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My Sister Wife's Closet and Other Brown Family Business Ventures

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These people just think they're a whole lot more special and marketable than they are. The joory was overpriced and not that cute, plus I wouldn't give a dime to support these fools. As for 'fashion' - they have the worst taste possible - mismatched, too tight, uncomfortable looking jeans, tees, etc., horrendous fake nails, orange tans, awful hair (except for Christine, she has really good hair and Robyn's is at least styled most of the time). They don't look good in their clothes, and the clothes look cheap and ugly. Ain't nobody going to buy that.

  • Love 4

I think part of it is they all work really hard on their "look." When you see them without make-up and hair (even just for the regular show now) it's actually shocking how plain they are which means they spend a significant part of each day, likely, doing their hair and make-up. I think this translated to their minds as "we are so stylish." Um, no.

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Even if I found something I liked from MSWC (and I have not) I would be embarrassed to buy from the Browns. Eek, imagine telling people you bought something from the Brown clowns.

I'm still horrified that I broke down and got the Kindle version of their book. What can I say: it was post-surgery and the drugs were strong. :)

This junk? (Emphasis on JUNK) No freakin' way. They don't get my eyeballs any more, either.

  • Love 5


I think this translated to their minds as "we are so stylish."

My sense is that, compared to the average woman in the worlds they grew up in, they ARE stylish. They have an utterly skewed reality about style, as they do about marriage, male/female dynamics, money management, and the list goes on. I pop onto MSWC every now and then, and the only real change is that each time there is a lot more crap for sale. Annie's bags are pretty sad (and this is coming from someone who likes that sort of handmade stuff) and cost easily twice as much as they should. The necklaces Kody designed for his women are stunningly overpriced (and really ugly, IMO, but maybe that's just personal taste)--and yes, the fairy necklace designed for Christine, that she immediately HATED, is not featured with the others.

  • Love 4

My sense is that, compared to the average woman in the worlds they grew up in, they ARE stylish. They have an utterly skewed reality about style, as they do about marriage, male/female dynamics, money management, and the list goes on. I pop onto MSWC every now and then, and the only real change is that each time there is a lot more crap for sale. Annie's bags are pretty sad (and this is coming from someone who likes that sort of handmade stuff) and cost easily twice as much as they should. The necklaces Kody designed for his women are stunningly overpriced (and really ugly, IMO, but maybe that's just personal taste)--and yes, the fairy necklace designed for Christine, that she immediately HATED, is not featured with the others.


well I haven't been to MSWC in eons but you mentioned that Annie (Christine's mom I take it?) had her purses (which I had not seen since I stopped watching the show last season and now just read about it...) on there so I had to take a look.


UGH.  Who on earth would buy them??

  • Love 2

Dammit, will you all stop making me look at that site!!!! (said the lemming as she jumped off the cliff....) And that music. Ick.

I really want Annie to do well because she seems like a nice woman and she escaped that horrible life and all. But da-yum. Those things aren't very pretty. Then I tried to go to the second page and got the 522 error. I see nothing has changed.

  • Love 2

And the photos are terrible. 


Well, outside of Big Love which is fictional anyway I have only seen TWO polygamists with any fashion sense or taste - Marlene and her baby sister wife (forgot her name, the cute blonde chick) on Polygamy USA.  Otherwise...ick.


Including Mykelti in that assessment, incidentally.

  • Love 2

well I haven't been to MSWC in eons but you mentioned that Annie (Christine's mom I take it?) had her purses (which I had not seen since I stopped watching the show last season and now just read about it...) on there so I had to take a look.


UGH.  Who on earth would buy them??

...especially knowing that they're made from dusty old fabrics that have been sitting in that basement for heaven knows how long.

  • Love 2

Well, I had to go and look. I did not see Christine's joolry. Did I miss it or did they remove hers?

