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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. She has no right to make fun of Miss Kitty's Vintage-y Jewelry Etsy Shoppe, then. Not like I'm some huge Kathryn fan, but at least she's productive. Landon was just so phony in last night's episode. I realize this is not news. ;) But good grief, I am not sure I've ever seen anyone work so hard at being smug and superior with as little content (lol) to what they're saying, at least since Brandi or something. Talking over someone the entire night does not make your point more accurate.
  2. How is there STILL no content on Landon's site! I mean, seriously, put SOMETHING up. Post once or twice a week. Plug in your Instagram feed. Syndicate content. Have guest bloggers from small sites who write great articles, and do link backs in lieu of payment. Heck, post video travelogues of flipping Charleston. SOMETHING. If people keep checking and see no content, why will they go back? A newsletter isn't going to cut it. GAH! If gathering content is hard NOW, how's it going to be two,years from now when she's really out of things to say?!?!
  3. Here you go: http://luxehighlife.com/shopping-guide/top-10-chanel-products-you-didn-t-know-existed it just seems so "new money." And not very rock n roll. The case is pretty cool... But then, I'm not in an edgy band like Renob.
  4. Landon "wanted to be friends" with Kathryn? Her eyes turned brown from that bs.
  5. None of these people are winners, but the "ugh, I HATE being fake" thing Danny was pulling? That gets under my skin. In most quarters "not blowing up at your coworkers" is just called "being professional." He doesn't have to love Bryan, just bite his tongue when the impulse to pop off strikes. Then take 10 and state his case calmly.
  6. I thought GC did a pretty good job as OHhhhndrea in high school--her reactions, "speeches," and attitude seemed pretty right on for the character. However... I agree that the character was not written well after high school. For example, I never really bought her as someone who'd risk her marriage for an affair. It didn't seem natural and just seemed like what it (probably) was... An attempt to pump some "sexy" into her character.
  7. Sonja's interns? ;) Sonja *is* the one who said it... Maybe she's demanding a cut? Either that or next season we'll see some Sonja version of it. :)
  8. I love that, in the Sonja purge scene, Dorinda was wearing a "What are you doing here without Dorinda?" shirt!
  9. I'm laughing far more than I should at this. I literally LOL'ed. ;)
  10. To be fair, she compared herself to a hooker, and Jill was wearing a ruffly shirt that--while not Washington-esque--did look kinda puritanical... As in, Puritan-style. She was poking at herself in this case, in her own fairly inarticulate way. I can't believe I'm defending Tamra. LOL Chugging cough syrup? Way to get your kid sicker. Was that a prescription bottle? Even better!
  11. Looked like Terry was wearing an Orangetheory sweatshirt in his first scene--wonder how Tams feels about that? Speaking of, I wonder if we are going to get Kindler, Gentler Tamra this season. We haven't seen any previews of her shrieking, have we? (I don't count telling Vicki off.)
  12. I'm so glad this show was renewed. It's infinitely better than Girlfriend's Guide to Making a Really Bad Sex and the City Ripoff... I mean Divorce. And it's far superior to the Dallas Housewives. i thought the first ep was SUPER funny... Except for the end. I know it's dark humor but the jokes about their own kids were just a tad too much for me. Anyway, looking forward to more :)
  13. I don't know that I watched FOL "because of" Natalie, but I always liked her character. Even in the first-season eps (which, admittedly, I didn't see until reruns later on in the 80s) she was one of my favorite characters. As they say... Diff'rent Strokes. ;) I will say, though, that when I bought the full-series set of DVDs, I went back and watched the first season and enjoyed those eps more. I liked Nancy, which I didn't really before.
  14. Late to the party, but I decided to check this out on the HBO app and guess what the husband's name was? Richard!
  15. Smoky eyes, updos, and Staad! Smoky eyes, updos, and Staad! :) Joking aside, she would probably tell some fun stories. i can't think of many other Housewives who could hold together an whole hour of TV by themselves the way Luann did (and who knew?). LVP maybe. Nene, but can you imagine? No one from the OC would be at all tolerable at that length either.
  16. I haven't watched this show from the beginning... But ever since I have watched it, I've thought of Vicki as a sort of ridiculous caricature that did some wrong stuff but was basically someone to just roll one's eyes at. (Perhaps because she's always been juxtaposed against Heather, Gretchen, Tamra, and Meghan PI). Now based on this one episode I can't stand her.
  17. It's too bad Kathryn has to dial everything up to 11n because I do think she is somewhat spot on in her assessment of people. She's way immature and really shouldn't have hitched the Baby Wagon up to Thomas... And yet, especially after this episode, I definitely see Landon as the more conniving of the two. She does that maddening fake-calm smirk thing that I can't stand. That's what Vampire Whitney was just saying! ;)
  18. I forgot it was on, and then when I caught the later showing I fell asleep. Usually I'll rewatch on the Bravo app when that happens, but I don't really feel like it this time. I don't really like any of these people anymore, and I wish they'd leave GG alone about her illness. Either that or do REAL things to help her out.
  19. I don't think it's all that bad of a gig, anyway. Some of those BBQ kids have a lot of experience, following family on the competition circuit and such.
  20. And maybe, just maybe... No Yo, no Brandi? A girl can dream
  21. Are you REALLY sick? Let's see the medical records! I bet it's just Hausen Mausen. Man, just when I stop peeking into the RHOBH forum for any offseason news, this happens. Maybe we can nominate Bambi to be her replacement. Which potato will she steal next!
  22. I hear ya re: timing, but Luann just seemed so gleeful about it--like, haha delusional Sawnya, I got that man. If a friend married a guy I'd dated once or twice... It happens. If said friend brought it up out of nowhere after just a couple of dates with the guy and was talking about it like Luann did? That's another thing. She's tone deaf. Plus... Lu just seems excited to be the one getting married, moreso than excited about the relationship, if that makes sense. It feels phony AND arrogant. But as I said I'm no Lu fan. LOL
  23. I noticed it when Jules came into the bar. One of the women asked how her father was, and for some reason her response was dubbed in. Makes me wonder what she really said. Maybe the wonky timeline came into play here? Fat Betty Bordeaux! SkinnyBetty Manhattans! DrunkDon ready-to-pour Old Fashioneds! A silhouette of a passed-out Don falling out a window as the logo! Brilliant! Not that I ever cared for her, but Luann came across extra seedy this episode. "Let me RUB IT IN YOUR FACE that I'm marrying your hookup, Sawn!"
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