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Everything posted by Fallacy

  1. I think Ivy is adorable, and I love her name. Don’t judge but I named my kitten Ivy and end up calling her Ivy Jane by accident all the time because of Jessa. Oops. Ben may be an idiot, but they do make pretty kids together.
  2. Shannon seems like the type who will always do the opposite of what people are telling her to do, just to be contradictory. So if the house wanted Josh out, they needed to beg Shannon to give him a second chance. I felt bad for Christian only because I thought it was decent of him to give someone a heads up about Jeremy. Initially, I thought Jeremy was the most attractive of the group. Now I think he’s a tool. Let’s see if he can redeem himself at all now that he’s with Aimee. My favorite couple is definitely Cashay and Cinco with Will and Kyra being a distant second. If I were 23 and on the show, I would go for Will. But that’s kind of the fun of the show, to see who finds whom attractive. They are all technical good looking, but attractiveness is a whole other thing.
  3. I am, and I wish there was at least one season 2 thread. Lol
  4. Many of the queens who sang and danced blurred together for me. They reminded me of Bianca Del Rio’s joke about every queen making a song for iTunes. In contrast, I was touched by Eureka’s tribute to her mom and thought she looked stunning. I was surprised when she didn’t make the top. I also appreciated those that showed some creativity beyond singing, like Raja and Scarlett. And finally, I liked those that showed a bit of humor, like Pandora, Ginger, and Yara Sofia. Still, at least half this cast would stand no chance against the cast of All Stars 2. Now that was a talent show!
  5. I see a bunch of comments about how the show will be canceled, and the Duggars, in general, are over, but I don’t agree. The siblings in the family are not to blame for Joshua’s actions. As far as we know, they previously forgave Joshua before because their parents and their religion required them to forgive. That forgiveness did not mean acceptance though. I’m willing to bet that most, if not all of them, tolerated Joshua, but I think most, if not all of them, didn’t respect or like him. I think these new charges came as a total shock to the siblings, and again, I don’t think they should have to lose their income because Joshua is a scumbag pedophile.
  6. It’s child pornography, possession and distribution. Someone will link to the indictment. It’s on Twitter now.
  7. This is the first time all season that I fully agreed with the judges. I’m not a fan of Kandy, but she deserved the win. Still, for me, the race is between Simone and Rose. Gottmik is great, but I don’t think she’s fully baked yet, and Ru needs her on all-stars for ratings anyway. I was disappointed in Valentina’s appearance for the first time ever. She’s usually so stunning, but in this episode, her makeup was just off somehow, and I think it’s the brows. The brows looks too thin, and I think she should go back to how she used to draw them.
  8. I’m shocked to say that I felt bad for Tina Burner. I thought she was great in the rusical. I think Ru just needed a third girl in the bottom three, and Utica, Olivia, and Elliott were too good to put there, so Tina messing up for two seconds gave them the excuse they needed. And of course, Ru saves Candy. Ugh! She’s going to eliminate queens like Utica and Elliott before Candy, I just know it, and that’s going to suck.
  9. I completely agree. I felt terrible writing that too. I shouldn’t even think it. I know that. But man they piss me off.
  10. His jeans have been ironed at least. Also, since he’s a groomsman, I can’t judge him for that attire. That’s on the bride and groom. What I am judging is the absolute arrogance, ignorance, and selfishness that this wedding represents. It’s not kind of me, but I am genuinely hoping that at least 30 guests end up testing positive for COVID-19. Fuck them.
