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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. Texan here too. This one bored me right to sleep. The one who has the red hair has the weirdest face! Sometimes it looks ok, at other angles, it looks kinda wanky. Not sure what it is? Something about the forehead area?
  2. Yep, these two have the brains of one gnat between them. Those poor children. They might want to go ahead now and just let the nanny adopt them. It's their only chance at a normal childhood.
  3. Yep, she definitely doubled down on the Lyme brain,thinking that she'd be able to bust her pre-nup. I only hope that the judge in the case sees through all her TON of bulldookey. Don't know if a Psychiatrist can help her or not, but she should really try some therapy! I'm just so tired of it all!! All the 6,7,8 months, the 1,2,3 years, the 5,7,9 days. Just STOP ALREADY!!
  4. Liked this one better than all three snoozy episodes of the reunion. It's obvious that Kenya had gotten her panties in a bunch over Kim wwaaaayyyy before I thought she had. What exactly IS her problem with Kim?? Seems the baby shower was KIND OF a surprise for Kandi but she even mentioned that she saw all the cars in the parking lot, so.... Noel is the smartest person in the Bailey/Thomas household. This has to be Leon's effect on Noel.
  5. Good grief. WoeYo and her 9 months, 10 months, 14 months in bed with the Lyme brain. Enough already! No WONDER she hangs out with Kim RIchards! Neither of them can COUNT!! Even though the whole Dubai business was a farce, I did enjoy the hotel (but I read you guys upthread that said it was built by slave labor). Just the sheer over-the-top size suites, that Fish room Eileen snagged... Finally something fancy to look at and not that dumbass WoeYo and her no makeup. Noticed she managed to have makeup on for the award ceremony. That must have been that organic makeup old whatsherface from the OC wears.
  6. Kind of a snoozefest of an episode for me. I'm just so TIRED of WoeYo always been soooo put upon and righteous. Used to think King was a douche and he MAY be; but what that man has had to endure with her is incredible. Someone upthread had the greatest diagnosis and I agree with it 100%. WoeYo probably DID have Lyme but also is suffering from menopause, depression, and.... whatever else. Being a bitch. Who knows, but LAWD, it's giving me a headache! STOP ALREADY! I was liking Eileen all right until she got on the LVP manipulator train. Girl is just annoying now. Ugh. Bring on Dubai already!
  7. Maybe poor widdle Kimmie could get a job at the turtle race place that the VanderPump Rules fools attended? She could be a "turtle valet". Caught some of WWHL, but never really saw her explanation of the Target shoplifting. Just heard the BS about the Beverly Hills Hotel. WAS there an explanation?
  8. "CASA DE HYPOCHONDRIAC"!!!!!! OMG, Giselle, THAT is sooo frickin' funny!
  9. I just want to thank you Vicky8675309, for all of your fantastic information!
  10. Of course the BIGGER question is: Will the 2 ft. parasite be at the reunion? Will it be wearing makeup? Or will it be wearing strappy sandals? LOL!
  11. Maybe Shay needs to be attending COLLEGE since he has no job and no prospects. If he wants to coach and everything in beautiful downtown WEST COVINA, Shay man; you need yourself a DEGREE. Dumbass. Scheana's no mental giant herself.
  12. I picture our Lady of Lemonlyme looking completely horrible and be in possession of all her potions, snake oils, frozen cyrogenic stuff, IV's, vitamins, and TINCTURES!!! Lol!
  13. This stupid cow. I have to say though, that ElDosEquis has REALLY been making me laugh!! Especially with the Dutch accented comments!!!! SOOOO FUNNY!!! Glad folks sort of shit on her attempt to make herself seem to suffer as much as Big Ang. The dumbass should have just looked at the place where her "Mommy" was receiving treatment for HER FREAKING CANCER and she would have seen some SICK people. UGH. I just can't with this idiot.
