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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. LVP's reactions were great, and felt very genuine... trying to set Eden straight. But my favorite part was the edited-in reactions from the ducks and ponies.
  2. It was hilarious. He was acting like he was Calvin Harris at Hakkasan.
  3. I get that but it just makes Brittany's Mom seem even shadier/there for the cameras.
  4. Wasn't Brittany's Mom a big fan of this show? How did she not know about all of the stories (true and apocryphal) surrounding Jax? And I know this is all scripted/planned out, but... if I were a parent and my adult daughter was going to her crazy friends' birthday parties, I would probably say "Go ahead, I'll stay in and read" (or whatever)... even if I was only there for a visit. So, I'm not buying her church lady stuff... I think she wants to be in the mix with these people but for some reason wants to portray herself as the Protective Kentucky Mama Bear. Yeah I admit that a week or two ago I thought she was funny, but now I just feel like something is rotten in WeHo.
  5. I'm on board with BatTom and birthday donuts. Also laughing at Scheana being so upset that this year was all about Katie's wedding. Um, I recall a season filled with YOUR wedding, lady. Came here to say that!! At about the halfway mark it looked like Scheana was folding one of Katie's invita-towels. ETA Scheana "literally" lost her voice when she became friends with Stassi et al. So why am I still hearing her vocal fry and how does she have the vocal cords to complain--even to Katie--about the expense of the shower?
  6. Dorit knows Boy George? Knock me over with a feather and call me Jon Moss!
  7. Right? At least Peter could ostensibly get work on a variety of projects as he gains skills; the likelihood of a career breakthrough in a band or as an actor at 30+ is much lower... As for fashion? They need to ask Sonja Morgan or Adrienne Maloof how that usually works out ;) I could see Sandoval as a salesperson. Without the albatross of Schwartz he'd probably rep pretty well.
  8. I'm now picturing Lala as the primary on a future episode of Below Deck. She has a mystery funder and is accompanied by a bunch of LA Insta stars (not ugly and with boobs, of course). Bring back Danny and Bobby, and it'll be a legendary episode.
  9. I've been puzzling over who she's referring to--as you say, if you're offended by Erika Jayne, wouldn't you be equally offended by, say, Ariana Grande, Lady Gaga, or some other more prominent female star? (In other words, someone much more notable.) The pop landscape isn't exactly full of Doris Day wannabes at this moment. The only thing I can figure is that she is referring to some of Tom's friends. Because why expend that kind of energy on EJ otherwise? (Or she's just hyping herself) Erika doesn't really register for me (in other words I don't feel strongly about her) But, I'm more surprised by how small her sense of humor is.
  10. I'm not really stoked to be treated to another reading from the DSM-LR (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders-Lisa Rinna edition). Last year with the Hausenmausen, this year with Enabler. Is she dying for one of those commercials: "I'm not a therapist, but I play one on TV."
  11. Oh my. I honestly totally missed that. (I'll blame my meds.) Hilarious. On any other day, I'd have been sarcastic about it too!
  12. LOL, did they show it and I totally spaced? Admittedly I was a little distracted/out of it... No no, I'm there too!
  13. That's a rather apt description...
  14. For the most part it stayed wrapped, so I couldnt really see. I have to assume that it was smooshed per usual. I don't think I have ever had a Taco Bell meal that wasn't. I thought it was a pretty funny idea, though. (And was that *rose* tequila?) The dude dinner at the Mexican joint is what got me jonesing. I wonder where they went.
  15. I get that. And I'm sure that "fight about the NDA" was on the shot list for that scene. But I guess I don't see her particular reaction as all that awesome. Not that I think Stassi is great, at all. I'm all for shutting her down. I just don't find that Ariana's brand of smugness is superior to the coven's. (It was, however, hilarious the way they showed Stassi et al swooping out the door after that interaction.)
  16. Seriously are there NO other restaurants in LA? Lala HAD to know that some drama (and tabloid discussion) would come about as a result of a visit to SUR. Also, so happy to see that Kristen has turned over a new leaf so much that the leaf turned right back over again...
