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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Here's my favorite part of Vicki'a blog: Who in the what now? "We all lie so Shannon is a liar"? She continues: Vicki to English translation: "She has hurt me (by telling the truth) and so now I'm going to share something devastating about her because I feel justified in doing so." i mean Vicki, REALLY. Maybe she wasn't *lying* so much as trying to preserve some shred of dignity for herself.
  2. If I needed another sign that you were My People, this would be it. I do this, too, especially when running around the house trying to get myself out the door. Have the Residence Inn ads with the young traveling employees been mentioned yet? The ones that make it look like SO MUCH FUN to travel for work? Like there isn't even any WORK involved, except for a conversation with beers by the pool? They're even worse than the ones I used to see, for another hotel, that used a really depressing version of "Good Day Sunshine" (which I'd always see before I had to travel...). Pages ago but Chrissy Tiegen bugs me, too. I saw her years ago on some Cooking Channel show. She made some big deal about her cookies and was making it REALLY clear that she was John Legend's Girlfriend. even then I was like, who is this unfunny try-hard woman?
  3. Oh totally... Different strokes and all. It's just a disconnect *for me* as I watch from home. Not used to seeing a girl who looks like her--which is to say, very young looking and not drop-dead gorgeous or even superficially "sexy"--(playfully) fought over... And she probably has a vibe in person that you don't pick up from TV, which plays into it as well.
  4. Pop Quiz! "Alaskan Face" describes an appearance or demeanor that is: a) Bearded, grizzled, and windburned--perhaps bear like b) Cold, rigid, and uninviting c) Nordic and smiley Still not getting all the guys' hype over Emily. She seems like a nice enough girl, good at her job, but she looks 16 so I'm still trying to figure out why the guys are slobbering all over her. Speaking of, Nico is messier than I thought.
  5. My thought on the truce was a bit different--my guess is that she did it to shut *Tamra and Heather* up. If I had to spend a trip abroad (or several more weeks/months filming) with two people in my party yammering at me to make nice when I'd already determined that I didn't want anything further to do with someone... I'd probably go ahead and make it look like I was having fun with her rather than listen to it. And then let the offender continue to hang herself with her own behavior. Knowing Vicki, the odds would be good that she would do just that... And then, as Shannon said in one of her talking heads, she could show that she was being the bigger person. In Shannon's mind, she may just be giving Vicki enough leash. I can't imagine that Vicki has anything on Shannon or David that would be THAT revelatory at this point, except that yes, it could be something bad that Shannon was trying to move past... And Vicki would spin it in the absolute worst light and bludgeon it to death. For that reason too, I'd make nice. Not because I was afraid, but because I'd want to spare myself and my family the drama that Vicki would cause. But other than that, I want Vicki iced out too! But there's still hope!
  6. Not precisely related to a Housewife, but: Yesterday (via Facebook) I saw a days-old news report about a Coto de Caza woman whose airline seat assignment was changed at the request of two men. I will not get into the heres and theres of that story (it has nothing to do with this topic), except to say my immediate reaction was, "I seriously hope it wasn't Vicki."
  7. I loved the little bit with Shannon and the family shopping for mattresses. I'm sure she really believes what she's saying about the toxins and such, but at the same time she seemed to be poking fun at herself (the talking heads where she's saying something like "thank goodness they have a mother who knows how to get the right mattress!"). I feel for Meghan and her depression. It's really sad that her DOCTOR (and Jimmy, but who can tell with him) brushes her off. Because it can't be said enough: Vicki is horrible. Insensitive, lying, accusatory, rude, altogether awful.
  8. Exactly... Ugh the commercials, but boy... I used to have a Panera on my route to work and it was such a treat to get the egg bacon and cheese breakfast sandwich and a coffee, and just hang out reading the paper, pretending I didn't have to go to work. LOL! I also would listen for which Smiths song I'd end up hearing. Almost every time, a different Smiths song. Odd.
  9. I agree. And I always wonder how the Deckies determine who's the hottest on the ship. I didn't see it with Tiffany and I don't see it with Emily (she looks so young to me!). But I agree, Lauren's adorbs. Hasn't Nico bantered with her?
  10. I've had a tree nut allergy since before it was cool* ;) and your guesses are basically what I've heard. Going by my family as a single sample, I know the nut allergy also got worse through the generations, progressing from "makes me a little itchy" in grandpa to "get me epinephrine, stat" in me, ever since I was a toddler. And grandpa was a farm boy, not fancy ;) Same likely goes for sensitivities--if you eat a lot of something, you can become more sensitized to it as time goes on. I've heard rumblings that that's what many gluten sensitivities (not Celiac, etc but other kinds) stem from--it's in so much, that you basically overexpose yourself and your body doesn't like it. Just theories I've heard/read about. I'm not JAMA, so take that for what it's worth! * Being facetious there... but 20-30 years ago these allergies were FAR less common, with few people understanding why I couldn't just pick the nuts off.
