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John M

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Everything posted by John M

  1. Fun fact: Until 1978 the LDS church thought that black people who became sufficiently "righteous" would become white. Not metaphorically, if black people just stopped all their sinning their skin color would actually change and they would become white themselves. In 1978 the church clarified that only applied to Indians and that black people could become metaphorically white. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_people_and_Mormonism
  2. So, in the context of Andrea and Lamar's discussion, are we not going to address the fact that for decades the LDS church was, as official doctrine, racist as all fuck against black people. I know as far as official church policy they claim they aren't anymore but they basically called black people evil for decades so that seems relevant to Lamar's hesitance to join the community. Clint, Clint, Clint, I want to get a power washer and some industrial degreaser if I even have to look at you on TV. Lacey and Charmin, Lacey won't be happy without drama, she will find another prisoner to pine over soon enough. And a long island ice tea? Do straight guys really go to bars and order such things during the day? Michael accusing someone of cheating with ONE of his side pieces? What? Michael will be back in prison soon enough, he is incapable of not running a hustle and he isn't good at it. Marcelino, it's OK to have like a job that you are competent at and just keep your head low and don't make waves, you don't need to be in charge. Get over yourself, find a government job, keep your head low, don't cause drama, cash the check. It's fine.
  3. I don't think marriage is easy, I think marriage is drastically different in difficulty for different people and relationships. I think a TON of people expect marriage to drastically change who you are and what your relationship is about and not require a lot of compromise and conflict resolution and some personalities are much better suited to it than others. The thing is, Whitney is an attention whore, has issues with boundaries, is a bully and is completely self-centered. When or if she finds a life partner they are going to have to really want to the relationship and be willing to constantly fight for it. Those people are out there, I know people that have been together for decades in relationships like that but it is exhausting and most people eventually grow too tired of it.
  4. Just to be clear being a witch doctor is not a real job! There are no existing businesses seeking out witch doctors, I live in one of the largest metro areas in the US and Yelp and Google come up empty when searching for witch doctors. Now I know she is speaking colloquially about being a witch doctor and what she means is some sort of spiritual adviser that throws some herbs and spices on you and cleanses your aura with crystals but again, that is not a job, that is a business. And starting businesses require follow through and planning that is far more difficult than CLEANING YOUR DAMN SHED which takes like a day tops.
  5. I think Tania's biggest problem (besides her awful personality) is that she doesn't understand the difference between a plan and an idea. She criticizes Shenzhen because he just lets things happen to him instead of planning for them but honey, what are you doing? You couldn't even pick up your own damn shed. Like, what is her alleged "plan"? That a witch doctor headhunter calls her up and places her in witch doctor position in the local hospital after hearing about her completion of her certificate of witch doctoring?
  6. JW leave literature on our door several times a month and I just always think I wish I could sit down with them and explain that I'm gay married and my spouse and myself both work in healthcare so you are REALLY barking up the wrong tree.
  7. No, people shouldn't follow their dreams because their "dream job" is almost certainly not real. I have a "dream job" doing something I am passionate about but it is also a job with like spreadsheets and copiers and such.
  8. This drives me crazy, Tania has so many ideas about things, but can she do one fucking concrete act towards being the person that she claims she wants to be? Honey, there are legit jobs if you want to be a professional "good person", there are homeless shelters, food pantries, animal rescues, etc. Like, if your financial aspirations top out somewhere slightly above living in a shed in your mother's backyard I can find you a job, like a real one with healthcare and PTO, that you can brag about doing because you are "making a difference".
  9. For the record Buddy behavior currently and in the past makes him appear to be an inconsiderate, gaslighting asshole that picks at scabs and speaking as a gay man that kind of behavior from heterosexual men is very familiar to us and often picks at insecurities going back to our adolescence, so I get it. THAT SAID, Tal, you are a grown ass adult, buddy is an immature, uneducated, unrefined addict with seemingly no desire for self-improvement, move the fuck on. I'd say move out if I really believed you were living there for reasons other than the show if at all.
  10. So Whit and Chase are supposedly already engaged? Am I missing something or is the timeline on that like less than 6 months? Because that is not a realistic timeline for sane people set up for a successful long term relationship.
  11. So about two years ago I was mercifully laid off from my incredibly toxic workplace and was in no place mentally ready to look for work, plus we already had an extended vacation planned, we are very lucky to be fine financially, we could easily live on my husband's income alone... I about lost my damn mind not working in the 3 months I was out of work and I am not a type A career stiving person. I think I did at least 30 hours of volunteer work a week and was begging for more hours, even if it was just stocking shelves at a food pantry. So I totally get it.
  12. That's not the point, it's the thought that counts as they say. My husband and me sent at least a couple of text to each other everyday, complain about work, ask how each other's day is going, say we are stopping at the store on the way home. The point isn't that my husband thinks I need anything from 7-11 at 9PM, he knows I haven't ever in the years we have been together and that if I did in fact want something I would ask him to stop, the point is he is showing he is considering my needs even though it is in an irrational way.
