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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. As an audience we have not seen the behavior LVP is accused of-the actual conversations. We may see the result. And maybe that's it. We see Brandi being... Brandi. If you (like me, in earlier seasons) find Kyle attention seeking and kind of smug, you see it on screen. You see Yolanda and her quack stuff. You see Rinna and Eileen complaining about apologies they deserve. LVP's behavior is less (not totally, but less) visible, and for many her tendency to act as though she's rising above it is more appealing than watching Eileen complain, again, that she didn't get an apology.
  2. I feel like both Bethenny and Brandi have rabid defenders; both (IMO) do some obnoxious and/or heinous things that still get defended or deflected by a certain contingent of their fan bases. Perhaps not as large as LVP, but maybe. Especially Beth. I like LVP, though I certainly wouldn't defend every little thing she does, or deny it either. (For example, her joke about Vince was 100% unnecessary and tacky.) But it's a little like choosing which of the Vanderpump Rules characters is your favorite. You watch and you sort of end up rooting for someone, even though you realize that you can't wholeheartedly root for any one of them because they're all varying shades of gross. If you defend one, there's always an asterisk. The current BH HW are not as heinous, but they aren't that great either. So I'll sit here and "like" Lisa because for some reason she appeals to me (it must be the sangria), even though IRL I'd be irritated by how calculating she is. Nah, I'm with you. I'm not Buddhist, but I think using religious symbols as party decoration is thoughtless (as in, not deeply thought out) at best, and disrespectful at worst. LVP has a bunch of religious statues at SUR, and the only religion in there is probably someone wearing True Religion jeans.
  3. Well, it certainly stunned some of them. But perhaps not as intended... The other day, I was watching a BBC retrospective of Top of the Pops, and to introduce ABC they actually showed LVP's face (from the "Poison Arrow" video) before they showed the band, which I found kind of humorous. Anyway, I was struck by how LVP still looks pretty similar--and this episode/conversation just reinforces that. Similar hair. Similar demeanor. And she kinda looked old-ish then, so her current-day appearance isn't all that different.
  4. Haha, yes, her weird specific language about not dating "*a* married human" popped to mind for me, too. Here's my question: Just who approached Ariana about a book? If they still had to shop it around to publishers, it can't be all that firm of a deal. So FI should make a few videos of his own, write up a book proposal, and drop trou in a publisher's office on his own behalf. Ariana's "I'm not a (dirty) salesperson" comment rankled me. Lady, you're an actress/"comedienne," featured on a reality tv show, working as a bartender in restaurants owned by a reality TV star. (A) You DO have to sell yourself, daily, in your job as it is; (B) why is what you do morally superior to being a salesperson? That she should somehow have to condescend to "sell" (i.e. convince someone to buy her book for publication) was further example of her arrogance. In fact, if she refuses to "sell" herself even after the book published, it would flop (and would probably be part of a celebrity book contract anyway). "Grumpy Cat's Hipster Cocktail Hour, With Photos" isn't going to fly off the shelves by itself; she needs to convince people who don't know who she is--AND those who watch VPR--to buy this thing. Simply existing isn't a marketing plan. Of course, FI's eager reply, "I am!" kinda made up for her snottiness ;)
  5. The Return of Stassi's BIRRRTHDAYYY!!!!!!! Oh boy. For clarification, which Tom? BOTH are emotional, LOL FI has been slightly cute to me lately. Shoot me now (*said in Bugs Bunny voice*). I mean, I would never go NEAR him to date him, but, he's growing on me. ETA: OH MY GOSH, he just freaking called Ariana out as having a rep as Grumpy Cat. I called it a couple seasons ago. I now flove him, it's required; he totally reads the boards. Hi, Sandoval!
  6. "It's not going to end well" = "his wife is going to be on the next season of RHOBH and they're going to force a crossover episode featuring an awkward conversation between the two of them at the top of the 2nd hour." ;)
  7. I was watching SNL and in one of the skits (about a bookstore focusing on romance novels), one of the authors was named "Feather Dubrow." This can't be a coincidence because I think Aidy (who was the main female character in the skit) is a big Housewives fan. A little thing, but I LOL'ed anyway :)
  8. Agree re: paragraph 1. Paragraph 2: that's one thing that also bugs me about Rinna and, to an even greater degree, Eileen. Their drooling over Erica's fabulosity is ridiculous. They act like preteen girls who want to be Taylor Swift. I don't really even mind Erica that much, but I *do* mind that E and LR are so effusive in their compliments, and it doesn't feel genuine.
