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And The Golden Arrow Goes To...: Awards, Nominations, and Recognition

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2 hours ago, tv echo said:

Dinah was omitted from the list! Accident or intentional? The only named choices are Oliver, Diggle, Felicity, Thea, Curtis, Chase, Quentin, Laurel/BS, Rory, Evelyn, Rene, Talia, Nyssa, Slade, Moira, Malcolm and Alena (there's also an Other write-in option)...

2017 GreenArrowTV Awards: Pick Your Favorite Character Of Arrow Season 5!
 July 28, 2017 

It's been fixed.  Anatoly was added as well.  He said he just spaced.  It's a long list.  

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Bellamy & Clarke are currently beating Oliver & Felicity (looks like you have to connect to facebook, twitter or google in order to vote)...

Hypable’s BattleShips: ‘Arrow’ VS ‘The 100’


In today’s round, we have Oliver & Felicity from Arrow against Bellamy & Clarke from The 100 in a standard versus battle. The poll will be open for 48 hours from the time it was posted.

Arrow and The 100 fans have two days to battle it out and see which ship can get the most votes, and whoever wins will move forward to the rest of the tournament to see if they can be named Hypable’s Ship of the Year.

However, if you or your fandom decide to find out ways to cheat, scam or con your way to the next round, we will crown the other ship winner of the round.

We have our eyes on all the social networks and we’ll be able to figure out if your fandom is cheating, so don’t ruin it for everyone!
*  *  *
If you don’t see a poll, make sure you turn off your adblock software and refresh. This poll will close on Friday, August 4 at 7:15 p.m. Eastern.

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25 minutes ago, EmilyBettFan said:

I can never figure out how to vote on that site.

It wants you to link to a social media account first. Once connected, you go back to the site and vote. Only 1 vote per account. If you're OK linking several accounts, you can vote several times. I only used Twitter so I got to vote once (the site tells you if your IP address was already used). 

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SpoilerTV Awards 2017 - Nominations Round
Posted by Assassin at August 06, 2017 


Before you can vote, you need to nominate your favorites for the categories below. 

Favorite Network Comedy
Favorite Network Drama
Favorite Cable/Streaming Network Comedy
Favorite Cable/Streaming Network Drama
Favorite Crime Drama
Favorite Sci-Fi/Fantasy Show
Favorite New Comedy
Favorite New Network Drama
Favorite New Cable/Streaming Network Drama
Favorite TV Comedy Actor
Favorite TV Comedy Actress
Favorite TV Drama Actor
Favorite TV Drama Actress
*  *  *
- Nomination Round is open for four days, until Thursday, 8th August 11:30 PM GMT. Voting Round will began the next day.

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4 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

It would be lovely if Susan was enough of a unifier in the fandom to squash the anti Felicity vote. I'll. Keep my expectations low but my hope high.  

She's won best character every season since she's been on the show if she gets worst character this round well meh. We still win. She's still whether they like it it not the most popular and buzz worthy character of ANY Flarrow universe character including every single lead, one poll won't change that. They win the battle we win the war- although I still think she'll win Best character. I'd like them to name one character who even comes close to Felicity in popularity, fan support, buzz etc.  

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People are obsessed with Felicity whether they love her or hate her. I find it amusing that the haters seem to spend as much time ranting and raving angrily about her as I do mooning about how wonderful she is.

On another note I am torn between Curtis or Susan as my worse character.

Susan was a complete and utter cow but Curtis is a thorn in my side in regards to Felicity! I still hold a grudge for the mansplaining he did in one of the eps! I can't decide!!!!!!!!!

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11 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

People are obsessed with Felicity whether they love her or hate her. I find it amusing that the haters seem to spend as much time ranting and raving angrily about her as I do mooning about how wonderful she is.

Exactly....meanwhile who's talking about any of the other characters? Sure they have their fans but they don't get nearly enough traction because people are obsessing over Felicity even if it's how much they hate her. I mean I've even seen Iris fans waste more time moaning about  Felicity then they spend talking up Iris- and they aren't even on the same show!

Edited by LeighAn
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1 hour ago, LeighAn said:

She's won best character every season since she's been on the show if she gets worst character this round well meh. We still win. She's still whether they like it it not the most popular and buzz worthy character of ANY Flarrow universe character including every single lead, one poll won't change that. They win the battle we win the war- although I still think she'll win Best character. I'd like them to name one character who even comes close to Felicity in popularity, fan support, buzz etc.  

Very true but I'm still petty enough to want to squash them.  

59 minutes ago, Mellowyellow said:

People are obsessed with Felicity whether they love her or hate her. I find it amusing that the haters seem to spend as much time ranting and raving angrily about her as I do mooning about how wonderful she is.

On another note I am torn between Curtis or Susan as my worse character.

Susan was a complete and utter cow but Curtis is a thorn in my side in regards to Felicity! I still hold a grudge for the mansplaining he did in one of the eps! I can't decide!!!!!!!!!

