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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. What the HECK was that blowfish action on the door, Kelly???? "Ohhhh I'm sooooo embarrassed!" Wah! Be embarrassed that you set this crapstorm up, Lydia.
  2. Yeah, so "Christian" In other news I kinda like Peggy. "Brussels sprouts are good!"
  3. Can we just ban the phrase "clear the air" from these shows? Does anything good ever come from it? I mean I guess that's the point but it still sucks
  4. She can... but she doesn't tend to go balls-out screaming crazy like Tamra, Vicki, or Kelly, which is what I was basically getting at. IIRC she starts to cry in the face of that stuff. Whatever she is, she's kind of a crappy friend despite her own declarations. She was a crappy friend to Alexis and she's a crappy acquaintance to Shannon.
  5. Ugh. Live from JFK? Was he at the airport? #toolazytogoogleit #idontreallyneedtheanswer
  6. I'd love to run into a crowd yelling Dorinda lines*. This RH franchise definitely has the best lines. A couple years ago, I went to Vegas with some friends (not long after the Turks & Caicos eps ran), and "Don't be all uncool" was our catchphrase. Thankfully none of us did a plant into a plant a la Luann this trip :)
  7. This whole crazy (and amazingly edited) episode did what I thought was never possible--appreciate Bethenny. She actually made great points throughout the hour, my favorite being that they were in a place that only few could possibly ever stay, and instead of appreciating it, RoSo were running around demanding things and insisting on the best for themselves (when it wasn't even their trip). i kind of loved the countess remix on WWHL!
  8. I realize that, among all the stellar displays of professionalism and decorum on this episode, this may have been overlooked, but I did love to see Bugs' focus on the security cam. So diligent! So attentive to detail! So intent on remaining a professional attitude! I was so annoyed with some of the guests' attitudes towards the weather issues. It's natural to feel disappointed if the weather forces you to cancel your (expensive) plans, then Wes and Malia made me ill. I can't stand favoritism and I can't stand people who play others to get what they want, and then deny they're doing anything wrong. As Kathryn Dennis of Southern Charm might say, "Dis-gust-in'."
  9. Watching WWHL. I officially can't stand Lydia. I think this is the fastest I've ever changed my opinion about a housewife. She's making Vicki seem agreeable. If I were religion shopping I would never buy what Lydia's selling now. Tamra is more realistic and sympathetic. And Alexis seems more honest.
  10. By the end of the season she's gonna be like - Vicki broke up my marriage - Vicki gave my kid cystic acne - Vicki caused my dog's hip dysplasia - Vicki gives David post-tortilla chip salt bloat - Vicki caused my property value to drop 5% - Vicki caused Ishtar to bomb at the box office - Vicki causes solar flares - Vicki is a cancer-causing pathogen - Vicki killed Harambe
  11. Gizmo is probably more discriminating about his relationships than most of the people on this show. Geez, the guys (save Craig) are like a bunch of aging feral cats. And yeah, I include Austin in that. Totally agree, and it's sad. Yet I gagged when he was flailing at Craig and saying how introspective he is. He's about as introspective as Vicki Gunvalson.
  12. That was a little strange. I wondered if it had anything to do with her recent treatments. She doesn't seem like the type to have brittle/whatever hair. In moments like that, Jim kind of reminds me of Putty from Seinfeld.
  13. She was so pushy and then in her TH she acted like Peggy just opened up to her with no prompting. And no, Lydia, Shannon wasn't "yelling." Strident? Yes. Screaming and yelling? No (and the editors kinda agree I think). And to be honest I don't think Shannon is like Vicki. I'd be pissed if someone compared ME to Vicki, too. That's not precisely the way to get someone to warm up to you. Maybe she should have opened up by asking something about David's affair? And what the French... this week Kelly says she can relate to Shannon, next week she's back to regular Kelly. Yay!
  14. I agree, I preferred Syndicated Naomi. She was funnier and also more sympathetic. That said, I don't think Syndicated Naomi would fit in with the network run crew. The tone would be off.
  15. I would've taken Dorinda for more of a Maude fan. :) With a little editing, this Wikipedia article even kinda works... :)
  16. I'll be honest, the guy doesn't strike me as all that nerdy. I know from nerds, and while he may be less smooth than some of his buds, he is hardly all that socially awkward and it looked like he had no problem engaging Tinsley. Part of why he seemed familiar is that the Chicago men I knew were sort of jokey and a little fratty in a non assuming and still kind of appealing way. If I knew Scott I probably would have liked him. I can buy that he's a nice guy. But nerdy? Nah. He's too reality-savvy for that.