  9. I seriously hope that this whole season isn't going to consist largely of Eileen and Rinna discussing, predicting, and analyzing their interactions with LVP past, present, and future.
  10. Oh, that's right: Degrassi had a next generation too. For some reason Star Trek TNG popped to mind. So then, yeah. I guess FI is Snake... once the wonderful guitarist of Zit Remedy... now babysitting/humoring the goofballs that run the halls of SUR.
  11. So, in this scenario, is James Screech?
  12. Some may say so--I've seen criticism about her basically since the show started. I didn't really become as bothered by it until this season (she paled in comparison to the others!), but now she seems to get worse each episode, and the wedding is bringing it into relief. Schwartz's attitude about the wedding is totally tiresome and annoying, but I don't think the particular incidence of him saying "let's get a Porsche and skip the wedding" was a slam worthy of Katie's dramatic reaction. I mean, you'll have the Porsche for years--a wedding is an (expensive, if you're buying personalized tea towels) one-day deal. Don't get me wrong; I personally find weddings very important, so I'm not devaluing them. But even I might joke about the cost of a wedding being comparable to a Porsche so hey, let's buy this car and drive it to Napa by ourselves and just elope.
  13. I loved Jax's impression of DJ James doing his thing at Applebee's.
  14. Speaking of celebrities who are everywhere... I was enjoying the new Target holiday ad, which begins a dress rehearsal of the "show" all the toys are putting on. I was literally thinking "I really like this. It's nice to enjoy these commercials this year." So then, the director kid stops the show and says, "This is missing something... a star!" Then John Legend pokes his head in, and I know what's coming. Yippee, the next commercial will feature (surprise!) Chrissy Tiegen! Yay! And by "Yay!", I mean groooooooooooaaaaaaaannnnn. She wasn't even *in* this ad, and I'm preemptively tired of the next commercial already.
  15. That's what's odd. They definitely play the song long enough, and if you know the song you know the missing phrase. It's almost as though they want it to be an inside joke. And the phrase "where is my mind?" seems appropriate for VR and the effect they're going for in the ad.
  16. I can't tell if this is an intended or unintended message. In the ads for those Samsung VR thingys, they use the Pixies' "Where is My Mind?" Lyrics: Except that the song stops right before the lyrics "where is my mind?" Why leave that out? Are they assuming that the US population knows "where is my mind?" and will say, "ooh, that VR thingy must be *mind blowing*"? Or did they decide, "yeah, the line about your head collapsing is *fine*, but we don't want to outright *say* 'where is my mind?'"
  17. I was just watching the video for "Strip" by Adam Ant, and 8 months ago someone commented: "Tom and Ariana from Vanderpump Rules should do a remake of this video." I LOL'ed because the randomness of it (I imagine the convergence of Adam Ant fans and VPR watchers can't be all *that* huge, haha). but the person kinda had a point. I mean, at least FI would have fun with it. ...was it one of you? ;)
  18. Nah, you have to go to the Lumbar Yard to get a pillow for that. :)
  19. Never fear. I think you have to live in Infomercial Black and White World for that to happen :D Either that, or work in a large office where no one takes responsibility for cleaning up their own mess in the kitchen.
  20. It's as if Stassi, Kristin, and Katie think the movie Mean Girls is a Lynda.com how-to on social behavior rather than a wry look at cliques and what we regret about teen girls' behavior.
  21. I agree that Katie and Schwartz should have reconsidered, at the very least getting things worked out before marrying. Katie is REALLY getting nasty and Schwartz just gets more and more passive. And yet, that therapist. She was basically telling Schwartz what to do (and kinda looked like she wanted to drop him her digits too). Not professional. On a hair note: Stassi's hair is super brassy; she needs a chamomile rinse or something. And *small voice* I still kinda love FI's hair. Except in man bun mode. Plus he still has he best lines (James is "A *LOT* indeed.)
  22. Thanks for the advice. I am certain that I already do a bang-up job of cleaning the microwave but this is just so goofy it's hard for me to resist. I love the shots of Angry Mama supervising the wipe down of the microwave.
  23. I'm obsessed with the ridiculousness that is Angry Mama, a perpetually grimacing piece of plastic which steam-cleans the microwave with vinegar (I think). I know there are other ways of accomplishing this, but it's just so silly I'm tempted to pick it up. Anyone tried it?
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