  11. ...and she's watched a lot of those specious food videos that make a bunch of unsubstantiated claims... This is precisely what I came here to comment on. Many people (including myself) have life-threatening allergies. Not only did she have the temerity to claim allergies she probably doesn't have (if you're allergic, you can't eat it, period point blank)... She then goes on to claim she's not picky. In sure she doesn't care how her behavior effects others. The Trevor tribute video on WWHL was everything! Now on next week's mystery... What is an "Alaskan Face"? I'm afraid to google. LOL
  12. Yes I felt for Meghan as well. I know someone who just got that news, and it truly is a hard thing :( So the last scene of Tamra in the previews was very troubling... but the real horror was the way that Kelly and her husband painted. What the heck? I'm no expert but I just finished painting a giant room and even I can tell that was like some phony baloney painting. LOL
  13. Thought I was done with Bethenny for the season... Alas... So I'm at Rite Aid tonight and I glance at the gossip rags. I look at the person on the cover and it's a barely recognizable (over airbrushed) Bethenny yakking about her divorce. And just now, I turned on "Beat Bobby Flay" and I hear this rapid-fire commentary over the scenes of the people cooking. GUESS WHO! I will say that neither Scott Conant nor the contestants (especially the contestants) seemed amused by Bethenny's comments.* Ugh. No newsstand, no TV is safe! *haha! Someone (Bobby or Scott... I wasn't watching at the time so I'm not sure which) told her she needs to stop drinking coffee!
  14. She was far more patient than most would have been with the regular fans (posing briefly for selfies with them)... And she was well within her rights to defend herself. How scary to be picked up by some random guy! *Signs self up for Krav Maga classes*
  15. Yes, kadooz to the person typing the chyrons. I also loved Nico's "Friend." Everyone makes mistakes but Sierra's TEE HEE HEE I MADE A BOO BOO AND FORGOT TO TURN THE IRON OFF, WHOOPSIES! has to be put on.... Right? RIGHT?
  16. My thought was that yeah, she's moving forward, even though things still sting--but the REAL upset was his MIL going around sneakily telling people she *doesn't even know*, *on camera*, that Shannon's *at fault* for the affair and woe is me, doesn't get to see the kids because *Shannon* doesn't like *her.*
  17. Where's Mike Brady and his briefcase when we need it! LOL I think that accident (the "loriffic" one, right Kels?) knocked a lot of the progress out of Tamra. Last week with the "go to hell," this week with her overall demeanor and tone. Not really very Christian to condemn someone to hell, Tams... Just saying... Totally agree re: Vicki's issues with Shannon potentially relegating her to FOH status. I had the same thought. But that dinner was everything! Oh my gosh, you are all right. Michael's reactions were fantastic. I need to see that again to catch some of his lines.
  18. Oh my gosh, to add to this list, that she goes around wearing one of the "What are you doing here without Dorinda!" shirts. I don't know why I find that so funny, but I do. I guess it just shows, IMO, that she has a sense of humor about herself. Very few of the HW, on any franchise, do. Maybe LVP and Shannon. And perhaps that's another reason that they're my faves. I don't love everything they do, but at least they can laugh at themselves.
  19. This ad bugs me too--for the reasons you mention AND for her demeanor. Understandably she'd be nervous. It's a realistic situation. But this particular actress, with her ill-fitting glasses and not-so-powerful power suit, comes across as *flaky* and inexperienced. The kind of person who'd go to a boss and say "Um, boss, I know I've been here, like, six months, but don't you, like, um, think I should be a MANAGER now? I mean, I like, show up on time and everything."
  20. I really wish Ramona hadn't started that trend of getting off the couch on these reunions... So contrived now. Dorinda's impression of a village idiot was one of the few things I've truly laughed at on these shows for a while! (The other is probably something Shannon did or said.) LOL! I've been pondering the similarities between Dorinda and LVP. On the surface they're not all that alike, but they're funny, sly, and they like to stir the pot and pretend they don't. They're far from perfect but I find them the most enjoyable. (Them, and Shannon. I like Jules but she took a while to come out of her shell... I am bummed she won't be back though.) LVP is still my top draft pick on my Fantasy Real Housewife Team, but Dorinda's my kicker. Or punter. Or some other sports metaphor.
  21. Haha! No, but I did wonder why she didn't order some sweats from a nearby Target and use the curbside pickup service to grab them. Throw in a neck brace, why not! Speaking of the neck brace, every time I see Vicki in it, I think of that Brady Bunch* episode where one of the kids gets in a car accident and the "victim," who sues, wears a neck brace. The kids figure out he's lying because someone drops a briefcase or something in the courtroom and he turns around to look. * Apologies to Meghan PI for the old-person TV reference
  22. blk water? I mean, I live on the other side of the country and I saw it at a sandwich shop once. Of course, I didn't buy it because I'm still not convinced it's anything but runoff gathered in late January from a freeway in Trenton... But I saw it...
  23. Barf. Who would film themselves wandering their old apartment boo-hooing like that? So phony. It's like Vicki on the OC. Yeah, bad stuff happened (injury/illness). But I'd feel more inclined to greater sympathy if either of them were genuine to begin with.
  24. Yes. Everything B does looks, sounds, and feels so phony baloney and ridiculous. And she IS awful. When Dorinda told B to back off re: Jules' divorce, did B really say, "Andy asked Jules a question, and I answered!" Or did I mishear that? Because if she did say that, hoo boy. And Carole came across so mean and catty. She IS a mean girl now. Jules FTW, with Dorinda a close second.
  25. When Kate said that, for someone so pretty, Sierra should be bitchier, I thought--oh no. She gets by on being pretty and sweet and "naive"! Being bitchy would ruin her way of making her way through the world.
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