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Everything posted by Jrae9233

  1. The problem with Chantelle is that if you are going to carry the attitude that you aren't here to make friends and you are here for yourself is you can't get upset when other people don't like you. Taking that kind of attitude means people will talk shit about you and not care about your feelings since you told them you don't care about them. You want to be an in control, unapologetic bitch? You have to accept the downside with it.
  2. Agree. Maybe she likes her body and has no problem wear bikini to the pool. I don't see why a cover up would be necessary, she's going to the pool not to work. I guess all women should be shameful of their bodies and not risk temping those lustful men out there. If I had her body you would have to pin me down to put clothes on. me.
  3. It's still slut shaming if he thought she was being manipulative because he used a word used to call a lady loose. If he thought it was because she was manipulating Cody why not say she conniving or sly? Words mean things and I take them face value. This doesn't make Donny a horrible person, it just doesn't mean he isn't so sweet and simple. He has layers, who knew! And if everyone else out can get called out on their perceived sexism, I will gladly call Donny out on his.
  4. So really it was just run of the mill slut shaming as opposed to being personally invested slut shaming. Truth I'm not even mad because I love the word Jeezebell, it right up there with trollop and harlot for fake outrage at females. But it did show a not so sweet side of Donnie if he was quick to call her that without a wink, wink, nudge added.
  5. I don't think greed has anything to do with how the game is played. The goal is to win and the prize is money. In order to win you have to knock people out of the game. That's the whole point, so I don't know how this game can be played without some back stabbing and backing out of promises. Unless they just draw straws to see who goes out next. Any game where people are eliminated are going to have feelings being hurt because everyone there is there to win for themselves not sit back and let others win because they are loyal, nice, etc. I would say that if you want to play a game and stay loyal, nice, etc play wheel of fortune or something but even then you are hoping the other person gets the answer wrong and that's not very nice to wish failure on another. So every game you play has some not so nice moments.
  6. I'm thinking they don't want to waste a good idea. Derrick would throw it, Victoria sucks at competitions, so we already know Cody would win. They don't need a repeat of All Stars, so they'll just save it for next year.
  7. The one I see is usually about Donny's good bye video and Nichole. But both times we did see him trying to keep them but I once he realized he didn't have the numbers he backed off. The problqm was he was willing to work with others but never at the expense of his game and him saying he liked Donny must be a lie since he got him out of the house. I've appreciated his game because he has stayed loyal to Victoria and Cody but he will not let his friendship affect what him came to do. It's great to be nice and all that but if you are giving up your life for three months, you need to stay focused on winning as much money as possible. You can be friends after the game is over and if someone chooses to not be your friend becaise of the game, it is what it is. It's not like these are lifetime friends, you've only known them three months.
  8. Can we please stop with everyone knows everyone prefers the jurors over those left in the house? I sure as hell don't and I'm sure there are others that feel the a same way. You have Jocasta who is the only person who played this game less than Victoria. Hayden who was a big ball of bore. Zach who either needs to be medicated or punch in the face. Donny with his whole how dare they not let little ole humble me win. Nichole whose voice makes me want to stab my eardrums. And Christine who is Christine. I don't ever want there to be a time where the jurors are switched out with those still in the game. They lost, game over. And if Big Brother was to ever do that no one would ever try playing hard again because they would never know if they would get screwed or not.
  9. Misogyny! Misogyny! It definitely wasn't because the women in the house were appalled to even consider banding together. It was those horrible men for existing and willing to work together.I'm a huge feminist that can pretty much find misogyny in anything if you give me enough time but I'm not buying this is the most misogynistic season ever. Not when guys like Dr. Will, Mike Boogey, most of the guys from season 5, Robert, Dick, Matt, Adam, and Spencer have been on the show.
  10. These resets and jurors coming back is why everyone is afraid to make any big moves and why the votes are now unanimous. People never know if their game plans are gonna get jacked by production. And that's why I hate this golden turd.
  11. That would be awesome Reality Girl but the previews looked like it's going to be a one on one with the ratchet four. I'd respect Mimi more if she would just own that she made the porn. I really don't think doing porn is a bad thing and she got paid so she shouldn't feel shamed. Although she should feel shame for hooking up with Nikko. He creeps me out **shudders**.
  12. I can't feel sorry for the crew going in on Joseline and Stevie. If they didn't act like craked out Hulk Smash no one would have anything to say. You attack me and I'm going to drag your pimp/hoe ass through the streets. And I laugh every time they bring up her being a true blue prostitute. If Joseline wasn't a horrible person I would feel bad for her but she sucks so it's funny. And Tammy and Mrs. Flocka need to chill with if my man/son were here blah blah blah. He wasn't there and he was probably with another chick so hush please.
