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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. I really love CaRidge, and I really hate Bridge & Brill with equal passions, but when Ridge walked into $Bill's office and barked at him to get his hands off of Brooke, the innocent victim, who, ironically in all of her infinite wisdom, went over to $Bill's office in person to tell him to leave her alone, I so wish Debbie from "Survivor" would've walked back in there and said "ok, boys, drop your pants. Brooke, I know you carry a tape measure in your purse for just such an occasion like this, put it to use & we'll decide once & for all who is the bigger man!", but she didn't. That was a very long sentence on my part, I just can't stand how Brooke has to be rescued by Ridge, and/or has to "follow her heart" directly to her sister's husband. I also hate how heartless Wyatt & $Bill are being made to look so Liam and Steffy have something to bond over. I can't imagine that a huge conglomerate like Spencer doesn't have a charitable affiliation of some kind. Liam is hardly the first person to come up with "let's use some of our immense profits and resources to help others", so I am befuddled as to why Wyatt & $Bill are so against it to the point of making fun of him, & stunned that he would suggest it. As much as Liam annoys me with the waffling, in the real world, he's exactly right, what they would gain in favorable PR would more than make up for any profit they put towards a charitable endeavor (not to mention the tax breaks, but I digress). I know, if I want realism, I need to not look to BelLA for that!
  2. ^^^Totall agree, Kitty Redstone. I'm actually thinking of taking a break from our show for a while because I'm so repulsed by this storyline, and I'm saying that as a huge LG/Caroline fan. It was rape. We all saw it, and just for reference, according to the Webster's Dictionary on-line, the definition of rape is: "unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will usually of a female or with a person who is beneath a certain age or incapable of valid consent." (To be clear, I just quoted the website, I did not add or agree with the "female" part, as I think men can be raped as well) Caroline was drinking and using pills when he raped her, which Thomas knew if I remember correctly. Even if not, she was barely coherent, and there was no way she was capable of consenting. Forcing Caroline to side with her rapist and to have to maintain a relationship with him for the rest of her life by linking Douglas to him is absolutely disgusting. However, if I put all of that aside, how does Caroline think it benefits Douglas for everyone in the world to know at the very minimum, he was a product of a one-night-stand between his mother and his father/brother? If the family is as world-famous as the show insinuates, won't she have to either explain to the press that A) she slept with her stepson-to-be or B) she mixed pills and wine and didn't know what she was doing, so her son was the product of a drugged/drunken one-night stand between his mother and his father/brother? She knows she was inebriated, & at the very beginning, both she and Ridge basically acknowledged that it was rape. Backtracking now and saying that she was equally at fault for too many pills & glasses of wine is like saying a woman was asking for rape because her skirt was too short or her shirt was too skimpy, and that's a very slippery slope the writers probably want to avoid, especially in light of the recent Stanford-rapist's way-too-light prison sentence and the subsequent backlash. Ugh, my BP is probably sky-high right now. We all know that Douglas is Ridge's son, and that will come out soon, but that doesn't undo that Thomas is a rapist, and there is no going back from that. I know other actors/characters in soap operas have come back from being a rapist & been viable characters, but PF/Thomas doesn't have the charm of Matt Ashford/Jack Deveraux, Roger Howarth/Todd Manning, or even early-Tony Geary/Luke Spencer. Make Ridge the biological dad, write Thomas out and move on from this horrible, insulting, wretched storyline faster than Wyatt marries Liam's leftovers.
  3. I vote TobinAlbers as the new headwriter of our show! That Liam scenario is better than anything I've seen on the show in several years! Onto the actual show, I'm starting to wonder if they're trying to go for a chemical-imbalance storyline for Katie. Yesterday, by our show's days, she was yelling at Brooke & $Bill, rightfully so, for being too close to each other and for his need to rescue her. Today, seemingly the next day after $Bill outed Douglas' paternity, Brooke watched Katie's son with Katie's blessing, then, right in front of Brooke, Katie plays kissy-face with $Bill, and then she leaves just Brooke & $Bill in the office to go to the park with Will. None of her actions make sense, unless they're going for an issue of her having chemical/mental problems, because the alcohol wasn't an issue today, obviously. The highlight of the day for me, the fact that $Bill knows that Brooke is such a sure thing that he apparently set up the burning candles in the office-bedroom at some point, knowing she was coming and they wouldn't be a danger. ;-) DD sure got into that kiss...rawr!
