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And The Golden Arrow Goes To...: Awards, Nominations, and Recognition

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Arrow is up for Best Drama (currently in 5th place)...

TV Scoop Awards: Vote for the Best Drama and Best Comedy Now!
by LAUREN PIESTER | Mon, Jun 12, 2017 4:10 PM


These polls, along with the others that will be launched each day for the next two weeks, will remain open until 5 p.m. PT on Friday, June 30, which means you have plenty of time to vote for all your favorites.

Edited by tv echo
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I actually think 520 will win Worst Episode purely because I know a contingent of Olicity haters will mass vote for that one.

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2 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I actually think 520 will win Worst Episode purely because I know a contingent of Olicity haters will mass vote for that one.

Well that will suck, because it also had some of the best OTA of the season with them all working together to get out.

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34 minutes ago, Angel12d said:

I actually think 520 will win Worst Episode purely because I know a contingent of Olicity haters will mass vote for that one.

Oh some will certainly vote anti Olicity but after the episode aired, I was pleasantly surprised by how many that didn't like Olicity still liked the episode.  

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I'm torn between 508 and 513 for worst episode. 513 should have never existed, but I had pretty low expectations and I expected what we got. 508 was not what the 100th episode of the show should have been since it moved on from season 1 years ago, and because it was a big milestone episode, I had pretty high expectations that it just did not meet.

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Idk if I want to go with 5.08 or 5.13 either.Arrow was just the worst show to try to talk about the issue of gun control,the episode didn't make sense and was totally disconnected from the rest of the season and everyone felt like ooc mouthpieces.But the 100th might have been worse because it was such a milestone and had bigger expectations than a regular episode.And instead of celebrating the actual show and its main characters,they focused too much on dead characters, a failed relationship that ended seasons ago and crossover characters who have their own shows and really shouldn't have been taking up so much time in the 100th episode of arrow.Plus it had aliens lol

Edited by tangerine95
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19 minutes ago, tangerine95 said:

Idk if I want to go with 5.08 or 5.13 either.Arrow was just the worst show to try to talk about the issue of gun control,the episode didn't make sense and was totally disconnected from the rest of the season and everyone felt like ooc mouthpieces.But the 100th might have been worse because it was such a milestone and had bigger expectations than a regular episode.And instead of celebrating the actual show and its main characters,they focused too much on dead characters, a failed relationship that ended seasons ago and crossover characters who have their own shows and really shouldn't have been taking up so much time in the 100th episode of arrow.Plus it had aliens lol

I agree with the reasoning for both choices.  In the end, while i didn't like a lot of what was in the 100th, it was still a mostly well made and well acted episode while 513 was just a poorly written mess that made zero sense for the show, ignored huge elephants in the room, and turned some characters OC.  I felt like it was insulting my intelligence since it asked me to ignore the attitudes of the show in every other episode before or since and the whole time patted itself on the back for how great it was (while accomplishing nothing and never impacting the show again.)  

The 100th at least provided an explanation for everything weird and off.  

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What's with the "you can only be heard if you vote" bit?  Like the outcome of this poll is really going to mean anything to the writers or anyone beyond fandom bragging rights.


Oh Craig with your over estimated self importance. 

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SA and DR are both up for Best Drama Actor, and EBR is up for Best Drama Actress...

TV Scoop Awards: Vote for the Best Drama Actor and Actress
by LAUREN PIESTER | Tue, Jun 13, 2017 3:00 PM


All polls will close at 5 p.m. PT on Friday, June 30, so you have several weeks to vote your little hearts out in support of the actors you love. Use them wisely..

Edited by tv echo
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In EW Radio's first annual "Supers Awards" yesterday, Kyle Anderson and Natalie Abrams awarded Arrow the following wins for its S5...

Best Long-Term Villain - Prometheus (Arrow)
Best Fight - Final battle from 100th Episode (Arrow)
Best Tech - Curtis' T-Spheres (Arrow)
Best Cliffhanger - "Everyone dies?" (Arrow)
Best Arrow Episode - Episode 20: Underneath

Edited by tv echo
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There were no guidelines for the nominations other than these things happening during a specific period. So not sure why Olicity wasn't considered for steamiest moment or even a reunion kiss for the finale.