Hmmmm... I don't see it anymore. Either they sold out (doubt it) or she asked for it to be removed. After all, Robyn won't even let Christine watch her children. I could see Christine asking for the item to be removed in retaliation.

I tried this because I was curious. Oh snap. There's a porn star with the name and she seems popular. Did Robyn even do a google search of the name before she started "designing" under it?

Of course she'll blame the clothing line failure on the other wives and not that fact that when a fan types in the clothing line name they're directed towards xhamster and pornhub.

Now there is a industry they would be successful in, Plyg Porn.     " Kody Visits Mary's Wet Bar"  ?   Robyn (also) Visits Mary's Wet Bar.   

...especially knowing that they're made from dusty old fabrics that have been sitting in that basement for heaven knows how long.

Somebody who likes a moldy purse?    

  • Love 1

Dammit, will you all stop making me look at that site!!!! (said the lemming as she jumped off the cliff....) And that music. Ick.

I really want Annie to do well because she seems like a nice woman and she escaped that horrible life and all. But da-yum. Those things aren't very pretty. Then I tried to go to the second page and got the 522 error. I see nothing has changed.

Except that people keep going to the site and NOT buying. HA! I wonder when they will realize this is not a viable business for them.

  • Love 1
Except that people keep going to the site and NOT buying. HA! I wonder when they will realize this is not a viable business for them.


But they have "soooo much traffic".  They are so incredibly stupid that the "traffic" are readers from this forum taking a look to make fun of their junk joory.  Their cluelessness is mind boggling.

  • Love 3

All righty then I took the plunge at looked at MSWC.  There was a reddish bubble on the main page and a couple of arrows that didn't go anywhere.  All I saw was one or two ugly ass necklaces and some kind of a scarf.  Couldn't find Annie's stuff or anything else.  Nothing wanted to load, and there was nothing to tell me that anything else was actually there.

Well, we know Christine's still not participating in MSWC, or else this line would be called something like, "Oddry Bhyll."


  I'm so glad I'm not the only one bothered by the weird accent   'ril' for real, 'fill' for feel, 'think-eeen' ,  the dropping of consonants 'cer' un' for certain or 'impor INT' which also sort of reeks of baby-talk-just eww.  Maybe they could make a plot device out of it. All of them go to enunciation classes.. With Christine I have also noticed she sort of changes voices depending on whom she is speaking to- there's like the voice used for the sofa talks, sort of an affected pseudo-snob (in her mind?) type voice, then there is the soft talking-to-kody and playing up to him voice, then the dragon lady voice reserved for you-know-who, the everything is cool and fun voice and finally the sarcastic one, which is my favorite, like when she said something like 'in any given moment he can be a different kind of idiot to all of us' .. that was classic...

  • Love 1

  I'm so glad I'm not the only one bothered by the weird accent   'ril' for real, 'fill' for feel, 'think-eeen' ,  the dropping of consonants 'cer' un' for certain or 'impor INT' which also sort of reeks of baby-talk-just eww.  Maybe they could make a plot device out of it. All of them go to enunciation classes.. With Christine I have also noticed she sort of changes voices depending on whom she is speaking to- there's like the voice used for the sofa talks, sort of an affected pseudo-snob (in her mind?) type voice, then there is the soft talking-to-kody and playing up to him voice, then the dragon lady voice reserved for you-know-who, the everything is cool and fun voice and finally the sarcastic one, which is my favorite, like when she said something like 'in any given moment he can be a different kind of idiot to all of us' .. that was classic...


Their accents don't bother me - everyone has an accent. But that's interesting what you mention about how Christine changes voices depending on who she's talking to. I'll have to pay attention to that.

  • Love 1

  I'm so glad I'm not the only one bothered by the weird accent...


I wasn't poking fun at Christine's accent so much as her penchant for "unique" name spellings.  (When it comes to different pronunciation, Robyn's way of speaking has actually stood out to me the most.)  But yeah, I'm also going to have to watch out for Christine changing her voice depending on her audience now that you've pointed it out!