  4. I forgot to mention that I thought it was funny that B&B gave a shoutout to "The Talk", by naming Sheryl Underwood's character "Emmy". If my calculations are correct, that was probably filmed right about the time "The Talk" won the daytime emmy for outstanding talk show. Once in a while, I like to say nice things.
  5. Seriously, since I read this earlier this morning, I have been thinking about it - I definitely need to pay more attention to work and not as much to B&B! I hated the original version of Y&R's Adam when he returned. When MM took over the role, I adored Adam. That was even after the gaslighting of Ashley, stealing Sharon's baby and giving it to Ashley, then marrying Sharon. To this day, if MM returned, I'd be totally on board for him to have whatever he wanted. However, Thomas is just a horrible rapist to me. Adam was horrible, but I think the difference is that MM was so charming and he had that charisma that made me like him. Thomas, PF, is lacking that charisma on ever level. There is nothing above average about him, and I do not want him to win, and I definitely don't want him to force his victim, Caroline to be around him, nor do I want him to be around his "son". I'd love for him to move out, go work for Spencer, start dating Sasha and forget about his rape-victim and her resulting child. Maybe I could someday down the road like him, but it would take those things for me to start to make that happen.
  6. Just a few things from the show today... Now, even Ridge is calling Thomas' raping of Caroline a "misunderstanding"?? I like Ridge & I really like Ridge & Caroline together (& I really, really like that Ridge always kept it in perspective that he loves Douglas, but is disgusted at what happened to get him here), but when Ridge said "misunderstanding", I about lost my lunch. There was no misunderstanding, your son raped your wife. I understand that he may not have known the extent to which she was incapacitated, but he damn-well knew she wasn't 100% in control of herself, & he took advantage of her, & slept with her like he'd wanted to for months. For a brief moment, I think $Bill made sense about Douglas not knowing that Thomas was his father, when he related it to Liam & Wyatt. From that perspective, it makes sense that he understands where both Thomas & Douglas need to know about each other. The difference is that $Bill didn't even know about either of his sons until they were adults, while Thomas was there when Douglas was born, he knew that he was the biological father way early in Douglas' life, and he will disgustingly continue to have contact with him throughout his life. I know that the reasoning was not genuine, because $Bill doesn't care about the paternity, he only wants to bring Ridge down, but that was actually logical. Finally, for the very first time ever, I actually thought I saw a little remorse/embarrassment/acknowledgement from Thomas about how his actions from that fateful night were not upstanding, and that Douglas was not conceived in love or anything close to that. I don't know if it was the part of the actor, or if the writing actually acknowledged the grossness of the conception, but for the first time, it felt like he got it, even if it was momentarily. Poor Brooke, did she even say a word the entire show? How awkward to literally stand around when her sister's marriage is crumbling right in front of her, partially due to her, then follow "the love of her life" out the door, then follow him into the home of the actual "love of her life" for a confrontation that has nothing to do with either her or him ($Bill). She probably said something, but it seemed like she just stood there, ran out the door when $Bill beckoned, then stood behind him while he verbally-assaulted everyone in the room.
