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Everything posted by bref

  1. I'm an old lady too, but lots of young men take selfies of their junk. I don't think he is looking to get into porn necessarily, and it certainly doesn't mean he's gay (NTTAWWT)--I think he's just proud of what he's got. It's also very common for the young people to shave everything regardless of gender or orientation, or so my 20-something kid tells me. :)
  2. The local NBC station in Denver has not shown the vintage episodes for the last two weeks. They *have* shown Rudy in that time slot both last week and this week. No idea what that's about, but I'm not a happy camper.
  3. Given Kini's stature, Mini is a perfect nickname!
  4. This is true, but they have the option to not participate in TM, or to not read comments on social media. The other thing that truly sickened me about this show was Sad Panda and the girls giving themselves tongue baths about how the show has lowered teen pregnancy rates. Gaaahhhh, he makes me homicidal.
  5. THIS. These kids are completely aware of the cameras now and it's not normal and it's not good for them, IMO. Isaac in particular seems to hate both the intrusiveness of the crew AND the extra attention in public from being on TV. Even Kail admits this, yet she has no problem continuing to have him film. Grrrr. Bad enough he called her a fat, stretch-marked bitch, but he referred to Aubree as a mistake he couldnt wait to sign away. You better believe he would not be getting anywhere near my "kitty" after that, no matter how much time passed. Not to mention his ongoing endangerment of her child, riding without a helmet? Like others, i'm pretty disappointed in chelsea's poor judgment about this. Again, I really see Isaac suffering from this project and this is another good example. For such a know-it-all type mom, Kail has a horrible understanding of childhood development. This was the most horrifying part of the show for me. Germy's offhand "this cat's dead as fuck" (or whatever his tactful comment was) combined with Leah's unending SCREAMING in front of her kids about the horror of it--dear god, does anyone know how to act like an adult in that house? oh wait, that would be Gracie, trying to comfort her mom (who was completely ignoring her efforts so she could continue to shriek about how much SHE had been traumatized). SMDH at all of these people. Thanks for the kind words, SPLAIN :)
  6. Dr. Drew hosts and makes us all sick.
  7. Can someone with a stronger stomach than I watch WWHL and report on Jim and Amber's appearance? I would be ever so grateful.
  8. McKenzie Douthit of Teen Mom 3 claimed to have removed her own IUD, if I recall correctly.
  9. Here's an article that reported on Leah's allegation that Corey cheated on Miranda. I don't think she was saying he cheated with HER, but rather that he's ALSO a cheater but doesn't get called out on it. In any case, people can certainly hook up with whoever they want to, but I agree with the observation that Adam is not just Chelsea's ex, but someone who has treated her horribly. It gives me the heebie-jeebies.
  10. I think that on one of the catch-up specials, Leah threw out an accusation that Corey had cheated on Miranda. No details were forthcoming and I did not necessarily take away that it was Leah he allegedly cheated with.
  11. Here's the cast. Blecchhhh @ Aviva, but Heidi and Spencer may be worse?
  12. Whichever twin works as some kind of travel agent definitely smokes. I remember her "going out for a cigarette" after that nonsense scene in her office. Her pop also mentioned stepping outside to smoke in one scene. As a former smoker who still gets a little triggered by people doing it on teevee, I notice these stupid things. So Amber smoked a cigarette even though she had The Cancer????
  13. The Aaron drama confused me. He had a toothache bad enough to keep him from tattooing, but he didn't go see a dentist? He just hoped it would get better on its own? But then, surprise of surprises, it DIDN'T, so he still felt like crap but his ethical stand that he wouldn't ink someone while in such pain just went away? Huge WTF for me.
  14. I felt bad when Mike left her for the Hooters waitress. :(
  15. I hear what you're saying, Maharincess, but I bet your ex wasn't as egregious as Adam. I just hope Chels made him triple-bag it.
  16. From my vast knowledge of the law gleaned from watching Judge Judy and Law & Order, I think the issue is that when you plead guilty (as in a plea agreement), you must indicate to the court your understanding that you are acknowledging your guilt and what that means legally. Teresa playing dumb publicly could void that agreement since she is now stating she didn't understand what happened.
  17. "What's your guys's names?" Who is this idiot hosting? And who does MTV think they're kidding with this JENELLE IS AWESOME crap? I am weeping for our future. ETA: I try not to criticize the girls too much on issues of appearance, but Leah's frock is the ugliest thing I have ever seen.
  18. A mockery they willingly signed up for, though.
  19. Oh, Leah. Sitting there crying to Corey that he is robbing you of your identity as a stay at home mom by trying to get custody of the twins? Have you forgotten you have another kid to care for? And shouldn't custody really be about what's best for the kids involved and not YOUR needs? Likewise, Kail just makes me sputter with indignation. What a horrible, hypocritical control freak. She cannot stand the thought of Jo making a single parenting decision alone. She and Leah are straight-up narcissists. Completely unable to see beyond how THEY are affected by any given situation. Nice bigotry there too, Kail. A shaved head and untied shoes do not a "thug" make. Jenelle and Nips: I can't even. Lord help Jace.
  20. I think you give Leah a lot of credibility, StayingAfterSunday, with little to go on. To me, Corey has shown himself to be a more reliable narrator than Leah. I'm inclined to believe things are exactly as he and his wife have (rather discreetly) said--they feel the girls will be better off with them. Also, not every young woman is dying to have babies so I'm not sure why that's being attributed to Miranda. FWIW, I think Leah actually is not a great mother from what we see. But I seriously doubt Corey would sue for custody over a diet of Cheetos.
  21. My memory isn't what it used to be, but I would swear I remember Leah actually stating when she filed for divorce that she was doing it because she thought Corey was going to file and her reaction was THEN I WILL DO IT FIRST. A typically mature and well thought out Leah plan. I used to defend her because I honestly thought she was just young and dumb and I had some compassion for her. I remember thinking her cheap autumn wedding to Corey was kind of adorable and I certainly had empathy for their difficult situation of having a child with serious health problems. But she's become such a prevaricating, sniffling, finger pointing mess that it's actually difficult to watch her. I'm very anxious to see how this custody issue is or was resolved, although I am not particularly hopeful given what we've heard on social media.
  22. Going by Twitter, at least, Miranda seems to be promoting some kind of home-based beauty/fitness/sales business. So maybe they are considering her staying home with the girlses should they win custody. In any case, I have no problem with daycare. And they should be starting school soon, I would think?
  23. Can I say I am dumbfounded that Corey has a twitter account, but I checked it out and it's all pretty innocuous. Pics of the girls, retweets of music he likes, etc. There's even a selfie with his hottie dad Jeff that so many of you lust after ;) Thanks for the links, flamingos!
  24. Yeah, I guess I should have added parenting classes and therapy. I do think in her heart of hearts, Barb WANTS to do the right thing by Jace. I was also horrified by her threats that he would have to leave and she needs way better anger management skills, but she has also been a steady figure in Jace's life since birth and MIGHT be open to hearing about how she could possibly be a better parent to him--but NOT if it's coming from Jenelle or Nathan's mouths.
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