  11. I’m still mostly on Team Brett. I don’t think he was hitting on Henry’s friends during the bachelor party. He seemed more interested in whether or not she and Henry really were just friends, but not because he was interested in her, but because his drunken brain was trying to get the real scoop on that relationship. I also think Brett was being his usual sarcastic self. Of course, I also thought that woman was a self righteous bitch, so there’s that. So I don’t see his behavior at the bachelor party as some evidence of what a jerk he is. I also think the entire cast only heard Olivia’s side of the story because Brett isn’t the type to go whine and cry about Olivia to them. I think Brett would have been thrilled to meet a woman who shared his interests and his life goals. Olivia was not that person. The fact that she still holds such a grudge against him tells me he was more realistic in the marriage. He knew they weren’t compatible so he ended it. Sure, he could have been less sarcastic and condescending during the process, but Olivia was no peach either, and she absolutely refuses to accept any responsibility for her own bad behavior during the marriage. According to Olivia, she did nothing wrong, which is hilarious. I just wish Olivia could accept that she’s not a victim of Brett. She was a victim of the producers who matched her with someone so incompatible. I’m sure she’s a lovely woman to people she likes, but she hates Brett and treated him accordingly. I also think Henry is a passive aggressive jerk who should have just told Christina the truth on day 2 of their honeymoon. He was never physically attracted to her, and based on what he heard about her last relationship, he very quickly judged and dismissed her. Then he sat there like a lump on the log and made her do all the talking during filming, giving her nothing to work with. So yes, she got pissed. I get that. He was there to collect his check, and he never looked at her without anything but total contempt, so yes, she eventually lashed out because she was probably sick and tired of him sitting there like a freaking empty shell, making her look like an asshole when she asked producers what the heck she was supposed to do. Basically, I think they were also horribly suited for each other, and they both would have been far better off walking away after the honeymoon. It’s got to be incredibly difficult to maintain the farce for four freaking months. To be clear, I’m not suggesting that Christina is a lovely woman with no flaws, but I am saying that Henry is not the perfect gentleman he thinks he is. My guess is he’s just as much of a judgmental, stuck up prig as his so called best friend. Christina, on the other hand, is a deeply insecure and needy wreck of a woman who does all kinds of stupid shit for attention.
  12. They’ve been revealing quite a lot in these Q&A videos. I’m sure Jim Bob isn’t happy with the birth control answer, or the reveal that they got a lawyer so that Jill could receive some compensation for her time on the show. I did notice that Derrick said that compensation amounted to a minimum wage job though. Her and a Derrick seem happy together, and even though I’d happily debate them over their beliefs about homosexuality, I don’t really care what they believe as long as they aren’t using those religious beliefs to take away other people’s rights. It’s also really none of my business whether or not they use birth control, but I get why people want to know, and why people applaud Jill for using it.
  13. I will say in Jessa and Ben’s defense, at least they’re saving their money for the future. Those two must have the money to buy a bigger house and drive new cars, and they don’t. They live in that tiny mold house and still drive that crappy white van. They don’t go on fancy dates, buy expensive clothes, or even hire a housekeeper. They have to be making at least $150K a year between the show, their Instagram followers, and their YouTube channel. In fact, I’d bet they’re making more than that, but they don’t spend their money the way Jing and Jere seem to. I think they are setting themselves up for their own Duggar compound some day, debt free. If I had to predict the future, I’d say Jessa and Ben end up with a 3000 square foot house on 15 acres of land in the next five years. By then they’ll have at least six kids, so they’ll be able to justify the size of the house too. I also think Jessa is the smartest of the bunch. She knows what’s up, and I don’t think she has any delusions of grandeur about who she is, what she wants, or how the public perceives her, and for that, she’s actually my favorite.
  14. Jill offered up several phrases from her therapy sessions, so I do think the video was pretty revealing. She’s set boundaries, learned to accept that she can’t live in fear or please everyone in her family, and decided to take as less legalistic view I’d the Bible. Those are ginormous steps in her world. She also talked about interrupting scripture, which I think is a big no, no in her family. The Duggar’s are literalists when it comes to the Bible, after all. Heck, I bet she’s even starting to consider evolution as a valid scientific theory. They also talked about feeling so much more free now that they’re not connected to the show, so yes, she is far more like cousin Amy than sister Jesse now.
