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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. I'm still bugged by the Olay Regenerist ads. I see and hear them ALL the time (especially during Pop's Bev Hills 90210 reruns... well played, ad buyer) and there's something about them that gets under my skin. They make me kind of nauseous -- it's something about the camera work, especially in the "your concert tee may date you..." version; I literally have to avert my eyes or I get seasick. (I wish I were kidding.) And hearing the "OhohEEEOHoh oh SHAKE IT!" every break gets a little wearisome. This is the ONLY ad I react to this way. Sure, I get annoyed by others, but physically ill? Plus, that "concert tee" does NOT look 24 years old. First off, they didn't have shirts that size in the early 90's (at least that I can recall); and next, if it's really her Favorite Tee, it'd have tons of holes in it. And the cutesy faces the woman makes just irk me. Ok rant over. LOL http://www.ispot.tv/ad/Ad18/olay-regenerist-your-concert-tee-song-by-deluka
  2. Hope it's ok to post this here :) On The People's Couch, Rashawn did the funniest impression of Kristin about to give her speech at the engagement party... "I wanna saaaaaay somethinnnnn!" He also says he wouldn't wanna party with them. There's hope yet. ;)
  3. Hilarious: I haven't seen the Janelle Monae ad in forever, but it came on just as I was scanning the forum :) It doesn't bug me as much... But for me, the faces she makes are weird. That part especially bugs me. The guy just wants to wrap up his job. Maybe HE wants to get home and work on HIS homework. How ya like them apples, lady?
  4. I don't know about you, but I like to have all my long, involved, serious conversations in tiny luggage stores. Great scenery choice, producers. Rinna really needs to stop reading definitions off her phone. That just goes nowhere good. And I'm officially over Eileen. Her ham-fisted handling of the LVP conversations is just... Bleh. And it's not as though she doesn't make any good points; she just *comes across* like, "Wah, LVP." YMMV. I felt a kind of melancholy while watching Yo's scenes. Wait... Did a... Pig just fly by?
  5. If I were dropped on this planet to marry a man and the first examples of "Earth Men" I saw were Jax and James, I think I'd stay single. UGH. Engagement Party attire wise, it looks like the girls bought out a Francesca's. Except Ariana, who took a dress from a stage production of Oklahoma and turned it into a party gown, a la Pretty in Pink. Stassi won this episode. "Shame-ectomy." Jo Malone engagement gift. Lisa was pretty fun, too. Wish we saw more of this Lisa on RHOBH.
  6. Question: Raise your hand if you believe James misses Kristen. Now, raise your hand if you think James misses... potential screen time. Infrared skin care. Turtle races. Kristen's "falling out" with, like, everyone. Relationship Detective Stassi. Dog reaction shots. Rational Makeupless Lala. This show is just too freakin' much.
  7. B---- drinking Coffeemate! ;) Is she eating crackers, too? LOL I never thought about Coffeemate as a solution for adding "cream" but not cooling your coffee. Interesting but it makes sense. As for buying the drum-sized version... maybe it just makes sense for her? I dunno.
  8. Yes, I loved the tennis ball in the kitchen, too! "Let me just set this down right here." (And wasn't the shot right before it of someone putting something else on the counter?) I thought about that, too! What do the Umanskys drink as everyday table wine? Inquiring minds!
  9. I've watched this gif about a million times. It's mesmerizing. And right now, my computer is running slowly, so it's Zaprudering the footage... fuzzy frame-by-frame shots of potato espionage.
  10. Ugh. Can I call THAT the dinner party from hell? Because it was torture to watch. Don't these people have anything better to do than talk about what they talked about at the last dinner? I never thought I'd say this, but SNORE. Eileen's need for "resolution" for everything, especially, is getting olllllld. The part where they were guessing who'd be singing was cute. They all seemed to be happy it was Bocelli. (Ave Maria, though? Beautiful but not particularly party music...) Bambi is the best.
  11. Agreed--and I think this is, in part, why LVP was so pointed in her "Look! The ponies!" distraction strategy. Yes, it's part of Lisa's MO to avoid direct questions and give "sorry if" apologies... but at the same time, I'm guessing that she sensed this was going to be some sort of Eileen-driven, multi-episode Apology Plea Ride that she could never get off.
  12. That's pretty much how I feel. It seems like the writing takes turns based on what the writers want, not out of what was most natural or best for the characters. So much was just... convenient. Barbara becomes a friend! The baby isn't really Jake's! Delia self-sabotages... and HECK YEAH she LOVES it! And on it goes. I kept watching this season and I couldn't figure why; the best I could come up with was that my brain WANTED to make sense of this thing, and kept waiting and waiting for resolution that didn't come. I wouldn't even call it "hate watching," and I wouldn't call it interest. It was just... a need for resolution.
  13. Re: the apology. I was getting a little worried for the ponies, being around Eileen... so eager to beat that dead horse. ETA: I don't think LVP's apology was that great. I'd probably be a little annoyed, too. But as others have said, it was TIME TO MOVE ON.
  14. Good point, TattleTeeny--he likely thought he could get away with it.
  15. Ariana's attitude was so lame. Scheana and Katie: "We saw Kristen do her sketch comedy last night." Ariana: "it was awful." S and K: "No, actually, it was kind of..." A: "NO. It was awful. I am a trained professional and I know for a FACT it was awful because Kristen." S and K: "But you weren't even there..." A: [eyeroll] I'm SO TIRED of you people." Ok, slight paraphrase, but that's how it came across to me. I've never seen a less funny "funny" person than her in that moment. If she had actually seen the show she might have a right to an opinion about it. But beyond surprise that Kristen tried her hand at comedy, she didn't have much space to say anything. (If she'd just kept it to: "wow. Kristen and comedy. I bet THAT was awesome," it'd be one thing.) If you comment on something without experience, you have no credibility.
  16. Ah yes, the Love Toilet. http://www.hulu.com/watch/61322 (It's sketch comedy. Ariana will appreciate it.)
  17. I kinda loved that Lala sat around reading Ayn Rand. Take that, Smartest Person and Serious Comedienne Ariana.
  18. I love Amy Tan--haven't followed her in a while, but her writing is wonderful, and she always struck me as a truth-teller, and a non-sensational kind of woman. Even reading the essay about Lyme on her website, she doesn't strike me as an exaggerator. My inclination would be to take her at her word. Plus, I kinda love her Instagram! Given that it's been a while since I followed her career, I had no idea she was suffering the effects of Lyme Disease. Thanks for bringing her up. *** And now it totally makes sense why a friend heard her speak at a chronic illness event!
  19. I can't watch this show without picturing Delia weeping and saying... "It's nice to meet you. I'm MRS. JULIA GIULIA!!!" Maybe that's why she didn't want to marry him? OOOH! OOH! Or maybe Adam Sandler sent the pictures!
  20. The little scene with Yolanda and David: "I packed your suitcase." "You didn't have to do that... Oh wait, you REALLY didn't have to because I already did it." "Tee hee! It's all I can do for you." If I were in my fifties--heck, at my own age!--and someone repacked my suitcase unbidden... That would get super old, super quick.
  21. "Yo is me" :) But did you see Yo's face during the hug? It was a "haha, won THIS round" crap-eating grin.
  22. Yolanda is RXHAUSTING. The "R" was a typo but I'm leaving it. Did she really say she had a problem with Brandi's "sorrys"?
  23. I am in agreement that Lisa deliberately left that photo out for them to see.
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