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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Ugh. The fact that she and her team haven't set up a redirect does not bode well for her web expertise.
  2. Gizmo in the cart was the best thing I've seen on this show in a long time. Thanks for the screen cap in the recap, PTV!
  3. In my vast, pizza-eating experience, I have come to the conclusion that Round Table is a thing unto itself. I love it (though I admit I have had bad Round Table, and I just don't go to that RT anymore). It's the Last Honest Pizza. ;) My father, who was from NY, would only eat Round Table while in CA, and my assumption was that it was because it's absolutely nothing like NY pizza and so he couldn't compare it at all. The "NY Style" pizzas in CA were, for the most part, horrendous. As were the bagels. Literally, there's something in the NY water that makes those taste unique. (Just like sourdough in NY is a pale approximation... something in the air makes CA sourdough just so darn good.) Topic? My latest obnoxious campaign is the cheap-looking one for addiction specialists. Addiction is serious so why make the ads look as cheesy as those ambulance-chaser ads for people with failed mesh implants?
  4. My haiku for this challenge: It's my week to win! Groan... Maraschino cherries. My chances are hosed. Oops, forgot Mom. Sorry FN. I'm glad Courtney went home. She was stealthily smug.
  5. I LOVED that version of "Where is My Mind." One of the surprising joys of this show has been its excellent soundtrack. I'm still trying to find the name of the song playing in the bar during the flashback to Jules meeting Maddie (can't think of her name at the time)... if anyone knows it I'll be grateful if you told me :) Shazam-ing got me nowhere... probably too much dialogue. I admit I was kinda lost at the end. I hope they tie up most of the loose ends because I don't think I would enjoy seeing this particular storyline prolonged. (Same characters, yes... same confusion about who's on who's side... no).
  6. I loved the "It's allll going according to plan..." talking head! Rinna needs some Imodium for what comes out of her mouth. Who is calling her daughters "the next Gigi and Bella"? Her???
  7. He's been waiting for his big "lurking" moment a la Vinny in the garage with the pizza.
  8. Suuuuuuure, Rinna. LVP has nothing besides your stupid "humoring" of her. What a jerk. Eden didn't back Rinna up. And Rinna doesn't trust her. Pot, Kettle on Line 2. "You don't have to be mean. Just tell your truth." Whatever, Rinna. How much can one roll one's eyes in 10 minutes? I'd yell at the TV but I already have a migraine.
  9. Zero wrong with being a rep! Especially one who's been entrusted with getting (what I assume to be) a new brand launched into an undoubtedly saturated marketplace. It's one of those jobs that looks kind of fun but is actually a lot of work. It's one thing to yak about beer and another to actually sell it to enough people and create market demand. However--and I say this without knowing/remembering where he got his degree--I can *kind of* understand where his parents are coming from. If they worked hard to improve their own lot and if they bankrolled an expensive education, they may *expect* more out of a 29-year-old son than what *appears* to be an "easy" and "fun" job that "anyone" could do. I'm making a ton of assumptions here myself--and again, I don't think being a rep is a BAD job--but it may just not align with their own definition of "success," and thus the disappointment for a capable, well off, and probably intelligent guy.
  10. Maybe she enjoys attending reunions when she isn't the one in the hot seat? They're surprisingly more pleasant when there's no Rinna yelling about OWNING IT!!!1!1!!!11!
  11. The word "Charm" in the title of this show is now ironic, right? LOL. Aside from Cameran, none of them are all that classy. I got a kick out of Patricia's lecture about "grass." I'd normally think it was OTT but she WAS talking to Whitney and I kind of loved that he had to sit there and listen to her story about the guy who smoked weed once* and then ended up at the bottom of the Charleston social strata. Jury is out for me on Austen. And the T-Rav/Landon pairing barfs me out while simultaneously setting off my BS meter.
  12. Wow, the smug was strong with Sandoval and Ariana this episode. Sheesh.
  13. Forgive me if I missed this. But has there been a Rinna blog this week? I just rewatched this ep (and the preview for the upcoming one) and Flames. Flames on the side of my face.