  15. Excuse me, what? A gay porn career? That’s freaking hilarious! Where do they find these people, and why I am I watching this ridiculousness? 😄
  16. Here's my final thoughts about Memphis and his use of "c*** ass." In that conversation, he was talking about poor, white Cajuns and how they talk. What he fails to realize is that the phrase, I'm sure, started off as a way of insulting poor whites by comparing them to blacks, hence the inclusion of the racist slur "c***." I'm sure Memphis has heard that word many times to describe that specific dialect of poor whites in his community, and because he's white, he didn't think too deeply about it because as a white man, he has absorbed bucket loads of racist (and homophobic) slang, stereotypes, attitudes, and beliefs living in America, some of which he recognizes as offensive, and some of which he's likely blind to. Finally, since he clearly wasn't referring to black Americans when he used the word "c*** ass," I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, but if others aren't, that's fine too. I'm just not on the train who thinks Memphis needs to be canceled, yet...:)
  17. Given that the term "coonass" is used in his part of the country to describe poor Cajuns, I don't see it as racially charged. If anything, he was describing how a certain type of people talk in his "neck of the woods". Cajuns aren't black; they're white. In contrast, the word "c***" definitely has racist connotations, and absolutely has been used against black Americans. I think there is a clear difference between the two. And why I am still defending Memphis this morning? I guess my love for Dan has made me give a shit about Memphis. 🙂 But I do care when the internet crucifies someone for something that wasn't said or intended.
  18. I heard “David is an idiot,” so that first clip is not definitive to me at all, but the “c*** asses” one is clear is a bell. Edited to add that according to Wikipedia, “coonass” means this: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coonass A more detailed explanation is here: http://bayoutechedispatches.blogspot.com/2010/08/debunking-alleged-origin-of-word.html So, “coonass” is a regional expression used to refer to Cajuns of the “lower class.” And with that, I’m done seeming like I’m defending grumpy old Memphis. I don’t even really like the guy.
  19. I watched both Janelle and Kayseri talk to Nicole A., and I’m worried she’s going to be suicidal when she gets out of the house and realizes what a total ass she made out of herself. How can anyone listen to Kaysar’s whole pep talk still think there’s any chance he’s secretly out to get her? Ugh. It doesn’t help when Janelle tells Nicole A. that she can get Memphis to break a tie in Nicole’s favor. That’s not going to happen. If there is a tie for some crazy reason, Memphis will vote with his real alliance and send her packing. At least then, Janelle and Kaysar will realize that Memphis isn’t with them. So now I’m hoping that there is a tie, and Memphis sends her home.
  20. I started listening to the two Nicole’s talk about Janelle, and I had to shut it off immediately. I can’t wait until Nicole A realizes what a tremendous idiot she has been. And if Nicole F, Cody, and Danielle stick around for the summer, they’re going to ruin this season entirely. I definitely did not want need or want to see Nicole F, Dani, Cody, or Christmas back in the BB house.
  21. It’s a joke. She’s joking about how many people think she’s desperate to get married. Lawson’s response is designed to feed the rumor mill about him and her being together. It worked too. There’s hundreds of comments from people who want them to get married.
  22. I was surprised to hear Jeremy talk about being arrested and drinking. Have we heard about his arrest before? That seems like new information to me. I would have assumed we had a copy of his arrest record by now if this board knew about an arrest. Lol. Anyway, I hate to admit it, but Jeremy was impressive on his skateboard. It’s not an easy sport to pick up, at all. So watching him figure out how to ride a board up and down ramps did impress me a bit. Of course, he’s still an arrogant jerk, and I love how every time we meet one of his friends, that friend mentions Jeremy’s ego on camera. It was also nice to see Henry do so well with his speech therapy testing. He’s a cutie, and I was impressed by how much he knew and could communicate. He has come a long way, so kudos to Ben and Jessa for helping him get there. Finally, poor Kendra! Please give that sweetheart of a girl a freaking epidural next time.
  23. I’m not happy Roland killed that musk ox. I just don’t like him, and watching him eat bits of uncooked heart while licking his blood soaked fingers was gross. I bet he thought that scene made him look like a real man, but I thought it made him look like a killer. He takes way too much pleasure and pride in killing animals, in my opinion. I’ve come to realize that I wouldn’t like most of these people in real life, so I’ll stick with rooting for those with an ounce of humor and self awareness, neither of which Roland has.
  24. I need to figure out how to delete my own posts when I remember not to engage in debates about reality tv stars. Lol.
  25. That is so wrong. Jessa was the victim! Reminding her that her brother molested her when she’s just trying to post some of the cute things Spurgeon has said seems unnecessarily mean.
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