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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. You are. Did Tripp or B.J. kick your puppy or something?
  2. Couldn't have said it better myself.
  3. Because Brooke & Robbie, especially Brooke, are just petty, bitter, spiteful, miserable people who must not truly like anybody. Or worse -- who hate people just for the sake of hating them!
  4. It very well might. A preview of the next episode at the end of Survivor Live showed Natalie spinning her story about Alec's boot to Jon and Jaclyn, and sure enough, they buy it hook, line, and sinker. So I think she can swing it. She has Jon totally snowed.
  5. I actually think a Jon blindside would be shocking depending on how it was done. If they got him to play his idol on Jaclyn instead and blindsided him, it'd be a shocker, for instance. But yeah, it might be Natalie, but I hope not, as she's the last hope for saving this season.
  6. Final leg was apparently in Dallas, Texas, just yesterday.
  7. Honestly . . . I only watch season one for this episode. I don't care about the rest of it. And even then, it's not for the whole episode I watch it. Just for this exchange: Goren: You had enough of this guy? Eames: Plenty. (Gets up.) I need to go wash off the slime. Other than that, season one is "meh" for me. From there, I just wait for season two.
  8. I will say this. For all of Brooke's whining and Ugly American attitude, she and Robbie do race like they want this. From what we saw, they dominated most of this leg right until the oxen came along. Then, they screwed themselves by taking the largest pond. Had they chosen one of the shorter ones, they probably might've won the leg. Or at least not be stuck with the Speed Bump on the next leg. Their attitudes toward Amy & Maya have me hoping they don't overcome it, though.
  9. I think they made the right Detour choice since I don't see Bethany keeping a good hold on the fish bucket with only one arm. She was at least marginally more helpful attaching the sidecar than she would've been with the fish. Also, good job with the ox, though they had me worried when they got out of that task in last place. And I'm still confused as to how they did pass Brooke & Robbie up when they were clearly out of the task first. Third place, and a close shave, indeed. Glad they're not stuck with the Speed Bump.
  10. READ THE CLUE, LADIES! I'm glad they realized their error in transportation (or lack thereof) in time to get back in the race, since that really seems like the only mistake they made. They didn't get down when they failed to tighten the seat in their sidecar, and they admirably kept their cool at the ox task. I suspect that if they hadn't made the mistake in reading their clue, they probably might've won the leg. Instead, they settle for second, still a commendable finish, as it's their highest one thus far.
  11. Really don't get the praise they seem to be getting on the episode thread. Sure, they were calm in spite of the flight error. But that's because they had a feeling they'd be equalized, which they were. In case everyone rather conveniently forgot that detail. I actually imagine that Jim wouldn't have been as calm as he was if they'd found out otherwise. That said, there was again some solid racing from them, and I do give Jim credit for not freaking out over the shocks. But that's only because I saw his cockiness get shot down enough times for their work being no good. So the fifth first-place finish, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have come to be without the bunching. So whatever.
  12. I was actually thinking the same thing. I didn't think their statements or moments were indicative of a winners' edit yet until I basically said, "Hmm. . . ." at the editors leaving in the moment of them saying they wanted to be the third women's team to win. Granted, it could be any team who wins, but that critical moment of hearing Maya say that struck me as quite telling. @Lantern7, I have no idea where you got the Josh & Brent comparison in regards to Amy & Maya. They are nowhere near the level of racing they demonstrated. Josh & Brent were weak, terrible racers all around, at least once the cannon fodder teams were all gone. Amy & Maya have had their missteps and misfires, for sure, but they've been a lot more consistent here in TAR25 that Josh & Brent ever were in TAR21. So I agree with the other posters. Brooke & Robbie had "Currently in 3rd Place" beneath their names after the ox task, and Adam & Bethany had "Currently in Last Place" under theirs, so they definitely got out of the task first.
