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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. For me, it's more her attitude than anything. She's so cool but when it comes to venturing outside her box with regard to some things--food for example--she gets kind of stiff and closed minded. MMV .
  2. Yeah I edited my post. That said I do enjoy Mitchell's.
  3. My Dorinda love grows with every episode. She is who she is. No rental dates, no phony storylines (at least, nothing obviously so), and straightforward. Plus funny. She's now a fave across the franchises. Tinz is at bat and about to hit a double. I love that she's getting under Sonja's skin by, I don't know, daring to have a life and sense of humor. Sonja's weird house rules are exhausting. Next thing you know she'll be putting her initials on the food in the fridge and getting pissed if Tinsley happens to use the monogrammed finger towels in the guest bathroom to dry off her hands. Dropping like a hot rock on my roster, and now up for free agency, is Ramona. For some reason, she was my favorite since I started watching (I think it was the season they went to Morocco). But she's gotten SO rude, and SO inconsiderate, that I can't anymore with her. I'll raise a glass of San Seer to the memories, but adios, Ramona. It's been swell. And maybe I'm ignorant, but Bethenny's comment about the "best ice cream in Chinatown" was a little weird. Is NYC Chinatown known as an ice cream Mecca? Is there a lot of competition for that crown? (NB not that there aren't great Asian ice cream shops/Asian-inspired flavors; see: Mitchell's, etc. in SF) That said, I have food allergies and I'm a more adventurous eater than Carole. I think they had one of these at the Embassy Suites I stayed at a couple months ago. For real though! Wasn't Sonja "dating" some twentysomethings a couple seasons ago? Oh I'm sorry. Sonja doesn't date; why get caught up in those semantics? This really bothered me. It's cool and urbane to be a fiftysomething who "shacks up" with a younger dude... but let's shade someone because he's fifty and oh my, hasn't been married before and has TWO. FAILED. ENGAGEMENTS? Who cares? How does it impact you? She's not concerned, she's just snarking. Carole is, IMO, clearly still bitter about Luann's attitude toward her relationship with Mr. Sexy Salad. I agree. My first thought was, what rental agency did this guy come from? LOL He seems nice enough but it's just too "convenient" that he is "enamored" with Sonja and "moving in" and "talking about babies." The boring basement party was clearly self serving, and for more TV time. If she'd had the party at Dave and Buster's, it would have been classier. Ha. "Baby Names That Aren't 'Baby.'" Mitchell's! Yes, that's some good stuff! (Or maybe the other poster is right, Polly Ann. Mitchell's is closer to the Mission. Haven't been to Polly Ann but Mitchell's has some awesome flavors too)
  4. I mean, it's not like he isn't striving for a showmance with a hairdresser or anything. oh, wait...
  5. I think you just cast the inaugural season of "Below Deck: Bermuda Triangle."
  6. I don't think an entire cast (or most of a cast) has pissed me off as much as this season of Below Deck Med. I actually changed the channel mid-episode and KEPT it off, which is VERY rare for me. Adam is an ass for blowing off the guest's preferences--it just makes me realize that if I ever (haha!) went on a chartered cruise, I'd write in some serious legal/contractual language about following my dietary requests (related to a life-and-death nut allergy); I would want to make it clear that if some dbag chef wanted to toss nuts or nut oil into stuff to mess with me, he'd be legally responsible for my medical bills and/or death. The last thing an allergic person wants is to be on a boat or in a remote location and have a severe episode. So thanks a TON, Adam, for being irresponsible, douchey, and arrogant. I wish Scott "No Raw Onions" Conant on you. And then there's "I'm not doing this for drama" Malia. Sure. The rest of them, except Max, are tiresome.
  7. I can't believe I am typing this, but they really do look good together. (Whether they should BE together is another matter....) That said I wouldn't put it past Gentry to pose them together just for buzz. Isn't that whatsisface's restaurant? Ironically there's a promoted tweet for Wayfair when I look at Gentry's Twitter page, LOL
  8. I loved all the potential names for a website. Orbit. Wayfare. I mean, why not Amazon? Kayak? AAA? I really WOULD love a new spinoff: "Gizmo, Cat Realtor." He handled that house like a boss.
