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Donny Ketchum

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Everything posted by Donny Ketchum

  1. Hi. I'm yet another woman who aspires to play like Parvati. Even though her method of gameplay can really only be pulled off once. She's a law student, though, so I don't imagine her being dumb at this game, but we'll see.
  2. Hi. I'm from Maine, like Bob, but hopefully will be good for more than just challenges.
  3. Hi. I have a thirty-six-year relationship with my husband and three successful children. I also want to be like two-time winner Sandra and Denise. Good players to follow, so that could be a good sign.
  4. Something must have happened during the break prior to Ross's arrival, because that's the only thing I could see explaining that reaction. Oh, and it's not coming on this week, but I have no clue why they had Logan warn Rodgers that firing that incompetent coroner in "Blasters" would come back to haunt her if we never got to see it come to pass.
  5. On top of the beginning of the end for Deakins, I really hated that Whoopi's character essentially got away with every disgusting thing she'd manipulated. That was just the cherry on top of the shit sundae, right there. Unless we were supposed to assume that Logan and Barek eventually did re-gather enough evidence to nail her off-screen.
  6. Meh. Guess it's just me, but I still thought the woman came off worse by not doing it herself. That shit always comes off as cowardly to me.
  7. Honestly, is anyone surprised by Will's poor excuses? He is Sami's son, and she made equally poor excuses and rationalizations whenever she got caught in her lies. That said, I'm gonna continue throwing shade at Sonny -- not a whole lot, but still a little bit -- because at least a small part of this came from his own secrets. He should've told Will about Paul from jump, and perhaps Will might've avoided him altogether. Or if he didn't, he'd have been WAY more cautious in dealing with him. That said, it was still ultimately Will's choice to cheat in the first place, so I hope that Sonny focuses his anger entirely on him and only gives it minimally to Paul since he had absolutely no clue that Will was his husband. Sonny needs to back off him, and I hope he does when he finds out that Paul really didn't know about Will and Sonny's connection. He has a right to be mad at him, too, no doubt. But definitely not more than he should be at Will.
  8. To be fair, as I said in my first post on this thread, I think the terrible seatmate was supposed to be Claire's karma for snatching the last first class seat. Yes, Phil switched with her in the end, but at least she did get to suffer for her selfishness.
  9. Nice to see Michelle Hurd landed on her feet, after all, after she and her character were so badly screwed over by L&O: SVU.
  10. Perhaps. But it would've helped, perhaps, if they'd thrown in a line of her saying something along those lines. As it was, she ended up sounding proud of being shallow and unable to see the deeper qualities in people other than their surface charm and appearance. I like Zoey otherwise, but . . . if she is proud of that, then that's really not a good color on her. ETA: Pretty much what @sinkwriter said.
  11. I don't think this regularly (or even at all), just as background noise when my own boyfriend watches. When did this rather visceral dislike of Meredith get started, just out of curiosity?
  12. I'm a bit surprised Zoey got over the reasons for her dumping so easily. I'd have been offended if I'd found out I'd lost a boyfriend because he considered me to be shallow. The fact that she was all "oh, well" and moved on that quickly kinda says a lot about her and what kind of girlfriend (and potentially wife) she could be unless that attitude gets checked at some point in the future.
  13. A few nights ago, I watched "Design." Really hate that the mother/daughter scam artist team had been busted.
  14. I was hoping Bow would punish her by subjecting her to the hot wax, after all.
  15. Liked Phil and Claire's storyline. At least since Claire actually got some kind of comeuppance for screwing over Phil, for once. But I also wish Mitch and Cam had gotten the baby. I also enjoyed Jay, Gloria, and Manny's storyline, and I did like Jay and Manny calling out Gloria . . . even though she made it moot by ordering them around once again. The Dunphy siblings' storyline was my favorite, though. I liked Haley and Alex trying to help Luke . . . and then him disappearing at the end upon seeing what they'd done. And where the hell was Lily? That's two straight weeks without her! :(
  16. Had no idea that Adam knew the David Sirota growing up. That's just amazing!
  17. Okay. Tried to push the Blair/Natalie angle a bit too hard when Eve and Serena first met each other today. Though I did titter a bit when Serena mentioned the woman of whom Eve reminded her being a bitch, since both Blair and Eve are, well, bitches.
  18. Oh, no, not in this instance. But see @Apprentice79's post on the last page as to instances of his prior hypocrisies.
  19. I think it was pretty clear that Alixus was going to jail. Or at least that was implied by Sisko and O'Brien saying that she'd have to answer for what she did. So I don't think she got off that easily. I just wonder if her son went down along with her? And I don't necessarily think that the colonists were going to forgive her, either. One of them made it clear that none of them appreciated being lied to. They just appreciated what new strengths being in a low-tech environment for ten years had given them. But that was it. Sorry. Just watched this one with my boyfriend for the first time and had to weigh in a bit.
  20. Hypocrisy is not a pretty color on anyone. Not even Sonny. Therefore, he's a long, long, long, long, long way from perfect.
  21. I laughed at the Han jokes, but everything else came off as so unfunny. I couldn't even enjoy the two idea-stealing girls getting their just deserts because both of them were just not good actresses. And Sophie just shutting down both wedding planners before even seeing what they had to offer is really lowering her stock with me. That and making her and Oleg's upcoming wedding just about her and not at all about him.
  22. I'm . . . thankful for the TV version, then. At least the writers don't seem willing to make Carol go that crazy or off an innocent baby.
  23. Poor baby Judith died in the comics?! How?! And how are the two different?
  24. Okay. Of this group, then, who's bitten it in the comics? And who hasn't?
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