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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. I thought it was pretty telling that after the Steffy/Wyatt marriage busted up, because Wyatt told the truth (don't kid yourself, Steffy, you're leaving him because you think you're punishing him for telling the truth, you hypocritical sow), Wyatt went to his mother for comfort, sort of, in a way that only Quinn offers comfort, & Steffy went directly to Liam, to find her comfort from his mouth...so far. I was actually thinking the other day, this marriage (Steffy & Wyatt), might be the longest-tenured marriage that either Spencer brother has been involved in (I may be wrong, because Liam & Steffy round 1 seemed like it drug on forever, but they weren't together the whole time, it was just that she wouldn't sign the annulment papers). Also, I don't think Steffy & Wyatt were back together long enough to consummate the slapped-back-together marriage, were they? So maybe there won't be a WTD storyline. Fingers-crossed.
  2. Please post pix! The Subway...rolling! Tell him to take a copy of "Gone Girl" for Twitter references. The movie not the book, of course. Duh.
  3. We actually just watched the premiere episode (thank GOD for DVRs, we love this show!), so I hope I'm not too late to the party. So many things about this episode... 1. I am a woman with no athletic ability at all, save for typing, & I'm a baseball-aficionado in my own mind. I also have a 2-year-old daughter, who, side note, told me last night "Mommy, I wanna watch beeseballs", so when Ginny pulled up to Petco & they showed all of the Ginny-love signs, I got misty-eyed. When she got #43, one number up from Jackie Robinson, I had a tear roll. When she took the mound, I literally cried. Totally crying again typing this. They were just special moments, & they all felt authentic. 2. I definitely did not see the Dad dying coming, but then I felt as stupid as I did the night I watched "The Sixth Sense" for the first time. So obvious in retrospect. Damn, though, Doc from "Third Watch" is badass, smacking his son right across the face! 3. I was actually so relieved that her first game was a total meltdown for her. I figured they'd have her set a strikeout record or something. I'm going to show my regionalism, but it is very realistic for that to happen in a big game situation. Full disclosure: we're Cardinals' fans. In 2000, we had a young kid named Rick Ankiel. He got called up in '99, but 2000 was his first full season. During the 2000 playoffs, he started a few games, & appeared in relief in an NLCS game. He was pulled from each game for throwing wild pitches. In one of the games, he threw 20 pitches in the 1st inning, & 5 were wild pitches. I bring all of that up, because I've never forgotten that, & how nerves can get the best of a pitcher, so I found her meltdown totally realistic. No worries on Ankiel, though, he was sent down to the minors, then he came back up in like 2007 & was a converted outfielder, with a bullet for an arm, & he threw out several players at home. Also, he looks like Kenny Chesney's younger brother. 4. I totally forgot that MPG was in this show, but when I remembered, I actually didn't even recognize that he was the catcher. Zach done got all Slatered-up! 5. Loved seeing Mr. Arnold as a manager, & he so fits that role! Kudos to whatever poster upthread said he looks like he's been an MLB-manager for several decades. We just love this show, & we'd love to see it make it all season. Great casting, great, realistic baseball, & a great story. Great!
  4. OMG, least aware person on the planet? Maya Avant Forrester. Second least aware person on the planet? Eric "Rick" Forrester, Jr. Nicole looked like someone watching her beloved pet being put to sleep, or someone who was trying not to let everyone at the table know that they have diarrhea, & it's suddenly flared back up right at that moment, or, maybe, someone who just spent 10 months of her life, carrying her own biological child for her sister, temporarily losing her boyfriend to her other sister in the process, & then giving up said-biological child, her first-born, & within a few months, her clueless sister & brother-in-law ask her to do it all over again, when her stitches probably haven't even healed from the 1st baby yet. Wow, those 2 idiots certainly cannot read a room. Sasha, please don't go girl (TM Joey McIntyre)! You make Thomas so much less creepy! I'm just going to say on the Steffy/Wyatt situation, I wish Wyatt had dumped her stankin' ass. Also, JMW, see what DB did? That's called emoting with real tears & everything. He didn't have to say much, his eyes & face showed his feelings. They should keep her with him for that reason alone, if they have to keep her at all, that is.