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10 minutes ago, insomniadreams88 said:

Nominations were based on votes, right? I find it really hard to believe that the bunker sex didn't get enough votes.

when I checked the tag for that category it was majority olicity tweets.

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In order to vote, you have to be able to connect to Facebook, Twitter or Google...

Hypable’s BattleShips: ‘Arrow’ VS ‘Riverdale’
Tariq Kyle   JUNE 17, 2017


In today’s round we have Oliver & Felicity from Arrow going against Archie & Veronica from Riverdale in a standard versus battle. The poll will be open for 48 hours from the time it is posted.

Arrow and Riverdale fans have two days to battle it out and see which ship can get the most votes, and whoever wins will move forward to the rest of the tournament to see if they can be named Hypable’s Ship of the Year.

However, if you or your fandom decide to find out ways to cheat, scam or con your way to the next round, we will crown the other ship winner of the round.

We have our eyes on all the social networks and we’ll be able to figure out if your fandom is cheating, so don’t ruin it for everyone!
*  *  *
If you don’t see a poll make sure that you turn off your adblock software and refresh. This poll will close on Monday, June 19 at 10 AM ET.

Edited by tv echo
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I don't like that poll that to vote you have to sign up for an app called opinion.com which says it will read your timeline, what you tweet and retweet and look at who you are following. It sounds like a poll that is being paid for by some marketing company which will probably then sell the information they get from your social media accounts onto advertisers.


I will make sure to tweet plenty of Olicity fan art for the skeevy marketing people to enjoy then. 

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Voting in the Previously's Awards is open until June 23rd.  It's a lot of categories and you can vote for as many in each list as you want.  (I believe this is just narrowing down the lists before a final vote happens)

Even if you don't have the time to vote in every category, maybe take time to make note of your favs?  I really enjoyed voting for all the times Oliver was hit with the stupid stick, lol.  


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^^^ If you don't wish to visit every single PTV Previouslies Awards poll thread, here are the only polls involving Arrow (this is the first round, the top 5 from each category will then move on to the final round of voting)...

Oliver & Felicity are up for Best/Most Shippable Couple:

Felicity Smoak is up for Character You Would Most Want As Your BFF:

Felicity Smoak is up for Best Badass:

Arrow's "Underneath" (5x20) is up for Best Episode of a Drama:

Arrow's "Spectre of a Gun" (5x13) is up for Worst Episode of a Drama:

Arrow's Bunker Sex and Arrow's "Diggle's massive arms hold the ladder rung AND the weight of Oliver and Felicity, while injured Oliver pulls Felicity up with one hand to keep her from falling to her death" are both up for Best Hell Yeah! Moment:

"Oliver injected by adrenaline" is up for Funniest Moment in a Drama:

Oliver thinking he's killed the masked Throwing Star Killer aka Prometheus but he's actually killed Felicity's boyfriend is up for Biggest Holy Shit! Moment:

Oliver confessing to his team (including Felicity) that he'd just mistakenly killed Felicity's boyfriend and the team comforting HIM is up for Worst Moment in a Drama:

The aftereffects of Havenrock on Felicity Smoak is up for The Cerulean Sphere Award for Storyline With Most Wasted Potential:

Lian Yu blowing up with pretty much the entire Arrow cast on it is up for Best Cliffhanger:

"'WHERE. IS. MY. SON?!!!' Oliver Queen, for the umpteenth time" is up for Most Unintentionally Funny Line:

Oliver dating Susan, Oliver asking Felicity for advice about getting back with the woman who tricked his sister, Oliver not immobilizing Prometheus & thus allowing him to blow up the island with all his loved ones on it, and Oliver forgetting his son's name & thus only referring to him as "my son" are all up for "Idiot Stick" Award for Dumbest Character Moment:

Oliver Queen is up for "Why Isn't He/She In Jail for This?" Suspension of Disbelief Award: 

Prometheus is up for Best Villain:

Katie Cassidy, Madison McLaughlin and Rick Gonzalez are all up for Worst Actor in a Drama:

Black Siren and Rene Ramirez are both up for Worst So Called Badass:

Black Siren to New Black Canary, "You think you can replace me? That's cute." is up for Most Meta, Meta Moment:

Curtis Holt, Evelyn Sharp, Rene Ramirez and Susan Williams are all up for Pierce of the Year [Pointless Character]:

Malcolm Merlyn is up for Worst Death Scene:

The Salmon Ladder is up for Best Performance by an Inanimate Object:

Oliver's flashback wig is up for Worst Use of a Wig:

Arrow is up for Best Drama:

Arrow is up for Worst Drama:

Arrow is up for Show That Still Airs Long Past Its Expiration Date:

Arrow is up for Show You Most Enjoy Hate Watching:

No one from Arrow is up for Best Actor in a Drama:  :(

Nothing from Arrow is up for Most Gratuitous Fanservice:  :)

Edited by tv echo
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"The island blows up (Arrow)" is up for Best Shocker and "Laurel is not mysteriously back from the dead (Arrow)" is up for Worst Shocker...

TV Scoop Awards 2017: Vote for the Best and Worst TV Shockers
by LAUREN PIESTER | Sun, Jun 18, 2017 3:00 PM


All polls will close at 5 p.m. PT on Friday, June 30, so you have several weeks to vote your little hearts out in support of the moments you love. Use them wisely...

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Did you guys submit suggestions for the previouslies? I did appreciate every Arrow nod - and voted for it. I especially appreciated every reference to Oliver's idiocy, hehe.

Edited by looptab
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41 minutes ago, looptab said:

Did you guys submit suggestions for the previouslies? I did appreciate every Arrow nod - and voted for it. I especially appreciated every reference to Oliver's idiocy, hehe.

I should have. Lol.  I wasn't really paying attention to it until now.  But there are a few categories I'd have liked to added to the nominations (not Arrow related).

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8 hours ago, looptab said:

Did you guys submit suggestions for the previouslies? I did appreciate every Arrow nod - and voted for it. I especially appreciated every reference to Oliver's idiocy, hehe.

I did a bunch of them but not all.  

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Oliver vs. Prometheus (Arrow) and Black Canary vs. Black Siren (Arrow) are both up for Best Fight...

TV Scoop Awards 2017: Vote for the Best Fight and Musical Moment
by LAUREN PIESTER | Mon, Jun 19, 2017 3:00 PM


All polls will close at 5 p.m. PT on Friday, June 30, so you have several weeks to vote your little hearts out in support of the moments you love. Use them wisely...

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1 hour ago, tv echo said:

Nominees are SA, DR, EK, PB and JS...

2017 GreenArrowTV Awards: Pick The Best Actor (Male) From Arrow Season 5
June 19, 2017 Craig Byrne 4

I went back and forth between SA and JS.  (The rest of the male cast just didn't have enough to do to warrant a win.) In the end I gave it to SA for really two episodes, "Kapiushon" and "Underneath".  JS was great at times in a crazy, mustache twirling way, but SA tore my heart out in those episodes. ** They IMO meant so much more to the show and the character.   

**Bonus points for the really great heart eyes in Underneath's flashbacks.  

Edited by BkWurm1
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If you think about it, "forever alone" and "Hooking up with a different girl every season" are pretty much the same thing.  So from that standpoint, if you combine their votes, they hit: 170.

So it goes Felicity by a landslide and then in second place "no one special" before BS is considered.   

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Well makes sense. I'm pretty sure Oliver would have chosen experimenting homosexuality with Curtis or Diggle before he'd take on any earth version of Laurel. ?

Edited by LeighAn
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3 hours ago, LeighAn said:

So 150 people want Oliver to end up with a woman who tried to kill him his son and all his friends. Cause that makes sense. ?

While that is undoubtedly sad, I have got to say the show keeps feeding the delusions of these people. There was no need to make the flashbacks in Laurel's farewell episode about her relationship with Oliver and the 100th episode gave them enough fuel to believe that Laurel was indeed the love of Oliver's life. 

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As much as the 100th episode annoyed me, it was an alien induced dream though. If they are going to use that to argue that it means Laurel was the love of Oliver' life, it also means that Diggle's dream life is to be holed up in the Bunker with Felicity to be their own little vigilante team, no Lyla, no kids. While it's kinda adorable to think he might love Felicity that much and makes my inner Delicity squee, I seriously doubt that was Diggle's dream life! 

Same goes with Ray. Even I avid Raylicity shipper that I am don't use the 100 episode as proof that Felicity was the love of Ray's life (hehe I've got another ep for that).

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