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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. If this show is not renewed, yet we've been subjected to several seasons of "Girlfriend's Guide to Ridiculous Characters and Plot Lines Divorce," I will be very annoyed. (That the same person--Paul Adelstein--is somehow responsible for both still surprises me, even though I know that, for many reasonable reasons, it really shouldn't.) I'm still *pleasantly* surprised by how much I enjoy this show and want to recommend it to others. It's genuinely interesting! This particular episode was a bit of a lull, but I figure it's a bit of a calm (after and) before the storm. i hope Patrick isn't really "into" Maddie, but even if he's FBI I can see him feeling compassion for someone who wants to escape all the deception and start over.
  2. Well, not NOTHING to see, LOL ... Rinna and her need to bring ancient, random, and nastily phrased things up at dinner tables. Ridiculous. And Erika with the overreaction. You all have said it all (that's what I get for missing the first showing, LOL!). But she really needs to take a step back and look at her behavior if she sincerely wonders why she--who outright SAYS she has a hard time trusting people and hates crying in public--comes off as cold to some people. If you keep most people at arms' length... you will come across as cold, especially to someone as "out there" as Dorit.
  3. I wouldn't be surprised -- she mentioned that she'd had an edible the day of the taco party.
  4. Lisa's officiating speech had me legit teary. It was beautiful. I really like the laid back vibe of the event and I'm glad it hasnt been filled with a bunch of fighting, LaLa, and alcohol flinging.
  5. I love that there's now a step and repeat pattern in the SUR Back Alley. I wonder how it feels about this development? And oh good grief with the "owning it," Lala. Hasn't Lisa had enough of that? Waaaaaaaahhhhhh I don't think like other peoplllllllleeeeeee. I understand that anxiety can truly be horrible, but it also bugs me when people use that as an excuse for crappy behavior.
  6. But these folks aren't generally averse to saying "the f word" on TV and just letting it be bleeped... that's part of what stood out to me.
  7. Oh my gosh. LVP saying Ariana can have a Baby Sandoval and "shave his little baby forehead." Teeeheeeheeee Ive never heard people say "AF" out loud. Now it's twice in an hour. If they keep it up they're going to be as bad as Eden from RHOBH and her hashtag addiction.
  8. Non sequitur but every time I see Erika's talking heads I think that she'd be a great "spokesmodel" for Too Faced cosmetics. Her peach look is similar to their very popular peach palette. Plus, the whole Erika Girardi/Erika Jayne thing would be a nice play on the brand name (and isn't her tag line about not being two faced?). Plus I think she fits their vibe -- not too serious but into being glam. And their color palettes would really work for her. Anyway. If this ever happens I demand a cut of the check! ;)
  9. It's probably been said before, but Eden needs a hashtag intervention. Seriously. I use hashtags jokingly sometimes in the course of writing or talking ("hashtag I'm so hilarious!"), but in practice, Eden's hashtags are useless. I wouldn't want to see the Tweets or Insta posts associated with "#dead".
  10. Ok on rewatch... was that dramatic "LEAVE SCHWARTZIE ALONE!!!" scene intended for Sandoval's audition reel? I mean, if he cried, he would have had the full effect, with running makeup and everything. Even Ariana was sort of defending Katie at that point.
  11. The FI as manager and LaLa-voiced newbie bits were a little suspicious.
  12. And it looked like he was LAUGHING! Am I wrong on that?
  13. I'm not condoning Katie's overall behavior, but "Take the next step or I need to move on" is not really an ultimatum (at least in the manipulative sense that Sandoval meant it); it's taking care of yourself. I mean, she very well could have given him stupid ultimatums at *other* points, but IMO that clip was a bad example (was that the scene of the infamous "ring on a string"?). By contrast "Fish or cut bait" is EXACTLY what she should have said... except they both should have walked away. The problem is that they didn't. I love that Jax's lucid and slightly wise moments last for like five minutes and then he turns back into Standard Jax. And those people don't need 4Loco.
  14. And LVP is a producer, so... Again, a compliment to the boss never hurts.
  15. I was thinking more along the lines of that they enjoyed being on TV and wanted to be sure to get on there again... a compliment about the boss is a pretty good way of assuring that will happen...
  16. At least you OWN IT! (I don't really mind her, either--though I still can't un-see the Brittany Murphy comparison.)
  17. I'm so glad so many of us share a love (?) for RHOBH and ROL (and I too often flash back to Rock of Love: Bus. (Apparently Duff Goldman loved ROL as well; he said "Don't threaten me with a good time" on one of the cooking contest shows.) Anyway...
  18. My take on the two kitchen guys' conversation? They saw themselves on TV before and wanted to see themselves on there again, so they made sure they talked about something they knew would make it to air. What better way to do that then talk about how awesome and attractive LVP is? LOL
  19. Watching this last night, I reflected on this similarly. I thought, they look like they care about each other and love each other. Sure, they're no Burton and Taylor, but look how that ended up anyway. I'm not saying I'm looking for a similar relationship --but if it works for them, good on them. It's certainly more pleasant to watch than Adrienne sniping on Paul, Yolanda's phony-baloney "my love" junk, or the aftermath of Kelsey dumping Camille. And yes, 100x better than bomb dot com Brooks, LOL
  20. Wow, the bit on Eileen at the end of the Vulture recap was positively literary!
  21. Such a contrast to last week's, which was one of my favorite RH eps ever...
  22. I had such fun visualizing these conversations. Ramona was the funniest. I see her flailing around and basically confusing Rinna to the point of backing off. Of that list, Kandi is the one I have some respect for, so I'd actually take her to heart (not that Rinna would, probably--she'd probably just blather on "oh you're right, I'm so horrible, I take it back," etc.) The others--have you seen the video for Aphex Twin's "Come to Daddy"? There's a visual toward the end, of this alien/monster screaming at a little granny. In this analogy, Rinna is the granny and Tamra, Vickster, Bethenny, Nene are the alien. Thanks for the laughs over an otherwise mehpisode.
  23. Sia often wears a blonde wig like Sandoval's.
  24. I love that I'm getting the "Are you being cheated on?!?!" ad on this page. My first thought when Sandoval put that wig on was "Sia." Can someone explain to me why it got him *upset* when Carter actually said it?
  25. Big LOLs: * Katie telling Stassi to go on Farmers Only, and her actually considering it (but not going for it because you have to be--did she say this?--"farmer-y") * Their bridesmaid cheer that sounded like a mix between the chorus of "Witch Doctor" ("oo-ee-ooh-ah-ah") and the Flintstone Water Buffalo secret shake ("woo-ah-wah, woo-ah-wah")
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