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Everything posted by tribeca

  1. Just catching up on the shows (thanks Demand). I would need $10million if I had to live 10 minutes with Bethany. She is my least favorite HW. So disappointed she is back and hoping she isn't going to take over the whole show. Missed Heather. Loved seeing little Kingsley running! That brought such joy : ) Luanne's house is so pretty. So far I like the new housewife & glad Ramona has someone to talk to. Sonja is just sad.
  2. I do not remember a housewife named Jennifer. What was her story ?
  3. When we were kids we did not watch cartoons instead the old shows like I love Lucy, Leave it to Beaver, Bewitched & Dick Van Dyke show. I still love the Dick Van Dyke show.
  4. Although I come from a family of CBS girls none of us could get into B&B. What I liked about GL & ATWT was the long friendships (even when they took breaks). JMHO Days is really missing that. It was really made evident with the nice scene of Hope/Rafe than scenes of Nicole having no one but herself to talk to.
  5. Glad Teresa & Brady have a baby together. Hopefully it will give her more screen time. Still think the baby won't stop her from scheming. Sammi had a baby at 16 & it didn't slow her down LOL Teresa & Brady's families also have a lot of history. Just wish she would have found out differently about the baby. She wasn't involved in the story at all.
  6. Really enjoyed Will & Clyde's talk about the article. This could/should be an interesting story.
  7. I did not watch Days at this time so not sure this question is even a possibility. Is it possible that Peter is Abigail's bio-father and not Jack?
  8. Sometimes I feel like I just have way too many Pet Peeves. People who ask personal questions & then don't let it go when you say you don't want to answer the question it's private. The most annoying "What's the big deal? I would tell you" Honestly, I love keeping up with people on facebook but there are some people I wanted out of my life for a reason. Facebook makes that difficult. Facebook sometimes makes me sad. I know being married and having kids isn't everything. Just it's something I wanted in life that didn't happen. Seeing everyone's happiness just makes me sad. Know that sounds bad. Music related. Why is it when you go to see a singer/band you like people have to inform you ... "his gay" "one from the band is on drugs?" I just want to hear them sing and be entertained.
  9. Thursday and Fridays showed should have been reversed. Thursday show had a much better cliffhanger JMHO.
  10. Today's show was interrupted for Hernedz trail. Can someone tell me why Kristin wants Teresa brought to her?
  11. Teresa is one of my favorite characters on the show and even I am tired of her being nasty to everyone. It would help if we would have more scences of her being vunerable/nice to someone like she was one day with her sister and grandmother. I kind of think I like the actor better than the character. Also thought Teresa not Will would be the new Sammy. although I truley believe Marlena played those scences with Will like she has seen all this behavior before. I think Sonny is okay but am surprised how loved he is. I don't dislike Will or find him ugly. He is Lumi's child so I probably will always root for him.
  12. Totally understood why Abigail didn't want to move in with Ben. One I still find him to be an angry person & he seems to have those fists ready pretty quickly. Two JMHO Abigail believes she is better than Ben. Ben is also kind of dumb for keep bringing up that Chad likes her. Way to send her right into his arms moron! Daniel thinks his JJ"s dad. He isn't. Why JJ thinks he has to tell him anything is beyond me. I am still 1 show behind but I loved the one scene where John was talking to Will, Paul and Sonny. He was such a bumbling doofus just too focused on his task. The look on Paul's face in the background made that scene for me LOL
  13. What exactly did Clint do to Teresa? I know he took blood but did he also drug her? What do they need the blood for?
  14. I found Jeff Goldblum sexier than Will Smith in Independence Day.
  15. I enjoy Melanie working to figure out what is going on with Teresa. I love Teresa but she is a mess. Melanie heart JMHO is in the right place.
  16. Last visit to Target I pushed the cart into the corral thing. The wind blew it right out and I could not catch it and it hit another car. Keep thinking to myself I should have been lazy & left it by my car LOL. Are the people with kids saying they could not put the cart away because after they put the kids in their car seats they would have to walk the cart over to corral ? That is how one child here was abducted. I think now there are mommy/baby parking at some stores and the corral is close and/or the store is not that far away.
  17. Was I the only hoping when Belle demanded the Dark one face her that she was smart enough to bring the fake dagger?
  18. I don't hate Abigail. I don't think Ben is a good guy (his anger is OTT to me and I always feel like he might hurt Abigail). JMHO he should have consequences for beating up Chad. How come everybody blamed Chad? No matter what Chad said that beating was wrong.
  19. This is not my pet peeve but one a lot of people had when I worked at the movie theatre. I was on Usher so I had to sometimes help with seating. There are people who will come early to shows on opening night. There are movie buffs who come alone who like certain seats. Mostly middle row and middle seat. Then there are couples or groups of four who come in the last minute and expect everyone to move so they can seat together.
  20. yes, but she looked quite lovely in the pink outfit and her make up has been a bit softer during her apology tour
  21. No way do I think what Will did was ok however I felt his desperation when he was yelling at Paul to leave Salem. I did actually feel sorry for him even though his poor decisions got him to this point.
  22. I always over tip and rarely drink. Waitstaff seems to be believe non drinkers do not tip. The seem to get annoyed if you don't order alcohol and good luck getting a refill. While I am on the subject I have zero problem with people drinking so why do I have to explain not drinking? And yes I can have a good time without alcohol. Thank you for letting me get that off my chest.
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