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2019 Auditions, Finals, and Training Camp Spoilers

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1 hour ago, Law Mom said:

So just so I am up to date on all the latest, the reason Jalyn did not make Show Group was not because danced poorly or did not meet standards last year, but because she gossiped publicly about Victoria or another popular girl, despite having been told numerous times there would be repercussions for said behavior. So my choices in deciding what to believe are (1) she had a bad audition, (2) she is unprofessional, or (3) she is an idiot.

Or (4) She’s this year’s sacrificial lamb for reasons only known to The Powers That Be. 

Edited by KnyghtRyder
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If they ever get sued for racial discrimination, they'd be in BIG trouble.  We have tons of footage of Kelli cutting diverse girls because they "don't look good in our uniform" -- well, the uniform was designed for an "ideal" white body.  Thus, by continuing to use that standard, they are discriminating against women of color.  Only a few can ever satisfy that standard.

I think the truth of the matter is that there were more POC in the 70/80's because the shorts covered more and hence "white girl body" syndrome wasn't as prevalent yet.  I also think that if there were more POC on the team, then they wouldn't be able to praise "hip hop" dancers like Maddie because we would all see that in the studio dance world, hip hop has been culturally appropriated by white girls who do a watered down lame version (see Maddie).  Not to offend people, but look at the people who try out on SYTYCD who are street dancers and compare their auditions with the watered down crap that Nappy Tabs produce every year.  DCC rewards lyrical/contemporary dancers which in turn encourages those types to try out. 

Questions I would like to ask about Victoria:

1) has she learned to do a simple turn without falling out of it yet?  Is that part of her "growth arc"?

2) has she learned discipline? She either has grown up and learned to control herself re: food or she'll be as big as a house by Thanksgiving and then what will they do? Ignore her muffin top or hold her accountable?  That's the problem with children who are never told "no".  They grow up to be employees who don't understand why everyone is picking on them.

3) DCC has always said that you must be either a student, a mom or have a job to try out. Does Victoria fit any of that criteria?  Does showing up to work out at the Star count as being employed?  

4) Is TK's grand plan to get her daughter on the team so she can marry well, like...TK?  I mean, she's not going to school.  She doesn't seem to have much ambition other than making the team.  Is this what is the goal in Texas?  Marrying well?

5) Has Kelli given Vickie a book about Jackie Kennedy yet?  So she can learn to be "gracious"?  Or is that Brennan's job? To read the book for her and teach her what the word means?

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16 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

Or (4) She’s this year’s sacrificial lamb for reasons only know to The Powers That Be. 

It is interesting that last year,  Kitty said that Tara looked tired and worn out. Then she started calling Miranda "grandma".  Was Kitty trying to knock out two vets so that Victoria would get a spot by process of elimination?  I mean, we've never seen her be that involved in trashing vets other than the soft and weight mentions.

Edited by hathorlive
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28 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

3) DCC has always said that you must be either a student, a mom or have a job to try out. Does Victoria fit any of that criteria?  Does showing up to work out at the Star count as being employed?  

I thought they'd relaxed this rule in recent years?

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6 minutes ago, DCCFanInKy said:

I thought they'd relaxed this rule in recent years?

If it's still a requirement, she'd be made a vice president of Daddy's business, then we would have special segments about this "boss babe".  

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43 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

I think the truth of the matter is that there were more POC in the 70/80's because the shorts covered more and hence "white girl body" syndrome wasn't as prevalent yet.  I also think that if there were more POC on the team, then they wouldn't be able to praise "hip hop" dancers like Maddie because we would all see that in the studio dance world, hip hop has been culturally appropriated by white girls who do a watered down lame version (see Maddie).  Not to offend people, but look at the people who try out on SYTYCD who are street dancers and compare their auditions with the watered down crap that Nappy Tabs produce every year.  DCC rewards lyrical/contemporary dancers which in turn encourages those types to try out. 

Questions I would like to ask about Victoria:

1) has she learned to do a simple turn without falling out of it yet?  Is that part of her "growth arc"?