  7. I know people are up-in-arms about the Quinn/Liam storyline, rightfully so, but I'm so over this whole Ridge/Caroline/Thomas/Douglas/Katie/BIll/Brooke/Rick storyline that it is just about to push me over the stop-watching-the-show-altogether edge. 1. Thomas raped that girl. Caroline was incapacitated and couldn't give consent. If he'd slipped her a roofie and she'd been in the same mental condition & he'd had sex with her, he'd be doing some jail time. Backtracking now and saying that Caroline is remembering her role & actions in it doesn't make it not rape. For the show to make it seem like Caroline and Thomas had a one-night stand and Thomas has rights to Douglas just disgusts me. I know that for right now, he is the biological father (until it's retconned that Ridge's super-swimmers made Douglas, because we all know that's what's going to happen eventually), but he has no remorse at all for his actions, and actually has the audacity to want to be around his victim (Caroline) & the baby. Ugh, it's gross to me. 2. There were so many more organic ways for this to come out than the way it actually did - Katie overhearing an argument between Ridge and his vasectomy-doctor, Jesse Vasquez, then Jesse dying innocently yet mysteriously and Ridge inexplicably caving and telling Katie the truth, then Caroline not only confirming, but giving up Thomas' name. There could've been a situation where Douglas needed some type of transfusion and neither Ridge or Caroline were matches, which I know is an ions-old soap-staple, but it would've been better than what we got. Just the entire outing of the story reeks to me. 3. $Bill is one of my favorite characters on tv, but I'm over him in this situation. For his many, many, many faults, he adores his niece, and I really don't think he'd do anything to intentionally hurt her or her child, who is also $Bill's own flesh & blood. I'm not saying he wouldn't try to blackmail Ridge, but I can't imagine that he'd be cool with hurting Caroline or Douglas (who is THE cutest baby actor, fyi!). 4. The biggest WTF to me in this whole storyline is that $Bill is trying to help Rick! Rick, who cheated on his niece and treated her like crap at the tail-end of their marriage. Rick, who literally tried to kill Caroline shortly after their breakup. Rick, who is married to Maya, whom $Bill outed as transgender for the entire world less than a year ago. Rick, who ran Forrester down (if I remember correctly) financially is who $Bill now wants back in charge? I thought one of the reasons he wanted Ridge gone was so he could get a return on his 12%. I also remember a $Bill/Ridge team-up over beer at Ridge's apartment, in an effort to take down CEO Rick. $Bill is so worried about keeping Rick around that he's willing to risk hurting Caroline to keep Rick in BellLA and in power? I'm way-pissed at Katie right now, but she hit the nail on the head today, this has nothing to do with anything except $Bill being Brooke's knight in shining armor. That felt good to vent!
  8. I'm so glad I found this board! I agree with the above posters that the arc of Fisher beating Jackie is probably the best arc of the series. It's definitely my favorite, and if I see that it'll be on, I always record it. My favorite part is when Dan doesn't say a word, just grabs his coat and heads out the door. JG is just so hot in that scene, by far my favorite of his in the entire series. I also loved the jailhouse scenes with Darlene. The look on Dan's face when he sees her is the best! SG is just comedy gold; it's a shame she's not really acting anymore. My favorite episode for Roseanne is called "It's a boy!", I think. It's the episode where David wants to move in, so Roseanne goes to David's mom's house to discuss it. The exchange between David's mom & Roseanne is one of the best of the entire series in my eyes. DM: Don't you tell me how to raise my kid. Look at the 2 little whores you raised (paraphrased). Roseanne: Oh, uh, I'm in this now. If your kid wasn't here, I'd take this opportunity to tell you that people who live in glass whorehouses shouldn't throw stones. Then, she tells David he can move in. Roseanne's delivery is just superb during that confrontation. She really could bring it like no one else.
  9. I just can't even with the Liam/Quinn drama, so I am pretending like it didn't happen entirely & blocking it. To that note, the absolute most insulting thing on today's show was $Bill & Katie's kitchen. Seriously, I'm so far from the 1% that the line is a dot to me (TM Joey Tribiani), like we're maybe in the 95%, and our kitchen is probably twice the size of theirs. There is no earthly way that those people and all of their money - he bought Katie a tiara in the recent past, a tiara she can never wear anywhere, because she's not Duchess Kate! - would have a kitchen that miniscule. I understand that they are working with the logistics of sets, but it's just so not believable. Shell out some dough, Bell, so you don't take me out of the scenes with unbelievability. See, made you forget the Liam/Quinn drama for a second!
