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Everything posted by MsPH

  1. I'm also kind of tired of someone being labeled as gay every season. Pretty sure there was extensive discussion at least regarding Sean and Neil. Just because you're not a typical alpha male with a raging libido and willingness to have sex on TV show doesn't mean that you're gay. There's so much pressure and so many expectations on this show, I'm surprised any of them are in the mood. Sonia obviously isn't Nick's usual type or someone he's immediately drawn to, but I do think he finds her to be an attractive woman and he's obviously noticed her best "assets", even if it takes some whiskey to make him admit to it. He probably just feels the pressure of having to be attracted to her because that's who they married him off to, plus he thinks that having sex with her is basically saying "I want to be with you forever", which is not something he's anywhere near ready to commit to. Sonia is a sensitive person and seems to like him, so he might be scared of misleading her. I can see how it'd be easier to have sex with someone you're casually seeing than someone you're already married to and not sure you want to stay married to. All this on top of his obvious shyness and being on camera is not exactly making him want to jump her bones. I kind of wish she jumped his bones though and showed him what he's missing, but I don't think she has the nerve. I still have hope for them though and the TH's where he's talking about Sonia being very attractive were obviously filmed afterwards, so maybe he did grow more attracted to her over time. I think she's super pretty and I'm envious of her hair. I wish I could take some of it and transplant it into Lillian's head. Speaking of Lily, I also thought she was being a bit too dramatic. I don't even know Tom personally, yet I don't think she has anything to worry about when it comes to him and the surgery. It's not like she's terminally ill and he has to commit to years of being her nurse. But she is really young and under a lot of stress, so I guess it's understandable. I actually liked the blonde expert, whose name I can't even remember, this episode. I also think it's a bit sad that Heather was so quick to give up, but I'm glad they let her bail instead of torturing us for weeks. So sick of watching couples who aren't even trying and have no chance of staying together. I want to see some trying at least.
  2. I wish that was the case. Josh has been living with Amanda and her kids for a month already, which I find kind of appalling. What kind of a responsible parent moves their TV/long-distance boyfriend (I refuse to say fiancé) of two months in with her two young children? She really is a Teen Mom. And now he's posting pics and snaps of the kids all over SM like he's their dad. They already have a dad! Josh is such an egotistical idiot. I really can't stand him.
  3. Josh definitely loves pizza more than Amanda. No way is that couple lasting more than a few months. Carly's constant giggling would normally annoy me, but I found it cute tonight. She just seems so happy. Lace and Grant might last a while, but surely it must go up in flames eventually. Her moodiness and his wandering eye will not work together forever. Jen's appearance was pretty pointless. They obviously didn't want her spilling any unnecessary information about her possible post-BIP relationship with Nick, since he's the new Bachelor.
  4. Yeah. Jade and Tanner are no closer to divorce than Sean and Catherine or Trista and Ryan. It's just when you're offered 100-200k for two weeks work, none of these famehoes are gonna say no. That word is barely in their dictionary as is.
  5. Pretty sure that's 99.9% of her appeal to Josh, she's the anti-Andi. Who cares what she's really like as a person, as long as she's nothing like Andi. The only thing I see when looking at Josh and Amanda, is a big dumb slobbery dog and his squeaky toy. Match made in heaven. I suspect playing stepdad will get old pretty quick though. It's one thing playing with some kids every now and then or coaching a kids' sports team, and it's another thing altogether living with two toddlers who aren't yours. Josh may think he loves kids, but he doesn't even have any nieces or nephews yet, and I haven't noticed him spending much time with anyone else's kids either. Time will tell, but I feel bad for those kiddos already, since I'm sure they love Josh's dog Sabel. Carly's looking way more attractive lately. I guess love suits her. I didn't need to see Evan painting with his junk though. Nick just isn't feeling it with Jen and there's clearly no amount of trying that's gonna change things. I think he's trying to feel it, since Jen is so different from the two Bachelorettes he fell for, but it's just not happening. She seems pretty into him though, so I feel bad for her.
  6. I think it was because Caila attacked him with her mouth the moment they sat down at some cocktail party early in the season. She seemed pretty reserved on their date and then a few days later she's climbing on his lap at "hello".
  7. Indeed. It's a matter of interpretation and perspective. Someone who's had to deal with racism all their life may see it even when it's not there while someone who's never had to deal with racism might miss it even when it's obvious. All I know is that I might compare smiling Caila to a smiling anime character the same way I'd compare Robby to a Ken doll or Jordan to the asparagus from VeggieTales. It wouldn't even occur to me that it might been seen as racist due to the Asian connection. When Michelle Collins said something about rainbow eyes, I thought she was just describing what a smiling anime character looks like to illustrate the comparison, not to mock Caila for her ethnic features, but that's just my interpretation. Like I said, I can see why someone might take offense to it, I'm just not convinced there is much reason to.