2) has she learned discipline? She either has grown up and learned to control herself re: food or she'll be as big as a house by Thanksgiving and then what will they do? Ignore her muffin top or hold her accountable?  That's the problem with children who are never told "no".  They grow up to be employees who don't understand why everyone is picking on them.

3) DCC has always said that you must be either a student, a mom or have a job to try out. Does Victoria fit any of that criteria?  Does showing up to work out at the Star count as being employed?  

4) Is TK's grand plan to get her daughter on the team so she can marry well, like...TK?  I mean, she's not going to school.  She doesn't seem to have much ambition other than making the team.  Is this what is the goal in Texas?  Marrying well?

5) Has Kelli given Vickie a book about Jackie Kennedy yet?  So she can learn to be "gracious"?  Or is that Brennan's job? To read the book for her and teach her what the word means?

Last year @ShellyB responded about VK's student status.  IIRC, Shelly said VK had done dual credit/AP classes and tests/CLEP or something along those lines while in high school so she graduated with an accrual of college credits already.  And I think I read somewhere that she was a community college student last year.

Based on her work towards college credits while still in high school, it looks to me like education is important to VK.

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Just now, TeacherWoman said:

Last year @ShellyB responded about VK's student status.  IIRC, Shelly said VK had done dual credit/AP classes and tests/CLEP or something along those lines while in high school so she graduated with an accrual of college credits already.  And I think I read somewhere that she was a community college student last year.

Based on her work towards college credits while still in high school, it looks to me like education is important to VK.

So, if you were a student in the past, that counts?  What she did in high school doesn't really matter since she wasn't old enough to be a DCC.   I've not read the requirements lately, so maybe they changed that rule. I thought it was put in place to make the cheerleaders seem more than gold diggers looking for a meal ticket back in the day.  Unless it doesn't really matter since it's VK. 

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1 hour ago, hathorlive said:

It is interesting that last year,  Kitty said that Tara looked tired and worn out. Then she started calling Miranda.  Was Kitty trying to knock out two vets so that Victoria would get a spot by process of elimination?  I mean, we've never seen her be that involved in trashing vets other than the soft and weight mentions.

That’s kinda how I interpreted it from what we were shown throughout the season. Now,  do I think they specifically sat down prior to the season to see who they could sacrifice to the Gods of Good Hair Flips just so Victoria could be on the team? I don’t personally believe so (at least I hope not).

But it appeared that was what happened, and the girls obviously thought this was a possibility too. Especially with Miranda’s reaction when Kelli and Judy called her over to talk about her hair - she immediately broke down crying and said “I don’t want her to change y’alls opinion about me.”  For some reason Kelli attributed Miranda’s reaction to “how much pressure they’re under.”  Er, no. Miranda isn’t stupid. She knows exactly how much weight Kitty’s opinion holds with them.  

But I can only base my assumptions on the 15-second clips of conversations. It always makes me chuckle when we are only shown clips of longer conversations which leads us to make assumptions or judgements. Then when those assumptions don’t jive with TPTB’s party line, we get the song and dance about how we aren’t seeing everything and our judgements are baseless. 

Ok then, if our assumptions are incorrect, then I’d love for CMT to show us the full discussions they have behind closed doors. By all means...I’d even pay Amazon extra to see the unedited scenes.  

Although, tbh, after rewatching last season these past 2 days: Tara was looking a little unprepared for practice (and I say that as a Tara fan). Someone on the boards last year mentioned she was having a rough summer in her personal life. She seems to be doing so much better now (I actually started following her in IG following her cut). And quite frankly, Miranda’s hair really did need a cut..maybe some shaping...a hot oil treatment...something. It looked scraggly. 

Edited by KnyghtRyder
Forgot whole words for sentence to make sense 🤷🏻‍♀️
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4 minutes ago, TeacherWoman said:

Last year @ShellyB responded about VK's student status.  IIRC, Shelly said VK had done dual credit/AP classes and tests/CLEP or something along those lines while in high school so she graduated with an accrual of college credits already.  And I think I read somewhere that she was a community college student last year.