  5. Well hello there, Wyatt's balls! You boys have been missed around here! Look at you, telling Steffy that you know about the PoA, watching her plastic face slowly melt off, letting her know you'll be telling your mom, not falling for her baby-talk kissi....Oh no! Bye, again, Wyatt's balls. It was nice seeing you for a few brief seconds. Hopefully it was just a moment of being starved for physical affection, & he'll still tell everything he knows. Um, Ivy, if you have to drag out Steffy's fugly wedding dress to grab onto Liam's attention, trust me, Honey, it ain't worth it. That dress is the tackiest thing anyone has ever worn on TV, & if Liam has fond memories of it, seeing you in it isn't going to make him project those memories onto you. Also, news flash, when Liam said seeing Steffy in that dress made him know she was the one was a total lie; seeing her walk down a makeshift aisle, to Liam & a preacher, without Hope in sight, is what made him marry her, then he spent the next several months pining over boring Hope. How soon we forget. Again, I hate to rag on anyone for personal reasons, as I'm not nearly as perfect as I pretend to be, but damn, JMW is just not a good actor. Seriously, she could barely emote fear, or concern, or guilt, or sadness at the potential loss of her marriage when Wyatt let her know that he knew about the PoA. She is just bad, really bad, really, unfixably bad. Cut your losses, B&B.
  6. Gah, Wyatt! Not every woman will make you settle for mere morsels of her time, love & affection! Please, please run far away from that wife of yours. You deserve so much better. Cut your losses, let your brother have her, she's just not worth it. Him being so happy & smitten that she's agreed to grace him with her presence in their shared home just made me sad for him. I know it's a setup for when he finds out that she knew about the POA, but it is just gross.
  7. I'm going to respond to several posts at once. I had my kids at 37 & 39, & both times, I was labeled "advanced maternal age", & I had to see a specialist in addition to my OB. Both pregnancies were pretty routine, but the one thing my OB told me right before I had my first was "your pregnancy has been uncomplicated, so after this baby is born, you wait the 6 weeks, & I'll give you the green light for #2. But, if we wind up doing a c-section, you'll have to wait a year." Every time I think of Hattie & Finn, - what, 11 months apart? - my doctor's words echo in my head. That also makes Dean a total douche, because he knew she wasn't supposed to be sexing for 6 weeks (maybe more, I didn't have c-sections, so I'm not sure what the time-line there is). He seems like a complete emotional abuser. I also know of people who've had total surprise pregnancies in their early-40s, so it does happen, but not when they almost died in childbirth a few years prior. Full disclosure, my 2nd (whom is just the joy of our life & could not be more loved or doted on) was conceived while we were a condom-using couple, so accidents do happen, even at an advanced maternal age, but this doesn't sound like an accident at all. Finally, Dean not being able to afford a vasectomy is bullshit. We are far from wealthy, but after our second, my husband got the big snip, and it was less than $600. He was in the office an hour, pain meds for a few days, light duty for 10 days & no sexy times for a week. Even easier, I may be wrong, but I think with Obamacare, female birth control is now covered at 100%. We had a layover between his vasectomy being confirmed as effective & my 6-week grace-period, so my OB put me on the shot & it was covered at 100%. If you're actively sexing-it-up with your cheating-gross-husband, & you're not using any birth control, & you haven't been diagnosed with any infertility issues, & most importantly, you're an attention-whore, I find a surprise baby at 43 highly-suspect.
  8. I love LG & Caroline, but until she returned & beelined for Thomas (I know, it was so "Douglas" could see him), I'd really started to enjoy him, especially him with Sasha. As soon as I saw Thomas & Caroline together with Douglas, I thought of Douglas' conception & how icky that made Thomas to me. I also hated that Sasha was sort of relegated to being an interloper because Caroline is back. I wish they'd built the Sasha/Thomas romance a little more in LGs absence. Mrs. Arnold really sold Pam's grief today, especially when she said that Eric is her only family now that her mother & Stephanie are gone. I know the f-ing lemon bars, tm JMcC, but she's really good when she's given the material.