  14. ITA with all of you regarding Phaedra and her tongue!! Just gross!! And she lets it hang out whenever she's saying something kinda skanky. What the hell is that all about? NeNe being a guest star? Is that like Friend of... whatever. She 's a STYLIST now? Lord, she needs to have that ratty blonde wig styled! Kenya seriously needs some psychotherapy. Girl is plumb goofy when people "hurt her feelings" Get over it, Kenya! You are almost frickin' 50 years old! Sheree & Bob: I think they BOTH know the only way any $$$ is coming their way, is RHOA. Otherwise, neither of them can make a living. So she's stretching out both hands for that peach. JMHO
  15. I saw that too beaker73. Good to know all that rehab and therapy have had such an influence on her behavior. It's really a shame that she hooked Kimberly into doing this dumb show. Isn't this girl in college? Doesn't she have homework or something better to do than be with Mom in some dumb reality show??
  16. I was reading the last few pages of this at work yesterday, and you guys are hilarious!! I just sat there giggling, trying to look busy, and then I read some SUPER funny stuff and started laughing out loud full on. I know I must have looked like a loon, but what the hell! Tres hilarious!!! Especially all the parasite stuff! Throwing it down on the table at the reunion, the parasite wearing a "strappy sandal".. Lord, that is sooo funny!!
  17. Yep, I caught the First Look last night too. Thought it odd that Cynthia was having such a hard time articulating how she felt about her "bestie" situation. She is a doofus! Think maybe it was so dark cause they were down there in the fall or winter maybe? And Kenya is ALWAYS throwing turds in the punchbowl when she doesn't get her way, feels wronged, whatever. Just so annoying! And man! Sheree is REALLY stretching her hand out for that peach! Goodness. She is on the runtelldat express!!
  18. Utter and complete snoozefest. I thought Taylor did look kinda weird and Skeletor-like though. Probably NOT the look she was going for?? Poor WoeYo. She's still claiming to be chronically ill and it just keeps getting more and more ridiculous, IMHO. If things for her health-wise are THAT FREAKING BAD, she needs to get off teevee and concentrate her efforts on getting well. I still cringe at that scene with her Mom, Gigi and the non's, throwing out her will. I mean, here's her "Mommy" with CANCER for cryin' out loud. And here's poor old WoeYO going on about her impending surgery. Just YUK! I know others have suggested that WoeYo go to that organic makeup place that the OC Howife frequents, and I think that would be a good place for WoeYo to start. Those dark circles seem to be growing? And now her hair looks kinda streaked. What's up with all that?
  19. Totally agree, Lura. Brandi has done this to herself and there's nobody to blame but that bitch in the mirror.
  20. Kenya honey, you should REALLY make an appointment with good old Dr. Jeff and get SOME of your ridiculous behavior under control. Your are starting to look straight up crazy. And this is NOT GOOD even though you make the big $$$ for doing it. Stop. Enough already.
  21. ITA with everyone who questioned why Kim even WENT on this trip, considering she dragged her boys along and then got grouchy when she found out there were "adult events" that seemed inappropriate for kids. What REALLY made me scratch my head was the whole attendance at the MMM. It looked like she took the boys on the whole walk to where the rest of the group was, and then said, "CYA!" and left. WTF?? Kinda thought it was hilarious Phaedra kept dropping "my friends in the Obama administration" and "cream of the crop politicians" and some other over the top descriptions of the people at her luncheon. She is SUCH a patooty! Seriously. It makes me laugh at her tagline about "God is the only one who can judge me and HE SEEMS QUITE IMPRESSED" or some such nonsense. Really, Phaedra?? God sent you a voicemail that said he's impressed by your tomfoolery? OK..... And on to poor widdle Kenya. I think she has a LOT of vitriol pointed in Kim's direction and I can't quite get it. Only thing I can come up with is the whole "Life Twirls On" stuff. I think when she brought Kim onto the show, she thought it would elevate her "Producer, Director, Actor" portion of her business and it didn't work out the way she thought. And as for her storyline this season re: family crapola... Stop. Just stop. Let it go. Go see Dr. Jeff or better yet, go see somebody we DON"T know and do it on your own time without a camera crew. Like, actually GET SOME COUNSELING. Just a thought.
  22. OMG, laurakaye, you win the internets today!!! Hysterical! And that's why I watch this tripe too. Bored.
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