Based on her work towards college credits while still in high school, it looks to me like education is important to VK.

Not to down play the dual credit classes, but I did that in high school as well. For the most part, most students my age did it as well. There was actually a bit of peer pressure among my high schools groups to take them for “superiority”. I wouldn’t say anyone who took them at my high school valued education any more than other high school students. Just that they had the money to pay for college earlier or didn’t want to take regular high school classes. 

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5 minutes ago, aubshart said:

Not to down play the dual credit classes, but I did that in high school as well. For the most part, most students my age did it as well. There was actually a bit of peer pressure among my high schools groups to take them for “superiority”. I wouldn’t say anyone who took them at my high school valued education any more than other high school students. Just that they had the money to pay for college earlier or didn’t want to take regular high school classes. 

I also will add that the main reason I took them was because they were only 3 days a week or 2. Therefore I could have more free periods or got to leave early on days I didn’t haven’t class. 

Edited by aubshart
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2 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

That’s kinda how I interpreted it from what we were shown throughout the season. Now, do I think they specifically sat down prior to the season to see who they could sacrifice to the Gods of Good Hair Flips just so Victoria could be on the team? I don’t personally believe so (at least I hope not).

But it appeared that the girls thought this was a possibility. Especially with Miranda’s reaction when Kelli and Judy called her over to talk about her hair - she immediately broke down crying and said “I don’t want her to change y’alls opinion about me.”  For some reason Kelli attributed Miranda’s reaction to “how much pressure they’re under.”  Er, no. Miranda isn’t stupid. She knows exactly how weight Kitty’s opinion holds with them.  

But I can only base my assumptions on the 15-second clips of conversations. It always makes me chuckle when we are only shown clips of longer conversations which leads us to make assumptions or judgements. Then when those assumptions don’t jive with TPTB’s party line, we get the song and dance about how we aren’t seeing everything and our judgements are baseless. 

Ok then, if our assumptions are incorrect, then I’d love for CMT to show us the full discussions they have behind closed doors. By all means...I’d even pay Amazon extra to see the unedited scenes.  

Although, tbh, after rewatching last season these past 2 days: Tara was looking a little unprepared for practice (and I say that as a Tara fan). Someone on the boards last year mentioned she was having a rough summer in her personal life. She seems to be doing so much better now (I actually started following her in IG following her cut). And quite frankly, Miranda’s hair really did need a cut..maybe some shaping...a hot oil treatment...something. It looked scraggly. 

Exactly!  That conversation was so weird.  They call her in and she's immediately freaking out about their opinion of her.  Not that she's having a bad hair day or that she was running late and didn't have time to get her hair into perfect shape.  Most of us would ask what about the hair was bothering them, so they could fix it.  But she immediately went to their opinion of her.  I think most of the girls knew the fix was in and that after Tara, cuts were not based on dancing. 

I hope Tara is doing well.  After listening to Milan's podcast, I am exhausted just listening to a typical day for the TCC and vets during camp.  I almost wish they would go back to having tryouts and naming a team.  I think teams were better and more dynamic when they weren't judging people on their manners and graciousness.

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14 minutes ago, TeacherWoman said:

Last year @ShellyB responded about VK's student status.  IIRC, Shelly said VK had done dual credit/AP classes and tests/CLEP or something along those lines while in high school so she graduated with an accrual of college credits already.  And I think I read somewhere that she was a community college student last year.

Based on her work towards college credits while still in high school, it looks to me like education is important to VK.

Yes in our school district where Vic and my daughter and even Kelli’s daughter went, dual credit is highly encouraged and is free except for the books.  My daughter went to college with 19 credits already. It’s a great option.

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1 minute ago, SingleMom9 said:

Yes in our school district where Vic and my daughter and even Kelli’s daughter went, dual credit is highly encouraged and is free except for the books.  My daughter went to college with 19 credits already. It’s a great option.