  • Love 1

I'm still horrified that I broke down and got the Kindle version of their book. What can I say: it was post-surgery and the drugs were strong. :)

This junk? (Emphasis on JUNK) No freakin' way. They don't get my eyeballs any more, either.

No no no, RealityCowgirl- thou shalt go and help the hit count. Thou shalt not make a purchase, only view the godliness of such items as http://mysisterwifescloset.com/shop/my-sisterwifes-closet-apron/

  • Love 2

The joolry business... Jeezus.

My son & his friend started a t-shirt business when they graduated from high school last year.

They bought shirts, a machine and all kinds of other crap and ran it from the basement.

Late June, they had a launch party in a local park, with local bands.

Today, 7 months later, they're online and in 6 stores. Just the 2 boys. They design, print, market, sell, box & send their stuff. They're both FT college students.


Because the young men relied on work & talent rather than expecting fans of a tv show to scoop it up in a frenzy.

  • Love 3

I think part of it is they all work really hard on their "look." When you see them without make-up and hair (even just for the regular show now) it's actually shocking how plain they are which means they spend a significant part of each day, likely, doing their hair and make-up. I think this translated to their minds as "we are so stylish." Um, no.

IMO the time spent on clothes & hair signifies energy of  sexual frustration. It's just not possible to get intimacy time they need & share it equally. Even Annie seems, to me, quite touch-feely when she's around Kody. Lotta touching for a mother-in-law, lol. It has nothing to do with his so-called desirability but lack of competition.

No no no, RealityCowgirl- thou shalt go and help the hit count. Thou shalt not make a purchase, only view the godliness of such items as http://mysisterwifescloset.com/shop/my-sisterwifes-closet-apron/

Thank you, marg. The Fidelis necklace looked like what member of ghetto gangs wear with its heart and crown.

  • Love 1

IMO the time spent on clothes & hair signifies energy of  sexual frustration. It's just not possible to get intimacy time they need & share it equally. Even Annie seems, to me, quite touch-feely when she's around Kody. Lotta touching for a mother-in-law, lol. It has nothing to do with his so-called desirability but lack of competition.

Thank you, marg. The Fidelis necklace looked like what member of ghetto gangs wear with its heart and crown.


      way back I was an avon lady- when I first saw it, I couldn't help but be reminded of this 




The other one, with the flames reminded me of a Journey album cover

Edited by BlackWidow
  • Love 2

All righty then I took the plunge at looked at MSWC.  There was a reddish bubble on the main page and a couple of arrows that didn't go anywhere.  All I saw was one or two ugly ass necklaces and some kind of a scarf.  Couldn't find Annie's stuff or anything else.  Nothing wanted to load, and there was nothing to tell me that anything else was actually there.

The site tends to crash. Link here. Fair warning: Mute your computer, unless you love breathy synth music paired with vapid lyrics--the musical equivalent of the slogan signs they love hanging all over their walls. http://mysisterwifescloset.com/

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What I can't get over with the name of the business is that they made sister wife one word, yet it's two words for the title of their show! All embarrassing grammatical errors on the website aside, this inconsistency should have been glaringly obvious to Robyn. I know it's not nearly the worst thing about their business and website, but it still annoys me. 

  • Love 1
All embarrassing grammatical errors on the website aside, this inconsistency should have been glaringly obvious to Robyn.


You're being ironic, right?  This woman can't even properly pronounce the product she is selling and, as COO, has prattled on about "minuses" when discussing the bookkeeping.  She has less sense than her toddler and fewer brains than my dog.  She wouldn't notice an inconsistency if it slapped her in the face with a misplaced comma.

  • Love 5

I'm ashamed that I know this, but if you click the "SHOP" link, and then check "Annie's Attitudes" on that checklist on the left, it will direct you to her stuff. This website has no logical navigation to it.

