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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Her former husband Jim is now selling buckets o'dehydrated food for the coming apocalypse. Maybe that's a new MLM scheme for Vicki to embrace?
  2. Sigh. I can relate to Shannon's weight gain. I went through some stuff and put it on, and I need that motivation to lose it... which goes hand in hand with a better frame of mind. That said, it's not literally Vicki's fault she gained weight, so she should can that part of the narrative. The sooner she OWNS IT!!!1!1!, the sooner she can take control of her habits. Blaming Vicks, or David, does nothing to help. That said, it looks like David is once again playing the role of Douchey McDoucherson. I definitely loved (LOL) the women's Bible study scenes. The hugs! The tea! The standing in the kitchen talking! The crying! The laying on of hands! The "I wanna lift up..." It's all true. Especially Tams saying "I'll pray about it" (which is very frequently code for "I want to say no but I want to look spiritual"). I really really REALLY hope Tams is changing for the better. Guess we'll see. Meghan looks like Betty Draper in the credits. But why is she wearing an Ice Capades dress in the THs? Kelly and Vicks, calling others "pigs"? Pots, meet kettle. The look on Vicki's face was just heinous at one point.
  3. Are you telling us that... Luann was gaslighting the fireplace??? (It was kinda funny to read about LITERALLY lighting gas, amidst the Beth/Jason gaslighting discussion)
  4. Yes they did! It was while Sonja was nattering on about Luann needing to "let her be herself." (Actually towards the end of that scene.) IIRC Carole and Dorinda were getting up from the table and the camera panned from them, to the table, and then focused on the butter plate and Ramona's thoughtfully arranged platter of berries. So weird. I haven't seen Last Tango so I can't speak to any allusions. :)
  5. This is totally one of the more fun eps I've watched, and perhaps because a) Beth was pretty mellow and b) (save the forced kiss) everything was fairly lighthearted. I'm gonna need GIFs of Luann doing the "crazy" gesture behind Sonja, as well as the closeup of the butter (just because it was so random). Doris also said something super funny under her breath that I can't remember at the moment... I'll catch it on rewatch. :)
  6. And Ramona saying "Bethenny's treating us like we're Juniors in high school, not women in their forties..." *Forties*?
  7. Oh my gosh, I loved the Dorinda and Carole reaction shots to Sonja's insistence that Lu should "take her as she is" and just let her say whatever she wants (eyeroll). Why was Carole tapping on her forehead? Poking herself in the third eye? :) And then the random closeup on the butter plate. The camera people have had it. LOL
  8. I've been watching and noticed that too. In the context of the first episode, their "first meeting" seemed stilted and phony. On rewatch, Bugs's stank attitude towards Hannah was around almost since the beginning. In one of the TH she said something like, "Don't blame me for what Adam said" (about being a better chief stew--"I've thought it, but I haven't said it." She has less experience--and, she is in fact NOT chief stew and should at least pretend to respect her manager. Besides, going around with a humble attitude and PROVING you're better is far more successful than muttering about how you're "better" and acting petty, being nosy, and talking smack to everyone on the boat. Not that Hannah doesn't do the latter, LOL
  9. Hmm... I'm now picturing a Bachelor-type-show featuring T-Rav. T-Rav: *Hands woman an Hermes silk scarf* "Will yew be the next Mrs. Thomas Ravenel?" Woman: *Runs*
  10. ...and this is why I find Ma phony. This feels like a Flannery O'Connor story to me. "Good Christian woman" sets her "innocent" daughter up with a sketchy yet somehow hapless reality TV star. Ma wants to run a con on the con. * I can't believe I just compared VPR to Flannery O'Connor
  11. Was thinking the same thing! If he can grin and bear a segment on "party hacks" with Jeff Mauro, Cory can handle a can of crescent rolls. Geez. Pun intended? LOL
  12. Well, pat my butter and call me Paula Deen! "Eye-talian" aside, Jason didn't bug me that much this week. He did well on the faux-Kitchen demo. Cory on the other hand... Dude, you're not impressing me with the "I'm so awesome, I never use a *shudder* grocery store product!" attitude. Just cook and get on with it. I should know better than to ask, but... why was Giada wearing a circa-mid-90's Victoria's Secret nightie at the judges' table?