I get that. I went to college and qualified as a sophomore based on AP/ high school work. But does what you did in high school mean you are a college student. I would think that means you are enrolled in school and taking classes.  Not that you once read a book.  Of course, if they've relaxed the criteria, it's a moot point.  Unless it's not relaxed for everyone.

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2 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

I get that. I went to college and qualified as a sophomore based on AP/ high school work. But does what you did in high school mean you are a college student. I would think that means you are enrolled in school and taking classes.  Not that you once read a book.  Of course, if they've relaxed the criteria, it's a moot point.  Unless it's not relaxed for everyone.

She’s attending community college?  I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that.  Education is education.

Edited by SingleMom9
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3 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

I get that. I went to college and qualified as a sophomore based on AP/ high school work. But does what you did in high school mean you are a college student. I would think that means you are enrolled in school and taking classes.  Not that you once read a book.  Of course, if they've relaxed the criteria, it's a moot point.  Unless it's not relaxed for everyone.

In order to earn dual credit, you must be enrolled in the college offering the course. So you are, in fact, a high school student and a college student concurrently.

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If the rule about either having to be a student, working, or a mom did become lax, I wonder when this happened? I just rewatched season 13 and when Ashlee was called into the office one time, she said that she was not working currently. 

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13 minutes ago, ThatSlaps said:

If the rule about either having to be a student, working, or a mom did become lax, I wonder when this happened? I just rewatched season 13 and when Ashlee was called into the office one time, she said that she was not working currently. 

Love Ashlee but you’re right...just watched that episode last night as well and she says job was in the plans but that “plans had changed” at that time. However I believe she’d already graduated from college.

Edited by SingleMom9
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11 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

Love Ashlee but you’re right...just watched that episode last night as well and she says job was in the plans but that “plans had changed” at that time.

There are a lot of past episodes where girls either quit their job to continue trying to make the team or they say their job didn’t work out. I was just watching seasons 9 and 10. Kat comes to mind and another that I can’t remember (Courtney maybe?) talks about having more time to practice because she quit her job. 

Edited by KatieC
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I’ve been trying to figure out why it’s so important to Kelli that VK makes the team. I wonder if they’re hoping to have VK takeover Kelli’s job in the future.  That way Kelli’s family and the Kalina family would still be able to have access to all the games and field access and the other perks associated with being the director.  If someone else takes over, the two families might be phased out.

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1 minute ago, beagledog100 said:

I’ve been trying to figure out why it’s so important to Kelli that VK makes the team. I wonder if they’re hoping to have VK takeover Kelli’s job in the future.  That way Kelli’s family and the Kalina family would still be able to have access to all the games and field access and the other perks associated with being the director.  If someone else takes over, the two families might be phased out.

I wonder if Sam isn't DCC material/interested, maybe VK is Kelli's spirit child?  Maybe she's just overly invested. Or maybe she knows that VK will make the best DCC ever.  It's just a shame that when y'all post about Savannah or Alexis, I don't know who they are because they got no air time.  You only get invested in a show year after year, when you care about girls who made the team.  I don't feel like I care about anyone after Kashara left and Brennan made the team.

BTW, love your beagle pic!!! Beagles rock.

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9 hours ago, SingleMom9 said:

Inquiring minds would like to know more on this @GuiltyJohn 🤔 Probably not a popular opinion but I’m just not really a Jalyn fan so just genuinely curious.

Jalyn was seen as insulting Victoria. Victoria ran to her mom and Kelli about it. Jalyn has been in trouble ever sense. Someone asked if this was another Tara situation. I don’t think so. Tara actively complained about Victoria to someone she trusted and was stabbed in the back. Jalyn wasn’t acting maliciously or complaining. As for Heather her situation had nothing to do with Victoria so she could climb back into the graces of Kelli and Judy. You saw what happened to Tara, i expect that Jalyn will see the same fate. 

Jalyn would not have made my Top 5 but she does not deserve what is happening. 

