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Everything posted by RedheadZombie

  1. Please don't hate me. I didn't see it coming, but I rooted for Johnny B. over CT. I have no idea why - it just happened suddenly. I don't think the challenges are set up for Johnny to win. It was very suspicious that CT and Johnny had to go against each other. If that was a set up by production, they must have been setting it up for CT since he is strong in puzzles. In the scene where Johnny, Johnny, and Zack were standing together, I had a flashback to The Princess Bride scene where Andre the Giant, Mandy Patinkin, and the short bald guy are lined up. Typically Johnny's misogyny irritates me, but apparently not when it's aimed at Devyn. Hoping that when she's partnered with him it will be a makeup application or wig challenge was pretty funny. I know it's irritating that Johnny wins so many times, but I kind of respect it. He's very focused - he treats these challenges like a job. He also takes the time to be very aerobically fit - something that CT, Evan, Wes, and Leroy lacked in prior losses. I thinks Wes' problem was more dehydration and having milky white skin, I can't remember. Regarding Devyn just sitting with her paddle in her lap, I think Zack told her to stop because she was fucking it up. I don't know if she was or not, he complained about everything she did. She was a pathetic paddler anyway. I've never gotten over her sitting on the top bunk with that stupid hat on her head, drunkenly propositioning Kenny. Laurel's like CT, in that she has the brute strength but is not super fit aerobically. I think she even says long distance running is her weakness. She has that one inch Neanderthal forehead like Mandy.
  2. When Carole is lounging at the kitchen table in her lingerie, I couldn't help but notice her boobs hanging to her elbows. She and Kristen really need to be fitted properly for bras and then invest in a few.
  3. I'm seeing The Phantom of the Opera in Caliban. Shunned and disfigured, he falls in love with the sweet and beautiful ingenue. How long before he kills a man in the theatre and makes threats?
  4. I think Ramona also said Heather always interrupts. Heather said something like - that's funny, I think the same about you.
  5. I've always assumed that the Browns were holding onto the Lehi house as a backup plan. I was saddened to hear Kody say they're underwater in the house, meaning they have no equity. I think the story was Janelle used inherited money to purchase that house. She then dipped into her retirement for the Las Vegas move. If this is true, Janelle is definitely generous - but not smart.
  6. I agree that Jen was a little tipsy. I don't think Bill was upset about the cake. He had an indulgent smile on his face that said to me that he enjoyed watching his usually dignified wife buzzed and being carefree and silly. I imagine the kids are staying elsewhere and he's anticipating a romantic night. By the way, if my husband attempted to smash cake in my face, which has become an unfortunate tradition, I would slap him so hard upside his head. Maybe that's why I'm not married.
  7. I wonder if she tells stories about the night she performed doggy style in the bushes with Johnny Depp.
  8. I interpreted these scenes differently. I saw Will's parents both correcting him to use his own plate. He seemed to listen and understand, but the food was about one inch away. Major temptation for a four year old. I'm not sure why Jen moved the plate away, but I'm fine with the idea she took it because Will kept reaching into it. Cause and effect, and a clear consequence. Will did not react negatively. I didn't see Jen drilling the kids. It was all in good humor, and Will and Zoey were half listening as they enjoyed breakfast. No one seemed stressed or pressured. I actually think both Zoey and Will have excellent table manners for their age. Will may be incapable of holding his utensils better at this time. He may need to grow into his hands. Maybe I was raised by wolves, but I've rarely seen children that young remain at the table through a meal and attempt to properly use utensils and napkin. The vow writing scene. Zoey is quietly playing with her doll, while Jen seems to be making an effort to make Will feel included and a part of what was happening. She seemed very relaxed and good humored. She knew Will could contribute nothing, but let him think he was important as he carried the notepad around writing on it. I'm actually impressed by Jen's patience here. You don't get where she is - a female doctor in a highly specialized field, without being driven and disciplined. She also had to contend with the fact that she's the size of a five year old with the voice of a cartoon character. I can't imagine how often she was condescended to or belittled. I'm sure she had to battle to be taken seriously. Yet she remains smiling, laughing, and relatively soft spoken, rather than a humorless drill sergeant barking out orders. I completely sympathize with Jen feeling the loss of control and trying to get a handle on the day's plans. I'm an only child, and I have had so many surprise parties that I remain completely suspicious every year. One year, my cousin developed this scavenger hunt that took over eight hours to finish, and consisting of me interpreting clues and then going place to place where I would walk into the store and ask for a gift. It was horrible. I became less and less gracious as the day went by. Ironically, my cousin was my best friend and knew I would hate it. SHE is the type who would love it. Bill did not do this. Every decision he made concerned what Jen would like, and all her preferences were considered. It was a beautiful gesture by Bill, and I think he knew full well that she was happy and that he'd hit it out of the park.
