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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Honestly, I never cared about the accent. All I cared about were a.) Stevens actually being asked to do something as part of an investigation that Nichols, for once, wasn't, b.) Nichol's blindsided, almost indignant look when Callas did ask Stevens to do it and not he, and c.) the adulation Stevens got when she returned to the squad room. Also, I DVR'd it the last time it reran on ION, so it's not necessary. But thanks. :)
  2. Sounds like someone is gonna get Josh'd/Gabriel'd.
  3. So apparently, Saffron's a lesbian, and she just married her long-time girlfriend: https://gma.yahoo.com/law-order-actress-saffron-burrows-reveals-she-married-170349106--abc-news-celebrities.html Congrats to her! :)
  4. Eh, it probably did, but the victim got the highest dose. Which station is about to air it tonight?
  5. What's worse is that even Alec, who's an idiot himself, knew what was going down and stuck to their plan masterfully enough to trick Jon. ALEC! When Alec does a better job at even basic strategy than you, you know how bad you are at it!
  6. Based on screenshots from the challenges, at least Jon, Jaclyn, Missy, Baylor, and Natalie are good through the F8. So definitely at least one of Reed, Keith, and Alec are going home on Wednesday. Might be two, unless Natalie's current plan comes to fruition and both of her targets go out back-to-back.
  7. It might be when you learn of this. The F8 were spotted at the start of what appeared to be leg five, and he and his boyfriend were not one of those teams. Ironically, the black Tuskegee couple, the first team officially spotted by RFF, might've also been the first team out. The May/December team of Jeff & Lyla were more than likely second. Jonathan & Harley were the third team out.
  8. I didn't even know Hans's brothers got frozen. I thought only Hans had been. Also, Hans had always been in the palace. Ingrid had put him there after freezing him back in "Rocky Road." I don't know about his brothers, though.
  9. Maggie had another relative? Who?
  10. Maya didn't apologize. She just screamed when she realized they'd been lied to. But I'll reiterate that it's largely her fault since Amy at least had an inkling that Brooke & Robbie were lying to them. Amy's only fault in that was not insisting on following up on her hunch. But yeah, if they'd gone out because of that, the bulk of it would've been on Maya, for sure.
  11. Yep. B.J. & Tyler (TAR9), David & Mary (TAR10), Nick & Vicki (TAR17), and Caroline & Jennifer (TAR24). In addition, in TAR7, Meredith & Gretchen were saved by an NEL and a TBC later on. The Godlewskis had the same fate in TAR8, as did Nicky & Kim in TAR23 (only in their case, the TBC came first, and then the NEL later on). On a side note, Flo & Zach (TAR3) and Kelly & Jon (TAR4) also came in last on two NELs, but during the first nine seasons, save for TAR5 and TAR6, the show had NELs at the F3, and each of them hit those NELs, so they technically weren't saved.
  12. The first-leg winners who've gone on to win the whole race include the following: Rob & Brennan (TAR1), Tyler & James (TAR10), Nick & Starr (TAR13), Meghan & Cheyne (TAR15), Ernie & Cindy (TAR19), and Rachel & Dave (TAR20). If Misti & Jim win, they'll be the seventh team to claim this distinction. The first-leg winners who've made the F3, but not won, include the following: Tara & Wil (second place in TAR2), Ken & Gerard (third place in TAR3), Eric & Jeremy (second place in TAR9), Margie & Luke (third place in TAR14), Jill & Thomas (third place in TAR17), Gary & Mallory (third place in TAR18), and Tim & Marie (second place in TAR23). If Misti & Jim make the F3, but don't win, they'll be the eighth team to claim this distinction. The first-leg winners who went on to get eliminated before the F3 include the following: Amanda & Chris (eleventh place in TAR4), Steve & Josh (ninth place in TAR4), Millie & Chuck (fifth place in TAR4 -- that first leg had a three-way tie of winners), Alison & Donny (tenth place in TAR5), Hayden & Aaron (fourth place in TAR6), Debbie & Bianca (ninth place in TAR7), the Godlewski Family (fourth place in TAR8), Rob & Amber (eighth place in TAR11), Azaria & Hendekea (sixth place in TAR12), Jordan & Jeff (seventh place in TAR16), Abbie & Ryan (fifth place in TAR21), Jessica & John (ninth place in TAR22), and Jet & Cord (fifth place in TAR24). If Misti & Jim fall victim to the final elimination, they'll be the fourteenth team to claim this distinction.
