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Everything posted by goofygirl

  1. I agree with you guys about Darcy - she seemed to think all she had to do was show up in Amsterdam and presto! RING! Doah. And every day she doesn't get said RING! she gets a little more desperate. I think his mom was trying to be nicer than his step-dad but her message seemed clear to me... WTF is wrong with taking your time? And seriously, I kind of get these other ones trying to escape poverty but it doesn't seem like Jesse lives in abject poverty in Amsterdam. Abby, Chris and Sean should just go ahead and get a condo together. I bet Abby would go for it. And poor Karine... Maybe old doofus ran into that anaconda in the jungle. We can hope.
  2. Man, my little sparkle pony sure gets HORSEY when she gets crossed by Shannon. WTF is up with that beyotch? Sure isn't that fine upstanding Christian she thinks she is! And as my old FIL used to say, " There are more horse's asses in the world than there are horses." Lydia girl, I think he was talking about your dumb ass.
  3. KittyKat133, welcome! I wish you could talk to a woman I work with who has been a TOTAL PREGGERS GODDESS. She's about to go on maternity leave (thank you Jesus!) and I have NEVER heard soo much personal, inappropriate info in my life! There are days that I would slit my wrists with a butter knife than listen to the jabber but thankfully, I've managed to keep my mouth shut. Only 4 more friggng days! Whoop! Back to Shahs stuff, I cannot imagine MJ having a baby! What with her own mommy issues, her yuk apartment and her doggie lip issues. No. Just NO.
  4. Old Lea Black was a blast from the past! Wasn't she the OG of the RHOM?? Wasn't she the person that had it ALL in Miami? Married to mega-lawyer Roy Black? Think so. So, WTF is she doing in the Hollywood Hills in a house to be styled and remodeled by Jeff? Thirsty much Lea? And seriously, that dog on the shoulder thing? Just weird. Strange. The dang dog isn't even that small.... I DID notice that once she put the poor thing on the floor,, it seemed to RUNNOFT. What is up with all that? Wonder how the Black mansion in Miami fared during the hurricane?
  5. With you on the church thing! I went to a Pentecostal church service one time and witnessed the same thing - writhing around, speaking in tongues, the whole enchilada. Scared me so bad, I stopped at the first bar I came to and had a beer! Gulped it down and just shook for a few minutes! Really different from my Episcopalian upbringing! And I hesitate to give ANYBODY'S MOM a quick shoutout but Britt's mom needs to find a darker lipstick. She really needs to lay off that light sparkly stuff made for 15 year olds, even if she lives in bumfrick Kentucky.
  6. Oh and dipshit? Go ahead and have your husband CASTRATED for Christ's sake. There should never be another one..... EVER. The world has enough problems. And then throw a bunch of glitter on him and buy him a pony. I promise, he'll be sooo happy!
  7. I got the same vibe from Brandi at grandma's house as I did when Kenya (ATL) went to her mom's house. Think they even SAID the same thing. Dumb. Just waayy dumb.
  8. Lordy! What a shit show! I think this one has just about jumped the shark for me. All the white zinfandel in the world (and trust me, I've tried to consume it all while watching this last bunch of bs!) cannot make me understand: Shannon and her never ending whining about her marriage; Vickie and her throwing herself a party with past howives who are in some cases, COMPLETELY unrecognizable; Lydia and her "party on my little glitter pony" and why anyone BUT Tamra would give one shit what Eddie does in private. Giving Vickie a gun for her birthday can only mean one thing.... She needs to shoot the camera. Stop now. I'll keep reading you guys who have the intestinal fortitude to keep watching but I am done.
  9. If Mohammad can go off the grid, could he please take the rest of those dimbulbs with him? Dang, that was a real waste of time! But, I DID love Danielle and the to-go slice. It was a metaphor for her entire life on this show. When all else fails, cry and eat.
  10. But his prize penis was COMPLETELY protected from that there poop water. .
  11. I call Liar, Liar Pants on Fire. We already knew she'd leave old Tom if he cheated on her and lo and behold.... She DID mention he "couldn't give up his bachelor ways" so just go ahead and admit it Lu.... Ya f'd up. And we all know it. Drop the act. We see you.
  12. I'm rooting for Hencha too. Just can't stand Astriod. But I really have to say... These chicks are soooo classy, does anyone really think those athletes are proud to have them around? Or is it all about the bj's ? Just wondering.
  13. I was kind of hoping Paul and his penis protector (laughing out loud as I type that!) would run into a big old anaconda out there in the river. WHAT a doofus !! No WONDER he had to go to a foreign country to find a girlfriend. I think Danielle might be available.
  14. To be completely honest, part 3 put me right to sleep! Think I was glad to see something NOT related to hurricane Harvey. Houston is my hometown and I live about 3 hours north of there now, behind the pine curtain. It's killed me to watch all that devastation. All the goofy relatives are all right, that's the main thing. Been really proud of the volunteers and the fact that neighbors are helping neighbors. Still praying.
  15. I'm with you enchantingmonkey. Why BOTHER going to counseling if you're just going to do what you want and end up looking like a thirsty beyotch in the process? And Brandi's hair sure looks thinner than it did last year. Whassup with that? No more extensions?
  16. I really think Lydia AND Doug both actually think having a vasectomy IS cutting his balls off. In Hawaii, he made some reference to horses being gelded and him being a gelding after the vasectomy. Good thing they are going to the Doctor!! DUMBOS!! He may be a gentleman but he and horseyteeth are total dingleberries.
  17. It's my impression that Danielle is not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree. Now that they're divorced, she needs to just concentrate on herself and her family. Also, since it looks like Jorge and Anfisa are busting up, maybe Mohammed and Anfisa could get together. Or Jorge and Danielle?
  18. Is it just me or does Tinsley ALWAYS wear either flowery stuff or the off both shoulders look? Getting kinda old to be the little bo peep of the group. Up your game sister! You're HOW old?
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