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Everything posted by nkotb

  1. Dr. Jesse Vasquez, AKA Mr. Andrea Zuckerman, vasectomy-reversal MD extraordinaire.
  2. That's exactly what I thought when I first watched the episode, but then I remembered donut-gate (where she licked the donut/s at a donut shop, that were presumably later sold to unsuspecting customers, then proceeded to say "I hate Americans. I hate America" on July 4th - she's a sweetie!) and realized that she probably appeared nice & sweet, briefly, on our show so America would remember that she's the sweetest girl to wear cat ears ever! "Look, sweet Arianna took a few seconds out of her very busy schedule to meet some of the contestants on this game show. She even gave them a suite for her concert and a swag bag, featuring her new perfume which doesn't reach stores for a few more days! What a peach!"
  3. Only 8 replies the day after the finale? I think the show may not be as popular everywhere as it is in our house. I was so happy that Clayton won; he was my pick from the very first time I saw him. He had the best set of the night, and he had his best set to-date last night. I actually thought Michael & Dominique were tied for second, as I found both of them pretty well brought their A-game. I know Dominique wasn't poplular on this board, but I found her funny last night, and thought she outperformed Sheng on the semifinals (based on that performance alone). Ian is just unfunny to me. He's more offensive than funny. We called him in fourth place. I was so scared that he was going to win, though, because the judges seem to like how he involved the audience. Such a relief that he didn't. Andy was dead-last. She should've been on her couch like I was watching the show. She is just so unfunny that I am furious that comics like Sheng Weng watched the finale at home while she performed. I hope they go back to the format from last year if the show comes back. We do really enjoy it, so I'd like to see it come back.
  4. Woo hoo! My first shoutout - thank you so much! PS - totally agree you with the Austin/Liz romance being creepy. They get out of the house on Wednesday or Thursday (can't remember when the finale is, although, I'm thinking Wednesday, for the "Survivor" lead-in), I'd bet my house that they won't be a couple by Friday evening (if they're even still a couple on finale night). When they showed him holding her head in place to kiss her, that sent up huge red flags for me. Maybe that's why he's a bad kisser, because she can't move at all.
  5. We'll go, just for you, Saber! :-) I'll definitely report back, too. I will say, Lachlan was much funnier live than on the show, too, and we liked him on the show. I'm still mad Karlous didn't make the top 5, because he was my fave, but we were glad we went. So cool that you got to meet Mordal, Trow! I always felt like he should've won that season, but they (the comedians) kept making Dat Phan the underdog by picking on him, so I knew America was going to choose Dat as the winner. Jay London, if I remember correclty, wasn't he the bohemian-type dude? Ugh, he was probably my least favorite contestant ever. I was actually trying to remember how long their sets were at the live show. I'm thinking maybe 20 minutes. That length of set would benefit someone like Clayton or Ian, not so much someone like Andi with her one-liners, in my opinion. Last year at this point, I thought it was obvious that Rod Man would win. He was just in a different class than everyone else. Who could do a set on corn at the finale and win (I think it was the finale, it was late in the competition, I remember)?? However, this year, I think it's much less obvious. I'm still thinking Clayton wins, but I'm not as sure as I was with Rod Man. Only a few more days until the end of this oddly-abbreviated season.
  6. After the semifinals, my hubby & I have to do some soul-searching. His birthday falls right around the time that the LCS tour comes to our area. We went last year as his gift and had a blast, and we were planning to go this year as well. We both said that if Clayton got through to the top 5, we'd go, as he was our pick to win the whole shebang from the first time he stepped on stage. However, I'm not sure I can stomach a set by Andy. Ugh, she just grates on my nerves and I'm so irritated that she made it through. For the most part, I thought the judges were correct. I personally preferred Sheng to Dominique, but purely based on that head-to-head performance, I thought she outshone him. Ian Bagg wasn't my favorite, but I did think he was funnier than Francisco. I've posted this in a previous thread, but I was surprised when we went to the LCS tour last year. Hubs loved Joe Machi, whom we both found hilarious, and we both disliked Nikki Carr and didn't think she was funny at all. However, live, Nikki killed it and we finally saw why she advanced. Joe, however, not so much. All of his material was what he did on the show. I'm hoping that Clayton wins so we'll have a reason to go to the show this year. Maybe the comics we don't like will be funnier in person - although, I'm sure when Andy is performing, we'll both be on an extended bathroom break. I can't even with her.
