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Everything posted by MsPH

  1. I agree that Lauren's name was edited in, but I'm sure that's who Leah was referring to anyway. If it was a misunderstanding, it would make no sense for her to go to Ben's room and talk some more about Lauren.
  2. "Safer sex buying"? Alrighty then. Hope none of these people have been buying sex, safe or unsafe.
  3. I certainly don't love David either. He seems a bit needy and deluded, but he was put in an impossible situation and having Ashley's camp attacking him is pretty crappy of them. She kept talking to the cameras about him being so nice and patient, and now we are to believe she was scared for her life or whatever because of her "female intuition"? Right. More like she just found him ugly. The fact it that he wasn't charged for domestic violence, even if he was ordered to take some DV classes, so violence can't have been involved. Spreading rumours that he attacked someone with a knife is just awful. I saw that the MAFS official Twitter account replied to that person and asked for details, but they didn't reply, at least publicly.
  4. What about the Criminal Damage charge? Why was it dropped? Could it be that the other party was perhaps trying to embellish the story, or was it so minor they just couldn't be bothered to deal with it? I don't know how these things work, so I'm just wondering. I highly doubt he's had run-ins with the law since if he can hold down a job and all. Last year's Bachelor had a long criminal record including DUI's and bar fights, yet he was touted as Prince Farming.
  5. I still think Davina is worse than Sean. There were some horrible things said about Sean by people who claimed to be his co-workers and I still haven't seen a shred of proof to back those up. On the contrary, a simple look at his IG account proves some of their claims were total lies. The people making them kept changing their story, contradicting themselves and then finally straight up lying, so I can't in good conscience believe anything they said. I don't even like Sean, but the mud-slinging by Davina and her bestie Chris was heinous. I still wonder if they were behind all those anonymous rumours and "insider info" spread about. If they were then they are some seriously messed up people. I really don't care if Sean was a phony, there are no guarantees with this show whatsoever. They could've presented Davina with her total dream guy who lived right next door to her and he still might've said no thanks to a lifetime of pandering to her self-centered princess ass. Even if she was disappointed and pissed about the edit, attacking Sean was not the way to go. Sean didn't edit the show, and I still haven't seen proof that he was never serious. They were clearly very attracted to each other at the wedding and they did seem to have things in common, but after spending some time together I think Sean realised that it wasn't worth leaving his comfortable life in New Jersey and he quietly withdrew. Sucks for Davina, but it doesn't make it okay to try and tarnish his reputation all over the internet. He never resorted to any of that, so I like him better. Same goes for Ashley. Sucks that you look bad on TV, but trying to take down your husband will not make you more sympathetic. Just shows what kind of a person you are.
  6. I guess it could be him then, but still, we don't know the details of the case. Sounds more like a drunken row anyway based on ctbabe's posts. In any case, whether it was him or not, it was 8 years ago and I haven't seen any signs of David having a temper on the show. Even when Ashley was yelling at him and running in and out of the kitchen, he just sat there and tried to talk to her without raising his voice. I highly doubt she was in any kind of danger. I do wonder if someone told her about the court case though and who it was. Did she have her family run a background check after the wedding? She seemed to be warming up to him during the first couple of days on the honeymoon, but then shut down completely. Maybe David himself told her since they were in Arizona where the alleged crime happened. Who knows. She was already rude to him at the wedding though and surely she knew nothing about his past then. I do think it's kind of shady of this show to not do proper background checks until 2 days before the wedding. You'd think they would have these things handled before they even inform the participants they've been matched. Makes you wonder what kind of things they'd have to find to pull the plug or does everything get a pass as long as it's in the past? I don't think anyone should have to pay for their mistakes for all eternity, if no one was hurt, but it does open the door for all kinds of criticism when this show can't seem to find 6 people who've never been arrested.