  10. Our long nightmare is finally over and baby Raya is here! I had some favorite moments about the birth: 1. Rick couldn't even lose the suit and tie when his surrogate baby mama was in labor. Always the dapper gentlemen, our little Napoleon. 2. Every person on the medical team was wearing masks, which was obviously so Zzzzzzzende could go undetected, but none of the family was wearing anything over their faces, only the smock-type covering (which is also odd to me, considering I just recently gave birth, and not one person out of the 20 or so in the room, was wearing that smock, save for my OB - I know every hospital is different, I'm just saying it seemed like overkill). 3. Unless Zende was roaming the halls for a long time, which didn't appear to be the case on-screen, Nicole sure got time to herself quickly; no sign of Rick, Maya, Vivian or Baby Raya, or even anyone on the medical staff just moments after giving birth for the first time. 4. Nicole sure got her libido back quickly. She had given birth moments before Zende popped into her room, again, assuming he wasn't roaming the halls for several hours, but she sure jumped on a makeout session quickly! Finally, I've been out-of-touch with the board for awhile while I was on my maternity leave (it's too hard to type much on a phone, and a laptop and a newborn don't mix so well!), but I've always liked Katie, and I never understood why everyone else hated her. Ugh, after this whole buttinsky thing with baby Douglas, I am firmly on team "I Hate Katie". Geez, for someone who's recently had her secret stash of alcohol outed, which caused her to go nuclear on her sister, she sure didn't hesitate to stick her nose in something that had absolutely nothing at all to do with her.
  11. I'll admit, I'm not usually on the edge of my seat during tribal, but I kept waiting for someone to say "what's the original plan?", or screw it up & vote for the wrong person. I'm not sorry to see Fauxbama go, so there's that. I've intensely disliked Scot in the past, and I still intensely dislike his tattoos, but this week, I actually sided with him. Unfortunately, the preview for next week showed him back with Jason/Kyle, which is beyond disappointing, so that was a fleeting likeability for me towards him. Every week, I say this to my husband, as a totally heterosexual, married woman, Cydney has the absolute most banging body I've ever seen on this show. Seriously, this girl is just perfect. I'm so jealous and in total admiration.
  12. I hate even putting this in the universe, but isn't Hope going to make a brief appearance soon - maybe one day, I'm thinking? That leads me to believe that Quinn does do something to either Liam or Deacon, my guess would be Deacon, and that's maybe why Hope appears. Smartyshorts might be onto something, because I don't think we saw Deacon post-hug yesterday.
  13. I definitely misread the DeaQuinn scenes today, because I just knew she was going to shove him off the cliff when he was hugging her. I also misread the scene with Quinn's inhaler, because I thought Liam was going to look at the prescription on it (I assume the prescription is printed on the actual inhaler, knock on wood, we don't have asthma problems with us or the kids, so I genuinely don't know if her name would be on it), and see "Quinn Fuller" and start the process of remembering. I'm 0-2 in the B&B guesses today. I kinda feel a little less than genius-level that Brad Bell outsmarted me twice in one day.
  14. Thanks so much, ByTor! I'll for sure print this out and show it to my husband, who's about 32 weeks past tired of dealing with my hormonal outbursts! I hope I'm as pretty after birth as Caroline, but I'm not holding my breath. Any guesses as to what his name will be? I'm going with definitley not a version of "William", but I got nothing after that. Maybe "Bernie" or "Trump", just to be culturally-relevant.
