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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Agreed with what's been said above. I liked that Kuvira did hesitate for just a few seconds for Bataar, Jr. But ultimately, she was out for her power and went through with even being willing to sack him, as well. I liked Zhu Li standing up for herself with Varrick, too. He really has taken her for granted. Everything else has been covered. Just can't wait for the finale!
  2. Catching up after weeks away. For a Bolin-centric episode, it was pretty epic, though I'm a bit disappointed that it looks like he's back with Opal again. But still the bending fights were bad-ass, Toph was bad-ass, Lin's face upon hearing her father mentioned was bad-ass, and everything was bad-ass! But I can't wait till we get back to the action in Republic City!
  3. Because not as many liked him as you think. Very few respected how he badly leveraged his idol and then pretty much let his alliance die. That's why he hasn't been brought back.
  4. Per someone close to them, Dennis & Isabelle broke up. Sad, because they looked like a nice couple.
  5. Kat got married recently? I had no idea!:)
  6. She wasn't. She did come on a tad strong, but that was one scene. I'm not gonna get on the shrew train over that. But then, I've mostly stopped paying attention to the one calling her that, so . . .
  7. They broke up, so I doubt it'll happen.
  8. She had them the entire time?! Damn! This must make their victory even more worth it for Amy! Also, I kinda had the feeling they weren't liked by Jim (or at least Maya wasn't) when he made fun of her for daring to appreciate and respect Morocco's culture. Guess that interview kinda confirmed it.
  9. Actually . . . I don't blame them here. Like they said, other teams who won these types of legs did earn prizes. Gary & Mallory won the Express Pass in TAR18. Margie & Luke won a trip in that same season. I think Amani & Marcus won one in TAR19. I also think Dave & Connor won one in TAR22. And Brandon & Adam won one in TAR23. Though we didn't see it, Jaime & Cara won jet skis in TAR14. So that's the one thing I won't come down on them for, since I'd have expected one, too. Especially after the leg they ran to win it.
  10. She really liked Jim and Brooke -- God knows why -- and probably never expected that from them. I can see how she'd feel a bit put off by them.
  11. I don't know all of them, but the one that really comes to mind for me was TAR10's Madagascar to Finland to Ukraine double leg. There was a flight after the TBC in Finland.
  12. I think the surprise shown by not only Brooke & Robbie but also by Adam & Bethany tells me that Phil didn't tell the teams.
  13. If Jim got beaten by his own hubris, then Brooke & Robbie got beaten even harder by their own! While I give Brooke credit for admitting that Amy & Maya didn't make the rules and actually explaining why she felt irritated at them still being in it, I found her calling their survival "disgusting" as completely off-putting. And Robbie, as usual, wasn't much better. Still, I'd already known they'd be falling out of the running in fourth place, but didn't know how. Until they kept getting lost. By far, that was the worst final leg of racing I'd ever seen. But so worth it for their mid-leg elimination. I kinda figured it was coming at the first Roadblock when I only saw three boats at the Coast Guard task. But I'd have liked seeing one of them do the task, anyway, and then being tossed at the boats . . . unless that was the plan, and they took too long finding the place. Either way, a well-deserved comeuppance for them, and it was even more worth it seeing Brooke try to pretend to be happy for Amy & Maya at the finish line (she went right to hug Misti & Jim after all the teams had finished) and Robbie just looking like he wanted to be anywhere else.
  14. My rooting value for this team decreased when Adam let his irritation at Amy & Maya being saved be known. But that was it. Other than that, they made a couple of mistakes of their own when they got lost on the way to the first Roadblock. Though I tittered when the fireman seemed to recognize Bethany. Didn't know she was that well-known. That said, Adam killed the first Roadblock, and they killed the Coast Guard task. But when the last Roadblock was revealed to be a memory-based one, and Bethany was stuck doing it, I knew they were toast. And indeed, she proved my thoughts correct. Still, good on them to reach the final leg, and I'm glad they took losing with grace.
  15. Seriously? Don't see how they could've grown on anyone, especially after Jim's comment of kicking Amy in the shins. But anyway, it seems that Jim got hit by his own hubris when he was so sure that he and Misti were going the right way to city hall and were the only team doing so, only to find out they'd quickly gotten lost! And then, they did again on the way to the first Roadblock! They did well to make up the time at the Coast Guard task, and I think that if Misti had been just a bit more careful at that final Roadblock, they would've won. At least Misti was a good sport about the win. Jim clearly wasn't willing to be one until he was offered the chance to be by Amy.
  16. Yay! I'm so happy the nice team won! I knew that nugget of Maya's mentioning her and Amy being the third women's team to win two weeks ago meant something! Save for one little mistake, these girls just dropped the hammer and killed the final leg! For once, it seemed like their navigation was spot-on, they didn't seem to get lost (or if they did, it certainly wasn't for long), they got to City Hall faster than the other teams, Maya aced her Roadblock (despite her initial, irrational fear with jumping three times), they saved their dummy fast, and they stayed in a dead heat with the other teams the entire time! Their only real mistake was not reading the clue about Maya removing her stunt outfit. Still, Amy rocked out that final Roadblock and got them the win they so deserved! Great job, ladies! And they won the whole race in front of Brooke & Robbie, the team who'd been most critical of them! Robbie was PISSED to see them win!