  7. Post of the week for me, bannana! I, too, watched it in my preteen and teen years (during the Cricket years, I'll admit it, I liked and wanted to be her), gave it up in college, actually came back in '04-ish, because I'd heard that Cricket & Danny were back together, realized that I no longer liked her, but that was about the time Phlick started, and I really enjoyed them together at first. I quickly grew tired of them, but at the begining, I liked them. Onto the "Dallas" part of your quote, first of all, any mention of "Dallas" and JR Ewing is aces in my book! I had a really long post, but I thought better of it since this isn't a "Dallas" forum, so I deleted it and condensed it. Full-disclosure, to me, JR Ewing is hands-down the best character in the history of television, played by one of the best actors in the history of acting. I've never thought about the JR/Victor similarities, but I totally see why you think the writers were trying to make Victor the daytime JR, especially since Victor started airing near the timeframe of the rise in popularity of "Dallas" & especially JR. They failed on every level, though. For all of JR's bravada, he dearly loved his family, especially his Daddy and JohnRoss, which Victor does not. JR also faced judgment and long-term consequences for his bad actions, which Victor very rarely does, and even when he does, they last maybe 7 minutes. The biggest difference, though, Larry Hagman just oozed charisma. JR was the biggest ass in the world, and he could do something horrible, but 2 minutes later, his charm would pull the audience back in. LH had more charisma in his pinky-nail than EB has in his entire body. A daytime JR back-in-the-day would've been awesome, and still could be, but it would have to be a different character than TGVN and a different actor than EB, in my opinion.
  8. This is seriously one of my favorite shows of all time. I record it every morning and I still watch the episodes when I have time (but I ALWAYS make time to watch the wedding episodes!). I have to say that my favorite episodes are the ones when Dwayne & Whitley are pining for the other - when Whit was with Byron, or Dwayne was with Keekookala (still cracks me up!). I liked them together, too, but when they were pining, they were just in their element. I really wish they'd reboot this show and bring back as many of the original cast as they could. I know their child would be a little past beginning-college-aged at this point, but tv timelines are always fuzzy. It'd just be so nice to see the Hilman gang back together again!
  9. I was a little disappointed in the top 5 from this week for the most part. We love Klayton (K, not C, correct?)! Sheng and Taylor were funny, although, truthfully, Taylor greatly benefits from only being 21, because her obvious potential shows through. I wasn't impressed with Fransisco, and I downright loathed Andy every time they've shown her. However, Andy was a shoe-in, because they always pick a societally-different person every season (sort of socially awkward, like Joe Machi last season and that guy from maybe the 2nd season, who I just remember was really hairy, wore overalls and basically gave one-liners/puns - couldn't stand him). I liked Ms. Pat and was sad that she didn't get through. That Paula Deen stuff was a riot! At this point last season, I thought it was obvious that Rod-Man was the far superior comic to everyone else, and it was obvious that he was going to win it. I feel like Klayton is at that place this season.
  10. I'm so glad you brought that up; that action made me really uncomfortable. Considering the physical size difference between the two, and the fact that Liz has previously not shown much romantic interest in him (I know, she's wavering lately, but she hasn't been all that into him previously), him holding her head to his and kissing her was just very, very aggressive to me. Ew, it's giving me the willies just thinking about it, not even mentioning the tuna breath.
  11. I hope this is ok to discuss in this thread... I should rephrase, if we hadn't seen Joe on the actual show, he would've been hilarious live. However, everything he did live was everything he did on the show, which was good, don't get me wrong, but it was just exactly what we'd seen. Nikki was much better when she had carte blanche to say exactly what she wanted, and boy did she. I was irritated that she made the finals on the show, but once I saw her live, I totally got it. Rod-Man was hilarious, not surprisingly. He really adapted to the audience and told jokes that reflected the community where we were. I would absolutely go see him, Nikki and Lachlan again (same for Lachlan, he really adapted to the community we were in, and he hilariously called out audience members who took bathroom or beer breaks when he was doing his set).
  12. I loved Karlous last year, and was severely disappointed that Nikki Carr & Rocky LaPorte made it further than him, so I was predisposed to like Clayton. I don't think it would've mattered, though, because I found him to be hilarious. He & Karlous both just have a natural, funny charisma to them. I'd love to see him do well. I was stunned that the valedictorian/star athlete/prom queen didn't get through, because I thought she was hilarious and very natural, especially for 20. The spat between Norm and "Harry Potter" dude made me uncomfortable. I was glad when it was over and was pretty surprised that they let him through. **Side note: we went to the "Last Comic Standing" live tour this past fall, and while I couldn't stand Nikki Carr on the show, she was freaking hilarious live, probably second only to Rod-Man. Conversely, hubs & I both loved Joe Mackey on the show, but he wasn't good live at all. That was disappointing.
  13. ^^^Perfectly well-said, RuntheTable. I wish you wrote the dialogue for the show.
  14. I had a mini-marathon this weekend, the last 3 episodes, starting with the hugest pasta/veggie/peanut salad in the history of the world, and ending in the graduation party. My takeaway was that when Ree handed the covered foil tins of steak and shrimp to the food truck caterers, they were obviously empty, which I could spot, because the caterer tipped them and nothing changed. If that was full of heavy meat, they would've had a much harder time balancing it in those cheap foil pans. Then, I felt bad that I spent so much time thinking about that. That was all I got. Also, I got robbed in my graduation party, because there was no band, no caterers, and no food truck. I want a do-over, 20 years later.