  14. Yeah, even if he's now relegated to greatest hits-type tours, he's an actual icon of his time. EJ can't possibly reach his level of icon-ery(?) or recognition... even if folks don't sit around thinking about him today, if you mention his name to People of a Certain Age, they'll probably at least start singing one of his songs, if not have some sort of youthful memories about listening to Culture Club. EJ is unlikely to leave that kind of lasting imprint. I think she put a bag of Lays on the poker table, and Vinny watched from behind the potted palm? ;)
  15. WRT Lola, "Stop trying to making fetch happen" is more than appropriate here, LOL Yes. Yes, it was. My takeaway was that basically I can be pissed at someone who's not listening to me, and I'm justified in doing whatever it takes to get people to pay attention to me? Somehow I doubt that would fly in a court of law. Reminds me a bit of Shay from VPR taking off for a week without a word given to Scheana (also accused of never listening) in an effort to get her attention. However, instead of being supremely douchey and horrible, it would be a BLESSING to miss a week's worth of words from Rinna.
  16. The band was Harbor Party. There are a bunch of these "yacht rock" cover bands where I live (some crappy, some really good) and they all go with the same schtick. For the most part I think the music was subbed in last night--the Wang Chung song and "Maneater"-like riff not withstanding. I was reminded of Tom Tom Club too. Lol
  17. I'm gonna reserve judgment on Shay being sober in the studio. I have friends who will similarly be in the studio until the wee hours, and I know for certain that they are (as the kids say) sober AF. So yeah, it can be done. People who are super into production and recording can almost get lost in it. Dont get me wrong, it's super terrible to take your wife's money and disappear for a week. I'm not excusing that. But her very reaction to his claims of sobriety (DONT LIE! YOU'RE USING!!!) were part of the problem because yeah... she DOESN'T listen. And I generally like LVP but if my spouse constantly invoked her name, I'd end up saying the same thing Shay did -- I don't care, she has her own kids.
  18. Re: Harbor Party and the PTV recap. "Yacht rock" is a thing. These cover bands play 70s/80s light rock (Toto, Christopher Cross, Hall and Oates, etc) and typically dress up like... that. That particular band was from LA. And I'm guessing they must be pals with the Schwartzes, because why else drag them to Northern California, where there are other yacht rock bands?
  19. Geez, the 50 minutes of this episode was so lovely. I cried far too much than VPR deserves. The sweet vows. Sandoval's tears. Kristen looking lovely. Stassi's comment about being the "the glue that everyone sniffed." The brother who gave the sweet speech and crossed himself when he was done. And the party that actually looked fun. Even freakin Jax, and Stassi/Ariana bonding. So glad Lala will be back next week to ruin everything.
  20. LOL don't say that to her in person or she might flip out. I look like SIA, DUDE???? What the eff???
  21. Especially if it's a TOM cat... I'll be here all week... Try the chicken and don't forget to tip your waitress
  22. So OfferUp is yet another app where you can sell things locally. But for the ads, they've decided to position their app as for young couples who move in together and want to make friends in their neighborhood. All while buying and selling stuff. I can hear the conversations -- "hey, milennials love apps! They probably met their SO's via an app. So let's sell them our app with the angle that you can sell and buy stuff locally and make 'OfferUp friends.'" "Genius!" I wonder about the genesis of this "OfferUp friend" business. Are these supposed to be positioned against the people selling stuff on Facebook Marketplace (where your current friends are)? Is it to counteract the sometimes-shady feel of Craigslist--like, "OfferUp people aren't creepers and won't stalk you"? Maybe I'm just old but if I were to dump my random stuff online, the tipping point wouldn't be "make friends as you sell your crap." I know people who have made friends through their Etsy businesses, but that's a little different imo.
  23. I think those are VW too. Some of their ads have been so great - even moving (the old one for the Cabrio, with "Pink Moon" as the soundtrack). Not so much with these newest ones.
  24. I see London, I see France, I see no-panty-line underpants?
  25. That's my guess! I dont know who else would make her erupt like that. I doubt she'd do it to the Richards sisters, I don't think she has that kind of relationship with LVP, and I don't see either Dorit or Eileen provoking that (again I don't think she is all that close to either of those two).
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