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My theory is that last year Kelli wanted her to make it because she likes her and she's the daughter of Kelli's good friend.  Nothing wrong with either of those things.  But, then it came out that Kelli had promised Victoria a slot, which she eventually had to renege on given Victoria's massive weight gain.  It also came out that the judges who questioned Victoria were silenced, Victoria's role in Tara's elimination, how Victoria lied about a medical condition, lied about going to the doctor and then threw Jinelle under the bus.  All of that understandably built up a lot of VK hate.  Well, from what I heard, that really pissed Kelli off and made her feel like the fans were trying to tell her who she could and couldn't have on the team.  Thus, this year she has really doubled down. Not only was VK promised a slot on the team but on SG as well.  Also, everyone associated with the DCC has been instructed to share nothing except praise for VK.  Even Kristi had to take down that video of the kick-line for fear folks might use it against VK.  Someone needs to tell Kelli that she's allowing her ego to overpower her rational thinking.

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5 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Jalyn was seen as insulting Victoria. Victoria ran to her mom and Kelli about it. Jalyn has been in trouble ever sense. Someone asked if this was another Tara situation. I don’t think so. Tara actively complained about Victoria to someone she trusted and was stabbed in the back. Jalyn wasn’t acting maliciously or complaining. As for Heather her situation had nothing to do with Victoria so she could climb back into the graces of Kelli and Judy. You saw what happened to Tara, i expect that Jalyn will see the same fate. 

Jalyn would not have made my Top 5 but she does not deserve what is happening. 

Thank you for that -- this is what I was told as well.  Jalyn gave Victoria what she thought was some helpful corrections, and Victoria got really insulted.  She then complained to her mother, who went to Kelli.  The girls were then lectured at a subsequent practice that if someone needs feedback, leave it to Kelli or Judy to tell them.  This is in contrast to past years where Vets were encouraged to give help to the rookies.  Ever since then Jalyn has been in the dog house.  And nobody has really stuck up for Jalyn because the girls have learned just how bad things can be if get the wrong side of the VK love fest.

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4 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Thank you for that -- this is what I was told as well.  Jalyn gave Victoria what she thought was some helpful corrections, and Victoria got really insulted.  She then complained to her mother, who went to Kelli.  The girls were then lectured at a subsequent practice that if someone needs feedback, leave it to Kelli or Judy to tell them.  This is in contrast to past years where Vets were encouraged to give help to the rookies.  Ever since then Jalyn has been in the dog house.  And nobody has really stuck up for Jalyn because the girls have learned just how bad things can be if get the wrong side of the VK love fest.

If that’s the truth, they are all acting like a bunch of middle school girls.

For the life of me, I can’t understand why Kelli would “promise“ a spot to be VK.  I can see putting her in finals or training camp but let VK earn her spot. 

What do the other girls think about VK? 

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18 minutes ago, GuiltyJohn said:

Jalyn was seen as insulting Victoria. Victoria ran to her mom and Kelli about it. Jalyn has been in trouble ever sense. Someone asked if this was another Tara situation. I don’t think so. Tara actively complained about Victoria to someone she trusted and was stabbed in the back. Jalyn wasn’t acting maliciously or complaining. As for Heather her situation had nothing to do with Victoria so she could climb back into the graces of Kelli and Judy. You saw what happened to Tara, i expect that Jalyn will see the same fate. 

Jalyn would not have made my Top 5 but she does not deserve what is happening. 

Thank you @GuiltyJohn!!

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27 minutes ago, hathorlive said:

I wonder if Sam isn't DCC material/interested, maybe VK is Kelli's spirit child?  Maybe she's just overly invested. Or maybe she knows that VK will make the best DCC ever.  It's just a shame that when y'all post about Savannah or Alexis, I don't know who they are because they got no air time.  You only get invested in a show year after year, when you care about girls who made the team.  I don't feel like I care about anyone after Kashara left and Brennan made the team.

BTW, love your beagle pic!!! Beagles rock.

Sam is super smart...pretty sure she was valedictorian of her class.  Maybe smart enough not to get involved in all the DCC drama!

