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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. "There stands a man where the Manny once stood." Randall Pearson, March 7, 2017 #Best
  2. Fine, I'll be the bitch on wheels & ask the obvious question...does anyone know if Amelia Heinle has any family or friends working at Price Waterhouse Cooper? :-) Filing for divorce days shy of their 10th wedding anniversary was a huge dick move, but having her ex-husband's movie announced as the Oscar's best picture winner, bounding to the stage in celebration with everyone who worked on the movie at all & holding that title for all of a minute before the correct movie was awarded the best picture statue is pure evil genius. Oh, AH, you are Victor Newman's daughter!
  3. Oh, $Bill, everyone knows that when someone looks like you do, s/he should don his/her birthday suit on his/her actual birthday. Now, since you missed it today, we'll let it slide & you can make it up to us tomorrow, but be sure to mark it in your calendar for next year, with a reminder 2 weeks in advance, like I do with my dentist appointments.
  4. Seriously, best quote EVER! OMG, I'm cackling at my desk. Unfortunately, my old-ass coworkers are not fans of our show, probably don't know about Donna's caverns of doom, & definitely haven't heard of Colin Robbins, artiste, cokehead, & escaped convict, considered armed & dangerous.
  5. I was & still am a TV drama queen, child of 1976, & I swear, one of my very first memories is the revelation of "Who shot JR?". I was at my grandma's, in my pink & white windbreaker jacket, because it was November, everyone was vegged out on the floor, except me, who was standing beside the tv-in-an-oak-box with the rabbit ears coming out of the top of it....the memories are fresh in my 40-year-old mind. Every time I see Mary Crosby, I see Kristen with the gun, at the Ewing office building. I actually thought the sugar mama was a shockingly realistic storyline for our show. Let's be honest, we've all seen Colin's paintings, there's no way he'd have the revenue to live in the lifestyle he'd grown accustomed to, or wanted to grow accustomed to, not even taking into consideration his coke addiction, if he wasn't making a little cash on the side. I fully believed that he'd have a sugar mama "assisting" him. I have a harder time believing that he'd ever, even for a nanosecond, consider being a janitor, & the hardest time believing that Kelly would even glance in his direction if he was.
  6. This is the definition of "Throwback Thursday", which is today, if you're reading this on a non-Thursday in the future, but I remember Jamie Walters in this VH1 show many years ago, featuring several formerly famous people, including David Chokachi & Hobie, both from "Baywatch", who'd fallen a bit in their fame. If I remember correctly, JW said that he asked to be written off the show, because fans were coming up to him at shows/concerts & saying things like "please stop hitting Donna", & "quit cheating on Donna with Val", or saying they wouldn't go to concerts because of Ray's behavior. It was affecting his revenue on that end, so he wanted off 90210. In retrospect, maybe not the best idea, as neither his acting career or his singing career panned-out too well. I think he might now be a firefighter or EMT or something, both completely noble professions, & much more dependable than acting/singing, but if he wants the fame & glory, he might've should've stuck with Ray Pruit.
  7. Deal, if you'll grant me the same courtesy!
  8. If this happened, I'd bet $5 million that Kris was the one who set that up to be recorded. My guess is she'd rather be rid of her daughter's statutory rapist, who also doubles as her son's baby mama's baby daddy (took me 4 times to correctly label that, not kidding), but she knows Kylie isn't going to be told what to do. I think she'd rather Kylie hook up with someone who can elevate her like Kanye did Kim, but Kylie is hanging on for dear life. Also, thanks, Cait! Glad to know that I only have 15 1/2 more years of parenting, these terrible 2s are just no joke, so good to know that I can tap out when she's 18! I gotta say, though, if a 22-year-old married father comes sniffing around my daughter when she's 14, my husband will for sure be far more involved than the Jenner parents are, until he's carted off to jail for assault, that is.
