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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. First thought was: "this Moulin Rouge party reminds me more of the Bridget Jones Tarts and Vicars party, minus the vicars."Taylor looked like a painting -- and not a pretty one. Whaddaya bet Lisar's "conversation" is her own chatter with random internet people? Not thrilled that she tries to exonerate herself and throw Lisav under the bus. (Not that Lisav didn't engage in the conversation about Yolanda's kids, but Lisar just seemed all ready to play the "concerned" card and get the heat on someone else.)
  2. Hilariously--on this very page I now have an ad for Wingstop. I'm not a wing connoisseur, but I think Wingstop is pretty good, and has locations all over California. I mean, maybe not the best ever, but decent. But you don't wear hot pants (or spray-tan-colored nylons, for that matter) to work at Wingstop, so Brittany's wardrobe is probably not up to par.
  3. That's along the lines of what I was thinking. $900 is kind of a random number to ask for. I figured it was to pay for a very specific debt or something, but your scenario makes sense as well.
  4. That got to me, too. Because there's no middle ground between "bore" and "drunk"? And if you're ALREADY referring to your husband's non-drunk personality as "boring," within the first year of marriage, shouldn't THAT be something you take a look at? Rather than the wacko drinking program you have him on? Like, get him REAL treatment, and do some self-exploration yourself? Stassi revenge-dated Frank, who worked at SUR, in the first(?) season, after she broke up with Jax. Lisa got rid of him because he was a jerk.
  5. I missed this too. I always watch for it in the movie.Not that this production had to match the movie, but it would've been a nice subtle homage.
  6. That episode felt like two hours long. The return of the snarky cooks! Yay! Yeah, Lala. Drug dealers. They're SO HOT. I wanna have TJ's hummus and cerveza with Kristen! lolz (It's like that feature in US: "stars: they're just like the rest of us!") She's AWESOME, everyone!!! I want that confidence! I kinda zoned out after that. Cheater dude zzzzzz Scheana Self-congratulatory drunky dinner zzzzzzzzzz Muppet Baby undies zzzzzzz "You HATE ME, Lisa!" Zzzzz saw that part in the previews a million times.
  7. I loved the final bows. Do they always have stageshow-style curtain calls on these live-for-TV musicals?
  8. Yes, definitely the looks (and moreso the styling). For me, it's the faux-James-Dean thing--plus the association with Fox. Nothing to do with singing and dancing. The dance numbers have been great.
  9. Vanessa Hudgens--cast solely for the High School Musical hat tip?--was truly admirable in what she pulled off, emotionally. I can't even imagine. I think Hough has been fine, and Carly Rae's been great. Yes to this, and... Haha, THIS. Came here to post this and knew someone on the earlier watch would've seen it, too :) Maybe she's looking at all the students and thinks she's at Rydell Junior College?
  10. This bugged me the whole episode! I'm American and I say "macaron"! Well, I say "macaroon," too... When I refer to the coconut cookies.
  11. Kyle, stop trying to make Faye happen! It's not going to happen! ;)
  12. I KIND of get it. I don't think she's saying she refuses to move on. To me it sounded like Faye never even acknowledged that she'd upset Lisa... Faye just wanted to move on, no harm no foul, without copping to her part in the matter. Kind of like Katherine at the table. If Faye would at least say, "You know, I was really wrong in what I'd done and I am sorry for the effect it had on people," I think others would--well, maybe not TRUST her, but at least be willing to move forward in a state of detente. As it stands, she wants to just go on ahead and let others wave her through because it's "been a long time". I wouldn't stand for that either. IMO Lisav did kind of admit that she was wrong about Brandi, with the side comment about choosing Brandi over others: "Well look how that turned out" (or something of that nature... have to re-watch for exact quote). But yeah, it wasn't some big mea culpa, as she generally tries to get out of others. YMMV :) This side convo is making me LOL. All I can think of is my friend who is irritated by every single thing her co-worker does. The "things" get smaller and smaller each time. I think she's even mentioned her food-crunching habits (crackers!). She would relate!
  13. LisaV must have the designated pot stirring role this season. She was LITERALLY sipping tea asking Katherine about her age and husband!!! I kind of felt for Yolanda getting grilled at the BBQ (pun initially unintended). And I think she looked fine for the party. I don't think anyone would've expected her to get dolled up. And I felt for everyone else who got TMC Faye Resnick thrusted at them during that party. As Lisav said--convenient for HER to just move on and feel "uncomfortable"!
  14. The moral of this story? Do not leave your Jax unattended on the beach. Or at the hotel. Or at the airport. Or anywhere. This has been your TSA warning.
  15. "Dear Scheana, help me accept the watermelon bowls I can drink, the Fireball handles I cannot, and the wisdom to know the difference." ETA: I thought she looked great on WWHL but she looked off on the show itself, especially in that scene in Kristen's apartment. The white clothes and the bleached hair washed her out. IMO :)
  16. Not that this show or its stars always makes sense, but perhaps checkout was noon and they had to get out... Then wait around?
  17. A true choke-on-my-teevee-snax moment. He forfeited the right to play the weeping ingenue a couple decades ago.
  18. You guys made me laugh more than Vanderpump Rules tonight. That's saying something! ;) The Lifetime movie adaptation! Can't stop laughing at this one. Except Yolanda's the one with all the pills this time!
  19. I know the "b" in the title of this episode is supposed to refer to Stassi, but really? It seemed to refer to Scheana. Seriously, the way she spoke to Tom ("My problems aren't your business, but YOURS are MINE"... OK not a direct quote, a bit of a paraphrase); the revelation that she passed Stassi's video around for kicks; the minimal responsibility she CONTINUES to take for the Eddie debacle... wow. And of course, that's not to mention the way she treats and speaks to her own husband. I'd be more upset if I didn't recognize that at some point, she'll have a reckoning of some kind.
  20. Yolanda is also working on an album! Yep, it was her last project with My Love. She worked on an adaptation of Adele's "Hello." I got a snippet of the first stanza. Hello, my loves, it's me I was wondering if after all these months you'd like to meet For a coffee by my bedside They say that Lyme's supposed to heal, yah But I ain't done much healing HELLO ALL MY HOLLYWOOD FRIENDS I suppose I will see you again To tell you all the wrong things you've done But I tell you it doesn't tear you apart Anymore
  21. Cleansing and Instagramming: and Other Yolanda Tales of Success, With a Twist of Lyme
  22. Duke2081 mentioned TWOP--Television without Pity (a defunct site)--but I think Previously.tv was meant. :) I don't think we really mind deep topics... I don't even mind coverage of disease. It's HOW they have done it. It becomes an all-consuming, is-this-true-or-not narrative that sucks a lot of the air out of the show. Another good (sad) example is Camille's divorce. That was real as all get out, but IMO it wasn't sensationalized. On the other hand, Yolanda's illness is basically* her whole storyline. That's when it becomes less interesting to me.
  23. Thanks for the heads up... I had no idea! I better cancel my plans now!
  25. ...Like a senior-citizen version of VICI on Small Wonder?
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