  9. @Anna Yolei, I completely agree that Maya is self-involved, but when they showed the office-coven of her, Pam, Zende & Wyatt (maybe someone else? I can't remember.), she waxed poetic about how Eric accepted her & her crazy family & she expressed her guilt over hurting him by not going to the wedding. Whether they like it or not, they all know that Eric legit loves Quinn, it just would've been nice if she'd been the voice of acceptance & tolerance, at the very least with her husband & sister. Rick was such a little bitch telling Quinn to ask the doctor for updates on Eric when all of them were sitting right there. This show just has no grey characters, they are all either vanilla (Liam) or just irredeemably wretched (Ridge lately, Steffy always). When the current heroine of the show is a kidnapper/rapist/attempted murderer/potential murderer, & that's behavior in the very, very, very recent past, & she's the only rootable character, that's an issue.
  10. If the Logan part (Brooke, Eric, Bridget, Maya, Nicole & throw in Zende, since he's attached to Nicole) of Eric's family is smart, they'll buddy-up to Quinn, or at least be civil, because if/when Eric awakes, Quinn is going to tell him how she was treated. Plus, just yesterday in show time, they were all feeling so guilty for hurting him, how do they think treating his wife like shit while he's basically comatose is going to make him feel? They're smarter than this. I'd think Maya, especially, would be at least somewhat accepting of Quinn, all things considered. I know this is mean, but why is Liam/SC still on the canvas? Today, he basically sat at the big table in Eric's office & maybe said 4 words. Find him a storyline, or find him an exit storyline. This cast is too big right now, anyway.
  11. @Cupid Stunt, I have no doubt that you're exactly correct. It's been several years, & my memory isn't quite what it was pre-kids, it just sounded familiar. Or, maybe I just really want Quinn to stick it to the Forrester brats (side note - Rick is my least favorite character, but he & Thorne are the most tolerable of the hospital coven of Eric's offspring to me) so much that I manufactured that in my head to give her a fighting chance just in case Ridge & Crew can deem the marriage invalid. #TeamQuinnForrester
  12. This. You phrased this so much better than I could have, & with much less cursing than I was coming up with. If Quinn had physically come at Ridge, I would've never said a word about him defending himself, but he put his hands on her twice, unprovoked, & physically restrained a tiny little woman from seeing her near-death husband twice - twice! I've loved Ridge since TK took over, & I know that's not popular around here, but I always appreciated that RM was gone & that TK was almost a different character, & definitely a much, much, much better actor. No more. I'm fucking done with that piece of shit. Ok, now that that's off my chest, I thought for sure we were looking at a stroke when Quinn mentioned Eric's high blood pressure meds. I might've needed to borrow them after seeing this episode, FYI, & the jury is still out on whether I'll need them after finishing this post. It was very odd how the doctor opened up to the Forrester kids & grandkid, but when the wife came in the room, he shut his mouth & threw away the key. Guess Ridge is like the great & powerful Oz, & what he says goes. At least Thorne filled Mrs. Eric Forrester in. Wyatt, you are not a Forrester. Leave the pity-party of the feeling-guilty-because-they-were-too-chickenshit-to-stand-up-to-Ridge-&-Steffy, go to the hospital & support your mother, who, whether anyone likes it or not, is Mrs. Eric Forrester. Finally, I try to rise above & not bash an actor (very often), but just wow. JMW was so bad in the hospital scenes. I'm not an actor, but I'd think that when a fellow-actor is in front of you, in a hospital bed, it shouldn't be that hard to dig deep & show emotions like, I don't know, concern, fear, worry, guilt. I got nothing from her. I felt something for everyone else, including the coven at FC (which was actually really well-acted, I thought, from the people sort of on the periphery), but for her, she could've been thinking about what color she's going to dye her hair next.
