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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. My little sparkle pony looks like doodoo! Sparkle pony, you need another assistant. You do not meet the standards of being attached to a NOBLEMAN. Good Lawd!
  2. Dicko would do the "butterfly" on poor old Doug's balls, if only they were still around. According to the Lydiot, they gone.
  3. In the spirit of CAKE... Guy @ work turned 40 today and had THREE CAKES!!! One was a margarita cake with lemon drizzle (really moist and delicious), Second, chocolate with chocolate frosting (yummy, and quite fabulous) and third, banana split cake with vanilla cream frosting (really good, but OMG! MY BELLY!) Jeebus! Had we had ONE MORE FREAKING CAKE the entire place would have gone into a diabetic coma! Oh~ and we ate steak for lunch. Did I mention I work in healthcare? Good thing, huh? Theresa , as we all know, is not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. The whole business with Danielle is another example. She and Delores have known one another over 20 years. We KNOW that Theresa is all about the $$$$, woman went to the BIG HOUSE over it. HUSBAND IS THERE NOW. Like really?? She's pissed that Delores noticed that shit?
  4. My little sparkle pony sure showed her arse at the restaurant. Not being included in a group text after "sharing bible verses".... Oh, the humanity!
  5. Nexxie,Just gonna say the same thing! Those buffets are completely awesome, even IF consumed by a cadre of MORONS!
  6. Lawd! What a shitshow! The whole promise ring thing should be enough for Darcey to have a BIG old glass of chardonnay! I understand Karine forgiving the creeper, girl's gotta get the freak out of Brazil. Old ass Sean and old ass Chris ought to team up and just SHARE... like gentlemen. Cortney and Larry should get together and have some snacks.
  7. WHEN is check-in time @ that prison Abby's going to? Can't be soon enough. Talk about needing some new choreography ! Nothing but old recycled stuff with new obnoxious little dancers and their even more obnoxious moms. UGH.
  8. OK All you people in SoCal! Here you go: I looked on www.epicurious.com and found: "Chicken with apricots, PRUNES and carrots "(delicious!), a nice dessert sounding recipe: "Apples with PRUNES, almonds and armaretto" or a nice veg dish:" Quinoa, cauliflower, PRUNES AND PEANUTS! You can get a twofer! So, Let the rest of us know! !ASSEROLES FOR AN ASS!
  9. Feel better chitchat! I'm scouring the interweb for some great casserole recipes! Looking especially for prune casseroles since Icki seems to need some help in the dump zone. If I find one, it'll be here first!
  10. But to be fair, although this ep was a total snoozefest, NO MENTION OF DOUG'S BALLS!!! Thank you baby jeebus!
  11. Yep, looks like Darcey went for the ring and gave up the wine, I wonder how long that will last?
  12. Zoeysmom, you are so smart! Seriously, that last post says it all. And I can tell you've thought about this. Such logical thinking! Thank you for your well thought out words. I need this! Otherwise, I want to just lash out at the sheer stupidity of Lydiot and Peggy.
  13. Must be the start of hockey season, enchantingmonkey! Or... full moon tomorrow night and we're all resting up? Bored out of our gourds?
  14. So , just for shits and giggles, I went on the NOBLEMAN website and they are realllllly reaching! Story about Matt Damon (huh?), DICKO. Dougie and the BOAT (not his), photos of good looking PAUL NEWMAN (in black n white) and DOUGIE'S BALLS!!!! Ok, I'm kidding. But there should have been a 4 page spread of Dougie's balls just for Lydiot! They want your electricity bills worth of $$$ for a subscription which I decided against. Did I mention I think they are BOTH MORONS!??? And P.S. Matt Damon? WTF is wrong with you??
  15. So boring that I had to start the thread. Dang! How goofy am I??
  16. Buying Lydiot's book on morals is kind of like slapping yourself in the face and liking it. Just DUMB.
  17. I hoped that things were different, but nahhh... Chicks throwing beautiful cakes, big hair, some blonde streaks, and one new girl? WTF????
  18. Wow chitchat! AWESOME!!! And I grew up in Texas and lord knows; we NEVER cook with LOVE! Especially my grandmother! Who taught me everything I know about cooking with complete and utter disdain for all things good to eat! OY! Just slinging hash here.
  19. Oh, Lydiot? Shannon beat you in the WWHL poll!! DINGLEBERRY!
  21. You people make me laugh out loud! Rando thoughts... Armenian cooks are only cooking with "lurve" or whatever she said. Yep, Pegs, the rest of us just cook slop, throw it on a paper plate and force our people to eat it, spicy or not! And yes, we wouldn't necessarily think that eating RAW ground beef was a good idea for ourselves or our children but hey! Armenians LOOOVE to do this. Archie puppo, we miss your golden retriever cutie pie face, please tell you mom we want to see more of you and less of her whining. Finally, and I cannot say it enough.... Lydia girl: YOU ARE AN IDIOT! How do you say "idiot" in Spanish? IDIOTA!
  22. Well said neurochick! Totally agree.
  23. Seriously, Lydiot is just plain DUMB! And I think it's ok that we refer to her as "Lydiot" even though we referred to that dumbass in Australia the same way. Speaking of the Lydiot, what the hell? She's pissed that she's not invited to dinner that Shannon put together? Really? Other thing that just reminds me that the girl is UBER DUMB is her continuation of the whole Doug's "balls being cut off" and the dumbshit Doug allowing that. Jeebus, they went to the damn Doctor who explained what was really going to happen with his balls during a FREAKING VASECTOMY!! Sorry to yell! But Christ on a cracker girl; if your dumbass husband was having his "balls cut off", it would be called a castration. STUPID DUMB GIRL~
  24. MJ is insane. She wrote her mother a check for 100K and Vida tore it up. She SHOULD be writing a check for 100K to a good therapist because it's gonna take a loooong time for that bitch to get fixed. "I'm going to be a fabulous mother!" Uh..... MJ? You are bat shit cray.
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