  8. Just because it happens, it doesn't mean it happened here. It's the overexcited open-mouth smile they were mocking and I kind of get why, because it annoys me as well. Caila is not the only offender and it's got nothing to do with her being Asian. Chelsea Briche who hosts AfterBuzz is the same, like there's no variation between looking serious and looking like someone just wheeled out a giant birthday cake for you. I just don't need to see your tonsils everytime you smile, that's all. I think Michelle Collins mentioned anime characters, because that's how a smiling anime character is drawn, overexcited with an open mouth and little arches for eyes. May I point out that anime characters aren't even drawn to look Asian? If you've been mocked for your eyes, then I can see why you'd find it offensive, I just don't think it was the intention in this case. They were being thoughtless, not racist. Caila's gorgeous and no one's implied otherwise as far as I've seen.
  9. I wouldn't say she has zero friends, maybe zero close friends from the franchise, but she does seem to have real friends off the show. However, I also think there's something off with her, and it frustrates me that I feel like I can't say that anymore without prefacing it with assurances that I don't condone bullying nor am I #TeamAshley (barf). It's not about taking sides, because life is not black and white. I tend to think they both contributed to whatever was going on and Ashley was just more open about it, since she can't keep anything to herself, whereas Caila is very controlled and polite. I mean when Caila arrived, the cast, apart from Emily, seemed happy to see Jared so excited about someone. They weren't hating on her right out of the gate. Yet by now almost everyone who was there is siding with crazy Ashley, and Jared himself, who's usually too nice for his own good, was acting very cold towards Caila on After Paradise. He also referred to some things that were said off camera. I just don't buy that they are all mean bullies or so loyal to Ashley I. that they go along with whatever she says. More often than not, when everyone has a problem with you, you're the problem. On AP, Caila very much insinuated that Ashley was an ongoing problem in the relationship, because there's not enough room in Jared's heart for anyone else and "his friends" kept calling, yet she replied to Ashley's tweet about her Cosmopolitan recap by saying Ashley has nothing to do with why she and Jared aren't together. So which is it? Maybe she's just being nice and trying to put the issue to rest, but she's chipping away at her own credibility by saying one thing one day and the opposite the next. I honestly don't know which of her statements to believe, since everything she says seems so filtered and carefully crafted. She is very hard to read, so I'm not surprised if some of the things she said when she thought she doesn't need to filter herself were misinterpreted. If they were though, then why was she so quick to flee when Ashley addressed the issue? Did she explain herself and Ashley just refused to listen or didn't she even bother to try? She just seems very confused about who she is and what she wants. I already thought that during Ben's season and it's the main reason I dreaded the possibility of her becoming the Bachelorette. She needs to figure herself out before looking for a partner.
  10. Yeah, I just don't buy that they were in any sort of committed relationship. I think they stayed in touch after the show and left the door open for more, but it can't have been that serious considering they seem to have only met once since the show and even that was Jen travelling to him, not the other way around. I just don't see Nick intentionally misleading her or calling her his girlfriend, when he's been nothing but honest about where he's at on the show and even broke up with her in the end. He seems pretty big on honesty and openness, but obviously he couldn't tell Jen about the Bachelor gig until it was finalised. Sucks for her if she fell for him, but it didn't seem very mutual so nothing of importance is lost either way.
  11. The funny thing is that Andi swears a lot herself. I haven't read the book, but from what I've heard the F word was used aplenty. I also remember some IG vid of her basically yelling the word in a place where children were present. So apparently it's only banned from the bedroom, lest her lady boner be killed. I also suspect it's got more to do with her feeling somewhat guilty about wanting to have sex with Nick while she'd already picked Josh in her mind. Nick using the word fuck probably served as a nasty reminder that she's about to bump uglies with a guy she's not really falling in love with. But instead of not going through with it, she told Nick she would make love and then proceeded to have sex with him anyway, so it can't have been that much of a turn-off. If she only went along with it to lead him on, then she's basically a prostitute.
