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  1. ITA about them not really showing any good reason that Dickie wanted Tom to stick around. It was odd, and lessened my enjoyment of the first few episodes. As much as I like the actor playing him, I think the show got much better and more interesting once he was killed off. Andrew S is such a strong actor that he really carried the show on his own from that point on.
  2. My friend lived in a Garden style apartment up near the zoo!
  3. I agree they’ve all done heinous things over the years, including lots and lots of cheating. This particular betrayal though is in a different league, in my opinion of course. To have a (minimum) 6 month romantic—not just sexual—affair with one of your good friend’s partners makes Kristen sleeping with Jax a couple times when drunk seem like minor league.
  4. We just started watching season 3 and I was shocked when I heard him speak. I had to do a double take to ensure it actually WAS John Krasinki still playing him. I did a search online for some explanation but didn’t find anything. SO strange!
  5. Thank you for sharing those! Very interesting how they changed the story of Bill and Frank—for the better (imo). Learning that one of the writers of this episode also wrote for the limited series “It’s A Sin” made so much sense. That series and this episode were both so beautiful and heartbreaking. ❤️
  6. Agree with all of this. And “Unfrozen Lawyer Fiancée” has me howling! 😂
  7. The peen wants what it wants? Now do I think it’s possible that Juan has a side piece? Totally. Do I think he’s dumb enough to go walking hand in hand in Georgetown with his blonde Karen Doppleganger lady friend? Probably not given the fact that everyone and their mother has a cell phone with a camera. I am SURE someone would have snapped a picture by now if the 2 of them were blatantly canoodling in public
  8. Those “turnover” days are also the days they go and film their “talkie heads.” Apparently the alcohol flows on those days. I guess Camille was already buzzed/drunk from that and wanted to keep the part going.
  9. Ok I am glad I’m not the only one frustrated that Harper won’t address Ethan directly about the wrapper. It’s, like c’mon out with it girl! But I guess I’m the only one wondering if the condom wrapper was from Cameron and … Ethan? Like, after that conversation they had about Cam “wanting to be inside him.” Probably a reach but, hey anything is possible at the White Lotus. Wow—it’s history is even more incredible than it looks (and it looks pretty darn phenomenal). Adding this to my “places I want to visit if I ever win the lottery.”
  10. That was such a fun and clever episode! Janine looked so gorg as Marilyn! Barbara probably cracked me up the most. From her love for the 26-minute version of Rocky Horror to her saying she “fully wasn’t listening” to her calling the candy thief “Baby Theranos!” She’s just hilarious! As an avid horror movie lover, “The Shining” reference at the end was the cherry on top!
  11. This was one of the most choppily and haphazardly edited shows of Southern Charm ever. Perhaps even Bravo as a whole. So bizarre. They teased that “fight” between Madison and Olivia all season so I naturally assumed we’d get some context as to why Olivia flipped her off. But no, we get absolutely none. This show definitely needs to be put out to pasture. It’s a wig. She said her real hair is damaged from all the bleaching so she’s wearing a lot of wigs now. The red is so good on her The party was apparently supposed to be a charity event as well, though they clearly didn’t highlight that aspect of it! The show does suck now. But I still think being a show producer is a real job. I am going to assume it had something to do with Austin but not really sure because again, the editing on this episode was atrocious! I think because of that text that Venita showed Madison (or that Madison “accidentally” saw) where Leva said Madison was an idiot for … doing something (can’t recall the context).
  12. Did they work together? if not, I’m unclear on how this analogy applies. Unless it’s just a clever way to compare a woman to a dog (as several others in this discussion have). And we wonder why misogyny is still running rampant in our society.
  13. Nope Kyle is with someone else. But he and Frank are still friends.
  14. Yep the only “B” list she’s on is the Big ole’ Bitch List. She’s also on the “C” list…
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