  13. I've only been married just the one time -, I'm not lucky like Steffy to have, what, 4 under her belt by 27-ish? - but I think I remember the courthouse staff saying that when we got our marriage license, we were technically married then, because even though we hadn't performed the ceremony, getting a legalized, government document is the way you're technically, legally-bound together for eternity, or until the guy you really love is found having been kidnapped by your now-mother-in-law. If I remember correctly, & I may not, because it's been 5+ years, plus I had 2 kids awake almost the entire overnight, & I'm only on my 2nd cup of coffee, but if I do remember, the "united by God in front of friends & family" & the pastor & bride & groom signing the marriage certificate is sort of just a formality/photo-op, not technically "legal", because the legalized, government-document is the weight. I'm not sure how that works in the case of a couple getting a marriage license, then calling off the wedding before the actual ceremony, ala Kelly Taylor & Brandon Walsh. Again, I may be misremembering, & it could vary by state, but if I am correct, they would've had to apply for a marriage license before the ceremony, & Quinn would have a case as being Mrs. Eric Forrester, regardless if the marriage certificate is signed or not. Paging Cricket/Christine Blair-Romalotti-Williams-Williams. *Italicized because that was a lot of "marriage" terms & I got confused rereading it, so I made it easier. :-)
  14. ^^I wish there was a "Love" button, like on Facebook, ByTor. I'm loving this storyline of JMcC/RS or Quiric. I love that they stumbled ass-first into something that absolutely works int he best possible way, an umbrella story that literally involves everyone on the canvas.
  15. I just have to say, I've been a here-&-there watcher of our show for most of its' run, although, we've been going steady for the last 4 years or so. In the 4 years I've been steady with it, JMcC hasn't had all that much storyline, & as horrible as this sounds, until today, I had actually forgotten how really good he can be. He sold the hell out of Eric's every emotion today: sadness, anger, disappointment, confusion, sarcasm, mistrust, love (for Quinn), it was all there. I fear that he's not long for our show (total speculation, no spoilers), but I hope he stays & stays frontburner. I hope the Queric show is here to stay.
  16. My dear husband, who is "literally" - tm Nicole - the nicest person I know, said before the show started that if Nicole wins, we're done with "Big Brother" & we're saving the 3 TV viewing hours next summer. Not because he's a sexist pig, but because of the final 3, in his opinion: Paul played the best all-around strategic game, James played the worst game, but was by far the nicest (he doesn't know about him dissing Nat on the feeds in the past few days, but even with that, he's probably still nicer than those 2 immature, heartless jackasses), & Nicole did step it up at the end, but she laid in bed with Corey all summer, and was shown to be super-catty on tv numerous times, plus, she was called a snake by a few of the housegeusts, which tells us something. He was furious that she won, but Paul's mouth sank him during the game, and during the jury questions. Don't worry, I'm magical & will get him to come around. Speaking of jury questions, as much as I somewhat-embarrassingly love this show, the finale almost ruins the entire season for me every year, so I honestly may boycott just so I'm not disappointed in the finale, which has nothing to do with the winner. Here are my ways to fix the finale: 1. Have the finale just be the final 2. Showing the comps takes way, way, way too much time. I should've checked the DVR when we were watching last night, but I bet they didn't even start the final comp until 9:20 or so, which only left 40 minutes left, about 25 with commercial breaks. 2. Please, after the final person is evicted & it's down to the final 2, please, have the jury question them before the finale. I remember in season 5, Marvin asked Cowboy if he was a "lying racist or a racist liar". It was shocking (I hadn't seen any evidence of him being racist, but I didn't follow the feeds then), & would never fly on a live broadcast. I think the jurors are much more likely to be honest & form a non-rushed opinion when they have a bit of time to decide, especially if they already know whom the final 2 are. Plus, those stupid questions are just filler for the show if they've already decided whom they're voting for. 3. For the love of God, the season is made up of 16 or so players. It would've been so nice to hear from Glenn, especially, Tiffany, Frank, Bronte & to see, but not hear, from Jozea. I hate that with this format they have no time to talk to the houseguests who don't make jury. They actually don't have time to talk to the houseguests at all, I guess, save for the jury questions, but the game is basically over at that point, let them have a moment. I would've loved for the winner to be announced, say around 9:40, then for the non-sequestered houseguests to make some remarks about what they saw. It would've been great TV for Frank or Tiffany to give Z a heads-up that people hate Paulie, partially on her behalf. Or, to give Corey a subtle mention of a goat at the end (he'd never have gotten that, but we would have). I know there's no way to know in advance if they'll change the format of the finale, but it is so disappointing every year. Just my 2 cents!