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2 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

Sam is super smart...pretty sure she was valedictorian of her class.  Maybe smart enough not to get involved in all the DCC drama!

If I grew up around all that drama, I'd be applying for the Librarian intern job at school instead.  I just think all her dreams of her mini-me following in her footsteps has been transferred to VK instead.  Maybe DCC is just another way to extend sorority drama through your 20s?

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38 minutes ago, SingleMom9 said:

Thank you @GuiltyJohn!!

Agreed, thank you @GuiltyJohn.

God. What a shitshow. 

You know, when I accidentally stumbled upon the 2-hour special 14 years ago, I was hooked. There really was no reason for me to be - I'm from a mid-Atlantic state and my hometown football team does not have cheerleaders. At the time, I'd never even had an airport layover in Texas. But to be able to peek behind the glamorous curtain in the worlds most elusive sorority was an unexpected treat. I found myself really getting into it - having favorites, agreeing or not agreeing with Kelli and Judys decisions, laughing at Kitty's craziness. Realizing just how much talent and heart these women have. Despite my snarkiness, I still enjoyed Season 1-12.

But I think I'm done now. Rewatching season 12 (edited: rewatched season 13 not 12, sorry!) has left me with a bad taste. If even 5% of what we think is happening or reported to be happening is actually happening, it just isn't for me anymore.  I mean, I'll still be on the boards just to get updates of course 😊. But I won't be purchasing the show again.

Edited by KnyghtRyder
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7 minutes ago, KnyghtRyder said:

Agreed, thank you @GuiltyJohn.

God. What a shitshow. 

You know, when I accidentally stumbled upon the 2-hour special 14 years ago, I was hooked. There really was no reason for me to be - I'm from a mid-Atlantic state and my hometown football team does not have cheerleaders. At the time, I'd never even had an airport layover in Texas. But to be able to peek behind the glamorous curtain in the worlds most elusive sorority was an unexpected treat. I found myself really getting into it - having favorites, agreeing or not agreeing with Kelli and Judys decisions, laughing at Kitty's craziness. Realizing just how much talent and heart these women have. Despite my snarkiness, I still enjoyed Season 1-11.

But I think I'm done now. Rewatching season 12 has left me with a bad taste. If even 5% of what we think is happening or reported to be happening is actually happening, it just isn't for me anymore.  I mean, I'll still be on the boards just to get updates of course 😊. But I won't be purchasing the show again.

I just finished rewatching season 13, and I guess it just baffles me.  On the episode of the final cuts, there were several comments that Brennan was the weakest. Yet instead they blindsided Lily by cutting her.  

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42 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Also, everyone associated with the DCC has been instructed to share nothing except praise for VK.  Even Kristi had to take down that video of the kick-line for fear folks might use it against VK.  

If you're talking about this kick line of Vic, it's still posted.  Did you perhaps mean a different kick line video?

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46 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

My theory is that last year Kelli wanted her to make it because she likes her and she's the daughter of Kelli's good friend.  Nothing wrong with either of those things.  But, then it came out that Kelli had promised Victoria a slot, which she eventually had to renege on given Victoria's massive weight gain.  It also came out that the judges who questioned Victoria were silenced, Victoria's role in Tara's elimination, how Victoria lied about a medical condition, lied about going to the doctor and then threw Jinelle under the bus.  All of that understandably built up a lot of VK hate.  Well, from what I heard, that really pissed Kelli off and made her feel like the fans were trying to tell her who she could and couldn't have on the team.  Thus, this year she has really doubled down. Not only was VK promised a slot on the team but on SG as well.  Also, everyone associated with the DCC has been instructed to share nothing except praise for VK.  Even Kristi had to take down that video of the kick-line for fear folks might use it against VK.  Someone needs to tell Kelli that she's allowing her ego to overpower her rational thinking.

Long time lurker - first time poster. 

Kristi's video of the kickline at SG auditions is still up. You have to go under "tweets and replies" on her page to see it. 