  13. That's how I saw it too. Donny never wanted to work with Derrick, and that's fine, but once Derrick saw there was no hope, he knew he had to get him out. I also believe that Derrick was telling the truth that outside of Cody he liked Donny best. Everything I've seen and read tells me Derrick has more in common with Donny than the others. The problem is Derrick wants to win so he is not going to let personal feelings get in the way. Although I don't see it as a problem, I can see why it turns some people off.
  14. Finally got around to watching the episode and watched Donny just kill his game. Derrick gave him an opening to work together and Donny just blew it away. Why, when Donny knows he's in trouble expect Derrick to prove his loyalty. Sorry Donny just wasn't good at the social aspect of the game. And I love how Donny knows Derrick is lying and thinks it's wrong of him but he won't confess to trying to get Derrick out. I guess it's only bad if it isn't him lying. Other than that I laughed so much at Caleb's ninja work. Best part of the whole season.
  15. Ugh Erica why did you go there with the receipts? I have to agree with The Bams and I can't stand her. You are now the side chick homie, not something to be proud of Boo boo. Thee Thee is too damn thirsty for me that I hide my glass of water every time she appears. Joseline always looked like a man but now she looks like a drugged up man. I covet Mimi's dress/short outfit.
  16. I love those let's cut a deal moments! Although it would drive me crazy when the hamsters would ask the others to leave and they would. I'd be all hell no, I'm staying right here and making sure I'm part of the deal too.
  17. So Donny was disappointed that Team America didn't save him yet spent a few weeks trying to get team member Derrick on the block. He was also a part of the get Frankie out brigade for a bit. And he was so lonely even though he told Julie that everyone who left before him loved him. So he was, what, lonely for a week? Sorry I liked Donny in the beginning but between Jokers and Donny feeling sorry for himself I was so ready to see him go. I don't like underdogs, I want those that played the best to win.
  18. And that's my point. Donny is still in the game because of Derrick even if it is for Derrick's own game. As far as I know Derrick and everyone else it there to win for themselves. They are not there to help Donny win the game nor be buddy buddy with everyone. I like this season because the dominat alliance has stayed together this long. Every year it drives me crazy that the dominant alliance picks each other off while people not in their alliance float on by. I spend most of my time screaming at the tv to get the others out before you turn on each other. This year I feel like they are finally listening to me.
  19. I don't think they hate him. He just isn't part of the alliance and therefore easy to disregard. Once they are out of the house I'm sure they will have no problem with Donny. And I'm sure Donny will be fine either way. He isn't a special snowflake that needs to be protected at all cost, he's a grown man in a game that is more social experiment than a competition. He claims he's a fan of the game so he should know this and just stay focused on the win. Besides he isn't going anywhere for now since it really is Derrick's game and Derrick's does seem to be protecting him in his own weird way. Every week they all say Donny must go yet when he's on the block by Thursday there is somehow "bigger" fish to fry and he stays. I don't think they hate him. He just isn't part of the alliance and therefore easy to disregard. Once they are out of the house I'm sure they will have no problem with Donny. And I'm sure Donny will be fine either way. He isn't a special snowflake that needs to be protected at all cost, he's a grown man in a game that is more social experiment than a competition. He claims he's a fan of the game so he should know this and just stay focused on the win. Besides he isn't going anywhere for now since it really is Derrick's game and Derrick does seem to be protecting him in his own weird way. Every week they all say Donny must go yet when he's on the block by Thursday there is somehow "bigger" fish to fry and he stays.
  20. Preach! I usually give up reading the feeds because it gets so nasty every year with the hate and martyrdom of contestants so I accept and give a lot of leeway to those stuck in the house. I always say I want to be on this show so bad but I know I would probably physically hurt someone for chewing with their mouth open after about 3 weeks.
  21. Yeah I'm not upset with Victoria at all.l Zach has been a dick to her all summer, so too bad so sad. Zach has been the most aggressive with the misogyny but somehow he gets a pass while all the others need to rot in hell.Rule of thumb don't be a dick even if you are just playing around because there will be people who don't see it as playful.
  22. I think Donny went up because the majority of the alliance do not think long term and wanted him up. Derrick went along with it and suggested throwing the game because he doesn't want Victoria anywhere near the block incase something happened and she get sent home. At this point I think Derrick couldn't care less if Donny stays or goes. If Donny gets sent home no big deal to Derrick but if Donny stays, Derrick probably thinks he can use him to get rid of some of the detonators for him. It may blow up in Derrick's face but I think that's where his mind is at right now.
  23. I disagree Maggie was not a strong player mainly because she used what she was being told in the diary room and used it for her game. She is one of the few to bring up the fact that the diary room would try to narrate the game and would do the exact opposite. Plus she said that she never revealed her game to the diary room because she knew they would use it against her. She knew the game was trying to favor Janelle's side of the house and she had to fight against that. So while she did seem to be a not so nice person and I personally couldn't stand her, she did play the best game she could. Of course I feel any game that gets you to the end is a good game plan.
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