brandi's medical records he needs to STFU about any STDs. I hate how that keeps getting tossed around just because she is open about being a sexual person. And yes I'm aware that she claims she got HPV from Eddie and she should have STFU about that too, but it doesn't excuse Jeff's words. I hate that anytime a woman is open about enjoying sex with more than one true love the immediate response is eww they are STD ridden whores. Please, it is possible to have sex with many people and not contact an STD. But of course it's so much more fun to slut shame.
  25. Thank you for saying what I was thinking. Between this and the very sound discussion for Amy and Sheldon I'm trying to remember if I'm watching a comedy or an afternoon special. I want to laugh not get bored listening to everyone being reasonable and rational.
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