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Everything posted by ivygirl

  1. Interesting point, @Melancholy. I'm so used to looking for Creepy Pete to be creepy that I have missed moments like that. But they do show us small glimpses of Pete's ability to become the kind of man who would return in a genuinely repentant manner to his wife, with a genuine desire to rebuild his family. Maybe I picked up on those cues subconsciously, because I really did believe him at the end of the series. More than any of the other characters, I believe Pete had a turnaround. Roger and Joan seemed to settle into new roles, but not look back reflectively; Peggy was seemingly on an upward trajectory (but not *changing* per se); Harry was... Harry, and would probably remain Harry; and Don... well, I seriously doubt that he changed into a retreat facilitator at Esalen. Betty's fate felt like the end of an era for a certain kind of woman.
  2. I agree. Admittedly, I was never a superfan and I've only seen the show in syndication/on E!, etc., but I've enjoyed it enough to watch (and obviously enough to read this board!). So this may be taken with a grain of salt, but... I think at this point it's better to create a brand-new show that has SATC's spirit, but a different cast, different characters, and a different set of storylines. Or even a reboot of sorts. At this point, dragging the original cast together again seems like an exercise in futility with a less-than-appealing payoff. It doesn't help the legacy of this show to keep trotting everyone out in broader and broader characterization each time. I say all this like it's easy ;)
  3. Starting to watch the episode again and I have questions. 1. I don't think I've ever seen an episode of any RH show begin with ambient/background noise rather than music. If that was intended to make the setup of Vicki's meeting with Tamra feel super awkward... it worked. 2. WHERE is Peggy's SON?!?!?!?! 3. Technically this is from the last episode, but they replayed it tonight. David didn't ask about cancer detected in Peggy's *vasectomy*, did he?
  4. In Armenian culture, anniversaries are important. The 22nd is especially important. Spouses exchange Dior blouses and throw large parties where no one gets along. It turns into a game. The first person to throw wine is shown out the door. In Armenian culture, that is an honor and entitles you to the door prize, a platter of raw-meat dolmas.
  5. It's the famous Amazon Cleanse. Ten lemons, two almonds, and a pinch of fair-trade organic cilantro for added chelation.
  6. I just miss VPR so, so much. Probably because of the Toms, as well as Kristen. I'd even add Jax to that mix, but his relationship with Brittany is just so depressing. The VPR gestalt requires Kristen to succeed. She adds a level of weirdness to the show that is so part of its fabric that--when taken away--leaves you with a snorefest like the Kentucky show. I don't need to watch Grumpy Cat be a smug unicorn, nor do I need to watch Scheana be Scheana (aka cry and talk about how amazing she is). In the Lucky Charms box that is VPR, Kristen is a green clover marshmallow. An original and classic.
  7. Geez, spoiler alert! ;) Just watched this episode on Pop this morning. My main takeaways were all the stupid half-shirts, and this: As much as the "movie"-making annoyed me, and as much as I was never one to find Jamie Walters all that attractive, I'll say this: Wow, he looked so much more relaxed, comfortable, and, dare I say it, kinda cute in those scenes. It was though he was able to relax when he wasn't filming his scenes with Tori Spelling. This was especially noticeable because in that final scene, where Donna confronts him, he's back to looking pinched and dull *even as he's declaring his undying love*. Oh, and Dylan. Were we really supposed to believe that he was tough enough to stand up to gangsters?
  8. I read this post as I'm watching a rerun on Pop ("Speechless"). And just now, a scene of Toni and Dylan in the library! There were large reference books, so it could have passed.
  9. I was trying to think of who EJ reminded me of, and it's Brianna's husband Ryan from RHOC. Not in temperament--at least not yet--but in the hair and face.
  10. Can't wait to see that week's challenge. Make a dress out of tapeworms? Design a see-through wearable fridge? Create the next Little Black Dress white terry cloth robe? Will you be auf'ed if you use pink?