  15. To answer LittleIggy's question about the last time we saw RJ, the last time that I remember seeing him was when $Bill was engaged to Brooke, and $ gave RJ the sword necklace, since he was considered a "Spencer Man" then. There may have been a brief appearance at some point, but that is the last big scene I remember from him, and I actually think it might've been a Skype conversation. The thing that bothered me about the Caroline post-birth glow - let me preface this by saying that right now, I'm 36 weeks pregnant, and there will be a conglomeration of people from both my biological family (TM PRick) and my husband's biological family at the hospital when I give birth, so I'm totally seeing myself in this situation - was that Ridge decided that only 2 people could see her, and those 2 people happened to be his father and his daughter. Now, I will be full of drugs when I give birth to my son in a few weeks, and unlike Caroline, I'll be feeling no pain, but I didn't hear Caroline complain about being too tired for visitors, ask for those specifiic people, or ask Ridge to limit the people in the room. I know that Eric & Steffy are Caroline's inlaws by marriage, but she was the one that did the work giving birth and was exhausted, I'd have thought it far more appropriate for $Bill & Wyatt, her biological relatives with whom she's closer, to visit her, rather than Eric & Steffy, no disrespect to in-law relationships. The bedroom she gave birth in is bigger than my living room and kitchen combined, they could've all fit in there and had plenty of room for the doula photographer to still capture the moments, instead of just making it about Ridge's family and alienating Caroline's family. Having said that, I do realize that Eric was the grandfather and Steffy the big sister, both of whom are considered closer relationships than "great uncle" & "2nd cousin", but I think Caroline should have chosen whom she wanted to see. I love Ridge & Caroline together, but that was just a dictator-move to me. Also, I'm quite hormonal, so if that sounds bitchier than it should, chalk it up to the fact that I've peed 47 times this morning already (at 8:50 in my time zone), a shirt I had on last week won't even fit over my pregg-boobs today, and I'm positive that I haven't actually seen my feet since about New Year's.
  16. My DirectTV description for today's episode: "Brooke accidentally gives Rick damaging info about Ridge" (slightly paraphrased, but "accidentally" was definitely in there). Today's episode: Brooke, peering around the room, to make sure that the office door is shut for the first time ever, then lowers her voice and says to Rick, "well, I probably shouldn't tell you this, but Ridge had a vasectomy", then proceeds to tell Rick every bit of information that she knows about Ridge's anatomy, most of which I'd forgotten over the last few months. Um, who writes the description? I was waiting for an accidental spilling, but Brooke just opened her big mouth. Now I'm mad twice!
  17. I hate to even put this out in the universe, but I got the impression today that Detective/Doctor Hardon is going to meet Brooke, probably to talk to her about her relationship with Katie, Brooke will shed a single tear, and he'll fall hopelessly under her spell. She's been single for well over a year now, so it's way past time in soap world, and it'll happen *snap* just *snap* like *snap* that *snap*. I hope he sticks around, though. He sure does bring the pretty.
  18. My mind wondered a bit today, especially during the Nicole/Zzzzzzzende scenes (they just suck the life out of everything), but I was thinking that it's be so awesome if Deacon had been there when Quinn told Liam/Adam that he went by "AJ" (I know that wouldn't work with the story, my mind was just wondering), so Sean Kanan could make a comment and wink/nod about how that name sounded so familiar, but he couldn't place it. I should write the show, I know. I actually thought Deacon might mention to Quinn that what she's doing by sleeping with an amnesiac Liam is called rape, because although Adam isn't in hatred of her, Liam most certainly is on every level, and he would never willingly sleep with her. Rape is not something that is easily overlooked by the court or probably worse for her, the court of public opinion. Deacon Sharpe is the voice of reason, the times, they are a changin'.
  19. I may be incorrect, but I'm almost positive that I've noticed Quinn wearing the "ring finger fingernail painted a different color" trend that's big right now. I'm not saying it was always blue, but I'm almost positive I've seen her wear a different color on that finger for a while now. My sister and one of my coworkers both do it, too, that's why I noticed it before yesterday. I don't have proof, though, but I actually do think that was consistent.
  20. My favorite quote from that particular article, "Kanye has been very busy, and Kim is very understanding. Kanye is great when he is around." Translation: They get what they need from each other, meaning publicity and children, and then Kanye is out again until it's time again for more publicity or more children" (although, I 100% think Kimmy is finished with the kids, no way is she doing that again).