Curtis at least was consistent,Susan was just a mess that made no sense.  He also gets bonus points from for me being so unsubtle in his shipping.  I loved the look Diggle kept giving him whether he was getting too excited or was momentarily clueless.  I think I don't find him annoying (or at least not too much) but how the use him in the Bunker.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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39 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Reading some of the comments on that least favorite poll on GATV and I'm rolling my eyes at the anti-Felicity. What show are they watching? SMH.

You mean like this one?



August 5, 2017 #14

Felicity hands down, her hypocritical ways, undermining Oliver, along with her constant verbal abuse and abandonment towards everyone was infuriating to watch. I really anticipated a great storyline for Felicity, not involving Oliver since they broke up (much like Laurel’s story of heroism), but alas, that is hoping for too much.

I really hope they allow Felicity to grow away from Oliver and be her own hero, in the same way Laurel did.

I'm sitting on my hands trying not to reply to it.  The "constant verbal abuse" is hilarious though.

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I see that girl around on Tumblr. She's major anti-Felicity and so her whole "I anticipated a great storyline" is total BS. Her interpretations of Olicity and Felicity scenes are always ... interesting. 

Edited by SmallScreenDiva
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Yeah, she's one of the most vitriolic anti-Felicity (not just in the context of Olicity, but just the character as herself) posters on Tumblr and twitter and uses the same handle, so her fake "trying to be fair" tone is amusing. She also once wrote a long post praising Susan Williams and how she's a fine example of a strong female character, so Susan has at least one supporter out there.

Edited by lemotomato
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5 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Reading some of the comments on that least favorite poll on GATV and I'm rolling my eyes at the anti-Felicity. What show are they watching? SMH.

I'm 99% sure those people are from reddit. Not only do their arguments regarding Felicity not make sense but they're weirdly obsessed w/ hating her. I'm sure they have a campaign right now to vote for her in this...

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4 hours ago, wonderwall said:

I'm 99% sure those people are from reddit. Not only do their arguments regarding Felicity not make sense but they're weirdly obsessed w/ hating her. I'm sure they have a campaign right now to vote for her in this...

This made me check out Reddit and they have a whole thread dedicated to GATV least fave poll and voting Felicity and discussions of cheating/voting multiple times so Craig's claims of being the most accurate poll ever is rubbish. 

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17 hours ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

Quotes like this also don't help (although I disagree with AK, I don't think Barry was ever in love with Felicity)


(ETA: Uhm, did the two posts above this about Iris fans disappear?)

Here's the source of that AK quote:

In that same 2015 Variety article, MG said that Felicity is the moral center of Arrow and its conscience.

Edited by tv echo
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3 hours ago, EmilyBettFan said:

Well if she wins someone should make sure to tweet or show Craig that stupid reddit site forum thread.

No point. Craig will never in a million years believe it. He is convinced he has the most unhackable uncheatable poll ever. Plus he clearly loved that Felicity won last year so I don't see him being swayed to look into discrepancies if the winner suits his own personal preferences. I mean he did just retweet from his Krypton account a tweet calling Felicity a mass murder so...(and then still insisted he wasnt bias go figure).

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3 hours ago, LeighAn said:

I mean he did just retweet from his Krypton account a tweet calling Felicity a mass murder so...(and then still insisted he wasnt bias go figure).

I just can't with that logic. She didn't launch the nukes, she failed to be able to stop them.  Is the distinction so hard to grasp?  Although MG and WM didn't help matter by implying that Felicity killed all those people.

Is 2017 over yet?  I can't deal with this "reality is whatever you want to believe it is; alternative facts are true". 

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And do the people who believe this also believe that Oliver killed Ray's fiancee/anybody else Slade's men killed and anyone who died from the Alpha/Omega virus? Because those events were far closer to being Oliver's fault than Havenrock was Felicity's.

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46 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I just can't with that logic. She didn't launch the nukes, she failed to be able to stop them.  Is the distinction so hard to grasp?

It is - from what I've seen over on reddit and on twitter people seem to forget that Felicity had seconds to divert the nukes and only her dad mentioning a prank she'd pulled in college where she'd changed satellite coordinates (or whatever she'd done with the satellites that "tricked" them into thinking they were however many miles West of their mark) gave her an idea of how to do it.

I've seen a lot of alternate scenarios these people put forth (why didn't she put them in the ocean? Into the atmosphere? or some other such ridiculousness) and the answer is because the trick she'd pulled off in college was the only one she had time to pull off here - it was going to either hit the major metro of Monument Point, or the place that she could trick the satellites into thinking Monument Point was - Havenrock. THERE WAS NO THIRD OPTION. It's maddening, haha.

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7 minutes ago, apinknightmare said:

It is - from what I've seen over on reddit and on twitter people seem to forget that Felicity had seconds to divert the nukes and only her dad mentioning a prank she'd pulled in college where she'd changed satellite coordinates (or whatever she'd done with the satellites that "tricked" them into thinking they were however many miles West of their mark) gave her an idea of how to do it.

I think the problem is that I've never seen MG or WM bring up this fact in an interview and it was mentioned, what, once on the show? So it's easy for people who don't like Felicity to ignore that fact and use Havenrock as a reason not to like her, especially when these types of polls come up and it's all about explaining why a character should be least favorite. It doesn't help that in season 5, Havenrock was almost all about Rory and we got that interview with the anti-Felicity POV quote. 