  9. Thanks for sharing that insight. I thought the restaurant setting looked "staged," so if it was in a private area, that explains it a bit. (The buttinsky was CERTAINLY a set up.) I didn't get the sense that he wanted a medal, but that a "hey, that's great! So happy that's finally over"--period end of sentence--would have gone far. In my experience, if someone has problems completing tasks, as Craig apparently does, then saying "what you've done STILL doesn't meet my standards" is even more demotivating and leads to further procrastination. MMV of course. On another note, Landon whining about her age, her shriveled eggs, and her "old hen" status was super annoying. Was it supposed to elicit sympathy? She makes it sound like finding love after 37 is impossible, or that having a baby at that age is impossible, and that's bs. Besides, what dude wants to hear about how old you feel or how infertile you are? (Though maybe I'm wrong, I'm not a guy. So maybe they dig hearing that they're dating a woman who feels like she passed her sell-by date?) I know some of it is about what she feels are societal expectations, but it's still annoying to listen to.
  10. Geez Louise, Naomie. Give the man a moment. I realize that Craig isn't precisely a fireball, and I can sympathize with her frustration in general terms, but if I finally completed a task and my SO's reaction was anything like Naomie's, I'd probably call it quits not long afterward. An accomplishment is an accomplishment, and I'd hope that an SO would at least demonstrate SOME appreciation for that. If additional prodding was needed, it could wait for another day.
  11. If it turns out to be true that Rinna gets her own show, I'd be torn. On one hand, I hate that her behavior is rewarded and given its own platform. On another, it means she and her family would be contained on E! and I'd be far less likely to see her on my screen.
  12. Geez, did you happen to notice the name that shows up on Ramona's phone when she calls Dorinda? It took up the whole width of the screen, with tiny font at that! Wish I could see what it said.
  13. I remember Jermaine well enough to have known who he was. But... What about Rebbie??? :)
  14. I could have lived without watching Ramona get stabbed by needles, then get her skin burned off. I wanted to belt out of the room myself. On to Carole: Isn't "shacking up" the same as living together? Why not just say that he's moving in temporarily? Also, did her staircase always have that handrail? I could have sworn it didn't.
  15. In my experience, I've learned that anyone who says "I don't micromanage" (or some iteration thereof) is, in fact, a micromanager to the nth degree. The more they say it, the more they micromanage, LOL Don't worry, there's plenty of time for them to disappoint us and I'm sure the Bosun will demonstrate his incompetence in no time ;)
  16. Oh boy! Logo is re-showing the Jermaine Jackson episode. I'm with the other girls -- why are you letting Tootie get away with this? And if this concert was such a big deal, why didn't everyone know about it already (because surely a superfan like Tootie wouldn't have shut up about it), and why didn't she bring up the time/date conflict earlier?
  17. Certain caftan-loving Bravo stars--Patricia, Asa, Kyle... who else--should make a website called "Caftan Collective" and sell various caftans, benefitting underemployed Bravolebrities. Landon could design the site Craig could manage production **** Watching again, Shep's retelling of his basketball defeat rivaled the storytelling of a grizzled Confederate soldier retelling the Battle of Gettysburg. "I was ahead! I was ahead! If it wasn't for that darn whipper snapper I would've maintained my honor and that of the great State of South Carolina!"
  18. I'm wondering when Gizmo is going to be added to the opening credits.
  19. Bro Show continues! PLEASE tell me this was editing: Whitney: "I have a friend coming. He's a total alcoholic" Waitress: "Sounds good." Is that an ok way to describe someone? And then, on hearing it, not bat an eye? Or at least say, "So you're saying take the alcohol away and bring over two Pellegrinos?"
  20. I'll preface this by saying I don't think either situation was right. But, I couldn't help but wonder (heh) if the way people have reacted to Dorinda vs Bethenny's screed last year is that Dorinda had some wit in her insults. Bethenny spewed a bunch of bile, but Dorinda's "Holland Tunnel" line was at least a little clever on its face, even as it was cruel in its message. Also: - Sonja was hurting Dorinda's reputation in the press. Tit for tat is not excusable, but perhaps a bit more understandable than a years-old grudge over a slight about manners and status. - Dorinda seemed kind of hyperbolic and angry over a *situation*, whereas Bethenny was being nasty, IMO, for the sake of being nasty. Again I don't think it was right in either situation. But I do think it was both the deliverer and the delivery. (Plus Dorinda moves past stuff--kinda--but Bethenny clearly doesn't.)
  21. When I think of this upcoming season, for some reason I can't get the phrase "Below Deck Meh" out of my brain. Maybe it's because I was underwhelmed by last season; maybe because I've felt kind of unimpressed by most of the Bravo shows I've been watching lately (with the exception of Imposters, which I was sure would be horrible and turned into something I looked forward to seeing each week). hope I'm wrong, and I'm sure I'll give it another shot, but Bravo's track record hasn't been all that great lately. I'm eager to see more than a ton of nasty fights.
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