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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. The not being moved part didn't bother me as much as her talk about wanting to plow it down. (That, and that it's not just some random wall. It's one thing to not be moved by it but another to act like it's meaningless.)
  2. GG REALLY upset me with that "just a wall" comment. It's the wall OF A FORMER TEMPLE that dates back to around 500 BCE. If I called Al Aqsa "just a building,"would she be happy? No, I'm sure she'd say it was disrespectful, just as her talk of plowing down the Western Wall was. Tel Aviv is on the freakin' Mediterranean! :D (I didn't really realize that until I went either)
  3. Bobby's "mustache" burn re: Giada's comments about his eyebrows was probably one of the best things I've seen on this show. (I realize that's not saying much.) And I was even amused by the clip reel of Jason's little sayings (especially that one in the car about underwear that made zero sense, and that super long one that had the producer/camera person comment... something). Slightly bummed but not 100% surprised about Jason's win. But hey, he has his fans and his audience. (I don't mean that in a bad way... I just mean that his persona works for some and they enjoy him.) He's certainly not the worst individual they've had on this show.
  4. I can't imagine why people would be uncomfortable being asked "Are you Muslim? Are you Jewish?" in English, with a camera or five shoved in their faces. ETA For all his crazy Mike has been right about a few things. One, don't mess with those cats. Two, it's really crass and foolish to walk around acting like ugly Americans with no understanding of where you are. I personally think Mike was TOO freaked out, but his point about being strangers in town, acting like bulls in china shops, showed some insight. On the other hand, that Shabbat dinner was just sweet. Shervin's greeting seemed fine to me :) But I don't get why the shah ladies got all tarted up...
  5. She's going to have to take this up with Peggy from RHOC because I thought Armenians were the first people to ever get pregnant. ;) I recently traveled to Israel and I am tuning in to see some of what they saw. I already know I'm going to regret my decision. I watched about 10 minutes of the first episode of the season and tapped out when MJ and Reza went to the bleaching salon.
  6. Boy, you ain't kidding. (BTW "Etiquette" Boutiques"? Whose "etiquette"... Sonja "Sexy J" Morgan's?) She is attractive. She reminds me a bit of Formerly Known as Countess Luann. She looks like an early-round Bachelor castoff.
  7. I think this could technically go in many threads but I just saw a commercial for this "Black Off" blackhead remover and was thoroughly disgusted. I don't need to see squeezing blackheads, blackheads stuck to masques, or people peeling off peel-off masques close up and in HD. And there's even an exaggerated mask-peeling sound! (Not as loud as the Air Hawk but close!) Commercial on the site. Watch at your own risk! https://www.buyblackoff.com
  8. In "real life" I totally agree. And with the Megan stuff, I 110% agree. LOL But I wonder if, to Don, he'd see another divorce as conformation that he'd failed once again... that he really is doomed to relational failure and can't be redeemed. So why not just repeat the past bad behavior without ruining yet another relationship he wanted to take seriously. (That's how I took it at the time.) Because he didn't really want to divorce Betty, either. And clearly there, his conscience wasn't stung yet regarding infidelity... at least from what we could see (he was literally in the process of running away on a vacation with another woman, but put the blame on Betty for the divorce*!). Also, not that Don was one for convention, but I think that being twice divorced would be frowned upon back then, and maybe that would have been a factor as well. Because clearly infidelity wasn't frowned upon in his circles... so in that sense he'd lose less face cheating than he would divorcing again. (Also, voiced from his past may have rung in his ear.) It was pretty typical in the Mad Men world that the men didn't want to cheat on their second wives, at least at first. Roger was the same way when he'd first married (bleh) Jane. * Technically she had been/was being unfaithful but she hadn't *lied about her true identity*. Sure she wanted to run off with another man, but if Don had truly given her everything she wanted--i.e. a stable home--I doubt Henry would have had any pull.
  9. Anyone have the dvds and commentary? Wondering if that would shed any light...
  10. I'm mid re-watch and tonight I just happened to start with "Seven Twenty Three," and on to "Souvenir." After the town hall, the other Junior Leaguer (sorry didn't catch name) says to Henry -- Betty said you're from around here. And he answers, "About three miles, that way." No idea which "way" he's pointing, but I see no Mount Salem anywhere within 3 miles of either Tarrytown or Ossining. It's totally strange that Weiner would feel the need to make up a town for Henry when there are plenty of nearby towns that could easily fit whatever background he wanted Henry to have.
  11. I forgot John was Armenian. He's related to Peggy from RHOC!* By the way... Did you know Armenians invented diners? And dry cleaning? * not really
  12. I wonder if Mount Salem is a stand-in for (or fictional version of) Mount Kisco. It's about 20 minutes from both Ossining and Kykuit (in Sleepy Hollow). It's mixed economically with a strong upper-middle-class contingent. Hmm. There's a *North* Salem in Westchester County... again, about 20 minutes from Mount Kisco but in the opposite direction from Ossining. It has some pricy homes as well. (Sorry. I'm a little overanytical about this now. And I could be wrong... But I'm a Dyckman descendant and you know how we can get ;)
  13. That was a nice party. Sonja could at least have been gracious and THEN talked to Tinz about her "attitude."
  14. Yeah I remember a number of TH that started with her whining "If IIIIIIIIIIII were chief stew, I would NEEEEEEVVVVVVVAHHHH [do whatever Hannah did]." Plus when Adam said "You should be chief stew," she never demurred or reacted humbly. She always smirked like "yeah, I deserve it."
  15. I figured as much... What a boring season. I could've just cut and pasted my same comments in each episode thread.
  16. It wasn't until that clip of him handing the "MVP" tip to "Daniel-San" that I realized that was the same dude. Am I forgetful? Or just bored? I'm not sure that I can say anything different about Bugs that hasn't been said. I'm just so over her pouting and pettiness. And her treating the security camera like her own private soap opera/spy cam. I don't feel sorry for Wes. He should know better, but he's going for it anyway, and he's a creep for putting his hookup in a leadership position. And as for Malia, now I know "the real Malia"--she's a schemer, a cheater, and not the hot crap she thinks she is. All season she's reminded me of a coworker, who constantly tries to "pull rank" on me by trying to prove how much smarter she is than me, and who clearly thinks she's the crap.
  17. And then Peggy's all, "Did you know Armenians were the first virgins?"
  18. This was just so, so odd. A) if it's so private, why have this conversation on TV? B) Why do I feel like this whole thing was cooked up as a way for Lydia to talk about how much sex she's having? C) Again, if it's so private, why discuss this on TV?
  19. Thanks for reminding me where I'd heard if this before... Southern Charm. I knew it was a Bravo show...
  20. "Picture it: Armenia, 1989. A young man, a leather jacket, and dreams of being the biggest Lamborghini dealer in the tri-state area."
  21. Had we not seen Matthew in all his snotty glory, here and on Cutthroat Kitchen, I wonder if we'd still feel as strongly about him... Anyway, go Cory. I can't believe Jason used that "butter my butt" line... seems trite and out of Central Casting, even for him. Ha, I was thinking that last year's winner WAS Eddie. I totally forgot who the finalists were, that's how memorable last year was :p
  22. Yep, I was corrected and changed my habit a long time ago. :)
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