  11. Well, he WAS known for playing the "little tramp"...
  12. So ChrisBrown (Not That Chris Brown) only answers to one higher power, God? I thought he loosed himself from the shackles of religion for a life of douchebro-iness? Guess it's convenient to say when he wants to pack an extra punch of attitude in his talking heads?
  13. To be minimally fair, Diko was much more articulate explaining Peggy's cancer than Lydia was explaining Doug's ball removal. Though I am wondering which three GIFs Peggy now expects from Diko. @KungFuBunny any ideas?
  14. It's such a weird claim because the first Christians were Jewish followers of Jesus. Armenia claims to be the first Christian *nation*, which I can understand. But as you note, not the first *Christians*. Sheesh.
  15. "Can you measure the poo? Because I'm sure she is more full of s--- than I am." Especially because she "doesn't poo"? I mean, NOW we know. And again with the casseroles? Good grief, Vicki. Isn't a s--- sandwich more appropriate?
  16. At this point, I miss Sam the Rocket Solver.
  17. I was watching some channel yesterday and this ad came on at least once every commercial break. Dingdingdingdingding! Whhommmm. Dingdingdingdingding! Whhommmm. I'm so glad to hear I'm not the only one for whom it has a cringey, negative effect. She looks so beautiful in this ad, but it's one of the most random ads on TV right now. What would you do for love? Apparently, she'd jump off a pier, dive into the ocean, cling to some sort of rail, take the bus home, get a hotel with an awesome view of the Eiffel Tower, do donuts on a beach...
  18. So the rabbi asks Reza about the values he wants a child to have, and the first thing he comes up with is "reducing your carbon footprint*"? Figures, LOL * Not knocking being a good global citizen, just laughing that THAT was the first thing that came to Reza's mind. Not kindness, not being a welcoming and open person, not wisdom... carbon footprints.
  19. I'm not a fan of Imagine Dragons, especially because radio plays them INCESSANTLY (between Red Hot Chili Peppers and Green Day songs), and I really don't care for "Thunder" (songs where the singer is talking about how creative, original, famous, awesome they are are among my least favorite). So it's especially ridiculous as the soundtrack to the Microsoft Surface laptop. Maybe it's a cool laptop, but I seriously doubt it's so amazing you can compare yourself to a powerful natural element... and to say "I'm not a yes-sir, not a follower" when you're using a product from one of the Globocorp-iest Globocorps is pretty ironic and LOL-worthy too...
  20. It would be awesome to see Meghan PI call Yo out for being Dramatic as Eff.
  21. UGH. Before they Rembrandts recorded a full version of the song, radio stations played this obnoxious looped version that replayed the same thing over and over and over. I remember going in the dining commons and hearing that almost every morning. They must have played it at the same time because it was basically the soundtrack to my breakfast-gathering that year.
  22. He'd be kinda interesting... You're right! Oops.
  23. I would soooo much rather watch formerly famous people than not-even-D-list reality stars. I mean, if all they're gonna do is recycle reality stars, just do a BB All-Stars or something. I'd love to see a bunch of former teen stars. Throw 'em all in there, from Bobby Sherman to Donna Pescow to Mindy Cohn to Alfonso Ribera to Elizabeth Berkley to Lance Bass or something. People who just kind of aren't super active in their careers (other than occasional appearances), but are still kind of interesting, or at least not disgusting.
  24. @HunterHunted--it's so funny, I hadn't read your post here until just now (when you mentioned your post)--but before I made the post in this week's episode thread expressing my puzzlement, I also checked the undergrad requirements for an English Lit degree at UCLA just to make sure I wasn't misremembering what would be required. I had seriously considered going there as an English major... but decided against it (and ended up as a History major at a different UC). And I was looking at the school right around the time Peggy probably would have graduated, so we are basically contemporaries and would've had about the same graduation requirements. So thanks for Meghan PI-ing this out with me. ;) And also, like @zoeysmom, I wondered if she had been part of an extension program or something... It all makes like zero sense.
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