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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. And what about Carol, Tara, Rosita, and Noah?
  2. So Carol, Maggie, Glenn, Abraham, Eugene, and Rosita are all in them? Really?
  3. Watching some of the early season six episodes, I'm wondering how Kent didn't end up staying on? Theresa Randle is a good actress and could've added to the "law" part of the show. How long did she last before she suddenly vanished? And did it happen because she was thought of too much of a female Carver?
  4. So which characters currently in the group are and aren't in the comics? Rick, Carl, and Michonne are the only ones I'm sure are in the comics, but . . . the others?
  5. I like Noah, too. I just hope he can do something about that limp. But what was it that he was talking to Sasha about? I didn't hear either one of them.
  6. In "Watch," I've gotta wonder how Duane, in addition to wanting to kill Art, would've also wanted to kill Logan and Barek. That reveal in the ending seemed a bit out of the blue to me. Also wondering how Art's mom wasn't busted for attempting to aid him in his escape.
  7. I don't even get Rose's "You can call him whatever you want" remark to Dorothy. The entire world knew him as Hitler. You'd think Rose would've learned his real name at any point in her life.
  8. Okay, okay, okay. Since even the better episodes can't stop the complaining, let's just got back in time and discuss the moments of SVU that were the most satisfying and pleasing. Favorite cases? Favorite scenes? Favorite instances when a perp got busted? Favorite verdicts or reactions to them? Favorite lines or quotes? Or even favorite moments? Just discuss your happier, more pleasant moments here! It's a bit late for me, so I'll offer up several of my own at another time.
  9. I think I saw the boy who threatened Keith to make his father stay away from his mother at the start of "Tru Love" in the SVU episode "Responsible."
  10. I totally expected a guy to come in and misinterpret what was going on. Would've been great for more laughs.
  11. Wonder where Haley, Alex, Luke, and Lily all were this week? They couldn't think of Valentine's Day plots for any of them?
  12. I find Stella adorable, but if Jay is going to prioritize her over his wife, son, and stepson, then Gloria should probably consider a divorce right about now.
  13. Does this show actually tape in Philly? If so, that's amazing. But I heard it tapes in L.A.
  14. What was the episode in which Melinda helped best the doctor who was helping soldiers perform torture on others? I remember that being another Melinda-centric episode.
  15. Wheeler wasn't a temporary detective. She was a main character for three seasons.
  16. Wheeler wasn't a temporary detective. She was a main character for three seasons.
  17. I never saw the age difference as a problem. Just because Julianne made Wheeler look younger than she was doesn't mean she was that. I believed her credentials when Ross said them despite how youthful she looked. I believed her experience level.
  18. I understand all that. Goren and Eames were the original, longest-established pair on the show. But when it comes right down to it, Logan, Barek, Wheeler, Nichols, and Stevens were all on the show, too, and thus are part of its history and deserve acknowledgement. It just gets irritating seeing the exact opposite happen. Also, thanks for the "Vacancy" explanation. It's just that Goren goes about his busts so vaguely that I often can't understand what he's implying the killers' motives to be. I can only count very few the Goren/Eames episodes in which I did understand the motives by the end -- "Jones," "Tomorrow," "Stray," "F.P.S.," "Pas de Deux," "Inert Dwarf," "Stress Position," and "Grow." Also, the one in which the Jewish grandmother had her grandchildren's mother killed, but I forgot the title. The others? I got nothing. With Logan and Barek's episodes (and later on, Logan and Wheeler's), I can fully understand each perp's motives by the end because at least they outright say what said motives are.
  19. No question. Logan was her better partner. Bar none. Although their beginnings were shaky in "Tru Love," you could see them develop clear respect for each other throughout their time working together. And they both actually worked as a team to bust the perps in their episodes. I felt like both got about equal focus in their cases. Whenever the perp was being busted, more often than not, they would double-team him or her with their motives and means for the murders they committed. Plus, Chris and Julianne had some pretty good partner chemistry. In fact, I dare say Chris worked far better with Julianne than he did with Annabella. Logan and Wheeler had some good back-and-forth with each other, something I never saw him do much of with Barek. Plus, with Logan, I feel like Wheeler had a bit more spark and life to her. Let's compare it to her episodes with Nichols. From the very start, Wheeler got shoved to the background in favor of Nichols. I don't know if it was a USA decision to push the new, overly-quirky detective or the writers' decision to force the newbie played by a big star on the audience, but either way, I felt like Wheeler got greatly overshadowed by him. Their team dynamic turned into Goren and Eames 2.0, basically, with Nichols making all of the busts and Wheeler not getting to be in on any of them like she was with Logan. I don't even think she genuinely liked him like she did Logan. Or maybe it was Julianne who didn't like Jeff, in which case it really seemed to show on-screen. They just had zero spark or partner chemistry with one another that I could see. As for how Wheeler might've handled Goren . . . well, she was on the show at the same time as he was. Another two-parter featuring both Goren/Eames and Logan/Wheeler might've been nice. I imagine she would've been initially flummoxed with his quirks and methods of solving cases, but eventually gotten used to it like Eames, Logan, and Barek all did. On an unrelated note, it would've been a nightmare for me. I'd be worried he'd try to psychoanalyze me.
  20. Since everyone's obsessed with Goren and Eames's episodes and continuously discount Logan and Barek's, I'll ask this. I've seen "Vacancy" three times and still don't know why the perp committed the murder. Can anyone help me understand?
  21. Aw! That's great news! Congrats to them both! :)
  22. I know she was on seasons twelve and fourteen, but she had two other appearances? When else did Dana appear?
  23. Okay, okay. Not just the end. I'll concede one more episode for them. I guess "Watch" was a bit dark, but again, not really for the case so much as for the perp. As fun as it always is to see Barek totally own Duane, his rather brooding reasons for killing the prostitutes just leaves me totally, completely, utterly depressed. Instead of just getting therapy, he has Art join him on a killing spree? Yeah. Kinda dark there. And that's not even to say anything about the borderline nonsensical desire to eventually want to kill Logan and Barek, both of whom initially offered to help him when they thought he was the one being coerced in helping with the killings. I mean, I liked that episode otherwise, but Duane was just plain depressing.
  24. I tend not to listen to that kind of thing. As far as I'm concerned, you're both going into your obsessions with Goren and Eames's episodes, yet completely discounting Logan and Barek's, none of which seemed or felt particularly gloomy to me at all except "To the Bone." And even then, it was more because Whoopi's character got off than anything else. But all of their other episodes seemed pretty standard or even lighthearted to me.
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