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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Honestly, that was a huge risk they took, going for the Fast Forward when they were in the back group. But they were lucky that Kym & Alli faltered so much at it. A risk that paid off, and another decisive win for them! Good work, guys!
  2. Good episode, despite the tragic (if you liked or even loved Kym & Alli, as I did) ending. Been nine seasons since Singapore's been visited (the last time being Carol & Brandy's elimination in TAR16, which actually was U-Turn-caused), and what they had to offer this go-round was pretty sweet! Another good Detour, even though one was clearly more straightforward than the other (even if it was more painful), a tense Roadblock, and a Fast Forward race. Also, a Double U-Turn and the long-awaited expiration of the Save to sum it all up! Okay. So now the teams: Adam & Bethany: Honestly, that was a huge risk they took, going for the Fast Forward when they were in the back group. But they were lucky that Kym & Alli faltered so much at it. A risk that paid off, and another decisive win for them! Good work, guys! Brooke & Robbie: A good leg for them, though Brooke once again had to whine. She did the Roadblock with little difficulty, and they endured the China Cups Detour with no real problems. But I'm officially hoping for their demise due to the events that happened afterwards. Not U-Turning Kym & Alli made sense for the reasons they gave. But delighting in how upset it left Amy & Maya wasn't cool. And it's okay to bluff in the race, but man, you look really unappealing if you pat yourselves on the back over it like they did with the lie about Mount Faber Park. Second place was good and deserved, but here's to a humiliating comeuppance for them. Especially Brooke. But Robbie finally showed he's no prize himself on this leg. Misti & Jim: Boy, did Jim sulk over losing out on the chance to stick to the U-Turn plan and on getting on a flight behind Kym & Alli. That said, they did well to just focus on playing catch-up, and it worked twofold. Jim kept his cool after failing at the Roadblock once, and they did their Detour with minimal whining about the heat of the crab meat. And then, they benefited from Amy & Maya completely bombing the statue search by falling for Brooke & Robbie's lie and Kym & Alli trying for the Fast Forward and losing it to Adam & Bethany. They passed up two of the first-flight teams that way, so good for them. Amy & Maya: Editing-wise, it looks like the first real chink in their normally-positive armor has been shown. They dominated the leg, no doubt, for most of it. Maya plowed through that Roadblock, and they endured that China Cups Detour (despite Amy nearly wanting to switch). U-Turning Adam & Bethany was sound, even if they were unknowingly incorrect. But they needed to cool it with the whining over Brooke & Robbie not hitting Kym & Alli with it. Then, their domination of the leg goes down the tubes when they fall for Brooke & Robbie's lie. What, they didn't figure out that not seeing them at the third statue they tried meant that they lied? They waited till they'd searched all of them? Lucky that Kym & Alli failed at the Fast Forward. Otherwise, they'd have been done. Kym & Alli: Aw, girls. Should've stayed the course instead of risking it all at that Fast Forward. I think if Alli had spoken up more to Kym, she'd have listened, and they'd have passed it up and probably even stayed in. That said, it was good having them. They didn't give up when the chips were down and made it nine legs through the race to finish fifth. But I think they deserved a higher finish and hope they can return another season to get it. Fun episode, but Brooke & Robbie and Misti & Jim (mainly Jim) still have to go down!
  3. Ah, but Ramsay said he didn't care about it in the dorms. Doesn't mean it still won't come out in the kitchen.
  4. After actually watching this episode, I can safely conclude that Keith's got absolutely no shot at winning this game. It's been apparent since the week he first found his idol that he was way too stupid to win, but damn! He really proved it this week! Not only did he singlehandedly blow up what could've been a fantastic plan (Reed did slip up a tiny bit, but it could still have worked if not for Keith's own panic), but he basically got his own son voted out in the process! Good job, Keith! If you get to the end, see if you get any jury votes with that performance! Dumb-ass. Love Natalie and love that her plan worked. Okay, okay, so it didn't work in the way she wanted, as Reed got immunity, but Wes, one of the men on the other side, still went home, and now, she might have the numbers to turn on Jon in one of next week's two episodes, unless she wants to further ensure her numbers and get at least one more of the others out first. Or just target Reed before him. Somehow, with her having the only idol, I have an inkling that her plan might very well come to fruition. It's just a question of when and how it does. I just wish she didn't trust Baylor so much when Baylor was one of the parties responsible for her sister going home first. Hope Jon goes home soon. He really is getting way too comfortable and complacent for my liking. But for now, the main alliance needs him for numbers, and he thinks he's in control, so best to let him float for at least another vote or two. Hope Jaclyn can show that she's truly not Jon's appendage. Great episode!
  5. . . . Really? I'm not as big a Survivor buff as I am with TAR, but I do know the answer to this. No, a revote based on idols being played has never happened, as far as I can remember. Even when idols have been played, someone's always gone home.
  6. I know. I saw the movie, like, days before the season started and saw that scene. Just wanted to make sure, so thanks, KingOfHearts.