  12. I cannot believe TPTB had the balls to make Nick the Bachelor! I was already resigned to skipping a season because Luke is just Zzzzzzzz to me, and now this! I could not be more thrilled. A lead who's capable of real discussions and original thought? How did we get so lucky?? Hope they don't set him up to fail for the 3rd time. Jared disappointed me so badly. Either something did happen off camera or he's simply an a-hole. I remember him being really nice to Kaitlyn after she dumped him and Ashley too after BIP2, yet he seemed unwilling to say anything nice about Caila. Instead he spent the whole time defending his relationship with Ashley. I suspect that during those "difficult conversations in NYC" Caila may have given him an ultimatum of sorts, "me or Ashley". Then Jared told Ashley about it, she threw a fit as usual and convinced him Caila is a horrible person for trying to breakup their friendship and Jared chose Ashley. If that's the case I don't blame Caila one bit, since someone needs to put an end to the toxic relationship that's ruining any chances Jared has of finding love. I just don't get why he treats Ashley like a girlfriend while not wanting her to be one. No wonder she's confused. I would be too if I was in love with a friend who acts like he loves me and puts me in front of anyone else while at the same time claiming it's platonic. What a freakshow.
  13. I don't know if this has been mentioned, but I actually believe Derek stopped smoking whatever he was smoking after last week's row, since he was acting like it. This whole episode I saw a man who's totally on edge, stressing and making mountains out of molehills because he hasn't had his fix. So I'm kind of on the fence about whether or not he's as childish and ridiculous all the time, and the pot/nicotine keeps him chill, or if he's just going through some kind of withdrawal symptoms. In any case, I thought he was being ridiculous about the surf instructor thing, and the comments about Heather's age were in very poor taste. Heather is a strange one. She is such a drag when she's sober and barely shows any emotion other than annoyance. She seemed way more fun drunk, so maybe Derek should be happy that she likes to drink. Not that these two will ever work out. Nick and Sonia are my favourites. I do think he likes her, he's just really awkward and cautious about it. The gift was so cute and made her so happy. She just seems like a sweetheart. I really hope they work out! I don't think Lillian will be upset about the bus at all. In the preview they cut her off after the "OMG", which sounded more excited than shocked to me.
  14. ITA. Jared is not Ashley's boyfriend and never was. She has absolutely no say over his love life and I find the idea that she should be allowed to keep him away from any potential love interests, in the hopes that he'll someday pick her out of pity, totally twisted. He should be allowed to fall in love with whoever he pleases regardless of how it makes his platonic friend feel. Same goes for Caila. Even if she and Ashley were close friends, which I don't think is the case, she's allowed to do what she feels is right for her and that includes going to Paradise and going on a date Jared, who was the only guy there who was available and attractive to her. If they like each other then great! If Ashley had any real love for Jared, she'd want him to be happy, but she only loves herself and the feeling she gets when fantasising about Jared and their imaginary life together. Trying to dictate who other people can and cannot date is something that goes on in junior high, not between consenting adults. Maybe I'm just cold, but I've always been of the opinion that whoever I spend the rest of my life with has to be my best friend, so I can't even imagine a scenario where I'd pick a platonic friend I see every now and then, let alone some random acquintance, over a man I could see as my life partner. Sorry, but every day and night for the rest of my life trumps just about any sort of friendship, and I would side-eye any friend who tried to stop me from being happy. Luckily I'm usually not attracted to the same guys as my friends anyway. I am no big Caila fan, simply because I find her boring television. She's so self-aware she loses all her personality and wit whenever there's a camera pointed at her, which makes it hard to read her, which in turn makes her seem fake. Still, I don't think she did anything wrong and Ashley trying to make her out to be some horrible backstabber is completely ridiculous. She said in some interview she was dating someone else when Ashley first brought up going to Paradise, so obviously she had no intention of going. Apparently she's not allowed to change her mind about anything since it might hurt poor delusional Ashley. Sorry, but the world doesn't revolve around Ashley and it's high time she realises that.
  15. Oh I'm positive it's weed they were talking about. Too many things pointing at it, Derek saying some people find it no worse than alcohol, saying Heather is from the 40s since she finds it such a big deal (pretty sure smoking cigarettes was the thing to do back then) and saying he can't do it when he's working. None of that makes sense if it's about cigarettes. I do see why Heather is put off by it and I would be too. It's clearly a big part of Derek's life if he's willing to do it with his new wife and a camera crew around especially since it's illegal. I don't think he'd take the risk unless it was a pretty strong habit. I wouldn't want to deal with it either, but the same applies to excessive alcohol use for me. I just don't like how Heather brought the issue up. She was pretty disrespectful and it came off as an attack rather than an attempt to change the situation. It's clear she thinks she's above Derek in most ways. She sees his faults or imagined faults and that's it. He is not worthy of her joyless neurotic presence since he smokes weed, doesn't mind living out of a suitcase for a few days and acknowledges a casino while driving past it. I just don't like people who are so black and white and think they're above others. I was like that too, when I was a teenager. Most people start seeing shades of grey as they get older, yet 30-something Heather seems stuck on judging and categorising people. It's even less attractive than smoking weed. It's cute how into each other Tom and Lillian are, but his insecurities about his living situation are annoying. He seems defensive about it already before even telling her, so I don't know if any reaction from her apart from delight will be enough to satisfy him. I like Sonya and Nick. Her way of speaking is grating, but she seems like a sweet person, so I can overlook it. I think he does like her, but he's just super awkward socially and scared of leading her on. Hopefully they'll fall for each other and make it work, because they seem the most mature out of the couples.