  17. Ugh. Thanks to some non-payment issues with my Internet, I lost my connection for three days. But I'm back to offer my take! It was a brilliant finale! Actually, I thought it was one of the better final legs of the latter-day TAR! The final Roadblock was one of the best since probably TAR17's "remember the greeters" final task. Also, no one ran a completely perfect leg tonight. Everyone made mistakes. But this time, the team that made the fewest mistakes won the whole thing! So now the teams: Amy & Maya: Yay! I'm so happy the nice team won! I knew that nugget of Maya's mentioning her and Amy being the third women's team to win two weeks ago meant something! Save for one little mistake, these girls just dropped the hammer and killed the final leg! For once, it seemed like their navigation was spot-on, they didn't seem to get lost (or if they did, it certainly wasn't for long), they got to City Hall faster than the other teams, Maya aced her Roadblock (despite her initial, irrational fear with jumping three times), they saved their dummy fast, and they stayed in a dead heat with the other teams the entire time! Their only real mistake was not reading the clue about Maya removing her stunt outfit. Still, Amy rocked out that final Roadblock and got them the win they so deserved! Great job, ladies! And they won the whole race in front of Brooke & Robbie, the team who'd been most critical of them! Robbie was PISSED to see them win! Misti & Jim: Seriously? Don't see how they could've grown on anyone, especially after Jim's comment of kicking Amy in the shins. But anyway, it seems that Jim got hit by his own hubris when he was so sure that he and Misti were going the right way to city hall and were the only team doing so, only to find out they'd quickly gotten lost! And then, they did again on the way to the first Roadblock! They did well to make up the time at the Coast Guard task, and I think that if Misti had been just a bit more careful at that final Roadblock, they would've won. At least Misti was a good sport about the win. Jim clearly wasn't willing to be one until he was offered the chance to be by Amy. Adam & Bethany: My rooting value for this team decreased when Adam let his irritation at Amy & Maya being saved be known. But that was it. Other than that, they made a couple of mistakes of their own when they got lost on the way to the first Roadblock. Though I tittered when the fireman seemed to recognize Bethany. Didn't know she was that well-known. That said, Adam killed the first Roadblock, and they killed the Coast Guard task. But when the last Roadblock was revealed to be a memory-based one, and Bethany was stuck doing it, I knew they were toast. And indeed, she proved my thoughts correct. Still, good on them to reach the final leg, and I'm glad they took losing with grace. Brooke & Robbie: If Jim got beaten by his own hubris, then Brooke & Robbie got beaten even harder by their own! While I give Brooke credit for admitting that Amy & Maya didn't make the rules and actually explaining why she felt irritated at them still being in it, I found her calling their survival "disgusting" as completely off-putting. And Robbie, as usual, wasn't much better. Still, I'd already known they'd be falling out of the running in fourth place, but didn't know how. Until they kept getting lost. By far, that was the worst final leg of racing I'd ever seen. But so worth it for their mid-leg elimination. I kinda figured it was coming at the first Roadblock when I only saw three boats at the Coast Guard task. But I'd have liked seeing one of them do the task, anyway, and then being tossed at the boats . . . unless that was the plan, and they took too long finding the place. Either way, a well-deserved comeuppance for them, and it was even more worth it seeing Brooke try to pretend to be happy for Amy & Maya at the finish line (she went right to hug Misti & Jim after all the teams had finished) and Robbie just looking like he wanted to be anywhere else. Fantastic ending to a fantastic season with one of the most fantastic casts ever! I hope the show casts four women's teams more often. Both times they've done that, one has won! (Four were in TAR17, which Nat & Kat won, and now, four were in TAR25, which Amy & Maya won!)
  18. I'd qualify James as an alpha male, too, and he certainly wasn't hunky or white. Also, Ozzy, who was Hispanic, and Frosti and Woo, who were Asian.
  19. He's done that since at least HK2, actually, where it was clear that Heather was easily superior to Virginia, and again in HK3, where Rock was far and away the champion over Bonnie. One could say it was done in HK4, as well, as Christina was much greater than Petrozza. Didn't see HK5 through HK10, but it was clear Ja'Nel was way better than Mary in HK11. In HK12, I actually thought Scott was gonna be Ramsay's planned goat for Joy until she quit. Then, I didn't think either he or Jason was really all that good, but they tried to push that underdog story on us that only one or two people bought.
  20. This. This is what I meant when I said I'd have preferred being targeted earlier as a threat. And it's also why I fully supported what Jeremy said about Keith. Jeremy was good at the game and a threat. Keith was bad at the game and thus no real threat. Or at least far less of one than Jeremy was.
  21. Coach was in a good position, making all of the right moves the first two-thirds of that season. But in the stretch, he booted all of his goats, some of his worst moves of that season, and then didn't own up to his gameplay to the jury. Sophie did, and I can see why she won over him. As for Denise, she did come up with the awesome Artis blindside that ended up putting her alliance in control of the game and put the awful Pete and Abi-Maria on the outside.
  22. Nothing about Missy being overprotective of Baylor was shown in confessionals, but we did see bits of it on screen. Also, in episode five, Missy and Dale got into it over the portions of food she would sometimes take. So yeah, that was shown at least once.
  23. Good for you. If the final service was any indication, though, he didn't have nearly as much as LaTasha. Still giving me endless delight that he lost! :)
  24. I think being voted out in tenth place for basically being a threat is preferable to being voted out in fourth for not being one or for having no clue of how to play the game. Keith saying that to Jeremy would be all smoke, no fire. All bark, no bite. Plain and simple.
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