  17. This is funny to me. Scott reminds me of a few people I used to work with, from my former company's Chicago office. The whole time I was thinking, I bet I know someone who knows him. Sure enough, I knew someone who worked at CouponCabin!
  18. I had the same thing with LOL that Bethenny does. I'd read it and think, "Really? You laughed out loud after saying 'I need lunch' or whatever?" But I realize that I now use it all the time, mostly because I post more frequently on these boards and I text more than I used to, and it's a quick way to indicate that you intend your statement to be lighthearted, funny, silly, etc. But now? I think I'll use it all the time just to spite Bethenny. I had an English muffin this morning. LOL! And then I had coffee. It was good. LOL. How about them SF Giants? LOL. (Actually they kinda deserve an LOL this season, but I digress.) Count me in with those NEVER needing to see treatments of ANY kind on these shows. I never need to see burning skin or hear conversations about the beauty of Sonja's, er, extra hair or see people standing around watching said treatments. Makeup? Sure. Regular facials? I guess. Cryotherapy? Why not, it's kinda funny and you don't really see anything. But cupping, hair removal, laser, microdermabrasion, surgery, zit zapping, cellulite removal, enemas, etc? Heck to the naw. Why do they show it? It's not interesting. It's far from sexy. It's just painful for the viewers and leaves you feeling like they just want to humiliate the person. I don't really care how long Tinsley's hair is (I may be the party of one who think it suits her). Or how long ANYONE'S hair is. But Dorinda's lyceum/museum joke reminds me of an old Mad Magazine comic my mom saw as a kid and still talks about to this day. Man sees a shapely woman with long, flowing hair walk by. He follows her. He finally taps on her shoulder (or something), she turns around, and she's a very wrinkly septuagenarian. (Admittedly this loses something in written form. LOL* BTW how long was Sonja waiting to use that "Tins-Me" line? Here comes a perceived slight... let me bust out my overprocessed insult! LOL*
  19. I can't decide if Timsley reminds me more of a Drybar model, or a blonde Jill Kargman. Maybe both. (I'm guessing that Jill has run in the same circles as Tinsley at some point?)
  20. If Wes chooses Malia, I'll be waiting patiently for Bugs' heightened sense of justice, fairness, professionalism, and propriety to show up. But something tells me I'd be waiting a long time.
  21. Not reading them--at least upon discovery--would be almost impossible, as you'd need to decipher what was going on. But reading the messages ALL day, giving blow-by-blows to all the crew, and misrepresenting the content (saying Hannah said the crew thought the tip was too low, when in fact she said the opposite) is beyond what any responsible employee would do, IMO. And then to continue bitching about it to the rest of the boat... and then even now to take zero ownership of her action except for a pathetic nonapology on Instagram, that all shows me Bugsy was more in the wrong on this than most, and certainly more so than the Primary. Her craptastic behavior is having an effect on morale, and I wish Sandy would call her out on that.
  22. I don't care what Wes said. Of course he's playing favorites. Somehow I missed the first ten minutes or so of the season and I therefore missed our introduction to Lauren. I'd previously been kind of meh on her, but seeing her intro gave me an appreciation for her. I didn't realize the extent of her background in hospitality. She seems pretty cool and the fact that the attention has shifted from her mess ups to Bugs and Hannah kinda indicates that she improved over time. Otherwise we'd have another Rocky or Beef Cheek Leon characterization on our hands.
  23. Well, I'd like to eat the food of someone who takes my food allergies seriously, for starters. Where to begin? Bugs is horrible, a crap stirrer whose behavior has gone well beyond a single crew-guest kiss, imo. Adam is a jerk, and he knows that his issues go beyond wearing his douchey Crocs and grungy backward hat. And wtf with everyone just going WAY overboard with the anti Hannah crap. It's B eating crackers at this point.
  24. My favorite parts of the ep: - Andy simultaneously looking uneasy and giving Kathryn the side eye for going to rehab "just" for pot - TRav's skin... he looked like he had a facial, maybe dermabrasion a while ago and some subsequent collagen treatments Shep looks super rough. That last shot of him was kind of depressing and ominous. And any time Craig brought up his drinking, he'd talk over him. Knowing Gizmo, he'll come out at the end wearing a white tux jacket and carrying mint juleps on a silver tray.
  25. I'm a little fearful about what kind of next-level insanity this new lady is going to bring, because i don't think I can handle what's coming from someone who can give Vicki, Tams, and Kelly a run for their money. and we know that's NOT what Lydia was hired to do, lol
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