  9. I know very little about fashion, but have friends who follow it closely. According to them, Jessica's clothing line was really a project began by her mother, and Jessica simply lends her name to the real people who develop her clothing line. I've heard this over and over again.
  10. I did like Sam and Tara. I think Tara is probably bisexual.
  11. I just can't with Kristen. I admit I like gossip, but if someone tries to talk about someone I really like, I shut that shit down. All you have to say is - I don't want to hear it. Instead, Kristen courts the gossip with her patented shocked facial expression, then breaks world speed records as she beats a hasty path to tattle. In my life, if someone I find difficult tells me they can't make an event of mine, I express sadness and empathy, followed by a silent prayer of thanks. Hallelujah, that bitch isn't coming. Why is Kristen so upset? I found Ramona's shock and outrage at Aviva throwing something at Kristen amazing. And to think, Kristen's lip wasn't even bleeding when Aviva was done with her. Is there any chance that production requires doctor clearance before these big trips? I could see that happening - especially with someone as neurotic as Aviva. I would imagine after Kelly's breakdown they may be a little more careful. You know, I hate to rain on anyone's parade, but I hate the fake cowboy bullshit. Obviously, most things that true cowboys do are necessary. What isn't necessary is city folks paying money to pretend to be cowboys and traumatize animals for fun. During their dinner, the cattle were being unnecessarily roped - it was all for show. I'm grateful we were spared the terrorizing of baby calves. First they frighten them to get them to run, then sail by on their horse while roping and yanking their heads off. Topped off by throwing them down and tying up their legs. Hate hate hate it. By the way, when those calves go to slaughter, they often have massive internal injuries. I found Carole much more likeable than normal. And she's an absolute saint by volunteering to be with Ramona and Sonja. Otherwise, I'm sure Luanne would have been forced into it.
  12. I'm not much of a cook, I have no idea why I watch this show. I don't even watch anything else on the network, so I don't know why I get invested in the winner. I'm actually a vegetarian, so even if I was inclined to use their recipe, I wouldn't be able to eat it.