  16. Carly was actually dating someone not from the show a while back. I think he was also a musician of some sort from Nashville and she took him to Janner's wedding. I thought they seemed like a good match, but then he dumped her in February. No idea why she can't seem to hold onto a guy. Maybe they get sick of her trash talking.
  17. Yes, it was like the opening scene of an orgy. Gross. Don't these people have any concept of privacy? Well I guess not, since they keep signing up for this show. The constant making out also reminded me of high schoolers who aren't yet ready to go all the way. I don't know anyone pushing 30 who keeps eating their partner's face all day long in real life. I must be the only person watching who immediately recognised Brandon. I think he was my early favourite during Des's season. I liked how he was more interested in the quiet twin than the one who won't shut up. I also think he totally noticed something was up, but didn't know what to do about it without seeming paranoid. Maybe he thought he'd just drank one glass too many.
  18. I find Josh utterly disgusting. I will never understand what women see in him. Everytime I look at him, I'm just like "Really?! People find him handsome?!" He's also a total asshat who only cares about winning, preferably with Nick as the loser. I got a kick out of him repeatedly referring to Andi's book as fiction while looking as disingenous as ever. Sure, Josh, I'm sure it's allll fiction in your own head. The day I see Josh taking any responsibility for his actions is the day hell freezes over. Amanda is such a bimbo. I doubt Nick had any real interest in her. I mean what man with half a brain would want to listen to her for any length of time? Leah is still a bitch. Thanks for confirming people's opinion after Ben's season was correct. Carly was laying it on thick with the nasty comments. She really should think before she speaks, especially in front of a camera. I can't believe she made me feel sorry for Evan. Lace and Grant having sex on camera is just eww.
  19. I don't know, I follow them both on Snapchat and they seem genuinely in love to me and very comfortable together. This coming from someone who didn't like Jordan during the show and was less than impressed by all the rumours about him. Who knows how long it'll last, but that applies to every relationship. I think they'll make a real go of it. A week ago I thought I'd never say this.
  20. I agree. I think Lauren is the type who'll avoid bringing up the hard stuff as long as possible and I'm not sure how well that'll work. Hopefully she's not harbouring any resentment and they can live a perfectly bland drama-free life together. I do think he was fixated on her since night one, so there was no other option for him really. I'm not a fan of the ring either, or any Bachelor rings for that matter. They're all too big and flashy. I mean who wants to wear 4.5 carats on a daily basis? They're not rappers. And the rings don't even stay on straight since the massive heavy rocks are pulling them sideways. Bigger is not always better.
  21. Can you tell us which resort? That must be the location RS was referring to, since he said it's a place no one would guess (or something like that). You have a chance to beat him to the punch!
  22. It said in some article that the show's stylist picked 18 options for each woman. I disliked both dresses so can't imagine how bad the rest were. I think Lauren is stunning. Especially now that she's lost her Bachelor pounds, her face is just flawless to me. Cute and beautiful at the same time. I'm also envious of her slender figure, though I like a bit more hip on a woman. Jojo's face isn't as flawless, but she's very pretty too. I also wish she'd lose the middle part though. She's definitely sexier than Lauren and I'm not referring to the fake chest area. She just carries herself differently and she's warmer and more affectionate, whereas Lauren is more cool and reserved. I don't think Ben could go wrong either way though, since they're both catches, especially compared to him.
  23. Yeah, I hope Lauren's fine with being his new mommy and talking him off the ledge on a regular basis, or whatever it was that his mom said he needs. I wish them luck, but I'm not holding my breath. I'm starting to think he has reason to feel unlovable. Yay for Jojo being the Bachelorette! I think she's a natural on camera and the men will go crazy for her for sure.
  24. He must be feeling unlovable again, because it can't have been true love if she's ready to move on 4 months later. How can Ben get over this? Someone get him some therapy! Oh wait, he's got Lauren. My bad.
  25. Yes. She was in active duty for 4 years and now she's in the reserves. I think she clarified that because they kept referring to her as a war veteran on the show, which made it sound like she was out of the army now.
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