  17. I must confess: I'm a moron. I read the spoilers for today, so I knew Ridge was getting "a shocking email from Eric", but at about 12:55, when his phone pinged in the same tone as the email ping on my iPhone, I grabbed my phone & checked it. There was no email from my father's current girlfriend-of-a-month, inviting me to their wedding, though. Maybe tomorrow, fingers-crossed.
  18. Ugh, can someone recap the last segment for me? Apparently the storm in our area was worse than I thought & it knocked off our cable right before the last segment. I wish they would've saved all the Steffy stuff & put it all in the last segment, then I wouldn't care that I missed it.
  19. I think I also read that VM hated being on the show. I know that JG had a reputation for being really hard on the new people, but she & TAT got past that & became good friends before their falling-out (I'd still love to know what that was about, & if the rumors of TAT sleeping with JG's then-husband, Peter Facinelli, are true). I'm kind of surprised that they were mean to VM, because I think I remember her & BAG dating right off the bat. I would've thought that would've bought her some niceness from the other girls.
  20. I was totally joking, hope that didn't come across as offensive. We were speechless, literally, but it does happen occasionally. Although, I'm sure God thought one Paul in this world was enough until he grows up, so maybe that's why they were effective for him.
  21. Let me introduce you to my son, whom I love more than anything in the world & can't imagine or remember life without or before him, but he was most definitely conceived while we were strictly a condom-couple. These things happen...not to us anymore, though, took care of that! :-)
  22. OMG, best post today! I really like Z, & I think she has very low self-esteem, which astounds me, because I, a heterosexual female, would rank her in the top 5 prettiest HGs of all time, but I literally, seriously literally, (that's how you use that word, Nicole) prayed last night that when she gets out of the house entirely & back to real life, that she'll forget that egotistical troll Paulie ever existed. I pray that she can see her value & see that he is not worth all of the drama that he brings her. If she can't, I hope that her family can fill her in on what a jackass he really is.
  23. ^^I totally forgot B&B has Big Brother contestants on the show, Joimiaroxeu. Vic would be perfect on that show, he already looks like a model, & he does have a natural charm. Wouldn't Paulie just die if Vic wound up working in Hollywood, while he spends the rest of his life dodging Z's family??
  24. I always like the comic book veto comp, but I felt so bad when they showed Michelle's. She is a super-fan, so she knows what that's all about. She's also got some self-esteem issues, and when she sees that her comic was making fun of her weight, I don't think it'll be funny, I think she'll be really, really, really upset. There was no bad move in whom to vote out. Vic would probably be better at comps & potentially make it further, but having been evicted twice & having reentered twice, I'm not sure the jury would've given him the money. However, I truly believe Paul will beat anyone left if he gets to the final 2. I'd really like to see whom Michelle would vote for in a Paul/Nicole final 2. Completely agree, this season is about 3 weeks past it's expiration date.
  25. I gave up regularly watching Y&R several months ago, partially because of time-constraints, & partially because it just sucked hard (I still followed this board because you all are way better than the show!), but hearing that Jack is finding out about Philly, & PB is apparently going to get the chance to teach an acting seminar on "how to convey hurt/anger/betrayal simultaneously", as well as rock what I'm sure will be his Emmy-bait, I'm in for this. Thanks for the heads-up!
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