  13. The locals laughing at the racers has never bothered me, frankly. This seemed to start back at the cheese task in TAR14's premiere. The locals who laughed at them then weren't told to do that, per se, but they did, anyway (and it was kind of funny, anyway), and I guess it snowballed into the show getting locals to laugh at them in later tasks from later seasons. But getting back to Amy & Maya, I'm glad that they're still in, but this late in the game, they've gotta stop being so trusting. Being as trusting as they did (though I put that way more on Maya than I do on Amy) nearly got them tossed last night, and could actually get them in trouble on later legs if they allow it to happen again.
  14. I also don't understand their weird fixation on, and obsession with, Amy & Maya. Looking back, it seemed to start back in Denmark, when they beat them to the restaurant where that menu memorization Roadblock was taking place, and Robbie, out of nowhere, said, "How'd they beat us?!" And it's only snowballed from there, with them both getting angry at them for beating them at the opera Detour in Sicily, and Brooke getting pissy over Amy outswimming Robbie in Malta. And now, last night, when it was in full swing throughout the leg. I don't get what they have against Amy & Maya, but I'm actively hoping they lose to them now.
  15. It's weird. Due to their similar levels of maturity, I thought Bolin made an okay match with Opal. Now I'm wondering if they're both just too immature for each other. Surprised to see Zaheer actually mentor Korra and not expect anything in return. I . . . kinda admired that. In some ways, they redeemed him just a tiny bit. Loved seeing the Napoleon Dynamite-like guy again. "I feel all spirity." Heh.
  16. I don't remember a nude drawing Fast Forward being on TAR24. I remember it from season two of Canada's version, though.
  17. Amy & Maya U-Turned Adam & Bethany in case Kym & Alli had gotten the Fast Forward, after all. Brooke & Robbie were supposed to U-Turn Kym & Alli in case Adam & Bethany got the Fast Forward, but Brooke & Robbie wimped out since they were too certain that Kym & Alli had gotten the Fast Forward, anyway (even though they hadn't).
  18. I do like them, though I'll admit tonight showed a not-so-nice moment from them. I get being happy over getting the Fast Forward, but openly celebrating getting it in front of the team who might be screwed by it wasn't pleasant. I didn't like Tim & Te Jay celebrating knocking Amy & Maya out of that ceiling painting Detour in front of Amy & Maya themselves, and I didn't like Adam & Bethany doing the same to Kym & Alli.
  19. Aw, girls. Should've stayed the course instead of risking it all at that Fast Forward. I think if Alli had spoken up more to Kym, she'd have listened, and they'd have passed it up and probably even stayed in. That said, it was good having them. They didn't give up when the chips were down and made it nine legs through the race to finish fifth. But I think they deserved a higher finish and hope they can return another season to get it.
  20. Editing-wise, it looks like the first real chink in their normally-positive armor has been shown. They dominated the leg, no doubt, for most of it. Maya plowed through that Roadblock, and they endured that China Cups Detour (despite Amy nearly wanting to switch). U-Turning Adam & Bethany was sound, even if they were unknowingly incorrect. But they needed to cool it with the whining over Brooke & Robbie not hitting Kym & Alli with it. Then, their domination of the leg goes down the tubes when they fall for Brooke & Robbie's lie. What, they didn't figure out that not seeing them at the third statue they tried meant that they lied? They waited till they'd searched all of them? Lucky that Kym & Alli failed at the Fast Forward. Otherwise, they'd have been done.
  21. Boy, did Jim sulk over losing out on the chance to stick to the U-Turn plan and on getting on a flight behind Kym & Alli. That said, they did well to just focus on playing catch-up, and it worked twofold. Jim kept his cool after failing at the Roadblock once, and they did their Detour with minimal whining about the heat of the crab meat. And then, they benefited from Amy & Maya completely bombing the statue search by falling for Brooke & Robbie's lie and Kym & Alli trying for the Fast Forward and losing it to Adam & Bethany. They passed up two of the first-flight teams that way, so good for them.
  22. A good leg for them, though Brooke once again had to whine. She did the Roadblock with little difficulty, and they endured the China Cups Detour with no real problems. But I'm officially hoping for their demise due to the events that happened afterwards. Not U-Turning Kym & Alli made sense for the reasons they gave. But delighting in how upset it left Amy & Maya wasn't cool. And it's okay to bluff in the race, but man, you look really unappealing if you pat yourselves on the back over it like they did with the lie about Mount Faber Park. Second place was good and deserved, but here's to hoping for a humiliating comeuppance for them. Especially Brooke. But Robbie finally showed he's no prize himself on this leg.
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