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And The Golden Arrow Goes To...: Awards, Nominations, and Recognition

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It's probably because he's blocked all the fans on twitter who might ask questions about someone who isn't Laurel. And Laurel fans obviously feel like they've got someone on their side so they flock to him. Which is fair enough. But there's no denying he's a…well, it would be rude of me to say so I won't. Haha.

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Lol I have no doubt he is going to get in front of the cast and just sing their praises. Guys like him can only do shade on the internet. And I have no doubt if he starts in on Felicity, DR is going to have a say.

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Really? I thought Arrow's portrayal of a drug/alcohol problem was the worst I've ever seen. They showed her sipping wine a few times and taking pill like once. Most of the time I couldn't even tell she had a problem because KC didn't act any differently from regular Laurel. Then when she did act messed up, it was because she was poisoned. So that had nothing to do with her drug and alcohol storyline. The only time it mattered was for plot purposes so no one would believe her about Blood. It could've been more if the EP's cared about it, but it seemed like an afterthought to me instead of an actual story. Were there no other options out there? 


If anyone should've won that I think Tatiana Maslany as Alison Hendrix should've won. We saw how much it messed with her life and we saw her in rehab for awhile, so she wasn't magically cured because Oliver was mean to her. 

Edited by Sakura12
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If anyone should've won that I think Tatiana Maslany as Alison Hendrix should've won. We saw how much it messed with her life and we saw her in rehab for awhile, so she wasn't magically cured because Oliver was mean to her. 


No one from Orphan Black submitted any episodes for the award, so she wasn't in the running. Arrow/Katie were up against arcs from Dallas, Graceland, and The Killing

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Um. Congrats to KC but I do not agree that the drug/addiction storyline was a good one, or even remotely accurate. I actually thought it was a mess. 

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I thought that storyline was a mess initially, but I enjoyed it a lot when the show came back in 2B. Laurel's drunken antics were a lot of fun for me, and I loved basically any scene where she was at an AA meeting. I also like that the show hasn't entirely forgotten about her issues this season. I'm not saying it was realistic or anything, but it was honestly one of my favourite things in season two when it got going. I love the stuff in the police station with Quentin after she's lost her job and she's just ignoring all her problems.

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I'm on the fence about whether it was the best portrayal or not. I think her storyline combined with QL's addiction as well is probably stronger. I wish they would show more of QL and his struggles. The problem with addiction is that it never really goes away. I hope that they continue to bring shades of it in s4, especially now that they got some award recognition for it. I'm glad they have the Prism awards because I think mental health & addiction is something that is not portrayed enough on television. And its often inaccurate or not done well, and IRL impacts a lot of people. Honestly, Nurse Jackie seems to be one of the best portrayals out there of addiction. Perhaps it was not eligible for this award.

Edited by kismet
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I have a difficult time judging fairly, coming from a long line of addicts and alcoholics. Was it realistic? No, I don't think so. It was set up in a very paint-by-numbers/ connect-the-dots way of hitting rock bottom and rising back into sobriety kind of glossy TV way. No one wants to watch the ugliness of someone truly succumbing to addiction - not even on the depression porn that is Arrow. The only thing that I remember finding truly, almost stupidly inaccurate about it was the fact that Laurel was hanging out at Verdant when she was newly sober. The other parts of the storyline that I thought were stupid wouldn't have been a factor in determining whether the portrayal was accurate or not, like her blackmailing her way back into her job, and being the one civilian able to get a clean shot on the show (when she shot the evil cop who was working with Slade - can't remember his name). 

Honestly, Nurse Jackie seems to be one of the best portrayals out there of addiction. Perhaps it was not eligible for this award.


Nurse Jackie was, but it was not in the same category. There were several categories. The following shows were in Arrow/Katie's:


Drama Multi-Episode Storyline – Substance Use:
Arrow: Season 2 (CW)
Episodes: “Blast Radius” / “Blind Spot” / “Tremors” / “Heir to the Demon” / “Time of Death” / “The Promise” / “Suicide Squad” / “Birds of Prey”
/ “Deathstroke” / “The Man Under the Hood” / “Seeing Red” / “City of Blood” / “Streets of Fire” / “Unthinkable”

Dallas: Sue Ellen’s Relapse (TNT) Episodes: “Like Father, Like Son” / “Like a Bad Penny” / “Where There’s Smoke”
Elementary “No Lack of Void” / “End of Watch” (CBS)
Graceland: Kelly Badillo (USA) Episodes: “Connects” / “Magic Number” / “The Ends”
The Killing “The Good Soldier” / Dream Baby Dream” (Netflix)

Edited by apinknightmare
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I didn't realize it featured in that many episodes. 