  17. I get that on an "etiquette" level it makes sense for Ariana to be there, but on a friendship level? Not really. She doesn't seem to really like or care about Katie--which is understandable--yet she always makes such a show about how above any of these situations she is, and that gets old quick. IMO Stassi was right when she said that Ariana is making up her own rules when it comes to the wedding stuff -- which is her prerogative, I guess, but it doesn't really demonstrate, to me, anything that makes her more admirable in this instance. She may not have predicted who'd be there months before the shower... but it was obvious by the time the party rolled around, so she basically does need to deal with it, as crazy as it's getting. The whole NDA conversation was dumb and pretty preposterous, but I'm 100% over Ariana's overall "cool girl" act. If you have to tell me how cool and smart and funny you are... meh. She's not as horrendous as some of the other girls, but her attitude is so off putting to me that I can't bring myself to like her even if she does occasionally say something that makes rational sense. Takes one to know one? (too easy? ;)
  18. Brittany's mom is pretty cool. But what on earth outfit was Brittany wearing when she came over/went to the shower? It was like a "Sexy MC Hammer" Halloween costume. Especially since the dress code seemed to be "Coachella Chic." Other than that... and the grandma decor of the rental... the shower looked like it could've been fun. That is, if Ariana hadn't been there. If she's so above these girls, why go to their parties? Speaking of "going to stuff for screen time..." I love that these people all assume that "if LaLa hadn't said she'd go on Ariana's RV Birthday Party, I would've had a spot." Two weeks ago, Scheana. This week, James. For real, if you were really wanted... they would've made a way.
  19. I didn't see the second ep yet, but came here just to see what was cookin' (see what I did there? Har har har). The "d'Arabian" caught my attention in the first episode, but I thought "nah, they wouldn't have done that." My bad! They just should have had her on with Bobby "McButter" Deen and had him crack a nepotism joke. Ah well, it's all batter under the bridge now. But I did get a kick out of envisioning Charlotte as the FN version of Tori Spelling. "My name is Larlotte. Larlotte d'Arab...d'Arabino. I am not related to anyone you know and yes, I fully expect to get on the show on my own merits, why do you ask?"
  20. Thank you PumpkinPK and Sun-Bun for the tips! I can watch VPR on Hulu but you can't even *stream* GG on Amazon. You have to buy it! I want to watch it again but I don't know that I $20-need to, lol
  21. I miss Gallery Girls. I get the theme song stuck in my head occasionally. It's not available (legally) online, is it? I went to our local "edition" of Art Miami and hoped I'd run into them. Alas, no. (It was pretty amazing anyway)
  22. Eileen is exhausting. "It's not over!" said she who demands ten apologies. "Shut up, Dorit!" said she who brings the same stuff up at every turn.
  23. I think what Jax said is a little telling -- he said Brittany is becoming more like an LA girl and it annoyed him. Not that I care if Jax is annoyed ;) But -- If she *just* wanted to move to LA for Jax, then she probably wouldn't have assimilated quite so quickly.
  24. In previous seasons, he WAS a douche. The way he handled his relationship with Kristen was douchey. His mactor-ing and his flat iron usage were both so humorless. And yet I'm with you. This season he's been pretty funny and thoughtful. He's coming across as more intelligent and insightful. And he's pretty genuine. It was so interesting to see him get so pissed at Ariana during the "people (meaning *us*, lol) call you Grumpy Cat" conversation. I'm no Ariana fan, but I do think that breaking up with Kristen did him good. Right? When Kristen was concerned that she might encounter a luau-like situation, with a whole cooked pig, I got it. I'm not veg and that's... a lot. But she pretty much moved on, and was fine at the clambake. They asked her if she would ever try (something) and she was like "no way"--that's her natural reaction as a vegetarian. Scheana OTOH doesn't like seafood because it's "hard work," and was unafraid to repeat it anyone and everyone.
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