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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Ew. No. Well, on the bright side, my appetite for a late-night snack has waned....
  2. This is why we love Cap'n Lee. Would Captain Mark ever say "Screw the pooch" or "Hashtag get me out of here"? Also I noticed a bunch of H's on the blankets, pillows, etc. Were those left over from the SS Honda?(AKA the Honor from season 1... The "logo" looked like the word "Honda," not "Honor") Looking forward to the season, though Stormy Weather and that douchey Trevor may get under my skin. But hey, if it were all smooth sailing (pun not really intended, sort of), this would be on the Travel Channel...
  3. He's pretty funny in the Pitch Perfect movies, but his character is more like a *caricature*, so it doesn't require a lot of nuance or naturalism.
  4. Didn't Brianna mention she wasn't feeling well in the phone call? Or something? I feel of two minds about this "Visiting Vicki in the Hospital" business. I mean, I kind of think Meghan should have gone, as it would've been a nice gesture... but then, I also think that she shouldn't have been *badgered* about going. It's not like Vicki is Meghan's ailing grandma on her dying bed... and yet, she *was* still a distance away at that hospital... so why didn't Meghan text or FaceTime her? (Maybe she did, I dunno.) I DO know that Vicki is going to milk this forever. I will not make light of the accident--it was extremely serious--yet I'm sure V recognized this as her Casserole Moment.
  5. I sure hope Kelly gets that vowel renewal ceremony.
  6. Lol, the ad bugged me so much I didn't care about the food anymore! If I'm thinking of the same Allstate ad, it is an actor. Adam DeVine. He plays Bumper in the Pitch Perfect movies.
  7. Devour. Tag line "food you want to fork." A commercial called "lunch spank." How is any of this appetizing?
  8. This was an awesome interview! My favorite part (not germane to this ep) was when he shared his feelings about Jesse. Oof. Some writers were. In their attempt to distance themselves from normal sugary PR driven mags, they often struck a very snarky (and sometimes sour) tone that was VERY different from most mainstream media (snark was very rare on tv/in mags back then). They would slam people they thought weren't cool and act like someone put a gun to their head to feature these people. (They had a particular contempt for Milla Jovovich, and they didn't like Shannen, either.) I totally remember this article and feeling conflicted. I didn't really care for Tiffani (well... Really, her characters on both SBTB and 90210), usually loved Sassy's outsider stance, and even at that I felt it was too much. I would venture to guess that some of the ill treatment stemmed from her time as a YM model--and Sassy was definitely the opposite of YM at the time. This was also a magazine that issued a "Cute Band Alert" for Guided by Voices, so there's that. Anyway I think this episode was the beginning of the end for me. In "real time" I was a year ahead of the 90210 gang in school--i.e. I'd been in college for a year longer than them--and all my friends who watched the show had gone to different schools, so there was no one to fuel my continued interest. I didn't read the Teen Beat type stuff so I didn't know all that much about Brenda leaving, so at the time it just seemed like a weird choice--especially because Saved by the Bell's own (ripoff) prime time college show flopped so hard. The change in *Tiffani's* character type was a surprise, though. Seeing her now on her cooking show, she definitely seems like a nice person, so she probably had a lot of fun playing Val.
  9. Have you all seen that Spike Jonze long-form Kenzo ad? The lady to (onscreen) right of the star at the very beginning... I recognized her, but couldn't put my finger on who it was... And finally realized it was Brandy Howard!
  10. It's just so depressing. I can't fathom being such a vile and nasty person. And now I'm having a mental debate. Who's worse: Brandi or Bethenny? Both are equally adept at throwing crap around, and then acting blameless as though crap can't stick to them. Like, she with the loudest voice wins.
  11. Why do these women hate Luann so much, to the point of being so horrible to her? I really don't get it. I mean, I am not in love with her, but the constant name-calling, and throwing things in her face... it borders... no, it crosses full on into neurotic territory. It's terrible.
  12. It kinda looks like she's used some of that highlighter/illuminating fluid, like Benefit HighBeam, along with her blush. It's very trendy right now and yeah, I can see how it might reflect as grey! That's all I got. Anything else happen this reunion? LOL
  13. Of course not! It's no Andale's! Maybe it was the editing but I swear I caught *Kelly* sizing Michael up.
  14. I just saw this part again, and she said something about acting like being a "higher archy." Oh, the malaprops on these shows. ETA Reading is Fundamental. That's exactly what AnitaKnight said. Sorry!! In addition, I LOL'ed that tonight was Vow Renewal Night on Bravo. I hope that David & Shannon's joy lasts longer than the Von Webers'!
  15. The end of this episode was just so brilliantly weird! Molly was great. OMO really hit its stride this season. I enjoyed the first season, but this season, the writing and characters were really sharp, and the cultural references perfect. I'm also glad that Vanessa had more character development this season, instead of simply being Jill's sounding board. Bravo, Bravo! If you can bring back Girlfriends' Guide to Unrealistic Storylines That Are Clearly the Writers' Own Wishful Thinking, you can bring back Odd Mom Out!
  16. LOL! I happened to tune in just in time for the Kanyeliloquy. It started out ok, then he was kind of riffing like a first-time podcaster who had to fill the last five minutes of his show. I have to say, it wasn't THAT bad, but it definitely didn't sound super prepared. Which, on reflection, sounds like Kanye--confident that he'd come across perfectly without polishing his speech. And Kim looked pretty with subdued makeup. *Checks out the window for pigs flying* But GEEZ people, a tshirt and a dress that looked like it was bought at Forever 21? Step it up a *little,* folks!
  17. I'm on my third or fourth watch (I know, I know) and each time, Bethenny and Ramona's scenery-chewing display in B's room gets more and more ridiculous. I can understand being conflicted over telling Lu this news. I can definitely understand how finding out about your spouse's infidelity via Page Six would be horrendous. But: "Booooooohooooohooooooooo" "Boooooohooooooooooohooooo!!!" "I know!!!! Booooooohhoooooo Page SIXXXX!!!!" "Booooohoooo hand me my terrible product-placed alcoholic beverage!!!!" It's worse acting than those knockoff teenage soaps I watched as a kid.
  18. The bartender was hairy! Didn't B say he had a big beard?
  19. I wanna know, do they sell these clutches at Bergdorf's or are these the kind of pocketbooks that Ramona resells to Marshalls?
  20. I do know the story but I don't have any personal connection to it. But thank you for your concern! My friends were just crazy guys who liked to drive around and try to see what was going on there. Which was usually nothing. :) I entered the lottery too! Thanks :) didn't realize the tours were free! I still have a sourpuss from having expensive tickets to another home tour and, thanks to bad directions, not even finding the house and missing the tour! Grr
  21. I'm from the area and I mostly remember Carolands as "the place my friends would drive by late at night, trying to get a look inside." The Hillsborough Concours d'Elegance had an opening event there. I wanted to go, but it was a little rich for my blood. I'll have to check out that lottery!
  22. It's *super* quick. She tells an anecdote about the price of shoes. But the movie as a whole is really interesting and it was a surprise to see her there! I got the movie via Netflix DVD.
  23. I don't know where this goes so I'll put it here... Last night I was watching a documentary called "Scatter My Ashes at Bergdorf's" and when they were talking about the shoe department, who should pop up for a quick talking head but Jill Kargman? She looked and sounded exactly the same as she does on the show.
  24. As many have note, these vow renewals are, more often than not, just for the cameras and basically harbingers of the end. But I was legit crying up a storm. It all seemed very genuine and sweet, from Shannon's reactions to the guests'. Just one question though. What was the point of having the first row of chairs empty if no one sat in them?
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