  13. @Rhondinella, I just went to their jewelry site for the first time. It wasn't as bad as I expected. I agree with you about religious jewelry not being a bad idea. I think they should branch out to spiritual and maybe add a little crystals and "good energy" crap. I mentioned in one of the threads that I think they could also do well with purity rings. I don't like them because they symbolize a father's owning his daughter's sexuality, but they are popular in some segments of the population. They could do birthstones, astrology signs, graduation year, animals, etc. They can make it really confusing and combine purity rings with the concept of girl power - why not, they're trying to equate sister wife with strong woman. What surprised about their jewelry is the limited items. I believe there were only three bracelets - all charms, and looking nearly identical. I think there were only three rings too - and not even a claddagh option, which all four wives wear as wedding rings. I find this strange because they seem to market their jewelry to fans of the show. I think they would be much wiser to plan for when the show ends. They need to change the name and take the focus off of sister wives. Add cute inexpensive items that would appeal to little girls - stocking stuffer type items, etc. If you enter the "spiritual" topics, you could add in crystals, candles that eliminate negative energy (or whatever they do), sage for blessing your house, feng shui, aroma therapy candles and oils. It would be a fine line because many religious people consider all this stuff "witch craft". I have now spent entirely too much time thinking on this and posting. I'm invested in this family after watching for so long, and regardless of their entitlement and lack of discipline, I wish them well - for the children at the very least. Have you reached the point of the other wives moving in? Mariah sits outside in a car, headlights shining into their future home, staring like a psychopath. Meanwhile, she doesn't life a finger to help the rest of the family move in. To add snark to Robyn's daughter. They made a big production out of the families walking into their homes for the first time. As they enter Janelle's home, Logan is carrying Brianna (or whoever the oldest one is), as she spasms, shakes, and cries like a born drama queen. Meanwhile, little Savannah manages to walk in on her own steam, over shadowed by the hysterical child who is not even going to live in the house.
  14. I have nothing to back this up but opinion, but I believe that cats are much more sensitive to a stressful environment and change than dogs. Dogs have been domesticated twenty thousand or so years longer than cats, and long ago learned to use humans for mutual benefit. I think the very fact that cats don't live to please like dogs do compounds this. I have heard stories from a friend of a friend who is a veterinarian that back up my opinion. She said that in the research labs while she was training, no matter what horrible things they did to dogs, the dogs would be excited to see them and wag their tails. Cats, on the other hand, seem to give up their will to live and become withdrawn. If any of this is true, Lux would not be able to shake off the trauma of his original home that quickly. He could possibly be acting out from that abusive (in my opinion) home, as well as the stress of adjusting to a new one. I don't see how living in an animal hospital is therapeutic. My pets have always been especially stressed in that environment, considering there are sick and in pain animals. I hope Lux isn't the poor blood donor cat. I volunteer in a wonderful shelter which exclusively gets dogs from county shelter death rows. Our atmosphere is ten times less stressful than county shelters, yet still very stressful. The other day, a sweet min-pin collapsed and was rushed to the hospital. He was diagnosed with a heart problem, and is now being fostered for the summer to temporarily reduce his stress. The cats I usually see with free rein at vets are very confident and socialized blood donors. I just can't see Lux living happily there.
  15. I always adored Aaron as well! The actor just really comes off as a decent man. I think I'm liking the shorter season. The quicker pace keeps me more focused. I'm not sure where the storyline is going from here. Margot seemed genuine when she told her son she would destroy the drones - not that I think there's honor among terrorists. I wonder if her son will go rogue, he got a taste of destruction and it really turned him on. I feel for Audrey because she's really become a delicate little snow flake. How can she move on from this? I also kind of want her husband's forgery to be revealed. Wonder why the poor computer boy is laying there bleeding to death instead of calling 911.
  16. Meri has to finish college now to assure she can afford it. I don't think she spends much time considering any child other than Mariah. For some reason, Robyn's insistence that polygamy is superior to monogamy doesn't bother me. She's been in both types of marriage, so she's certainly more experienced than I am on the topic. In monogamy, she often lived in squalor with an unsupportive husband. In polygamy, she lives in a half million dollar house and is one of the favorites. She has the luxury to have more children. She may be incapable of looking at the situation any more in depth than that. I have very little knowledge of the jewelry business, and I am one of the rare breed who doesn't spend hours staring at jewels and coveting them. Having said that, I'm able to recognize that their marketing should not be aimed at only 18-50. It seems to me that most of their fans fall above and below that age group. They need to realize that monogamous women don't look at the jewelry aimed at sister wives, and apply them to their very best female friends - they actually don't see that. There may be a market in friendship jewelry for adult women - I don't know. If there is, I don't think jewelry in which each woman can remove their pieces and twist them into each other to represent some sort of kinship, is going to fly. There's nothing like polygamy except perhaps polyamory. It's just not a huge market. They trade on their fans affection and a general "family values" lifestyle. They could probably make a fortune if they focused on purity rings. They could use birthstones, spiritual or biblical sayings, etc. They could probably branch out to purity necklaces, bracelets, etc. I'm only being slightly facetious. There is a large segment of conservative fathers out there who treasure controlling their daughters' sexuality. It's strange to me, but meaningful to them.