  13. Whew. My boyfriend and I just got back from a weekend in Key West, so I didn't see the episode till last night. But here I am, at last! Another fine leg! Two pretty good Detours, a nice task callback, and two great footraces to the Pit Stop! Missed having a Roadblock, but other than that, it was a solid episode. There were also some pretty interesting parallels to TAR5's visit here: 1.) F4 leg. 2.) NEL. 3.) Three couples and one women's team. 4.) Another women's team was eliminated prior to the visit here. 5.) Married couple won the leg. 6.) Women's team came in second. 7.) Broken oxen. So now for the teams: Misti & Jim: Really don't the praise they seem to be getting. Sure, they were calm in spite of the flight error. But that's because they had a feeling they'd be equalized, which they were. In case everyone rather conveniently forgot that detail. I actually imagine that Jim wouldn't have been as calm as he was if they'd found out otherwise. That said, there was again some solid racing from them, and I do give Jim credit for not freaking out over the shocks. But that's only because I saw his cockiness get shot down enough times for their work being no good. So the fifth first-place finish, but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't have come to be without the bunching. So whatever. Amy & Maya: READ THE CLUE, LADIES! I'm glad they realized their error in transportation (or lack thereof) in time to get back in the race, since that really seems like the only mistake they made. They didn't get down when they failed to tighten the seat in their sidecar, and they admirably kept their cool at the ox task. I suspect that if they hadn't made the mistake in reading their clue, they probably might've won the leg. Instead, they settle for second, still a commendable finish, as it's their highest one thus far. Adam & Bethany: I think they made the right Detour choice since I don't see Bethany keeping a good hold on the fish bucket with only one arm. She was at least marginally more helpful attaching the sidecar than she would've been with the fish. Also, good job with the ox, though they had me worried when they got out of that task in last place. And I'm still confused as to how they did pass Brooke & Robbie up when they were clearly out of the task first. Third place, and a close shave, indeed. Glad they're not stuck with the Speed Bump. Brooke & Robbie: I will say this. For all of Brooke's whining and Ugly American attitude, she and Robbie do race like they want this. From what we saw, they dominated most of this leg right until the oxen came along. Then, they screwed themselves by getting the largest pond. Had they chosen one of the shorter ones, they probably might've won the leg. Or at least not be stuck with the Speed Bump on the next leg. Their attitudes toward Amy & Maya have me hoping they don't overcome it, though. Another great episode from one of the best seasons in a long time!
  14. Yeah, other than the cameo from The X-Factor 3's Carlito Olivero (whom I was surprised to recognize, even if I was still a bit bitter over him outlasting so many better acts and singers just because America loved him so much despite his mediocre singing), I really didn't like this episode, either. But at least the whole cast was in it.
  15. Hmm. Nope. Still don't see the Bryant appeal, @BogoGog24. The fact two people -- two -- have mentioned his temper tells me it will be an issue. So I'm not even close to giving him a pass over it. And I won't.
  16. Why? This week showed neither one is particularly nice or likable. At all.
  17. L.J., and THANK YOU, @truthaboutluv, for calling him that. I thought I was the only one who'd thought of him that way. Back at TWoP, EVERYONE praised and slobbered all over him, when I thought he was just plain boring and did only one thing that was really any good when he found the Beauties' idol. But other than that, he was BORING. Everyone was so sure he'd win, I laughed so hard at everyone there when he was blindsided. Getting back to this season, though, I loved the pure exposure of Jon and Jaclyn's both separate and joint entitlement issues. Definitely can't see them winning with the editing showing those moments. Natalie FTW! Wouldn't mind Baylor, either.
  18. Personally, I wanted Sterling to make it at least to the black jackets since I knew he had no chance in hell of winning, but really, his performance was so bad tonight, there really was no one else who could've taken the fall. Kinda too bad, though, because I really wanted the entire Terrible Trio to get booted before the black jackets. But alas, only Steve and Aaron leave before then. Santos thrives on. Rooting for LaTasha to win, at this point. Jennifer right behind her, and then Sade. I really don't see anyone else who can take it. Roe's too inconsistent (though she did well tonight), Bryant's capable, but his temper is way too volatile, and Santos? Enough said.
  19. Natalie explained that last week. She wanted Jon out, but she needed to get Reed out first since he was smart enough to think of things on his own. Jon, quite often, needs Jaclyn to point things out to him, so he was less threatening.
  20. Castaways portrayed like this typically don't win, so I'm hoping that's a good omen that Jon won't be winning. But that'll have to wait for a later week since he won the second Immunity Challenge tonight. Damn. Not sad to see Reed go. His lack of screen time early on pretty much meant he wouldn't win, anyway. And Alec was enough of a douche that I don't feel bad for him, either. Once Jon won immunity, the die was pretty much cast.
  21. To be fair, it was only good because neither knew whom the other was. I imagine once Theresa learns that Melanie is Daniel's daughter and Abigail's best friend and Melanie learns that Theresa is Brady's former "enabler," the good give-and-take will be over.
  22. For the record, @Maherjunkie, she could act. So sorry it wasn't to the standard you wanted, but from what I could see, she could act.
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