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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Here's another idea for a spinoff: "Douche Canoe." Guess who's at the helm!
  2. Molly Ringwald AND a joke about the fake Lee Radziwill Twitter account? This show is the best :) (Why did I think last week was the finale? I thought I saw that...)
  3. Oh goody! Maybe we can look forward to Below Deck: Catalina Island and Below Deck: Havasu Booze Cruise.
  4. Along with Judge not, lest ye be judged. Pun intended but it fits ;) Unless it's "judgy eyes not, lest ye be judgy-eyed." ;)
  5. It was subtle but there -- Tamra and Sarah arrive, the camera shows a line of ladies in Japanese dress, then GONG. Then Tamra says hi, and then GONG and they bow. Bow, GONG. Bow, GONG. EYE ROLL. Surprised they didn't play the Asian riff too. And it was Kelly who said the thing about her shoes being snake, don't let them be stolen. So apparently Kelly says things like that. Why am I not surprised?
  6. The heck with the GONG as they entered the restaurant? I was expecting Long Duk Dong to pop out.
  7. It's hard to make a felon look like the winner in a conversation but congrats, Jaq, you did it! Teresa is definitely... Teresa and all that entails, but Jaq is a mess who just loves to cause problems. Teresa WAS cute with Nic, though.
  8. You guys! Last weekend I was at a friend's party, which was hosted in a fancy pants high rise. (High-rise fancy pants... Hmmm... A boutique item for Kyle?) Anyway, I overheard someone refer to the driveway as a "porte-cachere" and then I could not stop throwing the term around. ("Excuse me, which way to the porte-cachere?" "Oh, is that my car in the porte-cachere?") I'm so glad Heather enlightened me to the proper term. Who knows what the concierge would've thought if I called it the driveway.
  9. Don't you mean Skinnygirl TM Chocolate? ;) Mmmmmmm. Seeeeeeeeeeee's.
  10. Wow. Carole and Teresa have many things in common. Books, and excellent elocution.
  11. Good gravy. Did I hear Sonja and Carole refer to the situation at the party as a "worldwind"?
  12. Anyone else watch The Soup and remember that "Stephanie Pratt: Unlikely Voice of Reason" bit/jingle? That goes through my head every time I think about Tamra this season. "Tam(uh)ra Judge: Unlikely Voice of Reason. Tam(uh)ra Judge..."
  13. Agreed. That segment seemed really genuine and cute. Brianna's kids were cute. Heck, I even enjoyed Brianna for a minute.
  14. Did they hire Kelly to balance out the fact that Tamra is getting more likable? During that coffee (wine) date, I coulda sworn I saw VPR Kristen and Katie in the background. Did I mention that Kelly is wholly unlikeable?
  15. Reza is going to learn this lesson the hard way sometime.
  16. Hey! I know what I'll do! Spring a disgusting surprise attack on someone who's known to go from 0 to violent in .02 seconds! If I get lucky, maybe she'll have one of her giant knives on her! Reza is lucky Shervin was there to grab on to GG so forcibly. Like rest of you there's no way I would condone violence--GG needs serious help. But Reza is just nasty.
  17. "Below Deck vacation... The antidote for socialization..."
  18. I can't honestly recall if Vicks said "love" or "loved," but that call didn't sound past-tense at all to me. It was very reflexive--like, the first chance she got, she called him. I know we're talking about Vicki here, but I would guess that most normal people who were either livid at an ex or completely over said ex would not ring them up so readily, expecting the ex to intervene and defend them. I mean, you might mutter about it to yourself and friends, like, "I can't believe that jerk is still causing me problems," but not "get on the stick and prove to these people that I am a loving and honest woman who in no way participated in any cancer scam." My thoughts on David/Vicki: I think David thought he WAS defending Shannon when she asked him to go defend her in that other fight. Like dang woman, how many battles can I fight for you at once? Let me fight the original one I can't stand first. LOL
  19. Oy, these people. This show. Remember when it was kind of fun and funny? I mean, it's been a while, but that's pretty much gone. However, I *would* be all in on a "Real Housewives: Tommy Edition" rerun each week. (Think "social edition" with THs featuring Tommy edited in.) His comments on Ramona and Jac would be gold, Jerry! Gold! all things considered, I was surprised to see a Fiji Water ad during the show...
  20. It bugged me that Ben told Danny needed a job that gave him freedom. How many jobs, professional and entry-level ones at least, give you that much freedom? "Meet and greet guy who answers to no one" is a tough position to come by, and I don't think Danny really deserves to have a job that caters to his sense of entitlement. But maybe Ben meant something else with regard to freedom... Other than "no manager, no responsibility except to do what you feel like while others work"?
  21. Danny's use of that term was just so... Danny. And yes, Danny. I hate when someone tells me I do a good job. If I were subpar, there'd still be room for improvement! Beautiful!
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