Is someone who fled the plygamist lifestyle really selling het wares on a sister wife website? This does not make sense. She should move her handmade items to Etsy.
  • Love 3

Is someone who fled the plygamist lifestyle really selling het wares on a sister wife website? This does not make sense. She should move her handmade items to Etsy

I guess it's probable that the Browns offered her a better deal than Etsy did, or other sites. after all, she is a sister wife's mom.

Have they ever explained why it is My SisterWIFE's instead of SisterWives' Closet(s), bc there are four of them, not just one?


Also - is the one daughter still in fashion school? If they're not using her resources (what she's learned in class, speaking to her professors, using other students for intern credit), they're really missing a perfect opportunity. That website is noisy, clunky, arranged with no rhyme or reason to the consumer, has really ugly/cheaply made/generic/expensive products, extremely amateur descriptions, and is basically just bad business. There's no cohesiveness.


It's like they went to a flea market and snatched stuff up with a 'hey, this is cheap, people will buy this for a big mark up,' and that's it.


It's most obvious that this is a vanity/hobby project, and they're not thinking of who their audience, what they want/need, or their spending habits. They're revolving it around themselves, and the mish mash of bad taste and poor quality, with really expensive prices. Jewelry that's only 'special' to them, K-mart clearance tween accessories, homemade (not heirloom handmade) crap that is all over priced. 


IMO (and I hate giving them 'free' marketing advice) - they need to decide if they're Kmart affordable kitsch or more Etsy artsy handmade items or mid-range jewelry. They also need to take serious inventory of their 'brand' and realize that their lifestyle is not impressing ANYONE. No one wants to emulate miserable, overweight, unattractive, unstylish people who manage money poorly.


I watch this show b/c my inner geek wanted to see how the alternative lifestyle worked for them, and I rooted for them. Then when the trainwreck factor started dominating it all, I'd never ever purchase anything that indicated I supported this family's lifestyle. Watching the show is enough. I don't want associated with their brand or to explain to anyone what a piece of joory meant - or risk having them google it and find out I paid $200 for some sterling SWC crap.


As for other polygamists, isn't money stretched pretty thin when you're supporting huge families, so can they afford $8 bars of soap and $200 charms? Also, if they're terrified of being outed and persecuted, why would they openly wear items that show support for a well known and allegedly persecuted polyg family? 


IMO their best bet would be to bank off the kitsch factor like the Bravo Clubhouse items - get a better design, but start selling those "herding cats", sobbing wetbar, love is multiplied, etc., t-shirts or mugs. More people would pay $10 for a snarky mug than for overpriced Kmart junk.


Look at the Kardashians, who are also trainwrecks, but not trying to be moral or political advocates. That family knows how to sell itself. Kim hawks 'glam' beauty products, the three older sisters pose for men's magazines, hawk diet supplements and a line of club clothes at Sears to reach a wider audience than their more upscale boutiques. The oldest sister with all the kids is supposedly coming out with a kids/baby line, because her niche within their family brand is Mommy with Style. The younger twins are models (one high fashion, one makeup). They know their audience (people who want to emulate glam trends and the party scene) and aren't marketing towards people outside their audience (soccer moms, crunchy granola types, religious, conservative, middle america, etc.). They might be a messy family, too, but they are very brand savvy and know what will make them money and what won't.

Edited by RazzleberryPie
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 Or maybe a four-part book Meri's could be the kind of 'camp counselor' mixed with those little sayings that got turned into tiny books- you know like 100 ways to be happy or 100 ways to simply your life, crap like that but done sort of 'Jack Handy-style' sarcastic- with photos of Meri on desert rocks or gazing contemplatively from the wet bar with a smoothie in hand.  Christine's could be kind of cheesy-on-purpose cookbook, like 'cooking for an army: what all kids will eat, on the cheap' mixed with household tips like the 'most efficient way to get X household  thing done'- I'm sure she could give Heloise a run for her money- then last some sort of self-acceptance 12 step thing where R&J go on about their various eating disorders (In an early show, Robyn was going on about some kind of food issue, can't remember which episode and the pinterest stuff points to someone who is trying to get away from the anorexia/food obsessing) and Janelle can go on about what worked and didn't work with her issues. I'd rather hear about that than any kind of 'design' stuff from Robyn or hear about how Meri and Janelle didn't get along or who was mean to who- I'm glad it seems like Janelle has moved on and is no longer approval-seeking from Meri or the rest of them (I hope)...