  15. I'm so torn between being relieved/glad that Aly was worthy enough to receive a funeral, and sad/disgusted that it was THAT funeral that she received. The good: Fun! Steffy didn't speak at the funeral (although, she is bringing French braids back, allegedly). Maya didn't speak. Thorne did get to speak, and really brought tons of emotion. Also, Thorne was not seated in the back of the room, he was up with everyone else - yay, an improvement for him! As soon as Caroline started to speak and they showed the scene where Aly was telling her about Oliver being her first kiss, I remembered that scene, and how good both AP & LG were in that giddy scene, and it really made me feel again for Aly. Oliver really was so good at the emotion. He made me feel for him and I loved re-seeing their courtship. I actually thought it was sweet and in-character of Pam & Charlie to remember, and no doubt mention, Aly in their role-playing evenings, which is way cleaner than it sounds. So happy that Liam can look past all of the current sadness of a young girl's death and all, and be so totally stoked about a future cha cha cha-ing. At least for the time being, Brooke & Eric are still the matriarch and patriarch of the show, judging by their solidarity for Thorne. Your move, Maya & Rick. The bad: Um, Ridge, I love you, but WTF! Thorne should've been the last one to speak. He just lost his only child. Rick & Maya had no business being front & center in the seating arrangement. Gag, I hope they're called out on their hypocrisy (Maya at least seems to genuinely feel guilty). Ivy being all up in Steffy's grill and basically calling her a murderer, while they're at the service of the girl that Steffy supposedly "murdered". I'm not saying she's right or wrong, but it was inappropriate of Ivy. I will rag on Steffy all the time, but I do think she genuinely feels remorse and truly didn't mean to kill Aly, tire-iron tossing aside. I actually think, if done correctly, this Steffy guilty-but-not-totally-guilty storyline could be really good. **If you have DirectTV & want to stay unspoiled, don't read the guide for the week, it'll totally tell you whom Liam chooses as his lady love, and what Wyatt does afterwards.
  16. VERY, very, very good point. As horrifying as it was when Cassie died, it created some of the best stories to come out of Y&R in a very long time, and they lasted for a long time as well. It created Daniel & Lily on the run, which lead to them coupling, it started the slow burn that was Phick, which was the best affair story ever at the beginning (it fizzled when Dummer came to fruition, but it was HOT at first), and I hadn't thought about it, but you're correct, neither sister would've existed if not for her death. However, a world without Dummer is a world I could definitely live in! At least Camryn Grimes is back on the show. On this show, stories are over by the time the commercial break is over. Back to B&B, I highly doubt that Aly will ever be mentioned again, once big, bad, mean Ivy is finished blackmailing poor, innocent Steffy for "killing" Aly. I'm assuming those stories will happen, but I'm not sure. It still just makes me sick-to-my-stomach that the show portrayed a mentally-ill girl the way they did, then killed her off in a horrible way, without even attempting to rehab her character or get her some help. But, hey, at least fun!, cha cha cha Steffy and must-be-nice-because-she's-transgendered Maya are all cool and won't continue to be blamed for contributing to Aly's problems! ;-) Poor Thorne, what's the over/under on us ever seeing his face again after Aly's funeral, which will undoubtedly feature speeches by a distraught Steffy & Maya? Why couldn't Aly just evaporate like Hope if they wanted to get rid of her?!?!
  17. I've never been the hugest Aly fan in the world, mostly because they trotted her out so rarely, and really ruined her character when they turned her from the Aly that was adorable with Oliver, back into the HOPE! Aly, who so very clearly needed help which she wasn't given, however, I'm honestly just sick over this. I felt nauseous today watching it, especially when poor Thorne had to hear it from the girl who was partially responsible for her death (I get that Aly did plan and attack Steffy, but Steffy did deliver the fatal blow that knocked Aly to the rock, self-defense or not). In theory, soaps are supposed to make you feel something deeply, but today, all I felt was discomfort and an urge to change the channel. The Kardashians marathon was looking ok compared to this. Any chance at all that Stephen Logan/Bobby Ewing can be standing in the shower when Steffy cleans up, so that it's all a dream??