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IMO a small group of people on the internet would love any reason to "explain" their hate for Felicity, even if it's as much of a leap/alternative fact as Felicity somehow murdered Havenrock. The fact that they use Havenrock as that reason, shows how little there is to fault/hate Felicity for in the actual canon of the show.

Again imo, a lot of the hatred from that small group of people on the internet comes from a misogynistic place, which I think is directed at both Felicity and the substantially female Arrow fandom (who overwhelmingly support Felicity/Olicity). It makes a weird kind of sense that people who are threatened by women taking ownership of a fandom that they perceive should belong to men, would lash out at the things the female fandom likes about the show.

As for the casual viewers, I highly doubt they think Felicity is a mass murderer. IMO, Felicity's probably very popular among casual viewers, that's why TPTB mainly used her to launch The Flash/LoT. 

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Misogyny and also basic jealousy. She replaced Katie Cassidy as female lead, while Katie became more and more irrelevant to the show (and even coming back as Black Siren she's still pretty much irrelevant, there's been 3 episodes filmed of season 6 so far and Katie has only filmed like 2-3 days total- which probably equates to maybe 2 or 3 scenes). Olicity made GA/BC irrelevant. Both Emily Felicity and Olicity has exclipised Black Canary GA/BC Katie Cassidy Green Arrow Comics in popularity buzz and attention. 

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I think part of the problem is that after Arrow realized it wouldn't be able to make KC work in the love interest role, they kept her around, and her presence is this constant reminder to the GA/BC fans that they're never going to get their canon couple ever. Which seems to really enrage them. And Felicity makes the easy target for their venom. 

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13 minutes ago, SmallScreenDiva said:

I think part of the problem is that after Arrow realized it wouldn't be able to make KC work in the love interest role, they kept her around

I agree.  If KC had been written off after season one, maybe even season two, I don't think there would have been much fuss at all, except maybe from a few diehard stans/comic fans.  It was keeping her around and still trying to turn her into BC after deciding she didn't work in the LI spot that created the issue.  

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Best villain is up for voting, and I was curious if what happened last year would be mentioned. I was not disappointed:


The current category now is Best Villain. For this category, we’re doing something a little different this time – not every villain to appear in Arrow Season 5 is listed. If someone is missing that you REALLY think should be included, leave a comment on this post, as we’ve disabled the write-in feature because it led to drama this time last year.

Sure, the write in feature was what caused the drama, and it had nothing to do with your knee-jerk, pissy responses when you should have acted like an actual moderator.  ::eyeroll::

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Seeing Vigilante on the list just makes me bitter about that storyline all over again. Was there any point to Vigilante appearing in season 5 other than to have people assume he was Chase? (No. Vigilante never really got a chance to do anything that would earn him/her the title of Best Villain.) 

Something tells me that's going to end up being a comment section I'm never going to want to go near. 

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I thought Vigilante will be on the show next season, it's a very slow burn.  Now that Adrian Holmes' other show is over, there's lots of potential for Pike to be Vigilante.  Or for someone else.

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4 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

I thought Vigilante will be on the show next season, it's a very slow burn.  Now that Adrian Holmes' other show is over, there's lots of potential for Pike to be Vigilante.  Or for someone else.

Oh, I agree, whoever ends up being Vigilante. But thinking about Vigilante in season 5 annoys me.

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I think Vigilantes season 5 purpose was to be a fake out for the reveal of Adrian being Prometheus. Hopefully now in season 6 he can be explored as a character based on his own merits. 


2 hours ago, lemotomato said:

Best villain is up for voting, and I was curious if what happened last year would be mentioned. I was not disappointed:

Sure, the write in feature was what caused the drama, and it had nothing to do with your knee-jerk, pissy responses when you should have acted like an actual moderator.  ::eyeroll::

Ugh ? I forgot about that whole incident till you posted this. He acted like his hand was forced because thousands, millions of people wrote Felicity in as Villian when in reality it was probably like 2 or 3 people and Craig thought sure.

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Girl on Top 2017: Nominate Your Favorite TV Actresses Now!
by LAUREN PIESTER | Fri, Aug 11, 2017 12:00 PM


Our Girl on Top tournament is about to begin, and that means we need your nominations. Who's your favorite TV actress? Who makes you cry? who makes you yell "Yassss!" on a regular basis? Who's acting skills are so out of this world that you can hardly even believe they're acting and not just living? 

We desperately need to know, so send your nominations ASAP! All you have to do is tell us the name (and maybe the show) of your favorite TV actress of 2016 or 2017, from any primetime show on any network on TV, or any streaming service. 
*  *  *
You can either submit your nomination in the comments below, or you can nominate on Twitter using the hashtag #GirlonTop. Feel free to nominate multiple actresses, but you only need to submit each nomination once. 

Voting will begin on Monday with 64 contenders, so be sure to check back around noon P.T. when the tournament will officially begin. 

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