It is good that they haven't forgotten her addiction though. Like I remember being glad (glad is not really the right word here) that they had Laurel say in early s3, shortly after Sara's murder, that she shouldn't be around alcohol. Because it honestly wouldn't have surprised me if they had tried to brush it under the rug and I'm pleased they didn't.


Honestly, Nurse Jackie seems to be one of the best portrayals out there of addiction. Perhaps it was not eligible for this award.


Off topic but THIS. It's raw and real and so accurate. 

Edited by Guest
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I wasn't a big fan of the addiction storyline, but congrats to Katie Cassidy on her award win. It's pretty rare for Arrow to win a real award - especially in acting/writing categories - so this is probably exciting news for everyone involved with the show.

Edited by strikera0
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I agree with kismet, I wish QL got more screentime on that too, especially as it kind of showed up and then disappeared really quickly at the end of S3.


Congrats to KC on her award. I think there were some issues with the storyline, but I enjoyed her performance. Based on folks I've known with substance abuse issues, it felt real to me.

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Having dealt with someone with an addiction problem, I don't think KC or the Arrow writers should get an award for an afterthought storyline. Yes, it carried out through a couple of episodes (not in a row though) but it was barely a focal point and it was all plot driven to make Laurel unreliable so Blood could continue to fool everyone else into thinking he was a good guy.


I haven't watched the other shows nominated, I suppose her's could've been better than those. But's not saying much. 

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I hate to begrudge any show I like getting an award...but really, the storyline was barely on screen. Telling me she was an addict is not the same thing.  Nurse Jackie should have won that like hands down. And I'm sorry but her acting did not sell me on that arc either.  I suspect it's given for the length of the storyline and that is openly said she was an addict. But IMO it certainly wasn't a quality portrayal.


Hell I could make a case that Dean Winchester's Mark of Cain storyline and him being a functional alcoholic was a better telling of addiction than Laurel's.

Edited by catrox14
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Yes I know. But I'm saying it SHOULD have won regardless. Not that it did or didn't. IMO, Nurse Jackie isn't really a comedy but a dramedy and it still SHOULD have won regardless of the category. JMO 


Regardless, it doesn't change my opinion Laurel's arc didn't deserve this award.

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I am saying that I think Nurse Jackie and Edie Falco should have won the Prism Award for acting and a better arc for addiction in both comedy and drama. I'm not kidding. It was that good.

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Are these awards given out ever couple of years? A season has passed.

I can't agree with this award. The arc was sloppy and here or there depending on the plot demands. Generally pointed out as the weakest part of the season - talking critics here.

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Are these awards given out ever couple of years? A season has passed.

I can't agree with this award. The arc was sloppy and here or there depending on the plot demands. Generally pointed out as the weakest part of the season - talking critics here.


Oh wow I didn't even think about that.  How was that arc even eligible for this year? Weird

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The award isn't for how well the arc was written, it was for how well she played an addict. I haven't seen any of the other nominees, so maybe her portrayal was the best of the bunch (I mean, obviously whoever voted on these thought it was). 


It seems like a lot of the nominated episodes/arcs aired at some point in 2014.

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I think it's important to show mental health issues on TV.  But Laurel's arc was badly written because it was inconsistent and suddenly over, and it was often hard to tell whether she was drinking/taking pills unless they showed her stealing Quentin's   If that's the best of addiction arcs on TV, we've got a long way to go.  (Does anyone remember Abby falling off the wagon on ER?  That is the way to show addiction and relapse.)


Now that Quentin is hitting the bottle again, I have hopes for something better from PB.

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The award isn't for how well the arc was written, it was for how well she played an addict. I haven't seen any of the other nominees, so maybe her portrayal was the best of the bunch (I mean, obviously whoever voted on these thought it was).

It seems like a lot of the nominated episodes/arcs aired at some point in 2014.