  9. Is her fountain of youth included with the property? If so, wanna be roomies? I can pitch in a few hundred.
  10. I may have missed something mentioned today, but I rewound to make sure I heard correctly when Thomas said "my brother & I are interviewing interns." Is RJ of an age where he has a say in who interns at Forrester? I thought he was in high school? I can't place another brother of Thomas', of course, until Douglas' paternity is possibly retconned, so someone smarter than me solve the mystery, please & thank you.
  11. This is probably unpopular, but I adore Jason Wiles, who played Colin, & I think he was, & still is, smoking hot. He played Bosco in "Third Watch", which is one of my all-time favorite shows, & he was the best part of that, IMHO. Colin was kind of a sucky character, aside from getting Kelly to snort the coke, but I think Jason Wiles is just delicious. @Petunia13, I must agree with you, Paul Johansson is absolutely beautiful. I saw an interview & he said he dated pre-Richard Gere-era Cindy Crawford for a while, after they ran into each other in an airport. I believe that, he's hot enough to land her in her heyday. It's kinda odd that Kelly's side-pieces were hotties, & she spent most of the show pining over average-looking, sanctimonious Brandon & average-looking, emotionally-unavailable (but still whom I'd pick of the 2) Dylan. Again, just my opinion.
  12. I was & am a huge fan of Caroline, but having her off the canvas has mostly made me forget about the "misunderstanding" between she & Thomas, regarding Douglas' conception. Thomas is so much better without being reminded of that, & I'll never forget, but her being gone has done wonders to make me not think about it. I'm glad that Ivy grossness is over, too. Ew, just no, show. So, does Thomas get someone in the publishing world to do another review? Does he just jump ship right now & save Spectra? Does Bill's henchman (can't remember his name, & I'm lazy) publish a re-review in his own words elsewhere, praising Sally? #ThomasToTheRescue Toned-down Sally, apologizing to Saul, Shirley & Darlita (who is so dumb, she probably didn't know it was an apology), was probably her best scene to date. I don't mind a little scenery-nibbling, but I like her softer much better.
  13. I was coming to type the same thing, @Anna Yolei. The most obvious example being that no one guessed that Maya was transgendered, & that was a huge shock & a huge story (for a while, anyway). They have an awesome way of keeping the lid on things.
  14. I watched the last few episodes in succession this weekend, & this was my takeaway on all of the recipes: it made me so sad to see sweet Charlie, alive & well, knowing that he's now up in doggie-Heaven. What a good, sweet boy. As a dog-Mommy, I feel for Ree having to watch episodes with him in it. My k-9 baby girl has been gone almost 2 years, & there's not a day that goes by that I don't think about her. :-(
  15. I was half-watching today after not watching yesterday at all, thanks for the recap, @CountryGirl, now I don't have to! Anyway, I was half-watching, & I swore that it was Phyllis Summers Romalotti Abbott Newman Newman Abbott & probably a few I missed, hitting on our young Thomas. She's not above dating in her son's age-bracket, you know. Anyway, when I actually paid attention, she even had all of Phyllis' mannerisms down as well. It was uncanny. Serious question, is she related to GT who plays Phyllis? Was all of that a coincidence? When she said her name was "Sally", & after the Sally mention & clips last week, I see Thomas' next story on the horizon. I've been in & out of our show for its' run, although I've been in since about Fall, 2011, but is there a younger character named directly after Sally Spectra that I didn't know about, or is Phyllis, Jr./Sally, Jr. new to everyone else, too?
  16. This is not a political post, but I find it very interesting that Kim basically went after Trump the other day with her post about gun violence (in response to the temporary immigration ban), according to TMZ, but Kanye has remained completely silent about anything Trump-related since their December meeting. The fact that they're publicly disagreeing politically, without actually acknowledging that the other disagrees, in a way only Kim & Kanye can, makes me think they won't be married next year at this time. I know that politics aren't the glue that holds a marriage together, & I know there are famous couples who dissent, politically, but Kanye is basically cool with Trump, seemingly, & Kim is calling him out from vacation. Judging from my marriage & my friends' marriages, politics is really a non-issue in most marriages, but they clearly disagree dramatically & publicly on it. Is Kanye even on this vacation? I saw Kim trying to carry both kids in her 10-inch stilettos, opting to only carry North for most of the time, if the pictures are accurate. Poor Saint, he's just as cute as he can be, too.