  13. Between Tania shed, her not wanting to be "accountable", her behavior on this super serious witch doctor school that she needed to dump Schengen alone in the US I'm still really confused on what her "plan" is as far as having children, a career and a husband. Like does she think once she becomes a witch doctor that money just manifests itself? Because I feel like it's not an easy business to get off the ground even for people with the focus and attention to detail of PICKING UP CLOTHES FROM YOUR SHED THAT YOU PLAN ON LIVING IN. The overall sense that I get from Tania is that she wants to "be" someone, a witch doctor, a wife, a parent but has absolutely no intention on actually doing anything like HAVING A FUCKING REAL JOB.
  14. That's what really annoys me about Tania, she thinks she is so special and what she is doing is so important that she can rise above having a legitimate job. So I work in a very respected charitable field, like the kind of position that people say I would do that if they were a better person, like say I take care orphans with cancer for a living. People bring me cookies because they think bringing me cookies for doing my job is itself an act of charity. It's still a fucking job, I go to meetings, I do spreadsheets and fill out forms and make copies. Being a professional "good person" is in fact a career she could pursue but people don't for the exact reasons they know they haven't, it kind of sucks to be a professional "good person", so Tania doesn't want to work taking care of the homeless, or at a cancer charity, or for hospice, she thinks she is so special and unique that herbs will free her from HAVING A FUCKING LEGITIMATE JOB. Shut up Tania, go work at an AIDS charity doing data entry if you want to be a good person without any specialized skills, actually, don't, because you don't want to actually be a good person, you want to be recognized for being a good person and it doesn't fucking happen with the kind of regularity that Tania demands because 99.99% of it is analyzing spreadsheets for way less money than you would make in the private sector.
  15. The way he keeps going on and on about starting his modeling career and all I can think is modeling for who? Gay porn? Because you have a nice body but I know plenty of men with like actual legitimate careers that have just as good bodies and your face isn't much to look at.
  16. I'm still trying to understand this beekeeper plotline, I thought she was like a professional beekeeper, they bonded over their deep love and understanding of bees and from what I can tell calling it a hobbies of hers seems like an exaggeration. My father made a bigger commitment to bee keeping and he is a bored retiree. Confession, my husband does this and I find it deeply strange. And he doesn't have a particular sweet tooth, he is rail thin, the guy has abs in his mid 40s, and he dumps sugar on Honey Nut Cheerios.
  17. Order and process are the things that keep me sane in this crazy world and children are the opposite of that. Conversation with co-worker: "You know when you misplace your keys?" "No? Why would I misplace my keys? They keys are in the key bowl." "OK, but what if they weren't?" "But they won't, the keys are in the key bowl where they keys live" "OK, but say they weren't" "But that is a thing that wouldn't happen, we might as well be speculating on if my dog learned to play chess"
  18. Maybe it's just my visceral hated of children and being in a same-sex marriage but what is with all these people and children? You can just not have them! It's great! We don't and all we have to show for it is freedom, money and a clean house. Even under ideal circumstances having children is a thing. My parents were millionaires with full time live in help on top of my mother being a stay at home mom and I would describe my mother as, not stellar at being a mother.
  19. They have alluded several times that the ex-wife owns part of "his" wine business, I wouldn't be surprised if she got half in the divorce. If that is the case she is probably worried about him acting imprudently in the business to fund the financial desires of Julianna.
  20. As a middle aged married person that doesn't want and will not have kids when most of my peer group does I can't tell you how freeing it feels. Two incomes, no debt, immaculate home, life is good.
  21. Can Syringe please let Tania borrow some conditioner? It's driving me nuts.
  22. I completely disagree, I think she is enjoying every minute of watching her ex-husband squirm as he realizes what he has done. For them to still have this kind of relationship in my experience there are two possibilities, one she is secretly hoping he comes to his senses and gets back with her, two, she is done, done, done, done. The romantic relationship is completely over, she knows why it is over and why it is never going to work and gets a weird satisfaction from knowing that it wasn't her fault, it was her idiot ex-husband the hasn't and isn't going to change which can bring constant closure. There is not a doubt in my mind that as long as their finances and children are protected she would love nothing more than to marry off her idiot ex-husband to a manipulative gold digger.
  23. Probably should have said on a Monday, I've been married for a bit.
  24. I think it depends on state law, at least in Texas it does have to be a judge or a member of the clergy. We just paid a JP $100 to do it on a Saturday, I filed it with the county on Monday during lunch.
  25. I just think it is downright insane to marry someone without living with them first. I'm sure it goes back to the view that you make a marriage work no matter what but I thank jebus every day that I managed to find a partner that is just as crazy as me in my very specific way of crazy about how you keep a home which basically manifests itself in the place always looking like it was staged for a real estate showing.
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