  17. Lenny irritates me in the worst way. I'm impressed by how well he dealt with the sabotage without whining and acting like a victim. He maintained his good humor. If he backs off the cowboy act, I may consider rooting for him.
  18. I've never gone to a baby's funeral - thank God. I did lose my little nine year old cousin, and there's something so poignant in that small coffin. I'm sure that's what the show was aiming for. Instead, it reminded me of those freaks Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar who buried their preemie in an ammo box.
  19. I don't know if I would call it odd, but for a tall girl, she has short legs. I have the opposite problem. She's also pear shaped, so her upper body is thin while her legs are heavier. I've always thought her beautiful. She probably could have modeled. If she were more laid back, her looks would be more noticeable.
  20. I don't enjoy Sabrina, but even if I did, I'm deeply uncomfortable watching a heavily pregnant woman having to act out a baby's death. I know it's a soap staple, and I'm not really superstitious, but it can't be good for that fetus to be inside a woman who spends hours each week wailing and mourning.
  21. Anyone like the idea of Arlene and Sam? I'm surprised how much I've come to like her, and Sam would treat her and the children well.
  22. I like Janelle, but she's part of the problem. She avoided issues for years by working long hours and avoiding the family. She's really the most difficult to figure out. She's the only wife not raised in polygamy, and since she was raised LDS, she would have been taught the evils of polygamy. She also had the benefit of being sister-in-law to Meri, and should have known Meri was difficult. This leads me to believe that Janelle really did have the hots for Kody.
  23. Something I noticed last night and wondered if it was deliberate. Tywin is obviously not a young man, yet he always seemed to have a commanding and powerful presence. Last night he looked like a frail old man sitting on the toilet. Is it because he really looked like that, or has Tyrion just stopped being intimidated? The close up shots of Tyrion's hands strangling Shae and then reloading the crossbow looked disturbingly like a child's hands. I was flashing back to Pet Sematary. Jaime has proven that he loves his brother enough to defy both his father and the woman he's obsessed with and who manipulates him at will. I thought that was huge. It made me wonder if Tyrion would have done the same for Jaime. Tyrion has shown great kindness and concern for Sansa, but he seems to have never given up on that need to please his father. I just don't know if Tyrion would have risked that much for Jaime. When Arya asked the Hound if he was going to die, I initially thought she cared. Then I thought she would be merciful and put him down as he had the old man. Now I'm thinking she asked because if he said he wasn't dying, she would have walked over there and put Needle through him. This show is interesting in that it avoids so many sentimental impulses. That's why scenes like Jaime kneeling to hug and kiss Tyrion are so powerful.
  24. I thought that Tyrion changed the plan because he suspected Jaime had set him up. What a relief! Shae truly wanted to kill him. Why? When Cersei was fighting with Tywin, I was surprised to find myself rooting for her. She was willing to put her son before herself. That had to be a first. I did notice that she told her father she wouldn't leave her son, but when she repeated what she said to Jaime, she lied and said she told him she wouldn't leave son or brother. Clear manipulation. Is Cersei truly in love with Jaime, or does she just enjoy having sex and manipulating him? She did kiss his false hand which really affected him. Why can't Jaime have children or be a land owner? I don't know what I'm supposed to think about Arya. Surely she knew the Hound was trying to provoke her. I really expected her to put him down. I don't think she's a psychopath, I think she's numb right now. Who wouldn't be? Is she headed for Jon Snow?
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