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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Wait, how do you say I am only a PIECE of work. I *all* work. I work HARD. Armenians are 110% Work. Not like lazy Americans. What if this is just some long con she's pulling on us? A Borat-style thing? ...
  2. The more everyone talks about Peggy's lack of understanding, the more I really, really wonder how the heck she graduated from UCLA with a degree in English Lit. How on earth did she read Shakespeare, Chaucer, poetry, and so on--and then go on to discuss and write about it--while being so "obtuse" about symbolism, turns of phrase, idioms, plays on words, et cetera? And getting grades that were good enough to graduate? I am at such a loss. At MINIMUM, someone who studies all that stuff wouldn't get huffy if someone uttered a colloquialism.
  3. Yeah I guess I hadn't really thought of the crack o' dawn aspect :) I think there are plenty of hipster farmers who might consider 9 AM "early" ;)
  4. Kevin Rahm was a grower on me. I even started to find him attractive *as Ted*, and that made me worry about myself a bit. But the "MY juice!" line? I adore it, too. I saw that ep again not all that long ago, and ever since, I've been dying to work it into a conversation.
  5. Well, knowing the way Lydia uses the Bible, they might refer to this verse from Genesis: "The LORD God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to work it and take care of it." God told Adam to tend the garden. That's landscaping. That must apply to man-scaping too!
  6. Man, my grandma cooked Russian food in the Cold War 80's! It's amazing I'm here to tell the story of my cold*, unloving* grandma. * not really
  7. Peggy--I went to a peanut gallery and it was super awesome. I was shown around by a nice (if short) gentleman with a top hat and monocle. Kelly calling out Peggy and Meghan calling out Vicki's illness? Worth the price of admission. But Lydia giving her sob story about not being invited TO HER TINY SON, while claiming to be the "bigger person"? I can't, like, even. Ha! I almost suggested that we get together and sign her up for Munchery ;)
  8. Oh geez, it's the same play Sonja Morgan was in? (Forgive me if that's been discussed before.) Do they just cycle through Bravolebrities?
  9. On another note--and I can't believe I'm writing this--I kinda didn't hate Mike's shoes. I hope he does ok with them.
  10. Admittedly I don't know much about Brian Moylan, but if he's a good ghostwriter and/or editor, he'll know how to put his own "voice" aside and make it sound like the "voice" of the person on whose behalf he's writing/editing.
  11. I especially don't like watching newbies in charge of anything related to safety or operating the ship. I don't mind as much having *a* newbie on the interior crew because generally, if they screw up, it's not going to result in millions of dollars of damage or serious injury to the others on board the boat. That said, I could totally do without Jen. Are we sure she's not Rachel Dratch playing a Below Deck character?
  12. Right! It's not as though she's philosophically opposed to birth control as some Christians are--in which case she would probably also be against vasectomies. Or from what she said, it doesn't sound like she has medical issues taking birth control, which I can understand. Nope, she doesn't want to take a daily pill. Such hardship! Easiest thing to do? Snip, snip, honey!
  13. Fake Plastic Doug is my favorite Radiohead song! Now we all know why Thom Yorke sings as he does... he's letting us in on the feelings of a man undergoing a forced vasectomy. It wears me out... it wears me out... it wears me out...
  14. Maybe that's a part of what's bugging me. Here she is calling Shannon self centered, yet she's basically insisting that her husband get a vasectomy when he seems less than comfortable with the idea, and yet she acts as if she's done nothing wrong (or like it is the other person's fault) when she's called out on her own behavior.
  15. Got it. I just kinda remember Alexis as inarticulate, not as snotty as Lydia. But your description makes sense. I really can't stand Lydia. Like, REALLY at this point. Like, surpassing Kelly and maybe even Vicki levels. Maybe because K & V are so over the top in their behaviors and actions, but I've known women like Lydia and that attitude just makes me angry.
  16. I just love Easter, when we celebrate the day Jesus sorta rose from the dead and, like, saved us and stuff. Was Alexis that witchy? I don't remember her being so snotty like Lydia.
  17. Where's Dorinda when we need her? CLIP! CLIP! CLIIIIIP!!!
  18. UGH, the Bible verse justification for the vasectomy. Look, I'm not all that big of a fan of birth control pills and get why someone wouldn't like taking them, but I'm also not a fan of someone guilting a spouse into a permanent surgery because YOU don't want to take pills.
  19. You're welcome. Here is an interesting blog post by someone who thought they'd found a similar piece! I love mid-century California pottery so it was interesting to learn about the artist.
  20. Many things were strange about this season that made it different than the previous seasons... it used to be so great with the "everyday" issues of life (well, life as lived in the UES)... the overblown reactions to normal stuff like school projects, competitive frenemies, and who ends up with the check at dinners with big groups of friends. This season had its stunt casting with Dave Navarro, the whole space trip storyline, Vanessa dating a succession of randoms, the unfunny sequestered jury storyline, the artist friend from California who just sort of shows up and disappears, the weird and obvious product placement, and a whole bunch of other things that felt like the show was shooting for "bigger" stories than the observational stuff it had done so well previously. I think in previous seasons, the period stuff would've been handled differently and also in a more humorous and more subtle way. I did love the Thanksgiving episode, though. That also was the one where Vanessa ended up with all her sick neighbors in her apartment, right? I loved that storyline--perfect one for Vanessa. Starts with a meet-cute and ends up being tied to her career in a very funny way.
  21. @Rebecca your story is at least as interesting (if not moreso) than Jack and Brittany Take Kentucky ;)
  22. Agreed... that's awesome to hear about Jason. I wish FN would've focused on that, rather than focusing on the hokey stuff. A show about life on a farm (a real working farm, NANCY) would be something we don't see too often, and could actually be informative. I might even watch a show with him on his farm, and visiting other farmers, and then sitting down over a true farm-to-table dinner. Since FN is obsessed with road trip shows, maybe something like that would work.
  23. All this show does is make me long for the REAL Vanderpump Rules... And, with all due respect to Kate Pierson, and any B-52's fans, but Brittany's mom looked very Kate Pierson-y in this ep.
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