  7. Nobody's in love at this point, they barely know each other. I do think Lauren really likes him. IMO she reacted like someone who was really scared of losing something and didn't know how to prevent it. I also think it's pretty obvious that Leah was just reaching, since none of the other women have a problem with Lauren. Becca even said she'd vouch for Lauren being the same person with them as she is with Ben. I like how Lauren didn't get terribly defensive and claim she's 100% herself at all times. Instead she seemed to really be thinking if there was something she'd done to give off the impression that she's different around Ben. She's just a realistic person, not your typical Bachelor drama queen.
  8. Exactly. When I first read those rumours about David having stolen money and whatnot, I tried looking for some proof and found some other David Norton near Atlanta, who'd been arrested several times. Clearly wasn't this David though, since he was born decades before. It's a pretty common name. When has David even lived in Arizona? He's from Buffalo, New York originally. I think these anonymous internet rumours are pretty messed up. If David really is some con man and criminal, then why isn't anyone confirming that with their name attached? The rumours also claimed that he owes his friends money and whatnot, yet he seems to have about 50 close friends who love him. You don't have a huge circle of totally normal seeming friends if you're some dodgy pathological liar. At least I've never seen it. I just can't be bothered to believe any of this stuff unless I see some evidence. I instantly disliked Sean last season, yet I felt really bad for him when all kinds of ridiculous rumours were spread about him. I still wonder if Davina's camp was behind those or if it was some bitter ex. They claimed all kinds of things that were proven false. Like Sean never got a promotion etc. even though he's clearly in some management position now and seems very liked by his staff. Or that he only ever wanted to be on TV, even though he's shown no signs of that since. Anyone can say anything on the internet, doesn't make it true. If Ashley's been getting tips from Davina then no wonder there's some campaign in place to tarnish David's reputation. Makes a lot of sense. Crazy bitches the both of them.
  9. Sheesh, season 2 people should just stay out of it. Those three women still have an axe to grind so of course, OF COURSE, Ashley would go running to them. Yeah, the show failed to give them their prince in shining armour, but they all have some issues and their time would be better spent working on those rather than spreading all kinds of rumours that may or may not have some truth to them. It makes them all look vindictive and ridiculous to me. You signed up for a stupid reality TV show, it didn't work out, tough luck. Time to move on!
  10. She did say that, and I'm pretty sure I saw a comment somewhere a while back from someone whose kid she used to teach saying she'd resigned. I would've loved that pig date too! Well waving weiners in their face seems like a stupid idea, but I don't think they're dangerous otherwise. They are a tourist attraction that people go see probably daily, yet I've never heard about anyone being eaten by pigs in the Bahamas, so I think they're pretty friendly despite being feral. Might be some pig poop in the water though, but it's not like the sea isn't full of fish poop already. Both the Laurens seemed to be loving the piglets. Props to them! I don't think Ben was asking Caila to cry on his shoulder right there and then, he just wanted to get something out of her. She does have that open mouth smile plastered on her face at all times and I've yet to see her connect with Ben in any way apart from lip-locking. As silly as it may seem, this is an accelerated dating process and Ben is supposed to pick a fiancée based on a handful of dates. You kind of have to dive in head first if you want to have any idea who the other person is. There's no time for the smiley polite small talk. I don't think Caila was prepared to really form a relationship though, she just wanted to be on TV and maybe get a chance at being the Bachelorette. That conversation was a lousy audition. I guess she was trying to give herself a story line with that whole fear of not being able to love, but it just got really confusing since she was saying she loves him at the same time. She loves him because she feels understood by him, while he looked like he had no idea what she was saying. Pure comedy! I think Leah's silly plan was a producer idea as well. They had to throw a wrench into the Ben and Lauren love story, since he was being so obvious about his feelings. Who knows what they bribed Leah with, probably BIP. Made her seem pretty awful though. I kind of feel bad for Olivia, because I think she really believed in those delusions of hers. She is just kind of clueless in every way. Ben's reaction to her love confession was so awkward! How on earth could she think he felt the same way? And the way she kept selling herself by putting down the other women was all kinds of stupid.