  13. Huh. Actually (and maybe you know this) the American Library Association Code of Ethics fiercely protects user privacy, and library computers are supposed to completely wipe browser history when someone is done with the computer. ...so public libraries have higher standards of privacy than a private yacht? Anyway, I think just about any crew member would read enough of the chat to figure out what it was, and then either delete it or show it to someone in authority if it were that bad. As mentioned, Bugs' problem wasn't in the initial reading, it was in the reading and reading and reading... and spreading it around. This bold part made me chuckle. I mean you're right--NONE of these people (except the captains, kind of) are paragons of virtue. So in just about any situation, you're kind of debating who's less wrong. (Except Danny, Rocky, and Chef Beef Cheeks--they're always wrongest, LOL)
  14. Geez, I mean why not. There are already air quotes around every other word (except "of") in the title: "Real" (except when scripted) "Housewives" (except some aren't married and most work outside the home) of "Orange County" (except when they live in St. Louis)
  15. Ramona's avoidance of Skinnygirl wine is perhaps one of the wisest life decisions she's made.
  16. I donned my reality tv tinfoil hat this morning, and I started to wonder if Capn Sandy actually, already knew about Hannah's interactions with the primary and kind of didn't care, but felt she needed to do something... hence the weird "punishment" of being moved off the late shift. She did... but it was on top of a bunch of other crappy, crazy behavior. He didn't just flirt with the one guest, with no other problems. He appointed himself Julie the Cruise Director. He would try to worm himself into the guests' partying in the name of "great service," all while shirking his real responsibilities. He took pictures with the "calendar girls"--and then showed the pictures to a guest/guests from a different charter. He mooned over the one woman VERY obviously. In comparison, Hannah may be obnoxious in her own way, but she generally stays at a remove and at least tried to keep her interactions discreet. If all he did was flirt a little, I don't think it would have been as bad to her. Didn't Kelly flirt with a guest last year too? I don't remember anyone getting that bent out of shape. And certainly no one went to the lengths that Bugs did in tattling to everyone. Maybe I'm misremembering.
  17. Well of course! If there's no tennis ball or baked potato, why should Bambi bother?
  18. The spectre of Brandi Glanville in the ep I attempted to watch did not help matters. Whee! Now she's been in the first ep of TWO shows about bartending mactors!
  19. Uuiuuugh, Malia. Yeah it's soooooooo immature when someone doesn't want to be a part of your stupid game, playing one dude off another. And Bugs going around telling everyone about the iPad, then getting all "now too many people know..." Hey lady, that wouldn't have happened if you'd kept your own mouth shut.
  20. This is exactly what I was thinking of re: Southern Charm: New Orleans. If that cast isn't more diverse, I'll be dismayed. Let's be equal-opportunity cheeseballs* here! * I'm still waking up (probably before Shep, tho!) and I'm having a hard time thinking of a better noun
  21. So I just watched a few minutes of "What Happens at the Abbey," and for now that's all I could tolerate. i know Vanderpump Rules, and you, sir, are no Vanderpump Rules.
  22. Was gonna ask if anyone actually enjoyed this show, but I guess the answer is... Oh hell damn no
  23. Geez I know that NayOhMie*e has a point about Craig, so why is it that I'm so tired of her? Maybe if she'd been honest up front she wouldn't be so resentful now? IDK And oh yeah, "apologizing" while still calling someone a jerk kinda cancels out your apology,
  24. If the scenario was as you describe, I'd be really pissed. Production should know better than to put someone's life on the line... and then, to edit it as if it was really no big deal--that's very dangerous too because it then leads viewers who don't know any better to think that these allergies are NBD at best and exaggerations at worst. The the person with the allergy always needs to inquire about ingredients, but it was really playing with fire to give that team peanuts anyway (if they knew about the allergy).
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