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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. And you're yet another who only looked at the editing and not past the editing. If it were just the moves, he would've won. But he also continued to insult people after they were voted out, even as they were leaving the Tribal Council area, and continued to be nasty to people around camp. Also, you missed that everyone in his alliance actually worked to preserve their safety, not just he himself. Basically, there is no way he "should" have won. The strategy part of the game is one thing, but he plum blew the social game, which is even more important than the strategy game. That is his own fault.
  2. Several times. But once again, see my previous about going after her for everything about her.
  3. @Lastwaltz, that's what I interpreted Paige to be doing, too. But once more, she gets hounded for every reason everyone can think of. I'd be wanting to at least understand why my boyfriend suddenly broke up with me for seemingly no reason at all, as well. Why, just four years ago, my boyfriend at the time was getting very close with me. We were happy together, and he admitted to me that he was starting to fall in love with me. But then, on my brother's birthday, he broke up with me at a seemingly random time. VIA TEXT MESSAGE. Well, I wound up waiting three years before he reached out to me again, during which time I kept wondering why he'd broken my heart so severely and so suddenly without giving me a reason why. I wondered if it was my fault. But he finally said that it wasn't. He'd had a lot of shit go down in his life and needed to get it together before he could be ready for a relationship again. Only then did I finally get closure. Whew. Sorry to go on a tangent with that anecdote, but the point is, I get why Paige was hounding J.J. You don't just break up with your significant other without giving him or her a reason. You just don't. As for the Clyde/Jordan reveal . . . I'm weirdly willing to believe Clyde's version of the events, especially since Jordan's coming off incredibly weak in her defense of herself. If that's the reason, then I believe that Chase would just get off, anyway, depending on his age at the time. If he was six or younger, then he's pretty much safe from the law. It's if he was seven or older that Aiden would have to worry about him being in trouble.
  4. How did Isobel, at the end of everything, still get off for her part?
  5. I watched "Stray," and I'm still scratching my head as to how the guy got the death penalty, but not Tamara, who was basically the one who set all of the murders in motion. She should've been just as accountable. Was it because she didn't actually touch the people who were killed? Also, even after watching her episodes all the way through again, I'm sorry, @WendyCR72, but I still don't see the alleged "being annoying" of Bishop. I mean, yeah, Samantha was definitely a bit stiff for her first couple of episodes, but I could definitely see her start to relax in her last few and come off at least a bit more natural. By the end, I could not only see that she'd gotten comfortable with Vincent, but that Bishop had gotten comfortable with Goren, and even he with her. I still was happy to see Eames come back, though I'm a bit confused as to how Kathryn came back so quickly when I'm almost positive that she should've gone on maternity leave. And NYC maternity leaves are, unless I'm wrong, four or more months long.
  6. Yeah . . . no. Around the time of Wes's boot, it looked more than clear to me that very few liked or trusted Jon at all. Maybe they did at first, but Josh and Jeremy's boots, both of which came from Jon and Jaclyn's flip-flopping, killed almost every bit of trust most of the players had for him. So I don't think he was that liked. Hell, at the time of Alec's boot, he'd had more than enough of him, and Keith was calling him and Jaclyn "Mr. and Ms. Prom King and Homecoming Queen" in a not-so-nice way. Doesn't sound much like liking or trusting him to me.
  7. You don't seem to understand what I was saying. I don't care if he was right or wrong in saying that. Fact is, the team he called what he called them beat his ass, and he was stuck settling for second. That was and still is all I care about.
  8. Apparently, you can't cut yourself, because I just watched an episode from almost a year ago in which a woman got chopped just for that. Granted, she thought it'd gotten into the food, so the judges couldn't taste it, but that was apparently enough to chop her.
  9. Theresa meets Melanie where they agreed to, and Melanie is well over twenty minutes late because she decided to chase after Brady? Guess we know who truly is the more professional one of the two.
  10. I wonder whose version of their first meeting was correct, though? Dre's or Bow's?
  11. For a former singer, Hayley's a pretty damn good actress.
  12. I wonder if real-life Eric was as much a fan as Erica was?
  13. He was -- at the end. I wish there had been some follow-up to the Haley/Alex thing. Had I been the writer, I'd have had Alex outright blast Haley for putting her stupid phone, a material possession, over her own sister.
  14. "Seriously? This feels right to you?" With that one line, Diane might've become my favorite of the kids, or even of the whole family.
  15. It was right toward the end, when he was about to be led out the door the first time. It's a quick, fluid motion, but Eames moves her arm, and the camera briefly cuts away. By the time it cuts back to her, she's moving her arm back to its normal position. That was when she did it.
  16. The sleaze died? When? Also, I had to watch so many times to see Eames's "watching the wrong detective" moment. My brother kept telling me he saw the moment she planted the pills on the guy, but I kept missing it because I'd thought it was earlier in the scene. It took me till I realized it was closer to the end of it to finally spot when she did it. It was quick, but it was there.
  17. You misunderstand the part where I care. He lost, and that's all that matters to me. :)
  18. I'd like to ask Jim what it feels like to lose to the "low-hanging fruit."
  19. @KimberStormer, I see you continuously heap praise upon praise for J.T.'s game in Heroes vs. Villains when I frankly don't see why. Every single point you make just keeps bringing me back to one thing: no one on the Heroes tribe ended up trusting him and actually ended up throwing him right to the bottom of their totem pole. Colby, Amanda, and Candice have ALL said that had they faced one more Tribal Council before the merge, he would've been gone. And the fact that he was willing to give up his idol showed that he really had no grasp on his situation at all. So no, I have no love or even liking for his game and can't see why anyone would.
  20. He did it to two teams -- Chad & Stephanie in TAR17 (at the seventh Pit Stop) and Leo & Jamal in TAR23 (at the second Pit Stop).
  21. Anyone else notice that whenever they choose to list it, Hilary takes it decently well, while whenever they choose to love it, David looks like he's ready to spaz out?
  22. I watched the pilot with my boyfriend for the first time on Netflix, and I've gotta say, as a man of color, I thought it was a great choice to cast a protagonist of color after all of the lily-white protagonists of the past and future. Sisko does seem like an interesting character, even though I actually found Avery's acting to be hit-or-miss. Sometimes, he was spot-on, and at others, especially during the illusion with Jennifer, he seemed to overact a bit. But I was glad that Kira and Odo came to like Sisko quickly due to how well he handled the guy whose nephew he had locked up. That was a pretty good moment. The Prophet part in the wormhole went by way too slowly for me, though. I'll add more as I go along, but this really does seem like an intriguing series.
  23. Meh. I think it is. And clearly, from her reaction, I think Misti thought Jim was serious, too.
  24. Meh. Joke or not, it was still in poor taste. So I agree with @backformore and @blackwing on this one.
  25. Thinking back, there was one other tip-off for me. Asami being the only one to actually go off on Korra for being away in the episode in which they rescued Prince Wu. Also, why are we so sure this is all over? Isn't there a chance for a third Avatar series, this time with an Earth Avatar?
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