  11. I think Sam really is warming up to Neil with the way she was talking about his facial expressions being cute and literally throwing herself at him. It might've been silly, but she initiating physical contact. I think she would like Neil to make a move, but he's too smart to go there while the cameras are still rolling. No way is he risking another rejection or having his kissing skills mocked or rated or whatever. He's gonna act like an awkward virgin until the cameras are gone. I don't know what to believe when it comes to the texting gate, but it says something about Ashley that I actually thought she might've set the whole thing up. Maybe her friend mentioned that her friend actually knew David/had dated him briefly and Ashley asked her to contact David again just to see what he'd do. Sounds crazy, but she's just been so fake, and last week she was trying hard to make David look bad, even though he'd done nothing wrong. I think she's pretty desperate to make him the bad guy. I tend to think the truth is somewhere in the middle though, like David was stalking Ashley on facebook or something and approached one of her FB friends, but didn't want to admit to that so he pretended they already knew each other. Who knows, I just think he'd have to be really stupid and unlucky to ask some random girl out and then it turns out she knows Ashley and knows David is her husband and tells her about it. Sounds even more unlikely than Ashley setting a trap. Whatever the truth, if she thinks people will see her as a victim, then she's gonna be sorely disappointed. She never wanted anything to do with him, so whatever he did or didn't do didn't ruin anything. There was nothing to ruin! She's a miserable person and David is better off without her. I hope Tres and Vanessa make it, but she does annoy me too sometimes. It's like she's expecting Tres to not live up to her expectations so even if he does something right, she can't give him too much credit.
  12. So David "asking some girl out for drinks" turned out to be nothing as expected. He only wanted some insight on his robot of a wife. Ashley's acting like someone who has a closet full of skeletons. We've seen everyone else have conversations with their spouse's friends/family, but David never got the chance, because Ashley's friends and family are nowhere to be seen. I feel for the guy, he married a stranger and a month later he still has no idea who she is. She is just a shady individual.
  13. I don't think they should have sex if they're really not feeling it, but I find it pretty unreal that two of these women haven't even given their husband a peck on the lips in 5 weeks. I thought I was a prude, but these two are like nuns or something. Hell, last week they thought their knees touching their husbands' knees was too intimate. Where on earth did they find these people?! How are we supposed to believe they still have a chance of turning this into a happily ever after, when they can barely stand to touch their husbands? Even Jamie started making out with Doug on the honeymoon. Ashley and Sam are making her seem like a proper hussy.
  14. Catherine is half Italian I think. Giudici is an italian name. Jubilee may not have White heritage, but her adoptive family is all White.
  15. Nothing I can say about Ashley that hasn't been said already. I was seeing the same thing David was, Ashley mingling with his friends, smiling and looking surprisingly at ease, but then we get to Ashley's TH and of course she is complaining. Of course! I felt so bad for David when he was excited about the party being a success and Ashley just shat all over it and acted like he'd seriously wronged her somehow. She is a nightmare! If she wanted David's company, for the first time in a month, she could've gone to him. But oh no, she can't possibly initiate anything, because David might get the wrong idea. Better to just complain afterwards so David can feel like crap again. I wouldn't be surprised if she had no friends to invite. Maybe the bridesmaids were distant relatives or something and that's why they didn't know she's against strippers. Can't say anything about the cliffhanger, since we haven't gotten David's side of the story yet. I do think it's a bit shady on his part if he did ask a girl out, since he keeps telling us and her that he's still committed to his marriage. But maybe he is now and it was just a stupid idea he had right after the meeting with Dr C. Or maybe it was nothing. Just have to wait and see. Still hate Sam. Cannot stand her! She is so completely wrapped up in her own awesomeness that she wouldn't notice if someone was having a heart attack next to her. It was so obvious that Neil was quiet because he was ashamed of her godawful behaviour and scared she would humiliate him again if he opened his mouth. Who the fvck gave Sam the right to decide what is fake and what isn't? She's a