  18. From your fingertips to God's ears. I know this is a show, and I know that the actors are just hired to do a job, but I'm really, really, really bummed about Aly dying. Not only is she a legacy character from basically 2 families (I know, but Darla was basically a Spectra), not only is she a Forrester, designing at Forrester Creations, not only was she a great actor who did the best with the limited chances she got, but the character was a fragile young girl, who lost her mother at a very young age (and whose father is non-existent for all intents and purposes), who was recently bullied by her family, and who had clearly had a break from reality, but only recently was any help for her even attempted. I have to keep reminding myself that it's just a show, because I'm so upset all the way around. I also know that Ivy is going to wind up being caught-up and ruined in this whole thing. Ugh, I'm seriously thinking of giving B&B a time-out. However, the above, quoted post gave me hope. She actually would make me not seethe every time I see Dummer on screen, assuming they'd let her be un-nasally, and un-whiney. AP would definitely be a great fit as Summer.
  19. But, that was a dream/vision, right? TPTB aren't stupid enough to let a good actor like AP and legacy character like Aly go, right? OMG, my mouth was agape. I really don't have words.
  20. I said those exact words about Steffy. She was so much more tolerable when she wasn't FUN! Steffy. I'm the first to knock Waffles, but I thought he was correct to call Steffy after seeing the anger board, since both she and Aly were unaccounted for. I also kinda liked that he got a dig in to Rick as to why they had to be so mean to Aly, when she has a known-history of psychological problems. It also gave Maya a chance to re-apologize. Rick & Maya actually both seem to realize that they were horrendous, so bygones for me where they're concerned. I wish TK's schedule allowed for him to be onscreen more (I know "allowed" probably isn't the correct word, when his filming-schedule was reportedly written into his contract, ala Tony Geary). 5 years ago, these words would have never been typed from my fingertips, but I miss Ridge when he's not on.
  21. Any guesses as to whom Aly takes out at the fashion show? Obviously, none of the main characters will die, but I had a bad feeling about Maya's friend that was being fitted, so I'm guessing she will be the victim (they probably won't have Aly-in-psychosis actually kill someone, although, if they did, maybe that'll help her forgive Taylor a bit, if they draw parallels between Darla's death and the fashion show tragedy-to-be). I don't know what'll happen, but I know it won't be good.
  22. Anyone else think we here at PreviouslyTV got a $Bill shoutout today?? First of all, he called Liam "wishy-washy", which I know several of us have called him (although, I was on the edge-of-my-seat waiting for $Bill to call Waffles "Waffles"). Then, he said that Ivy (paraphrasing) "looks like Elizabeth Taylor", which we've all commented on. I'll take that as a shout-out from the snarkiest snarker on B&B!
  23. Whitley Trillbert, I think we were soulmates in another life! Every time I see Mama Avant, I can't help thinking about how much I loved "Amen"! Then I realize that Nicole wasn't even alive when it was airing (character and actor, I would assume), and I feel old and irrelevant, and wish I was "FUN" like Steffy.
  24. I haven't commented for a few days, but I've been impressed with the one-liners on a few of this week's shows. Ridge's "you're both annoying" RE Steffy & Maya (said to Steffy, which made it all the better!), and Rick's "I'm in the room", RE Aly's complaining about how awful he was. I'm also glad that they included a scene with Wyatt and Nicole, and that they actually showed the awkwardness and anger Nicole had towards him. I like Wyatt, but he deserved everything that she said to him, and way more. I'm amazed at how well AP is handling Aly's unraveling. The show has a real find with her, much like LG, and I hope they utilize her skills. She's got me terrified, entertained (who on this board hasn't fantasized about scratching out Taylor &/or Steffy's eyes??) and concerned all within 5 seconds. She's good. I wanted to point out something on the Caroline/Maya disrespect, that I hope that I can articulate accurately. I loved, loved, loved Maya when she first came on - save for the "Far-rester" pronunciation - and I hated Caroline for being mean to her, just because Rick chose Maya. Fast-forward to after Raya broke up, Caroline and Rick were together (married), as were Maya and Carter (engaged). They were both boring couples in my opinion, however, Maya threw herself at Caroline's husband, Rick, in the steam room, then made it her mission to inform Rick about Caroline and Ridge's transgression, when she really wasn't sure there was one. Caroline was awful to her at that time, too. The way I saw it, Caroline was rude and disrespectful to Maya because she saw Maya as involving herself in Caroline's relationship with Napoleon. I truly didn't see it as a racial thing, because I think she would've treated anyone of any color that way if said woman involved herself in Caroline's relationship the way Maya did. Contrast that to the way Maya lorded over everyone during Napoleon's reign of terror, when she was horrible to both Aly & Ivy, who really hadn't done much to her (I acknowledge that they were catty, but they weren't catty to the level that they deserved the way they were treated, IMO). I'm not justifying Caroline's disrespect of Maya, but I'm just saying that for me, the difference is that Maya personally involved herself in Caroline's life, which wound up altering all of their lives, whereas Maya was horrible to people just because she could be, if that makes sense.
  25. Does anyone know when the pix were taken? My very first thought was 'I wonder if she wants them stopped because she should be sporting a baby bump now and current pix of her in a bikini would most likely show that there's not one'.
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