  7. Don't see why you would be. After the reveal of his temper issues, I don't think Bryant deserves to get to the end anymore. And no, it was not producer-driven. We've already had both Aaron and Fernando mention his temper and emotions in their final words now, so I think it's real. That said, Fernando's been kind of boring this whole season and just felt like he was kinda there, so I'm not broken up by him going, even though it is kinda stupid he left before Santos. I'd like Santos to go next, for sure, but a red teamer will probably be tossed instead. I hope not, since they're all way more capable than the blue teams (only Sade can probably match them), but that'll probably happen, and then, we'll have our black jackets.
  8. Well, the boot order continues to hold up, with Tim & Te Jay failing to overcome their Speed Bump and getting eliminated. Sadly, that means that this week, Kym & Alli get tossed next. And newly-released pictures on CBS.com are hinting at why. Adam & Bethany are apparently going to fight them for the Fast Forward, hence Bethany saying they could be "committing race suicide." Adam & Bethany must win out, forcing Kym & Alli to recover from losing all of that time. But with the Double U-Turn coming up, either Misti & Jim or (more likely) Brooke & Robbie U-Turn them, sending them packing in fifth place. Will hate to see them go, but it'll likely be partly their own fault for racing it out for a Fast Forward another team's going for.
  9. While it's good to finally have the answers of what happened to Anna (which also apparently happened to Kristoff), should that be right that they're still in Arendelle? Hasn't it been established that they live in the same world as the Enchanted Forest characters? If so, shouldn't they have ended up in Storybrooke, too? I thought that the Dark Curse hit every place in their world except the region Cora protected from it. That they didn't end up in our world either time it was cast (by Regina or by Snow) and have instead remained frozen for all these years is a bit puzzling to me.
  10. That was a reference to when he said it to Anna, right?
  11. Go, Alfonso! Watching him dance, you'd never even know he'd been injured! His movements were crisp and clean the entire way through and deserved both perfect scores! I like Sadie (despite my boyfriend's sickening hatred of her based on nothing but her family, not Sadie herself), but I'm really shocked she wasn't out in fourth. Pleased, but shocked. She was probably the weakest of the F4. For the most part, I liked Janel's dances and was glad to see her advance. But I'm betting that unless she really pulls in the votes tomorrow, she'll be out in third, and Val will lose again. :( If Sadie hadn't left in fourth place, Bethany was the one I'd picked to be eliminated instead, and indeed, she was. Pity, because I liked her freestyle. Her opening dance, not so much. Bring on the finale!
  12. Derek shut out of a finale? It's been so long since that's happened, hasn't it?
  13. Has Val ever won? If not, then if Alfonso doesn't win, I won't mind seeing Janel win since it'd mean Val finally winning, too.
  14. It was that and Chad beating up Nick and trying to hide that from her.
  15. Well, that's just plain weird. Did Adam make that change, or did some higher-up do so?
  16. It was likely because the conservatory attended by the victim was so high-profile. But that's the best I can offer here. I will repeat, though, that it was refreshing to have simply kill over just wanting to have a friend, as crazy as her motive was. Very refreshing, even if I just felt like she needed serious help by the end.
  17. Oh! I forgot one other thing! I chuckled at Kym's "Have fun, Phil!" when she and Alli saw him on the course. I'm enjoying having Phil pop up on the course this season way more than I expected to. :)
  18. Except even then, he can't get it. Adam & Bethany winning this leg pretty much ended any chance he had of him and Misti breaking the record. At this point, they can only tie Rachel & Dave's record of eight wins. And if Adam & Bethany win the next leg due to the Fast Forward, then the best they can hope for is tying Nick & Starr and Meghan & Cheyne's seven wins. So not much to stop here.
  19. I think Brooke & Robbie could absolutely fight it out with them for that distinction just based on how they've been racing so far.
  20. Actually, it is, because . . . I'd still hang out with Kym & Alli before I'd ever hang out with Misti & Jim.
  21. Adam's actually from the Midwest, so his accent comes from there. He just happens to live in Hawaii with Bethany.
  22. Yeah, I agree. You could see Brooke & Robbie moving at quick, panicked pace to try and get to the Pit Stop first. Tim & Te Jay were moving along very slowly, like they already knew they were last. So I'm pretty sure their fate had been sealed well before they'd even left that Detour.
  23. Thanks, WendyCR72! That's only fifteen minutes from now, and I've wanted to DVR that episode again for such a long time just for that scene! I will say that for all of its faults, season nine did give me an episode I actually did enjoy: "Delicate." Sure, the case didn't really strike me as Major Case-worthy. But I thought the perp and her motive were both very refreshing. It wasn't the usual reason of greed or pride or envy or need to be with a lover that didn't want her. She's the first killer I've seen on any show who simply killed out of the neediness of wanting a friend. Though I will say that I pegged her from very early on, which is the one unfortunate thing. I like figuring out who my perps are, not being shown outright, like this show was wont to do.
  24. Adam's voice actually bothers me way more than Bethany's. He sounds stoned. Actually, it's almost as droning as Andie's voice in TAR17.
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