total fake herself! The boisterous persona she's created for herself is so totally put on. It's not that she doesn't have manners it's that she chooses not to use them. It's so sad how far Neil has retreated in presence. He was a totally different person in the first couple of episodes. I also saw more warmth in the interaction with Sammie than I've ever seen between Neil and Sam. I guess it was nice to commiserate with another one of Sam's victims. Vanessa was being a big baby in this episode. I've had my doubts about Tres from the beginning, but I was actually sold on his sincerity when he looked totally sick to his stomach after Vanessa had left. He looked genuinely scared of what was happening. I just don't see how he could possibly be trying to get rid of her. He was also trying so hard to communicate with her even though she was acting like a brick wall. Many men would've gotten pissed off with her silent treatment but Tres seemed really concerned about what was bothering her. I like how he calmly explained his feelings when she got back. It's like he'd been thinking about what to say all night. I think women and men CAN be just friends. It depends on the people, the circumstances, how they met, what they have in common etc. etc. But at the end of the day none of that matters. If your spouse is the cheating kind they will find a way to cheat without having female friends. What is the point of a relationship if you can't trust your partner? You can't lock them in a room and throw away the key, so trying to keep them away from the opposite sex like you think they can't keep ther pants on around other people is just an endless task. Why even start, because if you do have a reason to worry, then you're just delaying the inevitable. What a waste of time! It's better to let people show you exactly who they are as soon as possible. If Tres and Jenna have been friends for years and haven't seriously dated, then there must be a reason for that. Maybe they tried at some point and it failed, who knows, but I don't see why they'd decide to give it a go now that Tres is married. It makes no sense to me. Vanessa was acting pretty ridiculous around her. You'd think she'd shown up in her underwear trying to seduce Tres or something. I also thought Vanessa was blowing the love thing way out of proportion. I think she is in love with Tres and that's why she reacted so strongly. She also looked pretty transparent when she said they're not in love yet. The lady doth protest too much. I know I've never acted more irrational than when I was in love with a guy who only kept me around for an ego stroke. I think Tres is getting there though and she should give him a chance. I doubt he'll turn into a perfect husband overnight no matter how hard he tries, but he is trying. She's already in so deep she might as well ride this out and see what happens. It's not like she's in a mad rush to find a forever spouse anyway yet, since she's still so young. Give the man a chance!
  16. I'm pretty sure there are clip-in weaves as well. I guess they are easier, since you can wash your hair normally unlike with proper extensions. I've always wondered how anyone can stand those.
  17. Indeed it is. I actually saw a funny conversation on Twitter about the weave. Someone asked Amanda whose it was and she said she's pretty sure it was Becca's and Becca replied saying it was JoJo's, since it was on the nightstand by her bed and Becca's was safely put away by hers. JoJo refused to admit it was hers though. Emily piped up to say it definitely wasn't hers. I think they all wear weaves.
  18. I saw it more like an early defensive move. I think someone who was following him on IG before he made it public, said he cleaned it up a lot and currently it's mostly pics of his kids. Clearly he knew what was coming since RS posted his details and he wanted people to see that he loves his kids, hence directing them to the IG account that is now all about his kids instead of his partying. Smart move, even if transparent. Had he not done that people would think he's a total deadbeat, which he isn't, even if he's not as involved in their lives as he should be. I just don't see what good it does to anyone, let alone the kids, that Amanda's airing his dirty laundry on TV. She said herself there were plenty of red flags, yet she married him and even decided to bring another kid into the mix. I'd have more sympathy if everything had been seemingly great and then she found out he cheated, but how she described the situation doesn't speak very highly of her decision-making skills. And all this happened in the last few years, not ages ago. Leaving the kids for weeks to go on a televised vacation is another questionable decision. It's not like she has any chance of being picked in the end, so it's just about the Z-list fame. I guess she can make a career out of shilling stuff on IG now.