  17. I suggested it to a few people, @Nanrad, but I haven't heard if they watched it. When will we know if it's coming back? Honestly, even if it was maybe a show on MLB Network, we'd still watch it. It's so much better than half the crap on TV right now. Pitchers & catchers report in just a few weeks, though, I'm ready!
  18. Wow, I am in utter shock that RS isn't even pre-nommed. How many frontburner stories this year didn't involve her, even in a peripheral role? She was in everything; Steffy/Wyatt, kidnapping Liam, romance with Eric, Eric's heart attack (I honestly can't remember if it was a heart attack now that I say that), the Forrester revolving door, now this will they/won't they with Ridge, she was in all of them. The only major story she wasn't in, was the babies, & their parentage, Douglas & the Ridge/Caroline/Thomas mess, & also Lizzie. RS really got robbed, she probably would've won. ETA: While it sucks balls that RS got robbed, I'm so happy that the actors playing both Vivian & Julius were nominated, Julius' portrayer, OB, especially. He is like Major Dad on an episode of "This Is Us", he just elevates everything (except, of course, TIU is already perfection, where our show, notsomuch).
  19. I've actually caught all of these episodes (save for the Keek episode) recently on the marathons. The Iola fantasy is hilarious! The love letter was funny, too, with Naomi trying to reason with Bubba not to be in love with her. I can't believe the show ended in 1990. I'm showing my age, but I thought it was on when I was in high school, but I started in the fall, 1990.
  20. @TaraS1, I just said to a friend the other day that I'm dying to see the episode with "The Keek"! That's one of my favorites, too! I also like when Naomi has Tiffany Thelma, the Thelma "Hot Pants" Harper (can't remember her maiden name, Crowley?) episode, & the Thelma dates Leslie LeMoyne episode, to name a few. I always think that I hate the Buzz/Sonya episodes, but they showed the one the other night where Naomi, Eunice & Ellen each have a different version of the gooseberry jam/smacking Mama with the pan episode, & it's also one of my favorites. There really were some funny episodes during that time, including Vint & Naomi's wedding, which was hilarious at times, mostly because Eunice & Ellen were hysterical, but for some reason, I always think I hated that time. I can't put my finger on it. Finally, my 2-year-old calls this show "Grandma & Olaf", because Thelma looks like a grandma, & she heard "Iola", but apparently she actually heard "Olaf", so there you go. She gets so excited when "Olaf" comes on screen, she yells "Olaf"! Yeah, we let her watch with us, we're "those" parents.
  21. I have to admit, I'm not a Toby fan. To me, he's not himself ever, he's just always "on". Kevin is by far my least favorite of the big 3, too, although, I really like & feel for young Kevin, because I do think Kate had Jack, Randall had Rebecca, & Kevin was on his own a lot (just saying, the parents had their obvious favorites). However, I'd watch an hour of "The Toby & Kevin Show" again. Gold. Little back-pat, I did call that Sophie was the love of Kevin's life, I just had a hunch. I told my husband that neither girl in the triangle was the love of his life, because if she was, he wouldn't have been in a triangle with both of them to begin with. When she opened the door, & I saw it wasn't Sloane, I groaned for just a moment, thinking it was British Bitch (Olivia? can't remember). That was a relief. I like this Kevin, but who hasn't seen "Notting Hill"?? This show just does something to me every week. This week, I kept thinking that Kate is probably not going to end up with either of these guys, because if it's like real-life, typically, Daddy's girls go for guys like their Dad, & neither of these goobers are in the #HotDaddyJack stratosphere. That got me, because my daughter is a total Daddy's girl, so she's going to have to get an amazing guy, because her Daddy is pretty special, & he's crazy in love with her...& now I'm crying at my desk.