  21. I know I'm late to the table, considering that today's show is now in the books, but on yesterday's show, right up until the very end when Katie popped open the "Ode to Brill" photo album, I thought for sure their appearance at her house was some kind of dream of Brooke's. They use those dreams and flashbacks so frequently, I thought for sure it wasn't real. Of course, the one time I actually wanted one, Bell can't accomodate me. Ass.
  22. Nothing is too crazy for this show or this family, laurakaye! I fully expect Blac Chyna and possibly even Amber Rose to make an appearance soon (I'm not sure if they're even filming right now).
  23. Sneaking out of lurkdom to give my opinion on North's conception (I hate even mentioning her name, because, again, I'm #TeamAmber and I fully think innocent kids shouldn't be insulted, which I'm in no way trying to do, for the record). Not for one milisecond do I believe that North was a "surprise!" or a happy accident, nor do I think she was conceived with Kanye even in the room. In my guesstimate, Kimmy was insiminated with North with Kanye's full blessing, as was Saint. Those people never, ever, ever spend time together unless there are cameras around, and they've never really lived together. I tend to believe the rumors that this is 100% a business arrangement, one in which Kanye has more control, but I wouldn't be surprised to learn that they'd never even had the sexy times. I'm shockingly not a worldwide entertainer of the stature of Kanye West, but I tend to think that people who are sexually-satisfied in their relationships, don't talk about it every chance they get, like Kim & Kanye do, which makes Amber's quotes about Kanye's sexual appetite & indulgences all the more intriguing, especially for all of those that follow gossip sites on the interwebs, and have heard for years about Kanye's long-term boyfriend in Paris.
  24. ms.o, that's how I took it. I also assumed that he was referring to the fact that if he hadn't broken up with Amber (or vice versa, I can't remember), she would've still been with Kanye, thus no relationship with Wiz, and no adorable little Sebastian. I'm totally #TeamAmber. Fighting amongst adults is just that, no matter how petty it is, but when you drag someone else's kid into a pissing match, you're asking for your dirty little secrets to be exposed (although, I think it's pretty common knowledge amongst those of us that read gossip sites that Kanye has a rumored long-term boyfriend, so none of her secrets were shocking, I just wish she'd let them all out). I'm with Maharincess, also, I think Amber is strikingly beautiful, much more so than Kimmy Cakes, and I hope she just keeps talking and talking and talking. I'm sure she signed a non-disclosure agreement before he'd "date" her, but I hope she says 'screw it' and blabs to the world. What an interesting week in Kardashian world. First Rob hooks up with Kylie's boyfriend's baby mama, now Kanye gets in a pissing match with his ex and his ex's ex-husband. I'm betting Kanye won't mess with Amber or her son for a while.
  25. Just a few random observations... 1. Isn't this only the 2nd day that Brooke has worked at Spencer? The first day, she wore the white shirt with the sleeves that are open to the wrist, then the next day, she wore the matching blue shirt, which is what she's still wearing. Two whole days it took for her to tell $Bill that he's the love of her life & blow Katie's world apart (granted, she was a moron for allowing Brooke close again, but still)? 2. Someone upthread mentioned it, but it is odd how the frontburner stories right now are mostly based on eavesdropping through an open/cracked door. First, Quinn hears Ivy confess her love for Liam, which set in motion all of that plane drama and Wyffy whatnot. Then, Sasha hears Nicole tell Rick that she appreciates him firing her, which, we haven't seen them this week, but they're sort of the B-story until the inevitable Sasha/Zende hookup, when they'll be back in front. Now, Katie overhears Brooke tell $Bill he's the love of her life and she'll never get over him. I'm thinking the writers should challenge themselves and come up with an original way for eavesdropping, or at least, not have the same rehashed story several times concurrently. 3. What's with the sleeves on these women? Brooke wore 2 back-to-back shirts with the sleeves cut out, and Quinn has been wearing the matching black version for like 2 weeks. I'm not that fashion-forward right now (at 30 weeks pregnant, "fashion" is lots of elastic, and anything I can comfortably fit around my very actively-kicking son), but is that the new trend? Ugh, I hope not, I hate showing my arms.
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