  19. I think the whole situation is just sketchy. She got pregnant again when the marriage was already failing. It wasn't clarified if the pregnancy was intentional or an accident, or "an accident". She said things went downhill fast after that, so I have a feeling the ex wasn't necessarily thrilled with another addition to the family. He's probably the one the paying for the kids while she left them with her mom for weeks (months?) to go galavanting around. Then she throws him under the bus on national television. He might've been a sucky husband, but he's still the father of her children and he didn't sign up for this show. Eh, not impressed with Amanda. Her botoxed forehead also distracts me even more than her overuse of "like". I find Lauren H utterly annoying. She's got great legs though, so I can see why she was chosen for that date. No chemistry there, fortunately. I don't think Ben handled the Jubilee situation as well as he could've, but I also think she self-sabotaged big time. I think he did enjoy his time with her on their date, but since then she's just been putting herself down and looking for reassurance. That's not attractive after a while and this week she seemed hostile as well as insecure. I think he was truly frustrated with her pessimism and decided to put a stop to it. She frustrates me as well. She's a gorgeous smart woman with a lot going for her, yet she keeps undermining herself. I saw she tweeted Becca saying "girls like you will always finish first before me". That is just pathetic. Get it together, woman! Olivia annoys me, but I can't see her as a villain. Socially awkward and slightly deluded yes, but I don't think she's this evil person they're making her out to be. Emily was saying all kinds of horrible things about her all episode and then crying to Ben about Olivia "bullying" her. Right.... I also saw the Teen Mom comment as Olivia trying to relate to Amanda rather than insult her, but it was a really stupid thing to say of course.
  20. How do we know she sat at the restaurant waiting for him? I must've missed that, because all I remember is her saying afterwards that the dinner they were supposed to go on never happened.
  21. I can't hate on Basement Ryan. I think he tried, but it was just a bad match from the beginning. Their personalities were such polar opposites, not to mention the distance, which was ridiculous. Why marry two people who live 2.5 hours apart and are both clearly very tied to their location? He just wasn't that into her at the end of the day and didn't think it was worth the hassle. I don't think he's a bad guy, just a bit of a wimp. He should've been more direct with her. I'm still confused about the cat thing, but surely she wouldn't have been heartbroken if he'd really left the cat to starve?
  22. Sheesh, David looks so much better now! Ashley might've been a little less frigid had she been presented with that at the altar, but he dodged a bullet for sure.
  23. Well I haven't seen any proof of her moving to LA. It still says San Diego on her Twitter page too. She does seems to be spending a lot of time in LA with her Bachelor and non-Bachelor friends lately, but it's not like it's far from SD. Doesn't mean she moved. No idea about her job situation, but it seemed pretty flexible to begin with. As for the looks discussion going on, I actually find Lauren B the most attractive. She has a cute feminine heart-shaped face, high cheekbones and smiling eyes. Nothing about her face bothers me. The other Lauren, however, is unfortunate looking. I can't get over her nose and her annoying demeanor doesn't help. She also has the horrible habit of talking like she is talking to children. I guess it's hard to switch off for a kindergarten teacher, but it's just so so grating. Olivia isn't attractive at all to me. Her eyes are pretty, but her face is too wide and that hair is just offensive. I feel physical pain when looking at it, I swear. Parting it in the middle just highlights its flatness and the wideness of her face. Please get her off my screen soon! JoJo is pretty, but looks older than her years and the fake rack is distracting. Cheapens her look. Something about Amanda's face bothers me a lot. Her forehead is bigger than Lauren's and totally immobile thanks to Botox. She already seems pretty humourless, so having an expressionless face doesn't exactly help her appeal. Caila is pretty stunning and has the best body, but the phoney open mouth smile is not attractive. Reminds me of Andi. I've always found Becca really pretty, but I too wish she'd go for a darker lipstick. Her lips look lighter than her face at times and it's not a good look.
  24. Thanks for reminding me of that bit. I just wanted to shake her! I thought what he said was really sweet and earnest and all she could say was "Okay". That's all she ever has to say to anything in addition to "I can't do this" and "This is hard". Even Greg looked like he was thinking "Seriously? That's all?".
  25. That clip of Tres and Vanessa is just ridiculous. What the hell is her problem? I hate it when men assume a woman is PMS'ing when their actions seem irrational, but that's the only explanation I can think of for what I just saw. Unless he's been telling her off camera that he loves her, I don't see why she'd be shocked by his comment. They barely know each other!
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