  • Love 2

Ok I looked. First off "Annie's Attitudes"? Wtf dies that even mean? Secondly, the took a picture of the "handbag" and all I can see is the strap. I tried to wiggle the picture around and I could not see the bottom of the bag. Form what I could tell one of them is triangle shaped. That would be pretty hard to digg around in a bag when the top is smaller than the bottom. Overall they fit into the website great, bc they are as freaking ugly as everything else on that site.

Ok I looked. First off "Annie's Attitudes"? Wtf dies that even mean? Secondly, the took a picture of the "handbag" and all I can see is the strap. I tried to wiggle the picture around and I could not see the bottom of the bag. Form what I could tell one of them is triangle shaped. That would be pretty hard to digg around in a bag when the top is smaller than the bottom. Overall they fit into the website great, bc they are as freaking ugly as everything else on that site.

I agree. Just looked at Annie's Attitude bags for the 1st time. All look like Salvation Army crap.....UGHHHH!!!!

Ok I looked. First off "Annie's Attitudes"? Wtf dies that even mean?

It just struck me: I can imagine Christine growing up talking about her mom's attitudes ( probably means when Annie disagrees with her ).

Edited by youcantbeserious
  • Love 2

Dammit, will you all stop making me look at that site!!!! (said the lemming as she jumped off the cliff....) And that music. Ick.

I really want Annie to do well because she seems like a nice woman and she escaped that horrible life and all. But da-yum. Those things aren't very pretty. Then I tried to go to the second page and got the 522 error. I see nothing has changed.

Are you on Internet Explorer? I had constant problems with that browser until I downloaded Firefox. Never had any problems again. Don't know if it's compatible with your operating system. I use Windows 8.1 for desktop.

Ok I looked. First off "Annie's Attitudes"? Wtf dies that even mean? Secondly, the took a picture of the "handbag" and all I can see is the strap. I tried to wiggle the picture around and I could not see the bottom of the bag. Form what I could tell one of them is triangle shaped. That would be pretty hard to digg around in a bag when the top is smaller than the bottom. Overall they fit into the website great, bc they are as freaking ugly as everything else on that site.

If i still used a purse, these would be the last ones I would ever think of wearing even if I got paid to do so.  Even Ruth Buzzi wouldn't be caught dead swinging that purse!!!


yup FUGLY.


Annie's Attitudes?  the name?  Probably cos they both begin with an A and sound good together.  

  • Love 3

And a quick google search shows that "Annie's Attitudes" does not come up with anything porny, so well done there, Robyn. But it is the name of a hair salon in South Carolina as well as Annie's business in Utah, so I wonder if Annie already had the name before she arrived in Vegas.

  • Love 3

I agree. Just looked at Annie's Attitude bags for the 1st time. All look like Salvation Army crap.....UGHHHH!!!!


 Hey I've scored some fairly nice crap from La Salle, lol.  I'm no snob with stuff like that and I think most of the stuff is gross as well, which is kinda saying something. I mean, I'm in the bay area, and people toss some decent stuff, but yeah, you might get a nice yet outdated leather purse or find some at least well-made clothes (I don't really follow whatever the current fads are, just whatever works for my own body type)..but yeah some of that stuff seems like while it isn't quite dollar store, it's like flea market or this other place we used to have out here called '6 star ' , you don't ask the prices they're asking for that kind of stuff.

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