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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Agreed. But... HAS she hid it? She was terrible to Alexis, terrible to first season Shannon, terrible to the bow-eating girl. She's no screecher a la Vicki or Tamra, but she's def a mean snob (which, to your point, isn't as immediately obvious as someone who runs cancer scams or who nastily stirs the pot. lol
  2. I wish I could tell Tamra that Christian forgiveness does NOT require that you HAVE to keep accepting someone's garbage over and over again. She'd be within her rights to say "Vicki, I forgive you, but you continue repeating the same hurtful behavior, and I need some time before I can fully embrace our friendship again." I get that part of this is driven by the show (in that they HAVE to interact), but on a personal level, she shouldn't feel as though she needs to put herself in Vicki's line of fire. She's not a positive influence. She's not family. She's a coworker. Do what you need to for "business" and move on. In other news: - Heather is definitely a Heather. Mean and catty. No need for *her* to get in Kelly's face like that. - Shannon is striving to be gracious, which is admirable. - Vicki is awful. I did feel bad that she left Kelly out to dry just so that she could retain her spot on the show (I mean, "repair her relationships with the other women"). - Kelly, you can't spill secondhand secrets and expect people not to keep their distance. Geez. It doesn't matter that you heard them from someone else! That almost makes it worse! (And I won't get into that so-open-it-was-blurred getup you had on when Vicki came over.) I wish Tamra all the best. I hope she gets back on and stays on her more positive path.
  3. Hmm. Is Kelly *Dodd* really Kelly DDOD (Distributed Denial of Service)???
  4. Tom Hanks as Chris Wallace really made the sketch for me. The debate (for me) was kind of meh, but "Chris's" reactions were gold.
  5. "Fans can rest easy that she'll be returning"? Kelly has fans? I'm disappointed about Lizzie. I liked her.
  6. My Kyle fanfic is that he's really Shia LaBoeuf pulling one over on us all.
  7. Interesting theory, that Kyle wants to actually be in a relationship with the trashy (har har) mother of his daughter. As I mentioned later... I think I missed him saying that. Seems a little excessive to me (unless he's just basically saying, I provide support so that she can raise the girl without worrying about work), but it's certainly generous. "Noble" I tend to reserve for things like, he's contributing to a fund to help raise the child of a buddy who died in the war or something. A situation in which he has no personal stake other than caring. YMMV
  8. Well I'd agree with you there -- that *is* above and beyond the call of duty. I probably missed it if he said it. Even so, he still is far more involved than many other "bin shed dads" and I give him credit for that. And he said he made it happen because he's a "romancer." Hahaha, ew. (Kyle is an odd duck but in many ways he seems like an ok guy, especially compared to some of the chumps we've seen on Below Deck & BD: Med.) As an aside -- if you late interested in hotel life, you might want to read "Heads in Beds." It's a good (not great) book, but it's interesting.
  9. Yeah, Kyle is perhaps not ideal long term material (at least now). But he does seem genuinely concerned about his daughter so I will give him that. (Didn't he say they talk pretty regularly, or am I thinking of someone else?)
  10. Ok. Just saying, Google failed me on it, as it did on "Alaskan face."
  11. That's kind of what I figured but google was, once again, of no help. #kyletheungoogleable
  12. Sierra, it's not "noble" for Kyle to provide for "the mother of his child"; he's being a responsible *father* of *his* child. Oy. But who knows, she may still surprise us with a second head. :p
  13. Even Motley Crüe might have fared better than this motley crew.
  14. DJ, I'd like to dedicate a song to my TV friends Shannon, Tamra, Heather, Meghan, Vicki, and especially Kelly. Can you play Mary J Blige's "No More Drama"? I love KISS-FM! What did I just watch? - 5 minutes of beautiful scenery - 7 minutes of Kelly saying "I didn't do anything" over breakfast to Meghan - 7 minutes of Tamra and Vicki predictably freaking out over animals - 4 minutes of Vicki predictably draping herself over the nearest man - 7 minutes of Heather and Shannon trying to get Kelly to drink (seriously, what WAS up with that? Messed up, and I usually like Shannon) - 14 minutes of screeching and low-light smartphone shakycam - Plus, a Fireball cameo
  15. I now have that Shaggy song in my head, Vicki version... "it wasn't me!"
  16. Thank you for being sick of that commercial! Or at least mentioning it here. ;) I've been wondering why I'm supposed to know who she is... I mean, I got that she was "someone" because of the one that ends with "celebrity endorsements are the WORST! *wink*" but it fell flat because I had no idea who she was. And frankly I was too lazy to google. The ad doesn't really bother me otherwise, but I was annoyed at myself for not getting the joke ;)
  17. A local casino used that and I, too, got sick of it. It's weird when you only hear one piece of the song and suddenly hear the whole thing. That used to happen to me when they sold compilation albums on TV. Though I did have fun singing just those parts in order ("if you like pina coladas! And getting caught in the rain!/I'm never gonna let you go... I'm gonna hold you in my arms forever.../ooooooh, I hear laughter in the rain, walking hand in hand something something..."
  18. And it's finally a NEW J'adore ad! For that reason I wondered if it was a new version of the perfume (e.g. "J'adore Myself" or something).
  19. Dear Vicki, what kind of Christian force-feeds her friend booze so she (the forcer) can have fun... and then backs off when the consequences (Fightin' Tamra) come around?
  20. "This has nothing to do with me, so I'm staying out of it." Oh Vicki, you're so funny. Like that's ever stopped you. "No offense, hillbillies." Ok that did make me lol. Otherwise Vicki can lose me with her attempts at ingratiation, and Kelly can lose me with the "They're so Meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeean to meeeeeeeeeeee!" Shannon seems like a good friend. Her conversation in the bus with Tamra was kind and truly empathic. On a positive note, it looks like those crazy Vanderpump kids are well behaved!* *At least compared to Kelly and Vicki.
  21. I always laugh at this because I typically AM looking at my phone or iPad. :)
  22. Lizzie? That one doesn't make sense. She was a fairly decent person. And was she friends with Vicki? I didn't think so. Anyway, maybe she was just being nice. That's the only reason I can think of.
  23. One dark night, when we were all in bed... Mrs. Dubrow left a lantern in the shed... The cow kicked it over, and Miss Gunvalson said... "That cow should've brought me a casserole!"
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