  22. Quoting both parts of this post, because in the first post, I couldn't agree more. SC is so good when he's in scenes with DD. Granted, DD has that charm that just leaps off-screen, but they play off of each other so well, I legit believe they're father/son & that they love each other. It'd be so nice to have him in a non-romantic story; the romance isn't his strong-suit, in my opinion. I seriously forgot all about Julius until you mentioned him. When was the last time we saw him? October? How can you not show actors of that talent-level, but shove the Liam/Steffy/Wyatt triangle down our throats every.single.day? Ugh, I'd trade 2 Katie-drops-by-Eric's-house-for-idiotic-reasons, 5 Quinn-&-Ridge-had-a-secret-kiss-in-San-Francisco & 8 Liam-wants-Steffy-to-forget-Wyatt-because-Quinn-is-the-eeeeevil episodes, for an entire episode of Julius rearranging his golf clubs any day.
  23. OMG, not even kidding, my 2 1/2-year-old threw less of a fit than Liam this morning when her 9-month-old brother took her chocolate chip mini-muffin & ate it right in front of her, & that tantrum caused me to be late for work, due to the inability to get anyone dressed because of the meltdown. For real, that girl, tears, laying in the floor, kicking, yelling "my muffin", it was endless. Didn't bother the boy, though, he ate that muffin, crawled over to where she was & started clapping. On topic, damn, Liam, remember what happened the last time you took off to get away from Steffy?? Also, Forrest Gump called & he wants his run back. Also, that's the type of run that's reserved for when people who haven't seen each other in a long time have been reunited, not for an on-&-off couple who just parted ways like 2 hours ago. That run would've been far more applicable if Hope had seen him at the airport, not that I ever, ever, ever want that to happen again.
  24. Seriously, is Katie's only job on the show from now on going to be to stop by Eric's for one made-up reason or another, - "oh, look, my son found a soccer ball near our property line that must be 35 years old, & was missed by every gardener/lawn service we've had in the past 4 decades! I'm sure it holds great emotional attachments for you, you're so welcome for this special gift! That Will, he's going to be the next Paul Williams! Oops, wrong show!" - only to say that she has to hurry up & leave because she's so skerred of what Eric's wife will do if she finds them alone? With the weather over the last few weeks & a few sick little ones at my house, (I think I'd rather have the exact same conversation with Liam about Quinn being "theEVIL" & why we belong together & why I don't belong with his brother, than to be stuck in a house with my not-feeling-well son) I'm sure I missed a few days here & there, but I can't remember any scenes of Katie that didn't take place in Eric's living room, save for the one of her & $Bill a few weeks back, where she told him Brooke was rushing to Paris to see Hope. They may need to just get rid of her, or maybe turn her into the neighbor on "Home Improvement", who's name I can't remember, because I didn't watch the show, who was only seen from about the bridge-of-the-nose up, & only in small doses.
  25. As much as I love this show, & make no mistake, I Facebooked about it like 547 times since they went on winter-break, I was slightly underwhelmed at this first episode back. Of course, Sterling K. Brown, my new TV boyfriend, was phenomenal as usual. All of his big scenes were standouts - the big 3 scene with the coffee cups (we totally need more scenes of the adult big 3, & only the big 3), the hottie, oh-so-hottie scenes with Beth in the bathroom, & the so sweet & subtle scenes with William, discussing the end. He is just such a treasure, & I know I'm gushing, but he really is just amazing. I should probably say that I'm not a member of the LGBT community, although, totally supportive, but I noticed that Beth said "preference" rather than "orientation", which is the norm. As soon as I heard it, my immediate thought was that William had made it a point early in the show to say that he'd had relationships with both men & women, so I took that to mean that since he was now in a relationship with a man instead of a woman, that was his current preference, & I'd assume that if he was dating a woman at this time, she'd use the same verbiage. Again, I'm not trying to be disrespectful at all, that was just my thought. So nice to have a short scene of Major Dad again. Can't wait until next week
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