I have to wonder how KC got the award up against Johnny Lee Miller/Elementary.

His portrayal of a recovering addict is wonderful, IMO. His struggles with being sober and sheer fear of relapse are quite fascinating.

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Those awards are really confusing. Like who was she up against? I couldn't figure it out. And if Edie Falco and JLM were in the mix for performance and they awarded it to KC then I'm gonna be wondering what drugs the voters were taking when they voted.

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Well at least Elementary got it for the story because they truly treat addiction as well as the recovery process (AA/Sponsor/relapse) with respect. I still disagree that KC's performance was better than JLM but what can you do?

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Maybe it was the most accurate out of the group it was in the running with? IDK, I don't watch those other shows, although I do agree that it was a mess.


I watched Elementary and it was by far a better protrayal of substance abuse and addiction than Arrow's.  I just overlooked it when I was perusing the awards page. So yep going with Elementary in the Drama category. Sorry Arrow I love-ish you, but nope on this one.

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Those awards are really confusing. Like who was she up against? I couldn't figure it out. And if Edie Falco and JLM were in the mix for performance and they awarded it to KC then I'm gonna be wondering what drugs the voters were taking when they voted.

I think she would only have been up against the other actors in her category (Drama Multi-episode Storyline). So she would have been up against JLM but not Edie Falco, if I'm understanding it correctly.

Well at least Elementary got it for the story because they truly treat addiction as well as the recovery process (AA/Sponsor/relapse) with respect. I still disagree that KC's performance was better than JLM but what can you do?

I agree. And I'm relieved that the Arrow writers weren't validated for that mess of a storyline.

Edited by Starfish35
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And if Edie Falco and JLM were in the mix for performance and they awarded it to KC then I'm gonna be wondering what drugs the voters were taking when they voted.



I watched Elementary and it was by far a better protrayal of substance abuse and addiction than Arrow's.  I just overlooked it when I was perusing the awards page. So yep going with Elementary in the Drama category. Sorry Arrow I love-ish you, but nope on this one.


Could be that the voters were trying to spread the wealth and get some attention for their cause by giving Elementary an award for their arc, and KC an award for her acting, who knows.

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Could be that the voters were trying to spread the wealth and get some attention for their cause by giving Elementary an award for their arc, and KC an award for her acting, who knows.


A participation award?  I'm sorry but there is no way KC should get an acting award for that portrayal. That's just my opinion.





Thank you. That joke just wrote itself really.

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I wonder if it was the shear number of episodes listed. I mean technically she was experiencing it for the whole arc, but really the episodes only covered it for brief moments. And KCs performance was inconsistent from 1 episode to the next. I also wonder if JLM already won it and they were trying to spread the wealth.

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Sorry but that award is a joke.I don't know which was worse the acting or the writing.She didn't even act that different in most episodes,we would just see her drink wine or take a pill and the it was gone after Oliver yelled at her.Like most things with Laurel we were just told about it not really shown.

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I think this is a legit great initiative. The idea behind the award is not only bring awareness to Mental Health issues themselves, but to celebrate portrayals in all kinds of media of people with mental health issues seeking help. It says right so in the release:


In the past 19 years we have come a long way in addressing mental illnesses and substance abuse as preventable and treatable conditions.  But we have more work to do to end other forms of discrimination — the stereotypes and negative attitudes — that still prevent people from getting help. We can move beyond the idea that these issues are just about somebody else. They affect all of us. Powerful storylines and relatable characters are dynamic tools to reach vast audiences, and truly unique complements to research, advocacy, and public policy.   We all can have a role to play in making things better. 


As the PRISM Awards have shown for years, PRISM Awards nominees help dispel the culture of silence and make it okay for people to seek the assistance they may need. We invite you to become involved in the Art of Making a Difference. Congratulations to this year’s nominees, your work truly makes the world a better place.


Like -- if anyone watching Arrow S2 felt moved by seeing Laurel go to AA, and decided themselves to attend a meeting? That's worth an award in my book.



From what I can tell from the website, Elementary has won three years running, but JLM has not won a Performance award.


It might legit be because Sherlock's views of AA are controversial to say the least. The show itself endorses it, Sherlock? He goes to the meetings and then put them down in the same breath, so.

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