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4 minutes ago, go4luca said:

If you're talking about this kick line of Vic, it's still posted.  Did you perhaps mean a different kick line video?

I’m staying neutral on VK until I see the season but I did think she looked strong in this video in particular.

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3 minutes ago, ijustneededauserna said:

Long time lurker - first time poster. 

Kristi's video of the kickline at SG auditions is still up. You have to go under "tweets and replies" on her page to see it. 

Yes.  Just re-shared it above your post.

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56 minutes ago, SmpIsimon said:

Thank you for that -- this is what I was told as well.  Jalyn gave Victoria what she thought was some helpful corrections, and Victoria got really insulted.  She then complained to her mother, who went to Kelli.  The girls were then lectured at a subsequent practice that if someone needs feedback, leave it to Kelli or Judy to tell them.  This is in contrast to past years where Vets were encouraged to give help to the rookies.  Ever since then Jalyn has been in the dog house.  And nobody has really stuck up for Jalyn because the girls have learned just how bad things can be if get the wrong side of the VK love fest.

So wait I am confused does this include the group leaders? Than how are they supposed to teach? I can kind of understand saying 'hey the only people who are allowed to give corrections are the group leaders and second leaders' if that is policy. In theater, you certainly cannot correct another actor or give 'helpful hints' even if you are older and more experienced. You just don't do that, only people like the director/choregrapher can do that. But if a cast member is also a 'dance captain' or something  they are allowed to help another actor. However I dont' understand how they are saying no one BUT Judy or Kelli can give feedback. How are the group leaders supposed to teach the dances?

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1 hour ago, GuiltyJohn said:

 As for Heather her situation had nothing to do with Victoria so she could climb back into the graces of Kelli and Judy

Can we get the scoop on what Heather did to piss them off? 

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3 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

 Pretty sure there are women all over the world who dream of marrying well. To say that’s a Texas thing is pretty unfair. @hathorlive

No offense to Texas women.  My room mate is one of them.  It just seems VK comes by her attitude honestly, through her momager. 

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10 minutes ago, Mercurialsteph said:

So wait I am confused does this include the group leaders? Than how are they supposed to teach? I can kind of understand saying 'hey the only people who are allowed to give corrections are the group leaders and second leaders' if that is policy. In theater, you certainly cannot correct another actor or give 'helpful hints' even if you are older and more experienced. You just don't do that, only people like the director/choregrapher can do that. But if a cast member is also a 'dance captain' or something  they are allowed to help another actor. However I dont' understand how they are saying no one BUT Judy or Kelli can give feedback. How are the group leaders supposed to teach the dances?

Same, I would think corrections would come from K & J and then only GLs or 2nd GLs.  

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1 minute ago, hathorlive said:

No offense to Texas women.  My room mate is one of them.  It just seems VK comes by her attitude honestly, through her momager. 

Thank you! Ha! 

Victoria is a dime a dozen... there are moms like Tina and girls like Victoria everywhere. Although I think it’s very prevalent in the dance/cheer/gymnastics/pageant world. 

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2 minutes ago, PrincessLeia said:

Thank you! Ha! 

Victoria is a dime a dozen... there are moms like Tina and girls like Victoria everywhere. Although I think it’s very prevalent in the dance/cheer/gymnastics/pageant world. 

True.  Just watch Dance Moms lol.

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34 minutes ago, Tootie said:


  • Madeline
  • Brennan
  • Jinelle
  • Tara
  • Jalyn

Am I missing anyone?

The ones that vk took out and or tried to take out yes that’s all of them so far 

Edited by Holly85
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1 hour ago, SingleMom9 said:

Same, I would think corrections would come from K & J and then only GLs or 2nd GLs.  

How about all those scenes we've watched where K&J tell the rookies to pair up with a veteran and they go over the entrance, kick line, dances, etc?  Britney Schram wasn't a GL and she was telling rookies to "shut the car door."  Sydney said it was part of being a vet - she didn't say GL, she said vet.

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